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股直肌训练? 健身房增肌训练计划?英文双语对照


股直肌训练? 健身房增肌训练计划?英文双语对照






- 杠铃卧推 3组10-12次

- 哑铃飞鸟 3组10-12次

- 坐姿哑铃飞鸟 3组10-12次

- 平板杠铃卧推 3组10-12次

- 三头肌下拉 3组10-12次

- 肱三头肌屈臂伸展 3组10-12次


- 硬拉 3组10-12次

- 引体向上 3组10-12次

- 单臂哑铃划船 3组10-12次

- 反向引体向上 3组10-12次

- 曲杆弯举 3组10-12次

- 集中弯举 3组10-12次


- 深蹲 3组10-12次

- 腿举 3组10-12次

- 硬拉 3组10-12次

- 腿屈伸 3组10-12次

- 仰卧起坐 3组20次

- 平板支撑 3组30秒



- 坐姿哑铃推举 3组10-12次

- 直立划船 3组10-12次

- 侧平举 3组10-12次

- 飞鸟推举 3组10-12次

- 弯举 3组10-12次

- 旋转弯举 3组10-12次


- 俯卧撑 3组10-12次

- 跳跃深蹲 3组10-12次

- 单腿硬拉 3组10-12次(每边)

- 平板支撑 3组30秒

- 压力球运动 3组10-12次
























1. 哑铃推举:双手握住哑铃,弯曲手臂将哑铃提到肩膀旁边,然后伸直手臂推举哑铃至上方。重复多次,每组10-12个动作。

2. 坐姿哑铃推举:坐在哑铃架前,握住哑铃,肘部向外展开,然后将哑铃推举到头顶上方。重复多次,每组10-12个动作。

3. 坐姿哑铃侧平举:坐在椅子上,手握哑铃,肘部弯曲放在侧面,然后将哑铃向上提升到肩膀旁边。重复多次,每组10-12个动作。

4. 坐姿哑铃前平举:坐在椅子上,手握哑铃,肘部弯曲放在身体前方,然后将哑铃向上提升到与肩膀同高。重复多次,每组10-12个动作。

5. 哑铃倒立飞鸟:面对地面躺下,手握哑铃,向上伸展手臂,然后将哑铃从后方向两侧展开,最后再缓慢收回。重复多次,每组10-12个动作。









一、 俯卧撑




















Does straight flesh train?

Train in common leg ministry actually, crouch greatly to have more or less for example take exercise, but if if want to emphasize particularly on,drilling, can try to use Qu Shen of sitting position leg, use a back to lean a back only, buttock in a way sits in front a bit, when making a motion handle is put in leg ministry the position of straight flesh, experience with little weight first, add weight slowly again next, the hope can help you

Does gym add flesh to train a plan?

It is the plan of the training that add muscle of a week below, the proposal undertakes 4-5 second training at least every week, train time to be 1-1.5 hour every time.

Zhou Yi: Chest muscle and triceps

- barbell lies push 3 groups of 10-12 second

- dumbbell flyer 3 groups of 10-12 second

- flyer of sitting position dumbbell 3 groups of 10-12 second

- flat barbell lies push 3 groups of 10-12 second

- 3 groups of 10-12 are pulled below triceps second

- humerus triceps bends brachial extend 3 groups of 10-12 second

Zhou Er: Back and 2 flesh

- pull 3 groups of 10-12 forcedly second

- pull-up 3 groups of 10-12 second

- thin arm dumbbell rows 3 groups of 10-12 second

- retrorse pull-up 3 groups of 10-12 second

- music lever turn lifts 3 groups of 10-12 second

- center a turn to lift 3 groups of 10-12 second

Zhou San: Leg ministry and abdominal muscle

- crouch 3 groups of 10-12 greatly second

- the leg lifts 3 groups of 10-12 second

- pull 3 groups of 10-12 forcedly second

- leg Qu Shen 3 groups of 10-12 second

- sit-ups 3 groups 20

- flat props up 3 groups of 30 seconds

Zhou Si: Rest

Zhou Wu: Humeral ministry and muscle of the upper arm

- choose of sitting position dumbbell 3 groups of 10-12 second

- erect row 3 groups of 10-12 second

- side is smooth lift 3 groups of 10-12 second

- flyer choose 3 groups of 10-12 second

- the turn lifts 3 groups of 10-12 second

- rotate the turn lifts 3 groups of 10-12 second

Saturday: Erupt all over force trains

- push-up 3 groups of 10-12 second

- leap crouchs 3 groups of 10-12 greatly second

- thin leg pulls 3 groups of 10-12 forcedly second (every edge)

