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大自然儿歌歌词? 大自然的天然指南针?英文双语对照


大自然儿歌歌词? 大自然的天然指南针?英文双语对照






















2.月亮。初三四的月牙,日落时在西方低空;初七八的半个月亮,太阳刚下山时,在我们的头顶。月半时,太阳刚下山,月亮就从东方升起。 晚上月亮的方向是:上弦月,晚6点在南方,夜晚12点在西方。



4.树木。在北回归线以北,太阳光线从南面照射下来,树木南面的生长情况比北面的会茂盛很多。 从年轮也可以判别。年轮宽的朝南,密的朝北。因为南面生长比北面快,年轮圈与圈的间隔也宽些。

5.积雪。以我们所处的北半球为例。南面山坡上的积雪要紧密些,成颗粒状。北面山坡上的积雪要松软、干燥些。 积雪融化时,南面山坡的积雪比北面的更容易化。


第一种“指南针”是太阳。   我们生活在北半球,除回归线以南地区,太阳光线总是从南面射过来。这样,南北方向便很容易确定。我们都知道太阳是东升西落,早晨太阳升起的方向是东,傍晚落山时的方向是西,中午时太阳在我们的南方。   不过,这个方法你可别教条主义地应用,如果你在南半球或回归线之间情况又当别论。   第二种“指南针”是月亮。   初三四的月牙,日落时在西方低空;初七八的半个月亮,太阳刚下山时,在我们的头顶。月半时,太阳刚下山,月亮就从东方升起。   晚上月亮的方向是:上弦月,晚6点在南方,夜晚12点在西方。满月(14日-18日),晚6点在东方,晚12点在南方,第二天早晨6点在西方。下弦月,夜里12点在东方,第二天早晨6点在南方。   第三种“指南针”是北极星。   北极星是最好的指南针,北极星所在的方向便是正北方。   可是怎么找到北极星呢?其实只要找到大家熟悉的北斗七星就容易了。北斗七星像一




2.月亮。初三四的月牙,日落时在西方低空;初七八的半个月亮,太阳刚下山时,在我们的头顶。月半时,太阳刚下山,月亮就从东方升起。 晚上月亮的方向是:上弦月,晚6点在南方,夜晚12点在西方。



4.树木。在北回归线以北,太阳光线从南面照射下来,树木南面的生长情况比北面的会茂盛很多。 从年轮也可以判别。年轮宽的朝南,密的朝北。因为南面生长比北面快,年轮圈与圈的间隔也宽些。

5.积雪。以我们所处的北半球为例。南面山坡上的积雪要紧密些,成颗粒状。北面山坡上的积雪要松软、干燥些。 积雪融化时,南面山坡的积雪比北面的更容易化。









































月亮:月亮按照固定的速度围绕着地球旋转,因此根据月亮所在的位置也能推断出地球大致的南北极方向。晚上六点钟的上玄月在地球的南方上,晚上零点钟的下玄月在东方,早上的六点的下玄月又到了南方。 月亮作为找出南北极的方向可能不是特别好用,很多时候也不容易见到月亮。因此晚上可以根据其他方法找到地球的南北极。
















































大自然中的指南针包括:1. 太阳:在白天可以通过太阳的位置来判断方向。在半球的北半部分,太阳的位置大致在南方,而在南半部分则在北方。

2. 星星:在晚上可以通过星星的位置来判断方向。北极星是最常用的星星,因为它始终在北方。

3. 鸟类:一些鸟类可以根据地球的磁场来判断方向,比如候鸟。

4. 昆虫:一些昆虫也可以根据地球的磁场来判断方向,比如蚂蚁。

5. 植物:一些植物的生长方向也可以用来判断方向,比如南瓜藤会向南生长。



One, libretto of nature children's song?

The compass of nature

If your outdoors confused a road,

But must not flurried,

Nature has a lot of natural compass,

Can help you discern direction.

Wild goose is an aerial good guide,

The autumn arrives Na Feixiang,

Opposite one party is northward,

If your outdoors confused a road,

Ant also can give you help,

Front of formic acupuncture point is southern

If you can find it,

With respect to meeting side you point to direction.

If your outdoors confused a road,

But must not flurried,

Nature has a lot of natural compass,

Want you fine fine observation, great go wanting.

2, the natural compass of nature?

