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长沙到庐山旅游攻略? 重庆至庐山旅游景点走哪条线路?英文双语对照


长沙到庐山旅游攻略? 重庆至庐山旅游景点走哪条线路?英文双语对照











西安到长沙的旅游景点还真不少,光西安就有上百景点,最有名的是秦始皇兵马俑,华清池,法门寺, 乾陵,大雁塔,大唐不夜城。

如果延京广线南下的话,途经三门峡,洛阳 有王城公园,白马寺,龙门石窟。

郑州 ,有二七纪念塔,接下来途径湖北省,有武汉长江大桥,黄鹤楼,东湖 ,木兰山,锦里沟,武汉自然博物馆,户部巷,汉口江滩。

接下来进入湖南 ,长沙的岳麓山,岳阳楼,韶山毛主席故居等。






1) 从起点向西南方向出发,沿大月山路行驶3.0公里,右前方转弯进入环山路

2) 沿环山路行驶390米,进入河西路

3) 沿河西路行驶1.4公里,直行进入河西路

4) 沿河西路行驶30米,在第1个出口,右后方转弯进入小天池路
















1) 沿大广高速行驶10.4公里,在宜丰出口,稍向右转进入宜丰互通

2) 沿宜丰互通行驶1.3公里,

3) 行驶330米,直行进入迎宾大道

4) 沿迎宾大道行驶410米,左转进入新昌东大道

5) 沿新昌东大道行驶2.6公里,右转

6) 行驶50米,左转

7) 行驶210米,右转

8) 行驶120米,到达终点(在道路左侧)




















应该穿舒适轻便的服装和自己的鞋子首先庐山是一个著名的旅游胜地,山路崎岖, 温差较大,如果穿高跟鞋或不合适的鞋子,容易摔倒或受伤;其次,穿得太过正式也不利于行走和感受自然风光,应选择舒适的棉线、运动鞋或徒步鞋等;此外,山上夏季阴凉多雨,傍晚气温骤降,所以还需要携带一件外套或厚衣服,以备不时之需庐山是一个自然风景优美,具有灵气的名胜古迹,穿着适合的衣服和鞋子,才能更好地感受这片风景带给人们的美妙







Does Changsha travel to cottage hill strategy?

Arrive from Changsha cottage hill, can arrive Nanchang change trains.

By train from the station austral Changsha first Nanchang, sit from Nanchang again next motor-car arrives 9 rivers, nanchang comes the motor-car of 9 rivers 52 minutes, average car. Head for the passenger of cottage hill by Nanchang, the proposal sits motor-car reachs 9 rivers railway station, head for terminal of 9 rivers car again, take a car to head for cottage hill.

Which line does Chongqing take to tourist attraction of cottage hill travel?

The first day: Set out from Chongqing, take Gao Tie or plane to head for Nanchang, the provincial capital of Jiangxi. The famous tourist attraction of Nanchang urban district can be visited first after arriving at, for instance 81 uprise memorial hall, Teng Wangge.

The following day: Set out from Nanchang, head for cottage hill, this is one of lofty mountains beauty spot with the famousest Jiangxi. You can be taken telpher ascend a top, admire the gallant scenery of cottage hill, still can see cottage hill landscape scenic spot each tourist attractions inside the area, the diameter that be like a flower, 3 fold a spring to wait.

The 3rd day: Another when continue to head for Jiangxi famous tourist attraction -- Wu source. Here is having distinctive ancient dorp and beautiful natural view. You can stroll to fall in Gu Cun in, admire elegant bright Qing Dynasty to build, still can visit the rurality all round and brook.

The 4th day: Set out from Wu source, head for the Po Yang Hu of the foot of mountain austral cottage hill. This is China's biggest fresh water lake, lake area scenery is pretty, still the activity on rich water can offer an alternative, row for instance, fishing.

