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1、 已知的在中国境内生活的最古老的原始人类是“元谋猿人”。在中国云南省元谋盆地发现的两


  2、 约70~20万年前,“北京猿人”(简称“北京人”),生活在北京周口店龙骨山的洞穴里。

  3、 北京人已经知道使用天然火。人类第一次取得了支配一种自然力的能力。

  4、 到了大约 18000年前,仍然在北京周口店龙骨山里,生活着一批被称作“山顶洞人”的远古人


  5、 山顶洞人不仅会人工取火,而且制造出了中国缝制工艺史上的第一枚骨针,骨针约同火柴棍般


  6、 距今六七千年前,中国出现了古老的彩陶文化和黑陶文化。

  7、 陕西西安半坡文化的彩陶,十分精美。人面网纹盆上各种纹饰,是原始美术、原始文字和原始


  8、 山东龙山文化的黑陶,乌黑光亮,有着金属器皿一样的光泽。

  9、 长江流域的浙江省余姚市河姆渡文化,与黄河流域的半坡文化同样古老,7000年前那里的人们





















  20、商朝的青铜器制造业有很大的发展。商朝后期制造的“司母戊大方鼎” 重达875公斤,是迄今











  26、西周前期 180多年,中原一带产生许多大型乐舞。祭祀山川时用的是表现大禹治水的《大夏》




  28、春秋时期,100多个诸侯国林立,相互征讨,胜者成为霸主,出现 “春秋五霸”,即齐桓公、


  29、公元前 606年,楚庄王现兵周疆,“问鼎大小轻重”。鼎是王权象征,传说大禹铸了九个鼎,






















这是一部分。。参考文献 : http://www.ziyexing.com/files-7/history/history_inf_01_a.htm


1, the foregone the oldest hominid that lives in Chinese churchyard is " yuan seek pithecanthrope " . Save in Chinese Yunnan yuan 2 what seek basin discovery

Fossil of ancient mankind tooth, via scientific appraisal, be apart from have 70 many years about today.

2, before making an appointment with 70 ~ 200 thousand years, "Beijing pithecanthrope " (abbreviation " Peking Man " ) , live in the burrow of hill of keel of inn of Beijing week mouth.

3, Peking Man has known to use natural internal heat. Human first time acquired the capacity that controls a kind of od.

4, arrived about before 18000, still be in hill of keel of inn of Beijing week mouth, the life wears a batch to be called " summit hole person " ancient person

Kind. They had had the posture feature of person of apparent the yellow race.

5, summit hole person can take internal heat artificially not only, and make gave Chinese tailor the first spicula on craft history, spicula is the same as match rod about kind

Degree of finish, grow 82 millimeter.

6, be apart from today 669 years ago, china appeared old Painted-Pottery Culture and black pottery culture.

7, the ancient painted pottery that cc of short for Shaanxi Province installs half slope culture, very elegant. All sorts of grain on basin of person face reticulation are acted the role of, it is primitive art, original character is mixed primitive

Artistic crystallization.

8, the black pottery of Shandong the Longshan Culture, dark black light is bright, having the burnish like metalware.

9, the Zhejiang of catchment of the Yangtse River saves Mu of river of city of more than Yao to cross culture, the half slope culture with the Huanghe valley is likewise old, the over there people before 7000

Can have built a house with large wood component.

10, make an appointment with BC the The Neo-lithic Age before 3000, appear a the earliest talent character calls Fu Xi the family name (call packet of sacrifice the family name again or cook sacrifice family name) ,

According to rule of change of astronomical phenomena geography, make a the Eight Diagrams, make book contract, teach people to undertake rent land is made, pasturage, fishing huntings, and have " flavour 100 medicine and make 9

Needle " fabulous, be known as the Chinese nation " humanitarian first ancestor " .