Nature has following a few kinds of natural compass:

1. sun. According to sun morning eastwardly rise, set from the west towards evening, so part very easily thing direction. According to the illuminate circumstance of the sun, the light is from south illuminate comes down, and we just just lived in the Northern Hemisphere, so we give way of north and south very easily also respectively.

2. moon. First the crescent moon of 34, be in when sunset western low altitude; First half moon of 78, the sun is firm downhill when, in our the top of head. When the 15th day of a month, the sun is firm downhill, the moon is eastwardly rise. In the evening lunar direction is: First quarter moon, was in late at 6 o'clock southern, night was in at 12 o'clock the west.

Full moon (14 days - 18 days) , was in late at 6 o'clock Oriental, was in late at 12 o'clock southern, was in at 6 o'clock in the morning the following day the west. Last quarter moon, at night was in at 12 o'clock Oriental, was in at 6 o'clock in the morning the following day southern.

3. Polaris. The direction that Polaris is in is northward. The Plough resembles spoon of one handle water, two stars that get on water spoon edge are lengthened look to be in probably be equivalent to fivefold place, have a brighter bit, that is Polaris.

4. tree. In the Tropic of Cancer with north, sun's rays line from south illuminate comes down, arboreous the growth south the circumstance is a lot of more flourish than the meeting in. From annual ring OK also differentiate. South the government with broad annual ring, close day north. Because south grow than in fast, the interval of annual ring circle and circle is some wider also.

5. firn. With us located the Northern Hemisphere is exemple. The firn on the hillside matters south some closer, into grain shape. The firn on the hillside wants in loose, some drier. When snows melts, the firn of the hillside is compared south in change more easily.

3, the compass that copy writes nature?

The first kind " compass " it is the sun. We live in the Northern Hemisphere, divide tropic with south area, sun's rays line always is from south shoot. Such, direction of north and south decides very easily. We know the sun is Dong Shengxi fall, the way that morning sun rises is east, the direction when setting towards evening is on the west, the sun when midday is in our south. Nevertheless, you can fasten this method doctrinairism ground application, if you are between the Southern Hemisphere or tropic,the circumstance should be not talked again. The 2nd kind " compass " it is a moon. First the crescent moon of 34, be in when sunset western low altitude; First half moon of 78, the sun is firm downhill when, in our the top of head. When the 15th day of a month, the sun is firm downhill, the moon is eastwardly rise. In the evening lunar direction is: First quarter moon, was in late at 6 o'clock southern, night was in at 12 o'clock the west. Full moon (14 days - 18 days) , was in late at 6 o'clock Oriental, was in late at 12 o'clock southern, was in at 6 o'clock in the morning the following day the west. Last quarter moon, at night was in at 12 o'clock Oriental, was in at 6 o'clock in the morning the following day southern. The 3rd kind " compass " it is Polaris. Polaris is best compass, the direction that Polaris is in is northward. Can you be how to find Polaris? The Plough that should find everybody to be familiar with only actually is easy. The Plough resembles one

4, what does the compass of nature have?

Nature has following a few kinds of natural compass:

1. sun. According to sun morning eastwardly rise, set from the west towards evening, so part very easily thing direction. According to the illuminate circumstance of the sun, the light is from south illuminate comes down, and we just just lived in the Northern Hemisphere, so we give way of north and south very easily also respectively.

2. moon. First the crescent moon of 34, be in when sunset western low altitude; First half moon of 78, the sun is firm downhill when, in our the top of head. When the 15th day of a month, the sun is firm downhill, the moon is eastwardly rise. In the evening lunar direction is: First quarter moon, was in late at 6 o'clock southern, night was in at 12 o'clock the west.

Full moon (14 days - 18 days) , was in late at 6 o'clock Oriental, was in late at 12 o'clock southern, was in at 6 o'clock in the morning the following day the west. Last quarter moon, at night was in at 12 o'clock Oriental, was in at 6 o'clock in the morning the following day southern.

3. Polaris. The direction that Polaris is in is northward. The Plough resembles spoon of one handle water, two stars that get on water spoon edge are lengthened look to be in probably be equivalent to fivefold place, have a brighter bit, that is Polaris.

4. tree. In the Tropic of Cancer with north, sun's rays line from south illuminate comes down, arboreous the growth south the circumstance is a lot of more flourish than the meeting in. From annual ring OK also differentiate. South the government with broad annual ring, close day north. Because south grow than in fast, the interval of annual ring circle and circle is some wider also.

