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长治旅游景点排名:黎城黄崖洞革命纪念地 ,八路军太行纪念馆 ,通天峡风景区 ,仙堂山, 天脊山省级地质公园 ,八路军文化园 太行龙洞 ,太行水乡风景区 ,太行山大峡谷,长子精卫湖水利风景区。其中值得去的是:







1、长治壶关太行山大峡谷 太行山大峡谷地处晋豫两省交界,位于山西长治市壶关县,主要景点有八泉峡、红豆峡、青龙峡、黑龙潭和紫团山等景区。游客登上凌空搭建在悬崖上的栈道。栈道宽60厘米、长达800余米,从黑龙潭开始,依峡谷走势,蜿蜒前进,直达峡谷尽头。游人漫步栈道上,驻足凭栏观景,脚下是深谷急流,游鱼跃水,水鸟翱翔。身旁为悬崖绝壁,奇石佳卉,目不暇接。

2、平顺通天峡风景区 通天峡景区以贯通虹梯关与东寺头的大峡谷为轴线,集雄、奇、险、秀于一身,融历史文化与自然风光为一体,拥有“大峡谷、仙人峰、虹霓瀑布及虹梯古关”四大特色区域。

3、长治壶关红豆峡 红豆峡自然风景区,位于山西省长治市壶关县境内,是国家AAAA级风景区,是国家地质公园、国家森林公园和中国最美十大峡谷,是休闲、旅游、观赏和研究植物的佳地。












城区是长治市的政治、经济、文化和商贸中心,2013年,生产总值实现164亿元。 2013年8月,在山西省政府通报的2012年度县域经济发展考核评价结果中,长治市城区位列山西全省23个市辖区的第三名,被山西省政府授予“2012年度县域经济发展先进县(市、区)”称号。[2] 2018年,国务院批准撤销长治市城区、长治市郊区,以原长治市城区和长治市郊区的行政区域设立长治市潞州区。



1. 太行古堡:位于长治市中心,是中国北方保存较为完整的明清时期古代城堡之一。这里有独特的城垣、门楼和烽火台等建筑,可以一窥古代军事防御和建筑风格。

2. 怀仁古县城:怀仁县城距离长治市约70公里,是一个保存相对完整的古代县城。这里保留了明清时期的街巷、府衙、牌坊等建筑,能够感受到浓厚的历史氛围。

3. 长治市博物馆:位于长治市区,展示了长治地区丰富多样的历史文化遗产。馆内有大量的文物和展品,介绍了从新石器时代到现代的历史演变过程。

4. 长治市红旗渠景区:距离市区不远,红旗渠是中国最著名的水利工程之一,也是20世纪50年代中国人民艰苦奋斗的象征。在这里,你可以了解到红旗渠的建设历程,并欣赏到优美的水利风光。

5. 长治市人民公园:位于市中心,是一个绿地休闲公园。这里有湖泊、花坛、假山和游乐设施等,是放松身心的好去处。















Long treat city to encyclopedia of what travel tourist attraction there is?

Long treat rank of travel tourist attraction: Revolution of hole of goosefoot city yellow cliff marks the land, the Eight Route Army too travel memorial hall, beauty spot of gorge of exceeding lofty or great, hill of celestial being hall, day backbone hill is provincial and geological park, garden of culture of the Eight Route Army too travel dragon hole, too beauty spot of travel a region of rivers and lakes, too travel hill big gorge, cornstalk essence defends beauty spot of lake irrigation works. What be worth to go among them is:

1, too beauty spot of travel a region of rivers and lakes. Too the chaotic Zhang riverside that travel a region of rivers and lakes is located in smooth-going county northeast, full-length 53 kilometers. Here bluff 1000 an ancient measure of length equal to seven or eight chi, hang waterfall flying have diarrhoea, uncanny workmanship, created by nature, gaoxia makes the same score a lake, chaotic billow is monstrous, collect the Yin Rouzhi of the gas of the Yang Gang of loess plateau and Changjiang Delta a region of rivers and lakes is beautiful at a suit. Person cloud hill is absent tall, have Shui Zeling. Lofty too travel Shan Zhiling is angry as surging of water of chaotic Zhang river winding east go and showed gradually. Make an appointment with 200 meters along the alley be issued to lower levels by dam, the banging song of gigantic Lei Ban is transmitted by ear, had turned along muddy alley again stone of a hill, I was stupefied by the picture before. Monstrous Huang Shui is growling here drop into the valley, splash in cereal case blast blast water mist, this scene does not lose this favour absolutely the crock mouth chute at the Yellow River.

