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作为娘惹博物馆创办人的叶艾明先生向界面四川介绍:“这是我的家,这是我的博物馆,如果你来我家,可以看到很多很多土生华人的古董。”叶艾明先生的博物馆创建于2003年,是一家土生华人遗产私人住宅博物馆,也是叶艾明先生的心血结晶,The Inta遍布各种土生华人的古董家具、用品和装饰品如神龛、卧床、衣柜、珠绣鞋、桌帷、搪瓷痰盂等,旨在想要使文物有意义,同时向公众展示:现在新加坡,我们可以与过去的文华和衷共济。







1973年10月29日出生于新加坡,新加坡影视男演员。1998年,参与备受推崇的新加坡电影《Forever Fever》而受人瞩目。

过后在新人选拔赛《Fame Awards》中脱颖而出赢得冠军。2008年,在电视剧《小娘惹》中饰演陈盛。











有的。 在马来西亚的马六甲、槟城、新加坡都比较多。 峇峇娘惹的文化在一定程度上受到当地马来人或其他非华人族群的影响。












英文是“little nyonya”。小,是年轻的意思;娘惹,是指华人和马来人的女性后代;峇峇(ba,一声),是指华人和马来人的男性后代。娘惹和峇峇统称海峡华人。


中国人和马来人结婚后所生的后代就是baba nyonya,峇峇娘惹是翻译吗,也是土生华人,在马六甲、新加坡都比较多。他们的文化就是介于中国和马来文化之间,峇峇娘惹在延续华族古老传统文化的基础上,加入了马来文化特色,形成了独特的峇峇娘惹文化。峇峇马来语、娘惹服饰、娘惹餐具、娘惹菜肴……娘惹服饰最能展示华人与马来文化融合美感的精髓。娘惹服装多为轻纱,非常典型的热带风情,在马来传统服装的基础上,改成西洋风格的低胸衬肩,再加上中国传统的花边修饰,尽显精致与奢华。娘惹服装颜色,不仅有中国传统的大红及粉红,还有马来人的吉祥色土耳其绿,服装上点缀装饰的图案,则是中国传统的花鸟鱼虫、龙凤呈祥。娘惹菜中国菜的内蕴遇到马来菜的奔放,调和出人间稀有的爱恋热惰,形成了南洋最特别、最精致的菜系。娘惹菜用料复杂,以马来香料结合中国菜的烹饪方法,融入了中国人和马来人两个种族的饮食特点,味道集香浓、酸甜、微辣于一身。娘惹菜的特点是味道香浓,最注重各种香料的运用,所以有着十足的热带风情。使用的香料包括亚参片、亚参膏、咖喱叶、峇拉煎、楠姜、黄姜、黄姜粉、芫荽粉、红葱头、八角、肉桂、炸葱、红辣椒、石古仔、酸柑、虾米干、香茅、黑果等等。除此之外,娘惹菜也有南方及北方之分,南方娘惹指自马六甲南下至新加坡,因受邻国印尼的影响,椰浆成为常见的烹饪材料,口味偏甜。除了娘惹菜之外,她们炮制的娘惹糕点,更是享负盛名。娘惹糕以款式多样、味道香甜浓郁而著称,让喜食甜品的人也在娘惹糕点中找到知音,再加上色彩缤纷,看起来非常诱人,洋溢着热带独有的饮食风惰,更是让人欲罢不能。






1973年10月29日出生于新加坡,新加坡影视男演员。1998年,参与备受推崇的新加坡电影《Forever Fever》而受人瞩目。

过后在新人选拔赛《Fame Awards》中脱颖而出赢得冠军。2008年,在电视剧《小娘惹》中饰演陈盛。









巴巴娘惹是十五世纪初期定居在满剌伽(马六甲)、满者伯夷国(印尼)和室利佛逝国(新加坡)一带的大明国后裔,是中国人和马来人结婚后所生的后代,称为baba nyonya,巴巴娘惹是翻译,是土生华人,在马六甲,槟城和新加坡都比较多。男性称为巴巴(baba),女性称为娘惹(nyonya)。有关巴巴娘惹的来源,人们认为可以追溯到很早的年代,主要是在马六甲王朝时期,那些从中国福建一带漂洋过海而来的移民,他们大多数是中上层为官的或是殷实的商贾人家,到了马六甲以后没有再返回中国,而娶了当地的马来女子生下的后代;也有的一部分据说是当年郑和率庞大的船队五次来马六甲驻节,他的部下其中有一些人留下来,与当地人通婚生下的后代。 书籍似乎没有,推荐看下电视剧《小娘惹》,蛮不错的~采纳哦


One, who builds Singapore woman offends culture museum?

