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1, 3 peaks fold a shadow -- lucerne stage

Area of lucerne stage scene is located in south outskirt holds li of countryside churchyard in the palm, be apart from 55 kilometers of Urumqi city. Altitude 2020 meters, area 3 square kilometer, it is area of travel of platform of careless field of a summit. Scene area 3 annulus hill, in conceiving the meadow invade that is like mattress. Look around rows of mountains of scene Ou Qunfeng, cool breeze is in the soughing of the wind in the pines too blast, urban district of overlook of look as far as one can is seen dimly.

Green grass hangs down in clusters inside scene area, wild flower profusion, as if the brocade gentle and lovely of a gigantic is slow the ground lays between mountain ridge. From spring arrive autumn, scene area ground of as one falls is blooming more than 10 kinds of wild flower, yellow, purple, baby blue, gules, white, glow, too many beautiful things.

Add the wild animal such as gurgle of spring of on many place, red deer, boar, marmot to peep a Yu Lin between grass, present the primitive view with an one inviting clique everywhere, acclaim as the peak of perfection making a person, relaxed and happy. There are 3 peaks to tower aloft in scene Ou Qunshan, strewn at random have send, meaning of picture of mysterious and rich poetics, it is to be " 3 peaks fold a shadow " .

2, poplar flying waterfall -- on the west poplar channel

Poplar channel beauty spot is located in on the west south Urumqi city north of peak of Er of outskirt weather pattern thes foot of a hill or mountain, be apart from the urban district 58 kilometers, area 612. 52 hectare, it is Na Shanjing in the area long the travel summer resort of negative great reputation, because gully poplar is densely covered and get a name.

Mountain of add of Lian Feng of the pine forest inside scene area, strange peak is abrupt brook of extraordinary, gurgle crosses in Lin Gou blames stone, villa sets off one another in emerald green Lin Cong, every bits of bit yurt scatters on open lawn, open interest is threatening. Flying waterfall of 70 meters of bluff is as high as in channel especially, if Bai Lian is impending, if show,attack Neon of Shi Jianyu, rainbow, click of the tongue of gush making a person says to surprise.

Come to poplar channel, you already OK and equestrian, adding up to rising and falling ring, attentive the natural scene that experiences strange risk of poplar channel quiet and beautiful, still can be in of sunshine support sb with hand below, lie on the lawn of soft partly, the horse race that eagle of God seeing a day circles to have amorous feelings of full-bodied Kazakstan folk-custom with far, hold sheep, girl to chase after wait for a performance, enjoy to the top of one's bent be far from city the portion is then satisfied and easy.

3, glen emerald green smoke -- east poplar channel

Area of poplar channel scene is located in east south churchyard of countryside of channel of outskirt board room, be apart from Urumqi 56 kilometers, cover an area of an area 334. 4 hectare, inside scene area group the peak confronts each other, gushu is very tall, forest lushs, fragrant grass is luxuriant, the hill brook small the cry of animals of clear of a clear pleasant is shallow sing, meandering and come. Go upstream, cool breeze is blown, the soughing of the wind in the pines emerges in the immense forest of stretch to the horizon move, weiwei is grand. The sound of rain of rain of hill of scene area from time to time, mist haze overspreads the peak in layer forest, if the dream is like unreal; From time to time rain ceases raining or snowing sunrise, yun Zhengxia colourful, if the poem is picturesque.

Hide at east if show,the green wild mountain villa in poplar channel emerald green smoke is like concealed, more scene area added the artistic conception with a clever insignificant. The SamSung stage travel that be located in the green wild mountain villa inside landscape is only of Xinjiang nature beauty spot goes vacationing guesthouse, service facilities quality of complete, service is top-ranking, be known as " day hill the first village " , it is to go vacationing the good place that be away for the summer holidays.

4, Mu Yeju is sweet -- chrysanthemum stage

Area of chrysanthemum stage scene is located in south churchyard of countryside of outskirt pleasant channel, be apart from 50 much kilometers of Urumqi city, altitude 2000-2400 rice, the area makes an appointment with 500 hectare, be, piece the alluvial fan mesa that gentle slope tilts. Water of channel bottom brook is winding, in pine is densely covered, south green careless luxuriant.

The mesa in even expanse, go up, wild chrysanthemum is golden, zhaosu is amaranthine, spread fragrant excessive cheer, fly to the ornament of flocks and herds of full slope into bee butterfly dance, especially sunshine projects Bai Yun's shadow on green grass fund of the fund like running water is overflowed move, more scene area was added, path another scene. Rambling meantime, can't help making a person expression flies upwards, far Sai Pianpian, as if enter deep pool of contented of great poet of the Eastern Jin dynasty name of bright through the ages sentence " below the Dong Li that collect chrysanthemum, see carefreely south hill " in artistic conception. Chrysanthemum stage it may be said is just as its name implies.

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