2, day backbone hill is provincial and geological park. Beauty spot of nature of day backbone hill is located in too the foot of a mountain of smooth-going county southeast of the bump of travel hill, border hole of Henan peach blossom, cover an area of 196 square kilometer, altitude 1886 meters, be known as " the backbone of the day " . Day backbone hill with its beautiful and the climate condition with gentle and primitive environment, wet of primitive simplicity, grandiose landform view and in good condition zoology vegetation, be known as on the garden after mayor of party glamour city is treated, the scenery surpasses Changjiang Delta. The forest of day backbone hill is enclothed rate amount to 90% above, height above sea level of its hill force shows 3 class bluff to distributing to 1800 meters by 500 meters. Running water of the four seasons is ceaseless in area of scene of day backbone hill, all sorts of chute brook springs spread all over a valley between, cave, bluff, gorge, clear pool is acclaim as the peak of perfection letting a person more.

3, beauty spot of gorge of exceeding lofty or great. Gorge of exceeding lofty or great is happy have be called " the world the first screen " natural bluff, have be called " the first cableway of Asian " cableway of inclined of old point of view, have be called " too travel hill the first peak " celestial being peak, have be called " world marvellous spectacle " landscape stage. From different perspective, visit gorge with different kind, include cereal copy among them pedestrian pass through big gorge, gorge looks by ship in water, gorge is admired in telpher sky, culvert of a plank road built along a cliff watchs gorge, top of celestial being peak sees gorge wait, give a person different feeling.

Long is treating encyclopedia of travel tourist attraction to rank what kind of?

Long treat rank of encyclopedia of travel tourist attraction:

Recommend the long Guan Taihang that order bottle beauty spot of gorge of exceeding lofty or great of hill big gorge, smooth-going, long treat crock to close ormosia gorge.

1, the long Guan Taihang that order bottle hill big gorge too travel hill big gorge is located in Jin Yu two provinces have a common boundary, be located in Shanxi to grow the crock that order city to close a county, main tourist attraction has the scene area such as 8 springs gorge, ormosia gorge, Qing Longxia, Hei Longtan and violet group hill. The tourist ascends be high up in the air to build a plank road built along a cliff on cliff. A plank road built along a cliff is 60 centimeters wide, be as long as more than meters 800, begin from Hei Longtan, go according to gorge situation, wriggle, at nonstop gorge. On tourist ramble a plank road built along a cliff, stop to be watched by column scene, clough race is below the foot, swim fish dive water, water bird hovers. Cliff bluff is beside, grass of strange stone beautiful, too many things to see.

2, area of scene of gorge of exceeding lofty or great of beauty spot of gorge of smooth-going exceeding lofty or great closes with ladder of rainbow of be well versed in with east the big gorge of temple head is axes, collect hero, strange, danger, beautiful at a suit, culture of history of be in harmony and natural scene are an organic whole, have " ladder of Ji Hong of chute of Neon of peak of big gorge, celestial being, rainbow is ancient close " area of 4 big characteristic.

3, long treat crock to pass beauty spot of nature of gorge of ormosia gorge ormosia, be located in Shanxi governor to treat city crock to close prefectural churchyard, it is beauty spot of national AAAA class, it is national geology park, national forest park and China are the most beautiful 10 big gorge, it is recreational, travel, view and admire and study floral beautiful ground.

Does the chief distinction that order a city say?

Grow the city of level of a ground that ordering city is ministry of Shanxi province southeast, it is the center of deputy provincial administration of Shanxi. Long treat also be with the most city of our country in the endless flow that the history changes ceaselessly, the name also is in ceaselessly replace changes.

Long rule the specific time that somebody begins to reside tribe inside the urban district, already textual research of have no way. Occupy at present already some document account, roughly computative to period of phlogistic emperor tribe. Be attributed to Lu at that time. All previous classics fizzles out after the Supreme Being, Ku, Monarch Yao, a few generation such as Shun, the reputed founder of the Ix Dynasty, summer. Shang Chaoshi is attributive Li Guo. Urban district is preliminary form relatively person house of concentration gets together fall.

Li Guo is belonged to first when Zhou Chao. Bare surname tribe destroys after Li Guo, close Lu water builds Lu child infantile country. Announce is fair 15 years, advance country destroys national answer establishs the baby Li Guo.

