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要开设一家宠物医院,需要具备如下条件:1.具有宠物相关学科的医学背景,获得相关的执业资格和经验;2.选址,选择一个便于宠物主人到达的地方,并考虑到宠物诊所所需的面积和装修;3.设备采购,需要购买符合宠物医疗诊所标准的医疗设备和用品;4. 员工招聘,需要雇佣医生、护士和助手等员工来开展工作;5. 营销策略,需要制定有关宠物医疗服务品牌推广、宣传和增加顾客忠诚度等营销策略。6. 宠物医院应该符合相关法规法律规范,遵守医护标准、外科手术规程等KVET实验室标准等,保证宠物_









犬瘟 细小 还有个什么不记得了, 三样,合肥是120

































One, open pet hospital to want what to requirement have?

Include: Have fixed place; Have handle business license; Service project plain code marks a price; The staff member that has major is waited a moment.

2, how does pet hospital leave?

Want to open hospital of a pet, need has following requirements: 1. Have pet the medical setting of relevant course, obtain relevant hold job seniority and experience; 2. Optional location, choose the place that host of a facilitating pet reachs, the area that requires considering pet clinic place and decorate; 3. Equipment is purchased, need buys the medical treatment equipment that accords with standard of clinic of pet medical treatment and articles for use; 4. Staff invite applications for a job, the stuff such as need employ doctor, nurse and assistant will begin the work; 5. Sale strategy, need makes concerned pet medical treatment serve a brand promotion, conduct propaganda and increase customer loyalty to spend wait for sale strategy. 6. Pet hospital should accord with relevant code legal standard, abide by cure to protect the KVET lab standard such as regulations of standard, surgical operation to wait, assure pet _

3, how many money does unripe kitten want in pet hospital?

Probably 2000 to 3000, the bodily form size of your moggy dog, manhood and minor treat a disease using drug is different, if be dermatosis,this is a very important influence parameter

2: ? Does Yan Mang of Hu Lv Mu drink Quan  way hey Ling of Yang of  of ご of コ of Piao Yu model and does steamed bun of ね of word astounded natrium say joyous Ai of hare of tenon of Hu of  of plaque of act regretful pagoda tree so does Hu Ju aphid make fun of   to knock ü Fan Huanwai annulus of pray dust  ?

3: ? Acute communicable diseases quite does  of ィ of horsefly of brown bear of Mi of  of Bei of  of Ta of  of Yu of Xing Huan of A Chinese-style unlined garment of ⒄ of Ju of ∏ of dispatch caries writing provide dinner for Ran Xia  reachs disclose of cloud imperial mandate Jiang Jing be ignorant of of fade of honest of  of show off of Zhu of  making fun of  is strong stew of  honest fade lazy make fun of  ?

4: Remedial cost: The drug that your moggy dog uses, the operation that become has plain code to mark a price, drug of some some of medical petty gain are a few more expensive

5: ? Does acute communicable diseases taste paddle Fu Hanhuan hey?

Say again finally a bit, pet hospital is general now it is plain code marks a price, what medicine serves what operation this what price is what price, treating the food below breed as to what is dilettante and careless only then pass, the dog of the cat that surpass level that the rural cat dog of a few money follows tens of thousands of money is distinguished in the it doesn't matter in doctor eye, how should treat how to treat

4, go to pet hospital how many money wanting to dog dog examination?

Canine acute communicable diseases is petty what still does not remember, 3 appearance, hefei is 120

5, unplug to pet hospital how many money feline toenail wants?

General pet shop can trim nail to the cat. Of different area collect fees different the hairdressing that is complete set commonly, one trims nail namely. But be like alone also standard of it doesn't matter.

It is oneself the general small town that wants casually is 10 are controlled

6, the demand that drives pet hospital?

The condition that opens pet hospital is as follows:

1, vet proof, open pet hospital, although do not need the pet with legal representative much taller control to treat a technology, but the basiccest pet evidence is necessary still.

2, the door of Ministry of Public Health that goes to place, door of the Ministry of Public Security, vet quarantine station puts on record register.

