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怎样免费下载ppt课件? 如何下载免费ppt课件?英文双语对照


怎样免费下载ppt课件? 如何下载免费ppt课件?英文双语对照




只要装了操作系统:Office 2003、Office 2007、Office2010、Office2013或wps,系统就会自带PPT,PPT是简称,全名是PowerPoint。也许你的电脑里就有,一般电脑装机时就装好了。   点“开始”“资源管理器”“文件”“新建”一般就能找到它,就是下面蓝条上的后面有演示文稿的:  当然,在“开始”“程序”office 里也可以找到它,不过没有“演示文稿”四个字在后面,点了它就能打开一个空白的PPT文档,然后只要在上面新建幻灯片、输入文字、添加图片、保存就行了。   如果原来有PPT,现在不能用了,就必须卸载已经安装的office或wps,重新安装新的。安装好后里面就带word、execl、PPT了。



找到这个位置,点击 就可以下载了,下载后解压就可以看文件了。













1. 打开要下载的PPT课件所在的网站或平台;

2. 找到需要下载的PPT课件,并将其打开;

3. 在PPT课件页面中,找到“下载”或“保存”按钮,一般会在页面的右上角或下方;

4. 点击“下载”或“保存”按钮,并选择保存的位置和文件名;

5. 等待下载完成。




1. 打开课件所在的网站或平台,找到所需的课件页面。

2. 在该页面上,通常会有一个下载按钮或链接,点击它以开始下载。

3. 如果没有直接的下载选项,可以尝试右键单击课件链接或图片,选择“另存为”或“保存链接/目标”,然后选择保存的位置。

4. 确保选择一个易于查找和访问的存储位置,例如您的电脑的桌面或特定的文件夹。

5. 等待下载完成。下载时间取决于文件大小和网络速度。

6. 下载完成后,通过访问您保存课件的位置,您就可以在您的电脑上使用课件了。



PPT课件是用Microsoft PowerPoint或其他类似软件制作而成的文件,以PPT或PPTX为扩展名,它们通常会以幻灯片形式包含在教学视频或教学资源中。在下载PPT课件之前,你需要明确几个问题:

1. 课件的来源:下载PPT课件之前,需要确认你得到课件的来源,以确保你的下载行为在法律上是合法的。

2. 下载方式:PPT课件可以通过浏览器下载或软件下载,具体方式取决于你所用的文件源和下载平台。


1. 找到包含你想要下载的PPT课件的资源,确认文件类型并了解文件名称。

2. 确认你可以下载该文件,如果你需要权限或授权,请先与资源提供方联系并获得授权。

3. 打开指定的文件下载站点或资源站点,搜索文件的名称或文件类型。

4. 找到符合你需求的PPT课件文件,并选择下载链接。

5. 下载链接通常会在单击后打开一个保存对话框,选择将PPT课件保存到你的本地设备上的任何目录或位置。

6. 等待下载过程完成,打开保存的文件并访问PPT课件。















One, class of Ppt of how free download?

Free course, general bad to search, spend bit of money a little, go for instance X fish platform, look for the eldest brother of a date having Zhang, download full data to you, cannot spend a few money. The knowledge that still can beautiful money can be found is happy, you are spent a few money, obtain others many days fructification of painstaking ability some, hold out be to one's profit.

2, how to download free Ppt class?

Wanted to install an operating system only: Office 2003, Office 2007, Office2010, Office2013 or Wps, the system can take PPT oneself, PPT is abbreviation, full name is PowerPoint. Perhaps have in your computer, general computer has been installed when outfit machine. Dot " begin " " resource management implement " " file " " build " can find it commonly, namely below blue there is those who demonstrate manuscript at the back of go up: Of course, in " begin " " program " it also can be found in Office, do not have nevertheless " demonstrate manuscript " 4 words are from the back, nodded it to be able to open documentation of PPT of a blank, want only next above build slide, input character, add a picture, save went. If have PPT so, cannot use now, must uninstall the Office that has installed or Wps, reinstall new. After installation is fine inside take Word, Execl, PPT.

Search on Baidu " title + Ppt " , make choice of can download. Simpler is to land " 100 million libraries are taught " net, it is free course.

3, class of the first Ppt how to download freely?

Find this place, click can download, the solution after download is pressed can read a document.

4, how to download free Ppt class from the net?