Age last years of a dynasty or reign, 3 divide advance. Long treat district also by 3 minutes, name of according to district calls the party on Han, party on Zhao, party on the Kingdom of Wei respectively. Urban limits belongs to the party on Korea. Ground of the party on Korea gets seventeen town, it is cornstalk, collect stays respectively, Zuo of Yu Wu, copper, , touch wall of county, assist, crock to close, drip family name, tall, family name of Lu city, Zuo , in relief A, Gu Yuan, end, long smooth, Wu Sui. The party on Han Zhi is defended, treat at cornstalk. Present length treats the urban district to already formed a city, call crock to close. That is to say, year later period begins, long treat the urban district to call crock to close.

Qin Guotong 16 countries, cent the world is 36 county, in the Dang Jun on this buy, county is treated weigh cornstalk. Li Daoyuan " water classics notes " write down: "Dang Jun treats cornstalk on " , and " Wei Shu " write down " on Dang Jun, qin Zhi, treat crock to shut a city. " both looks seem mutual contradiction. Nevertheless the Tang Dynasty " yuan with annals of county county plan " the key that one book gave harmonic contradiction: "(Lu city) ground of the Dang Jun on Qin Wei, end of the later Han dynasty, dong Zhuo stages an armed rebellion, move manage crock shuts a city, namely today the city is also. " pointed out clearly on the changes that Dang Jun treats: Be in when Qin Han cornstalk, crock moved to shut a city after Chinese end Dong Zhuo stages an armed rebellion, namely the Lu city of Tang Dynasty---Li Longji of Tang Xuan an administrative unit in Xizang assumes the seat when Lu city is not driven, today's length treats city the city zone.

That is to say, year later period begins, when staging an armed rebellion to Dong Zhuo all the time

Long treat travel tourist attraction?

Happy too travel cereal (too travel joy cereal) it is long treat one of the most amused tourist attractions, by business street of folk-custom of world of adventurous square, water, happy island, characteristic 4 big core board piece form, spacewalk of house of the footpath in having happy and channel of inclined house, days, skyscraping annulus, marine island, ten thousand horses galloping ahead-going full steam ahead, happy airship, air, magic bicycle, dodgems, ghost, switchback, business street, headroom flies, the establishment of a few recreation such as 5D cinema. Among them, animal island, bird island and the film island that have 4D technology still can be children and adolescent to have natural popular science, pleasance center is revealed on special local product of craft of party culture, folk, place, begin folk-custom street make one's rounds to perform an activity.

Grow relief of the city zone that order city?

The city zone is Shanxi governor treats one of area under administration of city former town, also be to grow the politics that order city, economy, culture and traffic center, 2018 cancel. It is located in Jin Dongna to grow treat a basin in the center of, draw near east too travel mountain range thes foot of a hill or mountain on the west, south with the long border on that control a county, chaotic Zhang river is overlooked on the west, north and suburb border. The four seasons inside the area is trenchant, climate is delightful, gentle moderate. The administer below whole area 10 street, canton region gross area 55.6 square kilometer. [1]

The city zone is to grow the politics that controls city, economy, culture and trade center, 2013, total output value realizes 16.4 billion yuan. August 2013, the progress of economy of region of 2012 year county that saves governmental bulletin in Shanxi assesses an evaluation in the result, the long the city zone that order city the 3rd when list Shanxi to save 23 city area under administration completely, be awarded by Shanxi province government " economy of region of 2012 year county grows advanced county (city, area) " title. [2] 2018 year, cancel of approval of the State Council grows the city zone that order city, long suburb that order city, with Yuan Changzhi city the city zone is mixed the administrative area of the long suburb that order city creates division of state of the long Lu that order city.

Long govern the place with amused the city zone?

Grow a city that treating is Shanxi province, have long history and rich culture legacy. It is below a few long treat excursive place deserves inside the city zone:

1.Too travel ancient fort: Be located in long treat downtown, it is Chinese north saves one of castles of relatively complete ancient time of period of bright Qing Dynasty. Have here city wall distinctly, an arch over a gateway and the building such as beacon tower, can peep defence of archaic military affairs and structure style.

2.Huai Rengu county: Distance of bosom benevolence county is long treat city to make an appointment with 70 kilometers, it is one saves relatively whole ancient time town. The building such as Ya of the street alley that period of bright Qing Dynasty withheld here, government office, memorial archway, can experience grumous historical atmosphere.

3.Grow the museum that order city: Be located in long treat the urban district, revealed grow the historical culture bequest that treats an area to abound diversity. There are many cultural relic and exhibit inside the house, introduced to evolve into a process to contemporary history from the The Neo-lithic Age.

4.The long red flag that order city canal scene area: Distance urban district is not far, red flag canal is one of China's most notable water conservancy project, also be 20 centuries what people of 50 time China fights difficultly is indicative. Here, you can know the construction course of red flag canal, appreciate beautiful irrigation works view.