11, make an appointment with Yangshao culture period, appear god of a phlogistic emperor farming family name, be farming the introducer that agrarian, medicine, musical instrument and market trade, and have "

Taste 100 grass " goodness praise pass later ages. Often be used to now call its and the Huang Di later China culture first ancestor.

12, about 2000 old before, produced a few tribal battles. Xuan Yuan is a clever and brave chieftain in northward tribe, because be gotten greatly

Popular feeling, gained last victory, replace " phlogistic emperor " purple, call " Huang Di " .

13, in old an ancient name for China a group of things with common features in the process that fashions gradually, huang Di produced main effect, huang Di also by later ages honour it is a group of things with common features of an ancient name for China (namely

Predecessor of the Chinese nation) " humanitarian first ancestor " .

14, after afterwards Huangdi, the Chinese nation appears again early or late a few worthy: Monarch Yao, Shun, the reputed founder of the Ix Dynasty. Monarch Yao buddhist is located in Shun, shun buddhist is located in the reputed founder of the Ix Dynasty (buddhist

: Pass the purple that lets oneself namely) .

15, times of the reputed founder of the Ix Dynasty of Yao and Shun, the flood overruns. Big the reputed founder of the Ix Dynasty acts under orders to replace father Gun prevent floods by water control, 3 live a door and do not enter, treat eventually took the flood.

16, later, the son of the reputed founder of the Ix Dynasty is opened acceded kingship, built day of summer of dynasty of the first slavery (make an appointment with BC BC of 22 centuries ~ 17 worlds

Discipline) .

17, according to legend is in the 4000 many summer day year ago, began to have calendar, so people cries China's old traditional calendar " the traditional Chinese calendar " .

18, the traditional Chinese calendar is the formulate of cycle of run that presses a moon, cry again lunar. Because there are solar term change and agronomic arrangement in calendar, say again so farming

All previous.

19, Xia Chao is the last gubernatorial the name of the last ruler of the Xia Dynasty, violence is not had. Oriental business is tribal, rise formidably below the leader of soup, beat Xia Jianli dealer

Face (make an appointment with BC at the beginning of 17 centuries -- BC 11 centuries) .

20, the bronze ware manufacturing industry of business day has very great progress. Business day later period makes " experting vessel of department mother the fifth of the ten Heavenly Stem " heft 875 kilograms, it is heretofore

The biggest on the world that discovers till come up out of land bronze ware.

21, the inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty with acting business is the character of a kind of ancient time that is engraved on turtleback animal bone, had been quite full-blown written language.

In the armour character that 10 thousand moment have a character, total word number achieves 160 much words, have individual character among them 4600 many, already identified have 1000 many.

22, business acting evening, on loess plateau, one cries " " tribal and powerful and prosperous rise. Arrive when week article king, week country became the west vassal

New the leader of an alliance.

23, the king of gubernatorial name of the last ruler of the Shang Dynasty reputedly a tyrant with business last day, extravagant and dissipated, atrocious do not have. Make an appointment with BC 1046, of week article king child combination of week fierce king is other

Day of tribal and expeditionary business, pass Mu Ye's fight, toppled business government, build Zhou Chao, beijing of pick of choose a site for the capital.

24, after Zhou Chaojian stands, apply " cent seals kin, with hedge screen week " policy, cent was sealed greatly small 71 Xiaoguo, have rash, neat, the Kingdom of Wei,

Advance, the Song Dynasty, swallow. These Xiaoguo's monarch are called vassal.

25, BC 841 years, administration of week day occurrence republican. Republic the first year of an era or the reign of an emperor, fair the time of historical a way of counting the years that thinks China is the most accurate.

26, early days of the Western Zhou Dynasty 180 old, central Plains takes generation to make much larger happy dance.

Dance, the Wu Wu that marks contribution of name of the last ruler of the Shang Dynasty reputedly a tyrant of fierce king cut down is " great connecting with the boxing skill " dance.