Above all the most important is of course resource searchs on the net, it is OK to go can searching a keyword to search directly, this are very important, but very simple, the operation is not difficult, want to do the PPT about the festival e.g. us, we search the key word about all sorts of festivals on the net, for instance new year's day PPT, Christmas PPT.

After clicking accessibility the home page to it, can let you shine at the moment! This is you can see there is popular search in home page, you can click popular recently PPT pattern plate to undertake download. See favorite PPT pattern plate can be clicked " download instantly " can.

5, how to download PPT class?

1, the PPT pattern plate that downloads good need on the network above all, PPT is found in computer and double stroke leaves.

2, can open the PPT pattern plate of pitch on, can see right now the page of slide has been made, need undertakes modification.

3, the position that clicks literal input, can modify the literal content inside text casing the content of need.

4, can choose next originally the picture that inserts in PPT pattern plate.

5, can play in page upper part after pitch on picture piece " plot tool " , click " format " can set picture pattern.

6, if need to input literal content in the page, can click insert new text draw a frame round, the editor ends undertake saving can.

6, how to download PPT class?

You can download PPT class according to the following measure:

1.Open the PPT tax that wants download the website of the place or platform;

2.The PPT lesson that finds need download, open its;

3.In PPT class in the page, find " download " or " save " pushbutton, general meeting is in the top right corner of the page or lower part;

4.Click " download " or " save " pushbutton, choose saved seat and file name;

5.Await download to finish.

If you encountered download problem, can try to check a network to join or contact website manager.

7, Ppt class how to download?

Should download PPT class, can undertake according to the following measure:

1.Open a subject the website of the place or platform, the lesson that finds place to need page.

2.On this page, connect regular meeting to have pushbutton of a download or link, click it to download in order to begin.

3.If do not have direct download option, can try right key to click a class link or picture, choice " put additionally for " or " save a link / target " , choose saved place next.

4.Ensure the choice searchs the memory position with the visit easily, for example the desktop of your computer or specific folder.

5.Await download to finish. Download time depends on file size and network speed.

6.After download is finished, save a tax through visitting you the position, you can use a tax on your computer.

Those who need an attention is, download class when, ensure you abide by relevant copyright provision please. The tax that download below permission condition only or uses another person. Additional, in download class before, OK also with relevant educational orgnaization, teacher or class the person that found undertakes communication, whether does understanding have offer a course technically the channel of download or means.

8, how to download Ppt class?

PPT class it is the document that use Microsoft PowerPoint or becomes, it is patulous name with PPT or PPTX, they can be included with slide form normally in education video or education natural resources. In download PPT class before, you need to make clear a few problems:

1.Class origin: Download PPT class before, need affirms you get a tax origin, in order to ensure your download behavior is in jural it is lawful.

2.Download means: PPT class can download through browser download or software, particular kind depends on the file source that you use and download platform.

It is a current method will download PPT class below:

1.Find the PPT tax that includes you to want download resource, affirm file type and know file name.

2.Affirm you can download this file, if you need attributive or authorization, provide square connection with resource first please and obtain authorization.

3.Open designation file to download site or resource site, search the name of the file or file type.

4.Find the PPT lesson that accords with your demand file, choose to download a link.

5.Download link connects regular meeting to open to save a dialog box after click, class of choice general PPT any catalog on this locality facility that saves you or position.

6.Wait to download a process to finish, open saved file and visit PPT class.

Those who need an attention is, some PPT class contain the multimedia content such as many picture, video, may download speed to take up slower larger disk space. You answer to ask to undertake corresponding configuration according to your network state and download, mistake or problem appear in order to avoid download in the process.

9, how from class of the first Ppt does download download a class?

Should download a class from the first PPT, you can undertake operating according to the following measure:

Above all, open website of the first PPT to log onto your account.

Next, the lesson that finds you to want download on the website, click a class link.

Next, you can choose to download a class format, wait like PPT, PDF. After clicking download pushbutton, the system can begin to download a class go up to your equipment. Ask an attention, download class the likelihood needs to spend proper time, specific depend on class size and your network speed.

After the download that finish, you can be examined on your equipment and use these taxes.

10, how from class of the first PPT does download download a class?

From class of the first PPT download class measure (with 360 extremely fast the browser is exemple) :

1, class of the first PPT is searched on the net, open this website;

2, click the corresponding tax that means download;

3, click download of material of the first PPT;

4, choice memory method, the dot downloads.