Adding hair woman newly to offend museum patriarch is foliaceous Ai Mingxian

Autochthonal Chinese is to show 15 centuries reach the China that Singapore generation settles during 17 centuries emigrant descendant, the male is called , the female is called the woman is offended. Experience the development of a few centuries, autochthonal Chinese withheld the China culture gene of dominance already, derive the horse with bright characteristic comes element, the multicolored woman that derives thereby offends culture, the historical culture that is Singapore was written down beautiful beautiful footnote.

Mr Xie Aiming that offends museum patriarch as the woman introduces to interfacial Sichuan: "This is my home, this is my museum, if you come to my home, can see the antique of very much very much autochthonal Chinese. " the museum of Mr Xie Aiming is founded 2003, it is bequest of an autochthonal Chinese private house museum, the painstaking effort that also is Mr Xie Aiming is crystal, the antique furniture that The Inta spreads all over all sorts of autochthonal Chinese, things and adornment if cuspidor of curtain of shoe of shrine, lie in bed, chest, bead embroider, desk, enamel, aim to want to make cultural relic significant, reveal to the public at the same time: Now Singapore, we are OK the Wen Hua work together with one heart with the past.

2, does young woman attract Singapore performer?

Singapore " young woman is offended " the actor is not all it is a Chinese, some actors are a Singaporean.

Singapore " young woman is offended " Yan Jin of You Xiemin ocean, Lu is collective hold guide, ou Xuan, Qi Yuwu, Dai Xiangyu, square exhibit hair, Bai Wei the main actor such as show. Having Qi Yuwu, Dai Xiangyu only among them is a Chinese, other main actor is a Singaporean.

1, Ou Xuan

Was born in Singapore on June 28, 1979, singapore actress, ancestral home Fujian, ou Xuan attended actor channel 2001 (predecessor of summon for trial signing up for course of study) what sponsor " lie newly Hu Canglong " new beautiful competition goes. Represent work to have: " little forest Seng Bing " , " be together together when us " , " Holand village " and " young woman is offended " etc.

2, just exhibit hair

Was born in Singapore on October 29, 1973, actor of Singapore movie and TV. 1998, the Singapore film that participates in equipment to suffer praise highly " Forever Fever " and suffer a person to fix eyes upon.

Unplug in new person selected afterwards contest " Fame Awards " in show itself win championship. 2008, in teleplay " young woman is offended " in personate Chen Cheng.

3, Bai Wei is beautiful

Was born in Singapore on April 25, 1983, actress of Singapore movie and TV, be graduated from college of industry of southern Asia grain. 2002 Singapore is won in match of round-the-world young lady " the highest young lady " and " have disposition young lady most " after flourish is held, be disentombed to join by new medium perform art circle.

Her enunciation is fluent, have performance potential greatly, independent, have perseverance, rich sense of responsibility, have deep love for read, intelligent bright beautiful osmund show, become the spokesman of brand of many famous international.

Patulous data

Singapore " young woman offends " medium Chinese: Qi Yuwu, Dai Xiangyu.

1, Qi Yuwu

Was born in Guangdong to visit Guangzhou town on November 28, 1976, actor of Chinese movie and TV, be graduated from Guangzhou sports institute. 2008, because go out,perform domestic ethics theatrical work " young woman is offended " in one horn obtains Chen Xi attention.

2, Dai Xiangyu

Original name wears Yang Tian, on December 27, 1984, be born in Zhejiang to save carry on to start city, actor of Chinese inland movie and TV, be graduated from computer science department of Shanghai traffic university. Acted the leading role 2008 drama of Singapore family ethics " young woman is offended " .

3, does Singapore still have a woman to offend?

Some. City of the Ma Liujia in Malaysia, Bin, Singapore is more. The culture that woman offends gets on certain level local Malay or other blame Chinese a group of things with common features group influence.