5. firn. With us located the Northern Hemisphere is exemple. The firn on the hillside matters south some closer, into grain shape. The firn on the hillside wants in loose, some drier. When snows melts, the firn of the hillside is compared south in change more easily.

5, does copy write nature compass?

Nature has a lot of natural compass,

This compass has everywhere.

Want you to observe carefully only, great go wanting,

It can tell you accurate way.

Bamboo is an enthusiastic guide,

It can show way to you:

The one side of the viridescence on bamboo is south,

The one side of olivine is in.

Wild goose is a pupil teacher,

It can tell you with different way:

Autumnal wild goose flies southward,

Spring wild goose is answered toward north.

The rock in nature,

Also can show way:

Lichenous one side is being bestrewed on rock is in,

Dry one side is south.

Nature still has a lot of natural compass,

This compass has everywhere.

Want you to observe carefully only, great go wanting,

It can tell you accurate way.

6, what compass does nature have?

1, the sun

The sun is best compass, the sun everyday eastwardly rise, the west falls. If be noonday when, sun direction is in south, and northern part of face of the direction that cultivate an image.

2, moon

The moon is the exclusive satellite on the earth, its reflection sun's rays. Because run direction to differ, receive spherical often produce change. Can see the moon rises in east, fall in the west, receive spherical have the different picture such as sphere, semicircle, curved month, call " phase of the moon " . The it is definite to change to go up to have with occurrence direction in time pattern of phase of the moon, want to know phase of the moon and time only so, can find way.

7, what does nature compass have?


The sun: We know the sun is Dong Shengxi fall, so, the way that sun morning rises is east, the direction when setting towards evening is on the west, the sun when midday is in our south. Of course, this is used at area of our the Northern Hemisphere only, and ask be in the Tropic of Cancer is northward.


Polaris: Polaris is best guideline tool, the position that Polaris is in although boreal direction, be in the way with opposite way with its, be southern.


The burrow of ant: The burrow of ant, mouth of a cave is Chao Na mostly.


Annual ring: From inside arboreous annual ring, also can discern direction of north and south, south the government with broad annual ring, close day north.


Bamboo: Zhu Shenyan is lubricious relatively the one side of viridescence, front south, relatively green yellow one side, front is northward, below calm state, of bamboo most advanced swing to south normally.


Lichenous: Of slope of ridge of field, earth south dry, grass grows flourish; In damp, give birth to moss more, because northern part is little in relief illumination is shot.


Moon: Moon around touchdown according to fixed rate the ball rotates, because this position according to lunar place also can conclude,give the world roughly direction of pole of north and south. In the evening 6 o'clock on Xuan Yue is on earthly south, next black months 0 o'clock are in in the evening Oriental, next 6 o'clock black months in the morning arrived again southern. The moon regards the direction that finds out pole of north and south as the likelihood is not particularly good with, a lot of moment see a moon not easily also. The north and south that can find the world according to other method in the evening accordingly extremely.

8, compass of 100 kinds of nature?

1, the sun

The sun is best compass, the sun everyday eastwardly rise, the west falls. If be noonday when, sun direction is in south, and northern part of face of the direction that cultivate an image.

2, moon

The moon is the exclusive satellite on the earth, its reflection sun's rays. Because run direction to differ, receive spherical often produce change. Can see the moon rises in east, fall in the west, receive spherical have the different picture such as sphere, semicircle, curved month, call " phase of the moon " . The it is definite to change to go up to have with occurrence direction in time pattern of phase of the moon, want to know phase of the moon and time only so, can find way.

3, Polaris

Polaris is a on earthly arctic direction relatively bright tiny spot, in the late evening when should find Polaris only can orient. Find the Big Dipper first, the Plough resembles spoon of one handle water, two stars that get on water spoon edge are lengthened look to be in probably be equivalent to fivefold place, have a brighter tiny spot, that is Polaris.

4, bamboo

Zhu Shenyan is lubricious relatively the one side of viridescence, front south, relatively green yellow one side, front is northward, below calm state, of bamboo most advanced swing to south normally.

5, annual ring

South the government with broad annual ring, close day north, grow south than in fast, annual ring interval is some wider also.

6, south hill shade, shan Yang north

The moon face of hill is southern, general plant is dense. The positive aspect of hill is northward, vegetation is few and far between and arenaceous stone is much.

7, lichenous

Be in the place with numerous rock, you also can look for a marked rock to observe, the one side that bestrews on rock is boreal side, dry and bald one side is to.