- flat props up 3 groups of 30 seconds

- pressure ball moves 3 groups of 10-12 second

Weekday: Rest

Ask an attention, this is plan of radical the training that add muscle only, still answer to undertake adjustment according to oneself actual condition. Additional, reasonable food and enough rest also are the key that adds muscle.

In does flesh train a method?

The flesh in exercising buttock is to become warped the one part with buttock indispensable training, also can enhance the stability of hip joint and pelvis. The way with the most efficient flesh in training buttock is mussel type leaves close, call side to lie again movement is exhibited outside hip joint of bend one's knees. Behavioral essentials: Side lies to be filled up in gem gal, double leg bend one's knees, ensure shoulder, hip and calcaneal are in go up point-blank together, double foot and approach is not moved, force of hair of the flesh in buttock reachs double knee apart most substantially, again slow transfer to a lower level. General 20 are a group, can make 3-4 group. Also but belt of bounce of have the aid of trains the effect much better.

Does square flesh train a method?

1. sitting position bends stretch one's legs: Sit on the chair, back unbend and sit, double leg and approach, a leg is extended slowly to horizontal position, make take up of leg ministry muscle, maintain 20 seconds or so. Above movement, two legs undertake alternately. Notice a pose must correct.

2. longbow pace climbs stairs: The body is erect take up, foreleg go up 34 step (the size according to oneself pace) , make leg ministry muscle stretchs tight closely. Two legs undertake alternately.

3. sticks a wall to crouch partly: Back of the person that take exercise is clingy metope, double leg and approach, ham and crus assume 90 degrees of role, 3 seconds such holding to that control. Repeat the act above. Notice the pose is correct.

4. crouchs greatly partly: The person that take exercise stands, maintain double leg and humeral ministry to be the same as wide, next crouching, back keeps erect. Next to ham and crus crouching that maintain 90 degrees, stay a little while. Repeat afore-mentioned acts.

How to train a quadriceps?

 The function of quadriceps takes exercise to be able to be divided by the method grow to train and wait for Zhang Xun to drill to wait.

     1, wait for long training: Waiting for long training is to show the length of a quadriceps is changeless, muscle tension produces the method of a kind of training of the change, be like knee unbend, load on crus, do exercise of straight leg drive up, this can increase a quadriceps sarcous power greatly. Still can choose to carry continuously the leg exercises a method, make 3~4 group everyday till the index with every groups of effective exercises feels local exhaustion namely. Still have do rely on a wall static couchant action, the body leans in the wall above the leg bends slowly, the angle that crouchs just does not cause ache to be degree. Pass such taking exercise to be able to enhance the power of a quadriceps, the blood that improves lower limbs circulates.

     2, wait for Zhang Xun to drill: The muscle strength that waiting for Zhang Xun to drill is a quadriceps is changeless, and sarcous length produces a change, if knee joint is fast unbend, gambrel back is bent, wait for means to be able to achieve the effect that trains a quadriceps, return the territory that can increase knee joint. The attention when taking exercise should rise quickly, fall slow, ability achieves the stimulation with a the biggest quadriceps

Does musculus glutaeus maximus train?

Training method is as follows

Method one: Fu lies place on straight leg, be similar to type of straighten one's back of the goat that return form to hold out double leg to exercise coxal muscle up group.

Method 2: Station appearance is placed on the leg continuously, tensile implement after doing a leg, pull draw exercise coxal muscle group.

Method 3: Lie on one's back bridge-type holds out buttock, exercise a method integratedly, but basically exercise musculus glutaeus maximus.