4, does young woman attract Singapore the plot of a play?

" young woman is offended " it is by new medium TV the company makes sowed Chinese teleplay, 45 years of stages celebrate new medium TV drama. Yan Jin of You Xiemin ocean, Lu is collective hold guide, ou Xuan, Qi Yuwu, Dai Xiangyu, square exhibit hair, Bai Wei the main actor such as show.

This drama is main with what never leave home " the woman is offended " people because contend for,a series of strife openly and secretly arise to give priority to a line in the home, told about lifetime of woman of kind-hearted woman month to struggle inexorably history.

5, does Vietnam woman offend culture?

The woman offends the offspring that after showing Chinese and Malay marry, gives birth to, also be autochthonal Chinese, compare in Ma Liujia, Singapore much. Malaysia woman offends the woman in culture to offend the address sb respectfully that is pair of females.

Ma Liujia still stays now have this a group of things with common features group vestigial, the woman offends the address sb respectfully that is such pair of females, , general address sb respectfully is the man . The woman is offended often have taller place in southern Asia, it is penates normally 10 thousand be linked together.

The woman offends culture to upright to be changed at China and Ma Laiwen namely between, so very special. Their culture gets on certain level local Malay or other blame Chinese a group of things with common features group influence.

The woman offends culture to be abounded mysteriously, the woman offends culture to already influence of culture of Ma Lai a group of things with common features also has Chinese tradition to form particular integrated culture.

The woman is offended is culture of a kind of food more, basically be the mixture body of Chinese dish and gust of type of southeast Asia dish. Because this also can eat very much woman offend dish in Malaysia, be like sweet the pork of cutlet of pig of sauce pig hoof, decoct, bamboo shoot that stew. Bosom friend is found in be fond of the person that feeds sweetmeats to also can offend dish in the woman, the woman that be refined by oar of banana leaf, coco, Xianglanxie, polished glutinous rice and candy and becomes offends cake sweet spend moderate, chew a head sufficient.

6, Singapore young woman offends offend how to read?

Chinese still is read " Re " , 3.

English is " Little Nyonya " . Small, it is young meaning; The woman is offended, it is to point to Chinese and Malay female offspring; (Ba, ) , it is to point to Chinese and Malay male offspring. The woman is offended and Chinese of channel of a general designation.

7, what is " does the woman offend culture " ?

The offspring that after Chinese and Malay marry, gives birth to is Baba Nyonya, is woman is offended an interpreter, also be autochthonal Chinese, compare in Ma Liujia, Singapore much. Their culture uprights to be changed at China and Ma Laiwen namely between, woman is offended in continuance China a group of things with common features on the foundation of old and traditional culture, joined Ma Laiwen to change characteristic, formed individual woman to offend culture. Malay, woman offends dress, woman offends tableware, woman to offend dish... the marrow that the woman offends dress to be able to reveal Chinese and Ma Laiwen to change shirt-sleeve aesthetic perception most. The woman offends dress to be a fine gauze more, very typical intertropical amorous feelings, on the foundation of dress of Ma Laichuan all, change the shoulder of low bosom line of western style, plus Chinese tradition lacy decorate, all show delicate with costly. The woman offends dress color, what have Chinese tradition not only is bright red reach pink, still have Malay lucky lubricious Turkey is green, take mount to adorn illuminative design, the water flea of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style that is Chinese tradition, Long Fengcheng auspicious. The woman offends dish China dish inside accumulate those who encounter Ma Lai dish is bold and unrestrained, harmonic give some the world is rare is in love with to heat up indolent, forming the dish with the the most special, most delicate southern Asia is. The woman offends dish to use material is complex, combine the cooking method of Chinese dish with Ma Laixiang makings, blended in Chinese and Malay two phyletic food characteristics, flavour market is popular thick, acid is sweet, small hot at a suit. The characteristic that the woman offends dish is flavour sweet thick, pay attention to all sorts of flavor most apply, having dye-in-the-wood intertropical amorous feelings so. Use spice includes inferior join piece, inferior join cream, curry leaf, pulls ginger of decoct, Nan, Huang Jiang, Huang Jiang young of green of pink, coriander pink, Gong Cong head, anise, Chinese cassia tree, blast, chili, Shi Gu, . Besides, the woman offends dish to also have south and northern branch, southern woman is offended point to to fall south Ma Liujia oneself to Singapore, because suffer the effect with Indonesian neighbour, coconut oar makes common cooking material, taste slants sweet. Offend dish besides the woman besides, the woman of their n/med the process of preparing Chinese medicine offends cake, it is to enjoy negative great reputation more. The woman offends cake with design diversity, flavour sweet and full-bodied and celebrated, bosom friend is found in letting be fond of the person that feeds sweetmeats to also offend cake in the woman, plus colour profusion, look very inviting, be permeated with intertropical and particular dietary wind indolent, it is cannot help doing sth letting a person more.

