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 可口可乐的品牌文化   一、是长期的企业形象目标的确立和实现,是其成为世界最有价值品牌的基本战略。无论是可口可乐还是百事可乐都是世界上最早注重商标和品牌的企业。   二、是巧妙、大手笔的营销策略。有效、一致的广告和促销,注重包装和视觉形象,公司巨额的广告费投入以及在世界消费者心中的成功形象塑造,是不断取得进步的基础。   三、品牌是活生生的、有个性的,好的品牌与消费者之间可建立起深厚的情感。品牌必须考虑消费者使用和接受品牌的日常经验、感受、想法、态度和心理需求。   四、树立品牌实际上是创造一种与众不同的个性。可口可乐品牌的所有者一直认为:“我们成功的原因在于我们创造出的友善的氛围,消费者实际上是想与可口可乐融为一体。”   品牌,是一种情感   在近年的品牌传播过程中,可口可乐始终围绕着这个品牌建设的基本套路,高屋建瓴,在严格遵守理性的“情感”基础过程中,不断地建设性地提出一些平常、通俗但越来越深入人内心的一些“情感驱动符号”,如:“要爽由自己”表达对生活的激情、“春节带我回家”表达的天伦之乐,“没有一种感觉比得上回家”表达的亲情呼唤等等。   品牌,是一种情感。可口可乐公司在中国的发展过程,实际上也就是与国内消费者一直进行情感沟通的过程:   1、战略规划支持情感沟通:本土化,“THINK LOCAL,ACT LOCAL”。本土化本身就基于更贴近本土风土人情的理念。   2、产品开发配合情感沟通:醒目系列产品。这个不只想着国际品牌在中国的发展,能让消费者早早地觉察到了可口可乐的亲和力。   3、产品突破迎合情感沟通:雀巢茶的绿茶口味的上市推广。在西式茶里没有绿茶的概念里,可口可乐打破了这种规矩。   4、大力捐助催生情感沟通:可口可乐希望学校,这种社会责任感,催生了人们对弱者的支持。   ……   品牌,是一种情感。当不少企业还在卖产品、卖功能、卖个性或者不知道该卖什么的时候,为什么不能给产品添注一些情感,为什么不能用“心”去跟消费者沟通,为什么不能从我们最容易忽视的爱情、亲情、友情、激情、温情、离别之情、相聚之情、等待之情、期盼之情、师生之情、风土人情等等上来出发,甚至用一些最平常、最通俗、最朴实的话语表现出来呢?   文化,是为了建立情感   情感--品牌文化--企业文化--企业行为--企业理念   文化本身是能感受的,但是,却也是情感上的东西。很多品牌看似崇尚某种文化,但却没能说目的是要为了培养消费者一种什么样的情感,最终这个品牌文化一定不成功。   世界第一品牌可口可乐说,“没有一种感觉比得上回家”。其实,我们是不是也能从这里推而广之,“没有一种品牌建树的手段比得上去与目标群体建立良好的情感”呢?! 我这个是在网上找的 不知道能不能帮到你


The brand culture   of Coke Cola one, the establish that is long-term company image goal and implementation, it is its make the world the most valuable the basic strategy of the brand. No matter be Coke Cola or 100 things coke,be the pays attention to brand and brand the earliest enterprise on the world. 2, it is clever, with great quantity sale is politic. Effective, consistent advertisement and sales promotion, pay attention to pack and visual figure, the advertisement cost investment of company a huge sum and the successful figure in world consumer heart are modelled, it is the base that gains progress ceaselessly. 3, the brand is animated, individualize, deep affection can be built between good brand and consumer. The daily experience that the brand must consider to consumer is used and accept a brand, experience, idea, manner and psychological demand. 4, establishing a brand is the individual character that creates a kind of extraordinary actually. Of Coke Cola brand possessory think all the time: "Our successful reason is creating the friendly atmosphere that go out at us, consumer is to want to be an organic whole with Coke Cola be in harmony actually. "   brand, it is   of a kind of affection be in in recent years in brand transmission process, coke Cola from beginning to end around move what this brand builds is basic cover a region, operate from a strategically advantageous position, abiding by reason strictly " affection " in fundamental process, put forward constructively ceaselessly a few common, common but of heart of more and more thorough person a few " affection drive symbol " , be like: "Want bright by oneself " the enthusiasm that expresses opposite work, " the Spring Festival takes me to come home " expressive family happiness, "Without a kind the feeling equals come home " close affection of expression is called etc. Brand, it is a kind of affection. The development process that Coke Cola company is in China, take the course that travel affection communicates all the time with domestic consumer namely actually: 1, affection of strategic program support communicates: Mainland is changed, "THINK LOCAL, ACT LOCAL " . Mainland changes itself to be based on more the concept of local customs of mainland of press close to. 2, product development cooperates affection to communicate: Striking series product. This is considering the development that international brand is in China not merely, can let consumer become aware early the affinity of Coke Cola. 3, product breakthrough caters to affection to communicate: Of the green tea taste of nest tea appear on the market promotion. In the concept that does not have green tea in Western-style tea, coke Cola broke this kind of rule. 4, energetically contributory and ecbolic affection communicates: School of Coke Cola hope, sense of responsibility of this kind of society, ecbolic the people support to the weak. ...   brand, it is a kind of affection. Still selling a product when many enterprises, sell a function, when selling individual character to perhaps do not know what to should sell, why cannot add to the product pour a few emotion, why cannot use " heart " go be being communicated with consumer, the love that why cannot ignore the most easily from us, close affection, friendship, passion, warmth, parting affection, affection that gets together, affection that await, expected affection, teachers and students' affection, local customs comes up etc set out, use even a few the the commonnest, commonnest, most does the speech expression of guileless come out? Culture, it is to build affection   affection- - brand culture- - company culture- - company action- - itself of culture of business concept   can be experienced, but, also be the thing on affection however. A lot of brands look be like advocate some kind of culture, but failing to say a goal however is to want to cultivate customer a kind of what kind of affection, final scarcely of this brand culture is successful. Coke Cola of the first brand says the world, "Without a kind the feeling equals come home " . Actually, we also can be pushed from here and wide, "Is the measure that makes a contribution without a kind of brand comparable go building good feeling with target group " ? ! I am this to be in what search on the net not to know to be able to help you

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