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亚文化既是一种个性化的表达,又是一种生活方式的选择,无论是Hip Hop、Punk、Gothic、Lolita还是Street Style等,都是亚文化中的代表。亚文化的产生源于年轻人对主流文化的不满,他们渴望挑战传统,关注边缘,展示自己不同于主流的想法和风格。




1. "Stay woke." - 意为保持清醒警觉,注意社会现象和不公平待遇。

2. "Keep it 100." - 意为保持真实和诚实,不做虚假表态或夸大其词。

3. "Slay" - 意为做的很出色、很棒,用以赞美演出、服装、妆容等方面。

4. "Yas queen!" - 意为太完美了、太棒了!用于表达对某人或某事物的强烈赞美和荣誉。

5. "Lit" - 意为太酷了,在很多场合中用于形容派对、歌曲、服装等方面。

6. "Snatched" - 意为完美的外观、妆容等,用于强调刻意设计和突出的美学效果。

7. "On fleek" - 意为完美无缺,用于形容妆容、美容、时尚等方面。

8. "No tea, no shade" - 意为不要误解,不是针对某人或某件事情,只是发表个人看法。

9. "Wig snatched" - 意为感到震惊或惊讶,使用于表达极度令人震惊或激动的情况。





1950年大卫·雷斯曼(David Riesman)提出大众和次文化的差别,并且将次文化诠释为具有颠覆精神。大众是“消极地接受了商业所给予的风格和价值”的人,而次文化则“积极地寻求一种小众的风格(在当时为热爵士乐)”。于是“听众……操控了产品(因此也操控了生产者),就如同产品操控了听众一般”(Riesman 1950: 361)。

因此,当一个次文化成员“即使没有任何其他人在场,也会聆听某种音乐时,他是在一种想像‘他人’在场的脉络下聆听音乐的——他聆听音乐常常是为了要去和那些‘他人’建立起关系。他对大众媒体的观感受到他所隶属的同侪团体所形塑。这些团体不只是在为音乐分高低而已,他们是以一种更细腻的方式(ibid: 366)”







虐恋(Abuse Love)亚文化是一种特殊的情感表达方式,强调在恋爱中感受痛苦、悲伤、矛盾和挣扎等负面情绪的体验。这种亚文化通常在网络上流行,涵盖了文学、漫画、动画、音乐和影视等不同媒体形式。以下是一些虐恋亚文化中常见的语录:

1. "心碎成疼痛的碎片,却又期待着用爱把它们重新拼凑。"

2. "有些人,注定只是彼此的伤害。"

3. "每次想要离开,但又忍不住回头。"

4. "你的微笑是我最大的伤痛。"

5. "爱是一种美丽的痛苦,痛苦是一种无法割舍的依赖。"

6. "在痛苦中感受到真实的生命,我宁愿选择痛楚而不是空虚。"

7. "我不知道该如何放手,因为我已经习惯了你给我的伤害。"

8. "你的离去,让我明白了爱是多么脆弱。"

9. "纵然心痛,但这种痛苦却让我感受到生命的存在。"

10. "被你虐待,却又渴望着继续被你伤害。"



















Why inferior is culture always fashionable and inspirational origin?

Vogue is not the mainstream normally, popular. He Yawen is changed match.

Inferior culture spirit?

Inferior culture: Call collective culture or deputy culture again, point to those blame main trends that change photograph correspondence with main body of a court verdict, local culture phenomenon, point to be changed in main body of a court verdict or below the setting of integrated culture, belong to the sense with some area or peculiar place of a certain collective and lifestyle, a kind inferior culture includes move and main body of a court verdict to turn the value that be interlinked and idea not only, also have the unique value that attributes oneself and idea.

Inferior culture has all sorts of classification methods, luo Baixun Jiang Yawen changes minute of humanness to plant inferior of culture, age inferior culture, ecological inferior culture. Like the age inferior culture can be divided for young culture, senile culture; Ecological inferior culture can be divided wait for urban culture, suburb culture and rustic culture. As a result of inferior culture is immediate effect or the social psychology that affect people to live environment, its consequence often is changed than main body of a court verdict bigger, it can gift the identity that the person can discern one kind and the special spirit view that attribute some group or collective pledge compatibly.

