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1.天空云彩 晴朗、蓝天白云时候,效果最佳,切忌雾霾天。 选一个最佳视角,固定好设备,天空于地面比例2:1,延时时间设置为10秒。


2.日出日落 晴朗天气,有云彩或者彩色晚霞时刻最佳,固定设备,天空与地平线2:1,延时时间1-2秒,一直拍摄到太阳完全落山或者升起停止。


3.城市夜景 选一处繁华街区,灯光多、车流大的机位,固定设备,注意构图比例,延时时间设置为1-2秒。











④大光圈的广角镜头(像手机也有华为,努比亚),但是我实际用的尼康3.5~4.5的18-35mm镜头,加尼康D750,也可以用,ISO 3200也可以拍摄到

























One, what is king of spouse of patriot number camera?

This is the mobile hard disk of a high capacity actually, block interface from electrified source and major memory, take good picture, can insert directly upload into hard disk inside, so that store card vacates a space, use at filming next time.

This kind of thing is used at long-distance journey commonly, do not have the circumstance of computer again. Otherwise, you must take one pile to put Chu Ka. Nevertheless, memory blocks Chinese cabbage price now, much belt a few also just as well, volume is minor still. This number spouse still must charge, volume is not minor also, send photograph rate not quite fast also, the person that uses now so is not much.

2, how does tone number camera film defer?

Send delay time video, get the device that uses a few stationary phase machine above all, wait like tripod, 8 ungual fish, the condition allows, can set athletic camera someplace directly, should assure to be able to secure camera only filming for long do not move in the process can

Here basically introduces setting of 3 kinds of groovy delay time:

1. sky cloud moment of white cloud of fine, blue sky, the effect is optimal, day of haze of mist of avoid by all means. Choose an optimal perspective, secure good facility, sky at ground scale 2:1, setting of delay time time is 10 seconds.

Attention: Cloud layer reduces delay time time appropriately if floating rate is rapid

2. sunrise sunset is fine weather, colour having the cloud or chromatic afterglow hour is optimal, secure facility, sky and horizontal 2:1, second of 1-2 of delay time time, film all the time set completely to the sun or rise to stop.

Attention: Need to open WDR mode at this moment, avoid delay time picture to the light explodes too or pass dark.

3. city night scene picks one point flourishing block, lamplight the seat number with much, large wagon flow, secure facility, notice scale of composition of a picture, setting of delay time time is 1-2 second.

Attention: The light with different basis is reasonable adjust luminosity exposing to the sun.

Learned? ? ?

3, how does digital camera film completely black?

Shut lens brainpan, perhaps obscure camera lens, the hand moves setting aperture and shutter, aperture is optional, shutter had better control ```` to be able to take complete black photo at that time in 1 second is to exposure hand of thoroughly excessive `` moves setting aperture in vain completely the value that time of shutter of the biggest `` grows better `` to compare real need more is great a lot of `` for example open a 3 seconds `5

4, how to film with digital camera star?

Pat star condition to be as follows:

① light pollution is little, weather is connected fully, can see tiny spot.

I am an amateur, I use real experience, I myself Yunnan is out-of-the-way now the county works, issue villages and towns sometimes, weather is good OK, tiny spot sees in specific time, can see the Milky Way sometimes

Weather of ② online inquiry (sky strolls, windy is waited a moment) can see weather, and star position, some can see smooth pollution

The tripod on ③ necessary belt, I am not professional do not have equatorial appearance

The wide-angle lens of ④ big aperture (also have like the mobile phone China for, nubia) , but the 18-35mm camera lens of the Ni Kang 3.5~4.5 that I use actually, add Ni Kang D750, also can use, ISO 3200 also can film

There is my mobile phone below

Film, hind are 3 pieces D750? Silver-colored extensive role pats 18-35

5, how to film with digital camera product?

This question is too simple, without studio, we are OK the hand is moved build a simple and easy edition, bu Guangdeng wants for certain, cloth suction light serves as setting, (Color is optional if pursue 2) film the product is enough, force of hand kinetic energy is no good some treasure still has those who had built to sell, if pursue 3, take big guy, for instance car of what, be about to build large studio! If you involved this to comprehend, you also won't ask this question in this! The hope can help you!

6, cannot patriot number camera switch on the mobile phone is screen had show?