27, to BC 771 years, of announce king child Zhou Youwang is armied by the dog the person murders Yu Li under hill. BC 770 years, joint of bones of announce of prince of deep and remote king, namely

Zhou Ping king, capital by east change Yu Luoyi, history call " the Eastern Zhou Dynasty " . Cent of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty is " age " , " the Warring States " two period.

28, year period, 100 many vassal countries are bristly, mutual go on a punitive expedition, the winner becomes an overlord, appear " age 5 bully " , namely Qi Huan is fair,

Jin Wen Mu Gong of fair, the Qin Dynasty, Song Xiang king of village of fair, Hunan.

29, BC 606 years, hunan village king shows arms Zhou Jiang, "Weight of size asking a vessel " . The vessel is crown symbolizes, fabulous big Yu Zhu nine vessel,

Represent a poetic name of China. Hunan village king asks a vessel, show he has the ambition that becomes the emperor.

30, the later period in age, become enemies of Wu Yue two countries. It is Wu Wang entires to cottage be defeated gets hurt and die first. Its child Wu Wangfu differs aspire to revenge, let a person everyday

Remind him loudly: "The husband is poor, did you forget to kill the enemy of father? " later, sufferred a defeat to jump over a country below the leader that Wu Guo needs in the husband.

31, jump over king Gou Jian to be determined to avenge an insult. He " undergo self-imposed hardships so as to strengthen one's resolve to do sth " , everyday loudly ask oneself: "Gou Jian, did you forget the disgrace of a conquered nation? " jump over a country

Get together through be born 10 years, teach a lesson 10 years, defeat Wu Guo again, wu Wangfu differs the suicide.

32, make an appointment with before 2500, china gave a great ideologist father. Father is the author of Taoist school school. His posthumous work " moral classics "

Renown " father " , have in the book sentence professed: "Disaster blessing place leans, dog days of institute of Fu Xi disaster. " that is to say: Disaster can become the cause of blessing sometimes, in blessing

Hide volt to wear sometimes disaster. Remind people " Things will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme. " , notice " path " " heart " long. This is thought of typical traditional differentiate card.

33, Confucius of before living at BC 551~ 479 years is a big ideologist, big educationist, it is the author of Confucianist school.

34, Confucius learns the earliest in Chinese initiate illicit, he has child 3000 people, virtuous person 72 people.

35, Confucius made immortal contribution for development of culture of Chinese ancient time, he is arranged compile " easy " " poem " " ceremony " " happy " " a high official in ancient China "

" age " ancient time of the six ministries in feudal China is classical, be called " 6 classics " .

36, Confucius die at the age of is 73 years old, the bury after dying is in northern part of rash capital city (today Kong Lin of Shandong Qu Fu is in) . Confucius former residence rebuilds later for " Confucian temple " .

37, the students of Confucius recall Confucius teachings daily and life behavior, arrange book of system of a quotation, call " the analects of confucius " , this book is become

Those who be the Confucianist is classical, have very big effect to later ages, among them a lot of famous chapters still are being used by modern.

38, Sun Wu, it is age not period a crackajack militarist, have famous a book on the art of war " grandchildren strategics " 13 be handed down from ancient times, it is all over the world shows acceptedly

Keep book of the earliest science of strategy.

39, " grandchildren strategics " in, put forward famous " the person that tell those bosom friend, 100 battle do not danger " " strike where the enemy is unprepared, do with sb unconscious " " soldiers is fugitive

Situation, water is fugacious form " wait for martial thought and principle. And with " not battle and Qu Renzhi arms " , for the highest state of martial get the upper hand of.

40, " grandchildren strategics " be called " strategics canon " , great to later ages influence, be famous in global. Its are incisive strategic tactics thought,

Often be applied extensively at each domains such as war of politics, diplomacy, trade, sports in.

This is one part. . Bibliographical reference: Http://www.ziyexing.com/files-7/history/history_inf_01_a.htm

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