Inferior culture vocabulary?

Also say " deputy culture " . With " main body of a court verdict is changed " opposite. Standard of the value sense of the different crowd place hold in pointing to a society, behavior and self-identity psychology. It has a lot of different pattern, be like local inferior sex of culture, age inferior sex of culture, profession inferior culture. Age sex inferior culture can be divided again wait for young culture, senile culture.

Inferior culture article table?

Hello! Inferior culture is a strong and independent culture tide, it is shirt-sleeve the element such as vogue, artistic, music, film, caricature, offerred an unique status to agree with for people.

Inferior culture since the expression of a kind of individuation, it is the choice of a kind of lifestyle, no matter be Hip Hop, Punk, Gothic, Lolita or Street Style,wait, it is inferior the delegate in culture. Inferior the generation source of culture is opposite at the youth the dissatisfaction of mainstream culture, they long to challenge a tradition, pay close attention to the brim, reveal oneself to be different from the idea of the mainstream and style.

Be in contemporary increasingly in the society of diversity, inferior culture ceaselessly emerge in large numbers, abounding the pluralism of culture, also reflected the green individual character of young generation and viewpoint of value.

Inferior culture ana?

Be a few popularity below inferior culture ana:

1."Stay Woke. "- meaning to maintain sober vigilance, notice social phenomenon and unfair treatment.

2."Keep It 100. "- meaning mix to keep true honest, do not do make known his position phonily or exaggerate.

3."Slay"- meaning for what do very very outstanding, marvellous, in order to praises the respect such as show, dress, makeup look.

4."Yas Queen! "- meaning for too too perfect, marvellous! Those who be used at expressing pair of someone or some thing is intense praise and honorary.

5."Lit"- meaning for too cruel, use at appearance to send the right, song, respect such as dress in a lot of circumstances.

6."Snatched"- meaning wait for perfect exterior, makeup look, move sedulous design and outstanding aesthetic effect with Yu Jiang.

7."On Fleek"- meaning for apple-pie, use at describing the aspect such as makeup look, hairdressing, vogue.

8."No Tea, no Shade"- meaning to be not misunderstood, not be to be aimed at someone or some thing, just express individual view.

9."Wig Snatched"- meaning be astonished to feel or open-eyed, use at expression exceeding astonishing or excited circumstance.

Anyhow, inferior culture ana is a few popular phrase and pet phrase normally, popularity is mixed at gregarious media, network in popular culture, conduce to expression feeling and praise _

Inferior culture standard?

Inferior culture: ?  of act of Chi of leg of another name for Jiangxi Province of  of  of my act of buffalo gnat of  of act of Li of breed duckweed  where cuts miscellaneous Φ does ┓ invade establish of ⒕ of condyle Jian copy does a surname of clam of  of act of Chi of Shi of ridge of  of Xi of obstruct of  of Kang Nai act hold act  to seek  of dirt postscript approach to bright does flatter gallop?

Inferior culture has all sorts of classification methods, luo Baixun Jiang Yawen changes minute of humanness to plant inferior of culture, age inferior culture, ecological inferior culture. Like the age inferior culture can be divided for young culture, senile culture; Ecological inferior culture can be divided wait for urban culture, suburb culture and rustic culture. As a result of inferior culture is immediate effect or the social psychology that affect people to live environment, its consequence often is changed than main body of a court verdict bigger, it can gift the identity that the person can discern one kind and the special spirit view that attribute some group or collective pledge compatibly.

The big 1950 Lei Siman that defend · (David Riesman) raise the masses and the difference of second culture, and explain second culture overturn to have spirit. The masses is " the style that accepted commercial place inactively to give and value " person, culture criterion " actively seeks a kind small numerous style (hot jazz is at that time) " . Then " audience... hold controlled a product (because this also is held,accused producer) , hold as the product accused audience general " (Riesman 1950: 361) .

