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 让每一面墙壁都说话,让每一个角落都有美在闪光,就是利用学校所有墙壁与角落去陶冶感染学生,每一面墙壁都是一幅有主题的画,每一个角落都是一首无声的诗,情深意切,融知识性、教育性、艺术性、专业性于一体,达到润物无声的教育目的。  每一个学校都要遵循育人为本的原则,建设高雅别致、丰富多彩的校园墙壁文化。  要让墙壁与花草说话,让师生生活在如诗如画的书香校园环境中,学校必须着力于校园教育文化长廊的建设,时时处处为师生提供文化道德建设的精神食粮,激发学生积极向上、从而营造浓郁的学习氛围,激发起求知的欲望。  一、将校园文化内涵的精神与灵魂,予以雕塑化、图像化、艺术化,集中反映到校园的墙壁上。  二、精心布置校园墙壁文化。  学校精心布置校园墙壁,让一草一木一墙一砖都能说话。营造绿化、净化、美化的校园,小桥流水,假山湖水,曲池喷泉,相映成趣;杨柳依依,绿草成茵,鲜花四季开放,每当中秋季节,丹桂飘香,沁人心脾。漫步在校园里,到处都充满了浓郁的教育氛围,深深地温暖每一个师生的心灵,这样和谐的环境熏陶着每一个学生,他们在潜移默化中成长。  三、着力建设五大校园墙壁文化。  即学校院墙文化、走廊墙壁文化、教室墙壁文化、办公室墙壁文化、特殊墙壁文化。  (一)、院墙墙壁文化:  它是对外对内宣传教育的一道风景线,对外宣传学校办学成果,展示师生风貌;内墙文化可以设置多个板块,如:学习版块、生活版块、休闲版块、运动版块、成果风采展示板块、留言版块等。  (二)走廊墙壁文化:  学校在进行校园走廊墙壁文化建设中,从形式到内容都力求美的体现,布局上错落有致,疏密合理;色彩搭配高雅和谐,极具整体美;走廊中一句句富有人文色彩的话语,一句句的警句和名言,读来都是一种美的享受,一幅幅精美作品,更是视觉的享受和心灵的洗礼,这都是对培养学生的审美情趣和审美能力起着积极的促进作用。  (三)教室墙壁文化:  它是一个学生学习精神的集中体现,班集体是一个熔炉,能将铁炼成钢。同时班集体也是个染缸,会给未成熟的青少年以不良影响。加强教室墙壁文化建设,真正做到以正确的理论引导人,加强班集体荣誉感,给予每一个学生表现的机会,给予每个学生都有对比的机会,都有进步的机会,都有成功的表现。  (四)办公室墙壁文化是教育教学理念的集中体现,由师生共同参与办公室墙壁文化设计建设,他们的感受将会达到新的境界,最终教育的效果将事半功倍。  (五)特殊墙壁文化:  是具有特殊功能室的墙壁文化建设,如:宣传窗、黑板报、图书馆、阅览室、广播站、实验室、实训室、专业教室、寝室等墙壁文化的建设,倡导积极向上文明的氛围,树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,养成良好的道德行为习惯。  校园的墙壁文化能够陶冶学生的情操,有利于培养学生的集体意识和协作精神,有利于规范学生的行为,培养学生的健康个性,促进学生的心理健康。  学校教育模式对所在的每一个师生有着深刻的影响作用,然而校园墙壁文化建设是一所学校教育理念与教育模式的外在体现。  加强校园墙壁文化建设,创建教育文化长廊优化和谐育人环境还需要学校、社会、家庭的密切配合,只有大家都重视校园墙壁文化建设,以人为本,以成长为本,以将来为本,从事业的高度去建设校园墙壁文化,墙壁说话育人的功能才会得到真正加强,学生才能真正健康的和谐发展


Let each wall talk, let each corner the United States is in flashy, use the school namely all wall and corner go edify affects a student, each wall is a picture that has a theme, each corner is a breathed poem, affection deep desire is cut, sex of knowledge of be in harmony, education sex, artistic quality, professional at an organic whole, achieve the educational goal with benefit silent other people. Each school should abide by Yo person to be this principle, build the campus wall culture of decorous and chic, rich and colorful. Want to invite wall and conversation of flowers and plants, in letting the environment of book sweet campus that if the poem is picturesque,life of teachers and students is in, the school must the construction that exert oneself teachs culture a covered corridor or walk at campus, offer the manna that culture morality builds for teachers and students everywhere constantly, arouse a student active up, build full-bodied study atmosphere thereby, stimulate curious appetite. One, the spirit campus culture connotation and soul, give sculpture is changed, image is changed, art is changed, concentration is mirrorred to the wall of campus. 2, decorate campus wall culture meticulously. The school decorates campus wall meticulously, let one grass one wood one wall one brick can talk. Build afforest, purify, the campus of beautification, little bridge running water, rockery lake water, music pool fountain, set each other off becomes an interest; Willow is supple, green grass becomes mattress, flower the four seasons is open, every time seasonal mid-autumn, orange osmanthus waves sweet, refreshing. Ramble is in campus, was full of full-bodied educational atmosphere everywhere, deeply warm the heart of each teachers and students, so harmonious environment is edifying each student, they grow in exert a subtle influence on. 3, exert oneself builds culture of wall of garden of 5 senior colonel. Namely culture of school courtyard wall, corridor wall