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中秋文化主题? 大连中秋文化?英文双语对照


中秋文化主题? 大连中秋文化?英文双语对照










静夜思 -李白



月下独酌 -李白





























中秋文化三个项目是赏月、吃月饼、饮桂花酒等民俗,流传至今,经久不息,中秋节(别名:仲秋、秋夕、八月节、八月半,英文名:Midautumn Festival)又称祭月节、月光诞、月夕、秋节、仲秋节、拜月节、月娘节、月亮节、团圆节等,是中国四大传统节日之一,日期在农历的八月十五日。中秋节起源于上古时代,普及于汉代,定型于唐朝初年,盛行于宋朝以后。中秋节是秋季时令习俗的综合,其所包含的节俗因素,大都有古老的渊源。中秋节以月之圆兆人之团圆,为寄托思念故乡,思念亲人之情,祈盼丰收、幸福,成为丰富多彩、弥足珍贵的文化遗产。








《中秋》 (唐)李朴 皓魄当空宝镜升,云间仙籁寂无声; 平分秋色一轮满,长伴云衢千里明; 狡兔空从弦外落,妖蟆休向眼前生; 灵槎拟约同携手,更待银河彻底清。

《八月十五夜玩月》 (唐)刘禹锡 天将今夜月,一遍洗寰瀛。 暑退九霄净,秋澄万景清。 星辰让光彩,风露发晶英。 能变人间世,攸然是玉京。

《水调歌头》 (宋)苏东坡 丙辰中秋,欢饮达旦。大醉,作此篇,兼怀子由。 明月几时有?把酒问青天。 不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年? 我欲乘风归去,又恐琼楼玉宇, 高处不胜寒!起舞弄清影,何似在人间? 转朱阁,低绮户,照无眠。 不应有恨,何事长向别时圆? 人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。 但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。

《中秋月》 (宋)苏轼 暮云收尽溢清寒,银汉无声转玉盘, 此生此夜不长好,明月明年何处看。

《太常引》 (宋)辛弃疾 一轮秋影转金波,飞镜又重磨。 把酒问姮娥:被白发欺人奈何! 乘风好去,长空万里, 直下看山河。斫去桂婆娑。人道是清光更多。 台湾民谣:

《中秋旅思》 孤影看分雁,千金念弊貂;故乡秋忆月,异国夜惊潮。 手未攀丹桂,以犹卷缘蕉;登楼悲作赋,西望海天遥。

《月夜思乡》 星稀月冷逸银河,万籁无声自啸歌; 何处关山家万里,夜来枨触客愁多。

《煎熬》 夜深沉,明月高挂天正中,寂无声;睡眼朦胧, 恍若梦中;生卧徘徊以不宁,故国家园萦脑中; 苦煎熬,归去成空,如焚王衷。




One, mid-autumn culture theme?

Reunion, moon cake is round, symbolic move reunions. I bit, hum, loose cortical sweet sweet, placing thick sweetened bean taste, sweet taste is thick, appear a heart sweet. The moon also is round.

My stride ground moves toward the balcony, the bright moon that sees round circle only hangs night sky high, very bright, resemble " the hour does not know a month, breathe out Bai Yu dish " .

Bright pale blue spends a flower, sending out faint light, white Yun Fu is in moon beside, coming loose the aureola of circuit color.

2, Dalian mid-autumn culture?

1, mid-autumn month of hold a memorial ceremony for. Mid-autumn month of hold a memorial ceremony for, be in our country is a kind very old consuetudinary. According to history record, be in early Zhou Chao, archaic monarch has spring equinox of day of month of hold a memorial ceremony for of ground of hold a memorial ceremony for of festal, Summer Solstice, the autumnal equinox, solstitial hold a memorial ceremony for consuetudinary.

2, enjoy the glorious full moon. The custom that enjoy the glorious full moon originates month of hold a memorial ceremony for, earnest sacred became relaxed joyous amusement. Folk enjoys the glorious full moon mid-autumn the activity is made an appointment with only then Wei Jin period, but did not become practice. Arrived Tang Dynasty, enjoy the glorious full moon mid-autumn, play a month very be current, the name of a lot of poets piece in the line of Dou Youyong month.