The 5th day: The last day, you can choose to return Nanchang, end this paragraph wonderful itinerary, perhaps continue to explore the tourist attraction with other Jiangxi, for instance the Jinggang Mountains, 3 clear hill.

Does Xi'an travel on the way to Changsha tourist attraction?

Xi'an is returned to the travel tourist attraction of Changsha true many, smooth Xi'an has about a hundred tourist attraction, the famousest is tomb figure of military forces of Qin Shi emperor, hua Qingchi, method temple, male hill, wild goose tower, big the Tang Dynasty not nocturnal city.

If delay the word that leaves south capital wide wire, by way of 3 gorge, luoyang has king city park, white Ma Si, the Longmen Grottoes.

Zhengzhou, have 27 monument, next way Hubei is saved, have big bridge of Wuhan the Yangtse River, yellow crane building, east lake, lily magnolia hill, bright and beautiful in channel, wuhan nature museum, alley of the Ministry of Revenue in feudal China, beach of Chinese mouth river.

Enter Hunan next, the hill of high mountain the foot of mountain of Changsha, yue Yang building, former residence of Shaoshan wool chairman.

Does cottage hill come greatly to appropriate abundant course of development?

This data originates Baidu map, final result with Baidu map newest data is accurate.

Drive course: Whole journey makes an appointment with 299.9 kilometers

Start: Cottage hill

1. drives inside 9 rivers city plan

1) sets out to southwest direction from start, travel of road of hill of edge a solar month of 31 days 3 kilometers, west the front turns enter annulus hill grade

Travel of road of hill of 2) edge annulus 390 meters, enter a river on the west road

3) edge river on the west road travel 1.4 kilometers, straight travel enters a river on the west road

4) edge river on the west road travel 30 meters, in the 1st exit, right rear turn enter days of small Chi Lu

Travel of road of days of 2. edge is small pool 1.7 kilometers, enter S213

Travel of 3. edge S213 21 kilometers, left-hand rotation enters pool of aunt of annulus hill highway paragraph

Pond of aunt of highway of hill of 4. edge annulus paragraph travel 160 meters, straight travel enters cottage hill highway

Travel of highway of hill of 5. edge cottage 8 kilometers, straight travel enters cottage hill highway

Travel of highway of hill of 6. edge cottage 120 meters, in the 1st exit, right rear turn enter Hangrui high speed

Travel of high speed of luck of 7. edge Hangzhou 40 meters, straight travel enters Hangzhou luck high speed

Travel of high speed of luck of 8. edge Hangzhou 150 meters, chao Nachang / city of another name for Jiangxi Province / Wuhan / Yue Yang direction, go up sunwise a bit full line

Travel of 9. edge full line 390 meters, straight travel enters Hangzhou luck high speed

Travel of high speed of luck of 10. edge Hangzhou 21.8 kilometers, chao Nachang / Fuzhou direction, enter blessing silver-colored high speed sunwise a bit

Travel of silver-colored high speed of 11. edge blessing 90.2 kilometers, straight travel enters Nanchang to circle city high speed

12. edge Nanchang circles travel of city high speed 35.5 kilometers, go up sunwise a bit full line

Travel of 13. edge full line 1.2 kilometers, straight travel enters prosperous chestnut high speed

Travel of high speed of chestnut of 14. edge prosperous 97.1 kilometers, go up sunwise a bit full line

Travel of 15. edge full line 1.4 kilometers, straight travel enters big wide high speed

16. appropriate spring drive inside city plan

1) edge is big travel of wide high speed 10.4 kilometers, in appropriate abundant exit, enter appropriate abundant each other to connect sunwise a bit

Each other of abundant of 2) edge appropriate connects travel 1.3 kilometers,

3) travel 330 meters, straight travel enters the highway that welcome guest

4) edge greets guest highway travel 410 meters, left-hand rotation enters Xin Changdong highway

Travel of highway of 5) edge Xin Changdong 2.6 kilometers, right-hand rotation

6) travel 50 meters, left-hand rotation

7) travel 210 meters, right-hand rotation

8) travel 120 meters, arrive at terminus (in road left)

Terminal: Appropriate abundant county

Grade of cottage hill travel?