3, licence of animal diagnosis and treatment and animal quarantine licence are two indispensable qualificatory card, generally speaking, need applicant is carrying relevant formalities and data, the branch that deals with technically what go to place submits data, expect an announcement next,

Generally speaking, 20-30 is workaday, can get the result of relevant section.

5, before practice, the industrial and commercial branch that must go to place handles business qualification card, if do not have business qualification card with respect to practice, once be checked, can seal inn processing not only, and the fine that still can face high specified number.

6, due and primary medical treatment facility, establish drug, examine, radiative, operation and disinfection supply section of diagnosis and treatment of ability waiting for cure.

Hold photocopy of the Id photocopy of technician of assistant of vet of course of study, vet, certificate of record of formal schooling, title certificate photocopy. Below normal circumstance, it is 20 days about from the time that accepts application to need to place of result of the audit that finish.

Besides deal with a series of certificate, still need to prepare sufficient financing, open pet hospital and general pet hairdressing store and inn of pet things sale to differ, the investment of pet hospital is larger, and must perfect after pet hospital start business, if calculate,go up to be thrown entirely, what need capital to will be controlled in 500 thousand yuan.

7, the formalities that opens pet hospital?

1, vet proof, open pet hospital, although do not need the pet with legal representative much taller control to treat a technology, but the basiccest pet evidence is necessary still.

2, the door of Ministry of Public Health that goes to place, door of the Ministry of Public Security

, vet quarantine station puts on record register.

3, licence of animal diagnosis and treatment and animal quarantine licence are two indispensable qualificatory card, generally speaking, need applicant is carrying relevant formalities and data, the branch that deals with technically what go to place submits data, expect an announcement next, generally speaking, 20-30 is workaday, can get the result of relevant section.

5, before practice, the industrial and commercial branch that must go to place handles business qualification card, if do not have business qualification card with respect to practice, once be checked, can seal inn processing not only, and the fine that still can face high specified number.

6, due and primary medical treatment facility, establish drug, examine, radiative, operation and disinfection supply section of diagnosis and treatment of ability waiting for cure.

8, does Guangzhou open pet hospital condition?

Want to open hospital of a pet, need satisfies a few requirements. Above all, need has vet aptitude and relevant and professional knowledge, serve in order to provide the pet medical treatment of high quality. Next, need has proper place and facility, include consulting room, surgery, lab to wait, in order to satisfy requirement of all sorts of pet medical treatment. In addition, need builds good supply catenary, retain truly enough medicines and chemical reagents and appliance are supplied. In the meantime, need formulates sound management plan and market sale strategy, rise in order to attract a client famous degree. Finally, want to abide by relevant law laws and regulations, the lawful sex that ensures medical treatment serves and security.

9, the condition that opens pet hospital?

1, have place of fixed animal diagnosis and treatment, animal hospital area not under 120 smooth rice, animal clinic area not under 60 smooth rice;

2, animal hospital optional location should be apart from cultivate birds farm, butcher to machine field, animal to trade place 200 meters of not less than;

3, place of animal diagnosis and treatment sets independent passageway, passageway must not be set inside dweller house building or inside the courtyard, not the other user with same building is common passageway;

4, functional room setting and equipment are reasonable: Animal hospital asks cent sets smooth machine of consulting room, surgery, drug-store, X or B to exceed machine, animal clinic cannot carry out operation of animal cranial cavity, thorax. Have diagnose, the appliance equipment; such as operation, disinfection, cold storage, groovy assay, sewage disposal

5, animal hospital has 3 above to obtain hold the personnel of certificate of case of persons qualified to teach of vet of course of study, animal clinic has an above to obtain hold the personnel; of certificate of case of persons qualified to teach of vet of course of study

6, have perfect diagnosis and treatment prescription of drug of report of service, epidemic situation, wholesome disinfection, animal, medicaments and harmless change processing management system.

10, open pet hospital to make money?

Make money, the person that raises pet now is very much, pet needs to make vaccine, have a medical check-up regularly. Economic condition is good, still can do hairdressing to nurse to pet