3, mid-autumn culture inheritance name sentence?

The Mid-autumn Festival is the traditional culture festival of our country, having long historical culture inheritance, in counting the history of chiliad to develop a process, the ancient line of depict the Mid-autumn Festival is very much, choose slightly below a few:

Static night is thought of - Li Bai

The bright moon before the bed is smooth, doubt is the frost on the ground.

Lift a head to look at the bright moon, lower his head to consider home.

Drink alone below the month - Li Bai

Spend an one crock wine, drink alone without date.

Lift cup invite the bright moon, become 3 people to the shadow.

Lunar both neither sees drink, shadow apprentice follows my body.

Of short duration accompanies lunar general photograph, picnicky beard and spring.

My song month wanders, my dance shadow is messy.

When waking, hand in together joyous, drunk hind each are dispersive.

Always written guarantee callosity swims, xiang Jimiao thes Milky Way.

1, treasure lens leaves the world to still close, maritime celestial being rafts go answer still. -- Wu Wenying " · of Sai Jia's guest is bissextile mid-autumn "

2, good time, wish year after year, common mid-autumn month. -- Xu Youzhen " mid-autumn lunar · mid-autumn month "

3, the diameter that multiply the cloud reachs Home Yu Huang. -- Liu Kezhuang " Ding Wei of wooden orchid slow · mid-autumn "

4, by tall look into the distance from a high place far, be good at is empty 10 thousand lis, the cloud is not had leave mark. -- Su Shi " · of charming reading aloud a slave mid-autumn "

4, mid-autumn the antecedents of culture temple fair?

Temple fair is the festal form of our country tradition mid-autumn, reflect people psychology and habit.

Chinese temple fair is the ancestral temple from archaic gravity sacred the be pregnant with in the belief that reachs folk is born. Chinese, the Tang Dynasty, period of the Song Dynasty, add the religious belief of Buddha, Taoism and recreational form, pass the further perfect progress of bright Qing Dynasty especially, highlight trade function, make people economy life, cultural life and the main component that culture lives thereby.

5, kick is bringing up mid-autumn culture?

Kick bringing up is not mid-autumn culture, kick bringing up is to show the ancients kicks with the foot, the activity of Ta, kick a ball.

Kick bring up, renown " Ta is brought up " , " kick ball " , " kick round " , " build a ball " , " play a circle " etc, "Kick " useful foot kicks, Ta, kicked meaning, "Bring up " change of the wrapping outside the earliest department, inside the ball of solid rice bran. Consequently " kick bring up " show the ancients kicks with the foot namely, the activity of Ta, kick a ball, similar the football now.

According to historical data account, be in folk of China of period of the Warring States early of popular amusement kick Ju You makes fun of, and the standard that begins to become training of military strategist in ancient China again from Chinese generation, song Dai appeared to kick again bring up organization and kick bring up actor, clear generation begins popularity ice frown is brought up. Accordingly, can say to kick bringing up is Chinese ancient time the strange flower of a sports with best-known, bigger impact

6, on moon cake box mid-autumn culture?

     The month of moon cake, not all month, refer in particular to however, it is to point to the traditional Chinese calendar this month August, and it is to be in August mid-autumn and of existence. Although all the year round can buy moon cake, if like to eat moon cake, be at any time eatable. But, no matter how, moon cake contains specific mark content.

     This moon cake that the friend delivers, be the character accord with moon cake. Its pack, and its accessory, bearing the weight of full-bodied mid-autumn culture.

     Moon cake box covered a punched tape, it is on punched tape " cease raining or snowing month of Qiu Sheng " , cease raining or snowing although the month is the bright moon, of Dan Qiusheng it is very clear to point to, that is autumnal bright moon, autumnal month bright, mid-autumn the moon of season most bright the roundest.