5A class

1982, cottage hill is promulgated to be first national level scenery by the State Council scenic spot area. On December 6, 1996, bequest of culture of the world that be labelled. 2003, cottage hill becomes China one of 10 names hill. On March 7, 2007, be judged to be area of scene of travel of national AAAAA stage.

Time of cottage hill travel?

Arrived in May in September

Cottage hill is optimal travel time is annual arrived in May in September, this also is to go the busy season that cottage hill travels. Wen Kuo of cottage hill climate, summer is cool, can be away for the summer holidays, can let a person feel cool and refreshing. In addition, this time Duan Shui is more also, can see the fall of cottage hill. Although cottage hill suits to play quite all the year round, but although winter landscape is beautiful, but height above sea level is higher, very cold, do not suggest to head for.

Entrance ticket of cottage hill travel?

Off-season (on December 1 - second year on March 31) : 135 yuan / person; Busy season (on April 1 - on November 31) : 180 yuan / person.

Favourable policy: Ticket of gate of ① cottage hill: Children 1 meter of 4 the following free of charge, old person of 70 years old of above by effective certificate (Id) free of charge.

Site of meeting of ② cottage hill: Children 1 meter of 4 the following free of charge, middle and primary school of 1.4 meters of above is unripe buy ticket of 25 yuan of students, old person of 70 years old of soldier, deformity, above by effective certificate free of charge.

③ old villa: Free of charge of 1.2 the following children, 1.2-1.4 above middle and primary school lays bank note of 20 yuan of students.

④ cottage hill ticket of the 3 cable that fold a spring: Children 1.2 the following free of charge, ticket of 60 yuan of students is bought between 1.2-1.4. Favourable ticket and free ticket are announced with scene area to allow!

Does cottage hill travel sell a site?

The travel of cottage hill sells bit of altogether to have the following.

It is scene beautiful, the landscape scene of glacier period, chiliad is cultivated greatly, waterfall of famous hill name, 5 old peaks, contain Po mouth, 3 fold a spring to wait scenic spot below renown Wen Tian.

2 it is humanitarian at the height of power and splendour. Cottage hill is the ground that archaic bookman dotes on, wang Lushan chute of Li Bai, problem Xi Linbi of Su Shi is name of through the ages piece.

3 it is match well of Chinese and Western. Culture of China and foreign countries hands in photograph reflect!

Does cottage hill travel apparel?

Should wear comfortable and light clothing and oneself shoe above all cottage hill is a famed travel resort, hill road rugged, difference in temperature is bigger, if wear high-heeled shoes or improper shoe, easy trip or get hurt; Next, wear too also go against too formally walk and experience natural scene, should choose comfortable cotton thread, sneaker or pedestrian shoe to wait; In addition, the summer on hill is shady and cool and rainy, pelter of dusk air temperature, still need to carry a coat or thick dress so, in order to have hill of untimely needs cottage is a natural scenery beautiful, have the famous places and historical sites of clever gas, wearing the dress that suit and shoe, what just can experience this scenery to bring people better is wonderful

Travel to Yunnan from Changsha optimal course?

To Yunnan from Changsha optimal travel course can consider the following:

1, go to Kunming from Changsha, arrive again Dali, enlighten celebrate, the tourist attraction such as Li Jiang;

2, arrive from Changsha Xiamen, head for by ship next 3 inferior, big talk, again the Chong Shengsi of Yunnan of by way of 3 towers, on the west the tourist attraction such as double edition accept, Kunming, Dali, Teng Chong, Li Jiang;

3, arrive from Changsha new rural area, go next Wuhan, Huang Shan, Anqing, wait for a tourist attraction by the Dali south Che Quyun, Li Jiang again.