8, rock

On the rock of area of a few wilderness, have a break with more regular method, the difference in temperature of generation causes this. Especially early morning difference in temperature is the biggest, because at this moment when petrosal moon face is very cool still, and sunny face by sun illuminate very hot, because this is planted,the difference in temperature that has the law for a long time changes, the boundary that carries the sun on the back in rock face forms the break that a north and south points to. So we can discern from this direction.

9, ant burrow

Observe the burrow of ant, mouth of a cave is Chao Na mostly, because south not much sun, damp. This basically is the characteristics of ant, it likes warm soil, normally the life is in not dry, damp area.

10, of firn melt

The place that snows melts is face south, the firn of the place that is reached by sun illuminate melts away more easily. What change quickly in the local snow such as hillside, Campagna is south, those who change slow is in.

The principle of compass of nature middle finger:

According to sun morning eastwardly rise, set from the west towards evening, can very easy resolution gives thing way. According to the illuminate circumstance of the sun, the light is from south illuminate comes down, and we just just lived in the Northern Hemisphere, so we give way of north and south very easily also respectively.

9, what compass is there in nature?

1, the sun

The sun is best compass, the sun everyday eastwardly rise, the west falls. If be noonday when, sun direction is in south, and northern part of face of the direction that cultivate an image.

2, moon

The moon is the exclusive satellite on the earth, its reflection sun's rays. Because run direction to differ, receive spherical often produce change. Can see the moon rises in east, fall in the west, receive spherical have the different picture such as sphere, semicircle, curved month, call " phase of the moon " . The it is definite to change to go up to have with occurrence direction in time pattern of phase of the moon, want to know phase of the moon and time only so, can find way.

3, Polaris

Polaris is a on earthly arctic direction relatively bright tiny spot, in the late evening when should find Polaris only can orient. Find the Big Dipper first, the Plough resembles spoon of one handle water, two stars that get on water spoon edge are lengthened look to be in probably be equivalent to fivefold place, have a brighter tiny spot, that is Polaris.

4, bamboo

Zhu Shenyan is lubricious relatively the one side of viridescence, front south, relatively green yellow one side, front is northward, below calm state, of bamboo most advanced swing to south normally.

5, annual ring

South the government with broad annual ring, close day north, grow south than in fast, annual ring interval is some wider also.

6, south hill shade, shan Yang north

The moon face of hill is southern, general plant is dense. The positive aspect of hill is northward, vegetation is few and far between and arenaceous stone is much.

7, lichenous

Be in the place with numerous rock, you also can look for a marked rock to observe, the one side that bestrews on rock is boreal side, dry and bald one side is to.

8, rock

On the rock of area of a few wilderness, have a break with more regular method, the difference in temperature of generation causes this. Especially early morning difference in temperature is the biggest, because at this moment when petrosal moon face is very cool still, and sunny face by sun illuminate very hot, because this is planted,the difference in temperature that has the law for a long time changes, the boundary that carries the sun on the back in rock face forms the break that a north and south points to. So we can discern from this direction.

9, ant burrow

Observe the burrow of ant, mouth of a cave is Chao Na mostly, because south not much sun, damp. This basically is the characteristics of ant, it likes warm soil, normally the life is in not dry, damp area.

10, of firn melt

The place that snows melts is face south, the firn of the place that is reached by sun illuminate melts away more easily. What change quickly in the local snow such as hillside, Campagna is south, those who change slow is in.

The principle of compass of nature middle finger:

According to sun morning eastwardly rise, set from the west towards evening, can very easy resolution gives thing way. According to the illuminate circumstance of the sun, the light is from south illuminate comes down, and we just just lived in the Northern Hemisphere, so we give way of north and south very easily also respectively.

10, does the compass in nature have those?

The compass in nature includes: 1. The sun: Days can judge direction through the position of the sun. The north in hemisphere half part, the position of the sun is in roughly southern, and in south half part is in northward.

2.Star: The position that can adopt star in the late evening will judge direction. Polaris is the most commonly used star, be in from beginning to end because of it northward.

3.Avian: A few avian and OK the magnetic field of base area ball will judge direction, for instance migrant.

4.The insect: A few insects also can judge direction according to earthly magnetic field, for instance ant.

5.Plant: A few floral grow direction also can use judgement way, for instance pumpkin cane is met to south grow.

Those who need an attention is, these compass can be offerred only roughly direction, cannot offer accurate way like compass.

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