5.Grow park of the people that order city: Be located in downtown, it is a greenbelt recreational park. Here has laky, flower bed, rockery and You Le establishment to wait, it is the good place that loosens body and mind.

Above is long treat a few relatively famous tourist attractions inside the city zone, the hope can help journey of your program journey. Remember confirming the pertinent information such as open time and traffic ahead of schedule, wish you play happily!

Long treat advocate limits of the city zone?

Advocate limits of the city zone: Lu state division east annulus road with on the west, on the west to the south of 2 annulus road, boreal annulus street with south, south annulus street with north (contain above road)

Grow altitude of the city zone that order city?

The long the city zone that order city is located in Shanxi to visit southeast department, geographical coordinate the east longitude 04 ′ of 113 ° 08 ′ of ° of 45 ″ ~113 57 ″ , north latitude 08 ′ of 36 ° 12 ′ of ° of 57 ″ ~36 55 ″ , spur course of development of highway of Taiyuan of Shanxi provincial capital 229 kilometers, be apart from 623 kilometers of capital Beijing, south with the long have a common boundary that control a county, east, on the west, north is surrounded to grow place of the suburb that order city. Whole area north and south grows 8 kilometers, the thing is wide 7 kilometers, canton region area 55.6 square kilometer.

Landform landforms

The long the city zone that order city is located in on brim of party basin the eastpart part, hill of Dong Yitai travel, chaotic Zhang river is overlooked on the west, cobble river, Hei Shuihe wears condition drifting a division, area inland situation is even, only hill of edge of the eastpart part has a few loess to distributing upland. Altitude 890~978 rice, mountain area accumulates 14.6 square kilometer, 26.3% of gross area of the area that occupy an area; Campagna area 41 square kilometer, 73.7% of gross area of the area that occupy an area. There is cobble, black water inside area under administration two seasonal river, belong to water system of river of Zhang of chaotic of Haihe River catchment. Cobble river from the city east flow into churchyard, the thing is moved toward, in violet lane village and Hei Shuihe confluent. Hei Shuihe by long after treating a county to flow into churchyard, by north is folded on the west, in violet lane village and cobble river confluent enter Zhang.

Grow treated travel tourist attraction?

1, the long Guan Taihang that order bottle hill big gorge too travel hill big gorge is located in Jin Yu two provinces have a common boundary, be located in Shanxi to grow the crock that order city to close a county, main tourist attraction has the scene area such as 8 springs gorge, ormosia gorge, Qing Longxia, Hei Longtan and violet group hill. The tourist ascends be high up in the air to build a plank road built along a cliff on cliff. A plank road built along a cliff is 60 centimeters wide, be as long as more than meters 800, begin from Hei Longtan, go according to gorge situation, wriggle, at nonstop gorge. On tourist ramble a plank road built along a cliff, stop to be watched by column scene, clough race is below the foot, swim fish dive water, water bird hovers. Cliff bluff is beside, grass of strange stone beautiful, too many things to see.

2, area of scene of gorge of exceeding lofty or great of beauty spot of gorge of smooth-going exceeding lofty or great closes with ladder of rainbow of be well versed in with east the big gorge of temple head is axes, collect hero, strange, danger, beautiful at a suit, culture of history of be in harmony and natural scene are an organic whole, have " ladder of Ji Hong of chute of Neon of peak of big gorge, celestial being, rainbow is ancient close " area of 4 big characteristic.

3, long treat crock to pass beauty spot of nature of gorge of ormosia gorge ormosia, be located in Shanxi governor to treat city crock to close prefectural churchyard, it is beauty spot of national AAAA class, it is national geology park, national forest park and China are the most beautiful 10 big gorge, it is recreational, travel, view and admire and study floral beautiful ground.

Long treat around travel tourist attraction?

Long treat the travel tourist attraction around to have a lot of. Lu state division has old tip hill, on park of wet ground of party door, town god's temple, Zhang lustre. Each prefectural areas also have a lot of below, close like crock too travel hill big gorge is area of 5A class scene, gorge of the day backbone hill of smooth-going, exceeding lofty or great, too temple of lamp of bay of dragon of travel a region of rivers and lakes, god, gold, li Cheng has yellow cliff hole, party area has on revitalize small town, lu the city zone has Xin Anquan, collect leaves an area to have lord mountain, cornstalk county has a law to promote a temple, assist wall has east hill of hall of lake, celestial being. In addition, wu Xiang still is the birthplace of the Eight Route Army.

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