Method 4: Lie on one's back hold out buttock, and lie on one's back bridge-type holds out buttock similar, behavioral range is bigger, exciting musculus glutaeus maximus is deeper.

Does gym weightening finish add flesh to train plan?

Hello, it is gym weightening finish adds flesh to train plan below: Above all, load at least 3 times all over every week exercise, load through adding weapon, the means of set number and frequency stimulates muscle to grow. Next, what gymnastical food should pay attention to when practicing every time is compensatory. Food of high protein, tall caloric should be absorbed in food, bread of pink of the brisket that be like chicken, beef, fish, albumen, whole wheat, fruit, vegetable. The 3rd, proper motion having oxygen can be used up redundant adipose, also conduce to at the same time enhance heart lungs function, the proposal undertakes 2-3 every week second motion of 30 minutes having oxygen. Finally, cause muscle loss to avoid excessive training, be in balance position with the exercise everyday, rest proper time undertakes muscle restore.

Does gym shoulder ministry add flesh to train a plan?

Recommend ministry of the following shoulder to add flesh to train a plan:

1.Dumbbell choose: Both hands handholding dumbbell, curve an arm to mention dumbbell shoulder on the side, next dumbbell of unbend arm choose is consummate square. Repeat for many times, every groups of 10-12 movement.

2.Choose of sitting position dumbbell: Sit before dumbbell is worn, handholding dumbbell, elbow spreads out outwards, carry dumbbell choose in the end on the head upper part next. Repeat for many times, every groups of 10-12 movement.

3.Side of sitting position dumbbell is smooth lift: Sit on the chair, the hand grasps dumbbell, elbow bends put in flank, promote shoulder dumbbell up next on the side. Repeat for many times, every groups of 10-12 movement.

4.Make the same score before sitting position dumbbell lift: Sit on the chair, the hand grasps dumbbell, elbow bends put in body ahead, promote dumbbell up next be the same as with shoulder tall. Repeat for many times, every groups of 10-12 movement.

5.Dumbbell handstand flyer: Face the ground to lay down, the hand grasps dumbbell, up extend arm, next dumbbell from rear spread out to two side, again slow finally call in. Repeat for many times, every groups of 10-12 movement.

Above 5 movements can undertake assorted according to his ability and time, undertake 3 times training every week, train every time should include 3 groups to reach 5 groups, every groups repeat 10-12 second. In the meantime, want to notice correct body pose and breathing method, lest appear,motion is harmed.

Does gym training plan to add flesh weightening finish?

Gymnastical weightening finish adds the method of flesh to have:

1. chooses to fit his gymnastical plan, according to oneself body state and target, the choice fits his gymnastical plan;

2. insists to take exercise, insist to take exercise everyday, exercise time to should not be too long every time, but the intensity that should assure to take exercise every time;

3. is reasonable and prandial, weightening finish adds flesh to need to absorb enough nutrition, want to notice food so, eat more protein, carbohydrate and adipose;

4. notices to rest, gymnastical weightening finish adds flesh to need enough rest, in order to assure the refreshment of the body.

Does gym arm add flesh to train a plan?

One, push-up

Take exercise to go up with gym daily, special the form takes exercise basically in one of training of martial physical ability!

Basically exercise upper limbs, waist, abdominal muscle.

Method and requirement:

① chooses the area in evenness, two arms slightly wide at the shoulder, just began but complete palm touchdown, parallel or inward 30 degrees.

② holds a line to calcaneal from shoulder.

③ just began, avoid to have fast hot season quickly, notice correct pose.

④ can accelerate rate stage by stage

⑤ cooperates breath: The process below, the needle that use bazoo is sucked; Since, with the mouth expiratory.

Set phase in group:

Begin, divide first group, every groups 5

After two days, branch group, every groups 5

One week later, branch group, every groups 10...

In the future, decrease stage by stage group, several progressively grow in quantity

Attention: Every should be done with end hind among the group loosen a movement!

2, sit-ups

Basically exercise abdominal muscle

The method is absent give uncecessary details, also should cooperate breath, in group progressively grow in quantity and loosen

3, pull-up

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