8, is young woman offended is there Singapore actor?

Dumb female chrysanthemum is sweet the Bai Wei of the Xuan of Europe of the person that act with lunar woman, the person that act that just exhibits the Chen Cheng of the person that act of hair, topaz bead is beautiful. They are Singaporeans.

1, Ou Xuan

Was born in Singapore on June 28, 1979, singapore actress, ancestral home Fujian, ou Xuan attended actor channel 2001 (predecessor of summon for trial signing up for course of study) what sponsor " lie newly Hu Canglong " new beautiful competition goes. Represent work to have: " little forest Seng Bing " , " be together together when us " , " Holand village " and " young woman is offended " etc.

2, just exhibit hair

Was born in Singapore on October 29, 1973, actor of Singapore movie and TV. 1998, the Singapore film that participates in equipment to suffer praise highly " Forever Fever " and suffer a person to fix eyes upon.

Unplug in new person selected afterwards contest " Fame Awards " in show itself win championship. 2008, in teleplay " young woman is offended " in personate Chen Cheng.

3, Bai Wei is beautiful

Was born in Singapore on April 25, 1983, actress of Singapore movie and TV, be graduated from college of industry of southern Asia grain. 2002 Singapore is won in match of round-the-world young lady " the highest young lady " and " have disposition young lady most " after flourish is held, be disentombed to join by new medium perform art circle.

Her enunciation is fluent, have performance potential greatly, independent, have perseverance, rich sense of responsibility, have deep love for read, intelligent bright beautiful osmund show, become the spokesman of brand of many famous international.

9, the real story that Singapore woman offends cake?

2013 when, old spring be in harmony took over HarriAnns, also be inside the fastest time, opened central kitchen in order to improve productivity, in the process that and be in makes, retained manual operation.

Be in in good luck, the woman of HarriAnns offends cake to undertake successfully selling as hotel buffet, and as buccal mouth according to legend, also had more hotels to search come to undertake cooperative negotiating.

Of the step as the times and operation cost rise, and the taste that consumer nags ceaselessly, old spring be in harmony learns actively to the grandma, use a grandma most the woman such as the Laksa of expert and curry chicken offends cate to attract more customer, and rolled out the newest taste that the woman offends cake.

10, does the woman offend culture hair to result from?

Cling to cling to the woman is offended is 15 centuries initial stage resident in full perversing gal (Ma Liujia) , full Zhe Baiyi country (Indonesian) die with room benefit Buddha country (Singapore) what take is big bright country descendant, it is the offspring that after Chinese and Malay marry, gives birth to, call Baba Nyonya, cling to cling to the woman is offended is an interpreter, it is autochthonal Chinese, in Ma Liujia, bin city and Singapore are more. The male is called cling to cling to (Baba) , the female calls a woman to offend (Nyonya) . About cling to cling to the source that the woman attracts, it is OK that people thinks the time of restrospect to early, basically be in period of Ma Liujia dynasty, those take the immigrant that bleach ocean to cross the sea and comes from Chinese Fujian, their great majority is medium superstratum is an official or it is rich merchant other people, arrived after Ma Liujia did not return China again, and the offspring that the Ma Lai's woman that married place is delivered of; Also some one part is allegedly in those days the fleet with Zheng He enormous rate comes 5 times Ma Liujia is stationed in a section, his following has a few people to stay among them, what be delivered of with local intermarriage is unborn. The book appears, recommend see next teleplay " young woman is offended " , the ~ with pretty good pretty is adopted

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