Accordingly, when member of a second culture " although do not have any someone else attendant, also meet listen respectfully when some kind of music, he is to be in a kind to envisage ' other ' of music of the listen respectfully below attendant sequence of thought -- music of his listen respectfully often goes to want and those ' other ' establish a relationship. He experiences him to the view of public media the model of peer-group place form with subject place. These organizations just are not in assign on any account for music just, they are with a kind of more exquisite means (Ibid: 366) "

Illustrate inferior the culture form influence to fashionable lifestyle?

Inferior culture (Subculture) , weigh small culture, collective culture or deputy culture again, the member that shows place of some culture group belongs to sub group's mutual distinctive belief, viewpoint of value and habits and customs, change those corresponding blame main trends with main body of a court verdict, local culture phenomenon, point to be changed in main body of a court verdict or below the setting of integrated culture, belong to the sense with some area or peculiar place of a certain collective and lifestyle, a kind inferior culture includes move and main body of a court verdict to turn the value that be interlinked and idea not only, also have the unique value that attributes oneself and idea, and these viewpoint of value are dispersed between a variety of dominant culture. PUNK (friend is overcome) , MOD (fashionable) , GRUNGE (rubbish rocks and roll) , RAP (Xi is breathed out) , SKIN (bareheaded party) wait to be belonged to inferior a kind of culture.

Inferior is culture academic?

Inferior culture group is talked

The theory of behavior of aberrance of research of in order to. Western sociologist puts forward. Inferior culture group is to show the society is medium with main body culture somewhat difference or distinguish and can by the part of make out. Wait for social circumstances element to bring about by belief of class status, phyletic setting, living area, religion. This academic contribution depended on announcing move and main body culture exist to differ in the society, it is the culture share of mutual conflict sometimes, be based on this kind of premise.

Is cruel loved inferior culture ana?

Cruel is loved (Abuse Love) inferior culture is a kind of special affection expression kind, emphasize be being experienced in love painful, sadness, contradiction and struggle the experience that waits for negative sentiment. This kind inferior culture flows on the network normally row, covered the different media form such as literature, caricature, animation, music and movie and TV. It is a few cruel love below inferior the common ana in culture:

1." heartbreak becomes aching fragment, expecting to use love again however them new and medley. "

2." has some of person, be destined is each other harm only. "

3." wants to leave every time, but cannot help turning round again. "

4." your smile is my greatest pain. "

5." love is a kind of beautiful anguish, anguish is a kind cannot the dependence of give up. "

6." experiences real life in anguish, choose anguish and I aux would rather is not empty. "

7.I do not know " how should let go, because I had been used to your harm to me. "

8." your leave, let me understand love is how flimsy. "

9.Even if " is aching, but the existence that this kind of anguish lets me experience life however. "

10." is mistreated by you, longing to continue to be harmed by you again however. "

Ask an attention, cruel is loved inferior the ana in culture expressed a kind of special affection experience, unlike traditional romance and happy affection. These ana emphasize painful, contradiction and struggle, hope what experience love in negative sentiment is true. This kind inferior culture does not suit everybody, people should choose to contact and understand according to his affection demand and viewpoint of value.

Hind inferior culture definition?

Inferior culture calls collective culture or deputy culture again, point to those blame main trends that change photograph correspondence with main body of a court verdict, local culture phenomenon, point to be changed in main body of a court verdict or below the setting of integrated culture, belong to the sense with some area or peculiar place of a certain collective and lifestyle, a kind inferior culture includes move and main body of a court verdict to turn the value that be interlinked and idea not only, also have the unique value that attributes oneself and idea.

Inferior culture has all sorts of classification methods, luo Baixun Jiang Yawen changes minute of humanness to plant inferior of culture, age inferior culture, ecological inferior culture. Like the age inferior culture can be divided for young culture, senile culture; Ecological inferior culture can be divided wait for urban culture, suburb culture and rustic culture. As a result of inferior culture is immediate effect or the social psychology that affect people to live environment, its consequence often is changed than main body of a court verdict bigger, it can gift the identity that the person can discern one kind and the special spirit view that attribute some group or collective pledge compatibly.

Chinese name

Second culture

Foreign language name



Collective culture or deputy culture


Point to blame mainstream, local culture phenomenon

Put forward an author

David Leisiman



Culture origin is contemporary second culture