If not be batteries does not have report or batteries breakdown, be about to consider the hardware issue such as the circuit that is camera. Hardware issue non-professional is general oneself are not repaired, should send maintenance station to detect maintenance.

7, beautiful can does A620 number camera film method?

If you are the novice's word,the proposal uses P (program) archives, flashlight does not leave when the light is strong, firm watch for a chance is taken certainly when filming, do not tremble.

Flowers should be used small be apart from mode to film, the meaning can leave a flower very close namely.

Figure is good say, it is clear to pat went, the scenery wants small aperture, it is clear that ability is patted, indoor and general it is high speed. There is corresponding setting on camera, when taking a view for example, dial dial to the scenery that position, camera can use small aperture automatically, other you need not worry about.

Want the simplest way uses program file namely, what to pat to be able to go.

8, cannot for what average number camera film moon?

The key is no matter you are to use what number watch for an opportunity,camera lens focal length grows quite, sheet opposes camera it may not be a bad idea, it may not be a bad idea of average number camera, never mind. The camera lens focal length that the key is camera grows quite certainly, otherwise cannot the moon " pull " come over. Turn over camera to the sheet of APS-C picture, the camera lens of 70-200 millimeter is OK and contented film lunar requirement, in 200 millimeter end, the actual focus that convert comes down achieves 300-320 millimeter, can mix the outline of lunar face basically effect of light and shade sees well. Additional, also camera of many long anxious number can satisfy the focal length that absorbs a month to ask, for instance the focal length of camera of the DMC-ZS7 below the pine achieved 300 millimeter. Additional, focal length of Fuji HS11 camera achieved breathtaking 720 millimeter, can film more the effect of detail. When the seat number that secures camera with tripod films, because be in night, besides lunar brightness, the ray all round is very faint, photograph confidential finishs correct exposure need is longer, a few seconds count a second even. If resemble holding watch for a chance euqally by day, it is to take for certain flabby, of camera shake can bring about picture faintness. Accordingly, need uses tripod to secure camera. Additional, press when shutter, had better use defer exposure, can make sure camera airframe won't shake completely so. After making sure with small aperture, low speed the picture pledges clarity wears good watch for a chance, need undertakes installing to the parameter of camera. For instance, make consumed encircles preferential mode, with lesser aperture value, if F5.6, F8.0 is waited a moment, because small aperture can make depth of field big, into clearer like the picture. Additional, pat a moon to belong to still life to film, because tripod is assisted, shutter rate is slower, can use inferior ISO (speed) value, also can make sure the picture is qualitative so cleaner. If ISO cost is too high, point of picture a confusion of voices will be apparent, the influence is become like quality. Can move with the hand boundless to Jiao Zhi far measure light with the dot, fall 1-2 archives exposure compensates a basis of focal length length different, the moon also differs in the size in the picture. Hold picture center with the moon the area of 10 % is exemple, can measure camera setting for the dot smooth, reduce compensatory of 1-2 archives exposure to be worth. If do not reduce exposure compensation, lunar face is met overexposure, see not clear details. Pass these settings, plus good weather, we can take very beautiful bright moon.

9, how does digital camera delete filmed photograph?

One-time cutout has the following method except the photograph inside digital camera:

1, in preview photograph condition, click delete key, can choose to delete a piece of photograph right now, still delete overall picture (the may different option that sets stock to differ, perhaps do not have option) ;

2, inside camera setting menu the choice deletes overall picture;

3, inside camera setting menu choice format turns memory card;

4, memory card receives computer, undertake inside computer batch is deleted or the format is changed;

5, memory of complete destroy by melting or burning gets stuck. Attention: Delete a photograph commonly to be able to restore a tool to undertake resumptive through data, the photograph with all close experience deletes means best is to relapse for many times to undertake the format is changed -- cram of fast and duplicate other file gets stuck -- formatted loop operation, memory of direct perhaps destroy by melting or burning gets stuck.

10, is digital camera nightly film why too black?

Be not worth because of nightly light!

Want nightly take brighter picture, the quickest method can increase ISO, it is ISO was increased only, the quality of the photograph can become poor, dot of a confusion of voices is more. And want to be in nightly the picture with take a quality good, be about to absorb enough light below the circumstance of low ISO, close with respect to what need to lengthen shutter time, nevertheless shutter time grew, shake easily, use tripod with respect to need at that time.
