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阳光明媚 、阳光灿烂 、晴出霜旦

晴云秋月 、碧空万里 、艳阳高照

晴空如洗 、晴空朗朗 、风和日丽

碧空如洗 、月朗星稀











春天:鸟语花香 春光明媚 宅子嫣红 草长莺飞莺歌燕舞 百花齐放 春意盎然 春暖花开 春华秋实 春风得意 满园春色 春回大地

夏天:挥汗如雨 倾盆大雨 电闪雷鸣 风雨交加 酷热难当 骄阳似火 烈日炎炎 夏日炎炎。烈日当头 热不可耐 暑气逼人。

秋天:一叶知秋 秋风习习 春兰秋菊 丹桂飘香 华新秋月 秋风萧瑟 红叶似火 秋毫无犯 秋高马肥 秋色宜人 春种秋收。

冬天:大雪纷飞 寒风刺骨 冰天雪地 三九严寒 滴水成冰 白雪皑皑 饥寒交迫





咆哮奔腾 、水高浪急 、洪水猛兽、泛滥成灾

高山流水 、一泻千里 、波涛汹涌、大好河山

带砺山河 、过河拆桥 、过河卒子、河东狮吼

黄河水清 、恒河沙数、 河汉无极、河落海干

河梁携手、 河梁之谊 、河目海口、河清海晏
















The idiom of depict sunshine:

Bright, fine gives in relief bright fawn on, sunshine frost dawn

Fine Yun Qiuyue, azure 10 thousand lis, colourful Yang Gaozhao

If clear sky is washed, clear sky He Rili of bright, wind

If azure is washed, lunar Lang Xing is rare

The idiom of depict wet:

Cloud of withered Miao Wangyu, pluvial shade Yun Dong, rain Fu breaks up, Hunan day making love,

Rain is fragmentary fine of rain of miasma of smoke of random, pretty, path weighing rain, rain rests the cloud closes,

Rain of dusk of cloud day rain, night comes loose to rain of bed, Yunfei, pluvial evacuation umbrella,

Rain breaks the cloud to sell, the star comes loose from rain, the cloud hands in rain to close, the tear falls like rain,

The cloud, Chao Yun breaths out slowly like rain, gush rain below sob dusk rain, grasp rain to carry the cloud,

Gan Yu follows insolation of car, drench, Yun Hangyu to apply, large bamboo hat of pluvial Suo smoke,

Be in harmony of rain of travel of mark of pluvial footprint cloud, cloud, rain broil of day of tobacco leaf, drench,

Signs of approaching rain, old rain knows cloud feeling newly

The idiom of depict the four seasons:

Spring: Long warbler of grass of beautiful house bright red flies to spring scenery of charactizing a fine spring day a scene of prosperity lets a hundred flowers blossom the awaken of spring is abundant fact of Hua Qiu of Chun Nuanhua beginning of spring is successful spring scenery spring answers full garden the earth

Summer: Drip with sweat cloudburst thunder and bolt is wet and windy become hard sultrily sorching of summer of sorching of scorching burning sun. Heat of burning sun pawn cannot be able to bear or endure summer heat is threatening.

The autumn:

In the winter: Heavy snow flies violently cold wind is biting a world of ice and snow white snow of 39 freezing dripping water freezes is pure white suffer hunger and cold

The idiom of depict the land of country:

Picturesque scenery, 1000 hill 10 thousand water, the natural beauty of lakes and mountains, famous mountains and great rivers,

High water of high mountain ridges, hill is long, draw near according to hill rows of mountains of water, heavy hill

Day of high mountain running water, water is green water of monochromatic, green hill, sinuate

Growl gallops, water Gao Lang urgent, great scourges, overrun

High mountain running water, bold and flowing, surfy, auspicious land

The land of country that take whetstone, drop one's benefactor as soon as his help is not required, soldier crossing a river, river east lion growl

Qing Dynasty of Yellow River water, as numerous as the sands of the Ganges, river Chinese is not had extremely, the river falls the sea is dry

Clear sea of big talk of eye of the friendship that river bridge carries bridge of hand, river, river, river is late

The idiom of depict prairie Campagna

Stretch to the horizon, one green jade is 10 thousand just, verdant desire drop, a wide expanse of flat land,

Careless long warbler flies, remain fresh forever, green grass is like a thousand li of mattress, Wo Ye,


The idiom with laky depict

Shui Bo insignificant of grand of out of fashion, blue waves, billows not Jing, blue waves ripples,

Wave is smooth Guang Lianyan of clear, wave, Chuanzena corrupt, clear see an end,

If insignificant of grand of the natural beauty of lakes and mountains, mist-covered water, level is lens, calm,

The idiom of depict flowers and plants

Fragrant grass greenery of luxuriant, beautiful flowers and grass, safflower, be in bud,

Delicate and charming be about to drip, let a hundred flowers blossom, contest of beautiful women or fragrant flowers grass of colourful, water-cooling is withered,

Individual plant of withered wood decayed, careless long warbler flies, green grass is like mattress, bouquets of flowers and piles of silks-rich multicolored decoration,

Branch numerous Xie Mao, very beautiful flowers, lotus giving water, transitory,

Orange osmanthus waves adrift of sweet, very beautiful, utterly routed, yellow leaf.

上一篇:好书寄语? 做饭好书?英文双语对照