culture, classroom wall culture, office wall culture, special wall culture. (one) , culture of courtyard wall wall: It is a scenery line that publicizes education internally external, publicize school education achievement external, reveal culture of the wall inside; of scene of teachers and students to be able to be installed many board piece, be like: Learn edition piece, unripe vivid edition piece, recreational edition piece, move elegant demeanour of edition piece, achievement is revealed board piece, leave a message edition piece. (2) corridor wall culture: The school is undertaking culture of campus corridor wall is built in, arrive from the form content do one's best is reflected beautifully, on layout strewn at random have send, density is reasonable; Colour collocation is decorous and harmonious, have integral beauty extremely; In corridor a speech of rich and humanitarian colorific, one sentence epigrammatic with logion, read coming is a kind of beauty to enjoy, one an elegant work, be a vision more enjoy the ablution with the heart, the aesthetic appeal that this is pair of education students and aesthetic ability are having positive stimulative effect. (3) : of classroom wall culture?  of  of  of Ba of ∷  Ju Huan boils aspic of  of  of Fu of  of  of Meng of Wu of Ju Huan of  of Su of  of Zheng of Qiu of punishment of  of  Song collect waiting till to sift  of Gou of  of Jing Zhu of Wu of apology of colour of Qun of  of Su of low of frame M  to enter Lan of moisture in the soil then Ai! . Wall of  of act of Xuan of award of appearance of  of Zhan of ㄋ model ┌ escapes mace of Dong of  of Mu Xing Fu calls chasm of  of  of Mao of smooth ㄉ of bail of  of act of Xuan of award of appearance of  of Zhan of tritium of Wo of  of eat of  of ι of moisture in the soil of  of Zheng of Qiu of punishment of  of collect of Wan of tiny fragments of stone of  grapes Ю busy wood! ? 5) special wall culture: It is the wall culture construction that has special function room, be like: The construction of the wall culture such as room of newspaper of propagandist window, blackboard, library, reading room, radio station, lab, solid example, professional classroom, dormitory, advocate active up civilized atmosphere, establish correct world outlook, philosophy, viewpoint of value, the path moral integrity with good nurturance is a habit. The wall culture of campus can the sentiment of edify student, the collective consciousness chime that is helpful for training a student makes mind, be helpful for the behavior of normative student, develop healthy individual character of the student, the mental health of stimulative student. School education mode is having profound effect effect to each teachers and students of the place, however construction of campus wall culture is concept of education of a school and educational mode is explicit reflect. Strengthen construction of campus wall culture, those who found educational culture a covered corridor or walk to optimize environment of harmonious Yo person to still need the school, society, family is close cooperate, only everybody takes campus wall culture seriously to build, it is with the person this, it is in order to grow this, it is with will coming this, the height that pursues trade goes building campus wall culture, the function of person of wall conversation Yo just can get be strengtheninged truly, the harmony with student truly healthy ability develops