     Cheng Fang is returned in the paper bag of moon cake box accessary sent a circular fan, circular fan is to spell outfit structure, antique, on fan " meet Xing Yujia season, before the flower below the month and cup " , be Ma Yuan of the Southern Song Dynasty then " the month issues a cup to pursue " problem sentence, be drawn then presumably even if " the month issues a cup to pursue " , of the high-quality goods of be handed down from ancient times that is Ma Yuan then make, this makes the when enjoying the glorious full moon mid-autumn namely scene that show. The night mid-autumn, bright month high above in the sky, perfect conjugal bliss, invite a good friend to lift cup enjoy the glorious full moon, too many beautiful things, good discomfort, this is the mid-autumn common when Song Chao, give however today person a kind of elegant feeling.

     Additional, still send a piece of postcard, the front is " the bright moon is returned according to me " design, this has affection to place among them, on festive occasions more than ever we think of our dear ones far away. , when the month is round mid-autumn, also be when the boy far away from home considers country, thick nostalgic the family member that is worrying home town. The bright moon is returned according to me, cannot return the home because of a variety of reasons, send a letter to come home, expression is longed for and remember with concern.

     The opposite of postcard besides mail besides the format, still have the brief introduction of a paragraph of Su Shiyue cake, write: "Sushi moon cake, elegant unsurpassed, the thin ala that be like paper, beautiful sweet fruit is crisp, bend embroider of one city continous, show hundred years artistic " , this is a kind wide and those who accuse, gain ground like a kind of food more, in reason; Let you taste Sushi moon cake, still tell you the character of this moon cake, you taste, can contrast, this word draws up came, be really so return a responsibility? This also is courage and bottom enrage those who prop up. Said again, eat moon cake, know a bit knowledge about moon cake, also be quite significant.

     There still is finally " wish perfect conjugal bliss the person is beautiful " beatific language, mid-autumn festival, read so a blessing, natural meeting has a kind of very sweet feeling.

     Mid-autumn should eat moon cake, but just do not eat moon cake again mid-autumn. Eat a moon cake, taste the history one time long, inside information is solid " mid-autumn culture " just be more important.

7, 3 mid-autumn culture project?

Mid-autumn culture 3 projects are to enjoy the glorious full moon, eat the folk-custom such as wine of sweet-scented osmanthus of moon cake, drink, circulate up to now, prolonged does not cease, the Mid-autumn Festival (alias: Midautumn, Qiu Xi, August section, in August half, english name: Midautumn Festival) call the section of evening of red-letter day of month of hold a memorial ceremony for, moon birth, month, Qiu Jie, midautumn, section that do obeisance to a month, month the woman again section, moon section, the Mid-Autumn Festival, it is one of 4 big traditional red-letter days of Chinese, date is in of the traditional Chinese calendar on August 15. Take the place of in ancient times on traceable of the Mid-autumn Festival, popularize Yu Han to take the place of, finalize the design at the beginning of Yu Tangchao year, after be current Yu Songchao. The Mid-autumn Festival is fall season consuetudinary integrated, the part convention element that its contain, have old source mostly. The Mid-autumn Festival the reunion of the round million person with the month, to place longing birthplace, miss the family member's feeling, pray longs for bumper harvest, happiness, become rich and colorful, Mi Zuzhen's expensive culture heritage.

8, about promoting is the good word of culture good mid-autumn sentence?

1. Such mid-autumn, in the main because too happy, often do not consider on consider the home. Play so that return joyfully, just remember a telephone call is made in the home. In at dead of night, the mother is waked by phone faze, still do not forget to ask I ate moon cake. That days, a 4 buccal people, cent ground. The sky round of bright moon, each other look on the ground. The month mid-autumn is round, the person does not reunion however.

2. I wish to follow the bright moon to stroll in the cloud, listen to her to tell romantic old fokelore, also wish to stand in quiet place to be gazed at stealthily. Nevertheless, all these the moon with downy melt into is aspersed on my body. This ability is the blessing of old friend. A lot of people want joyous in house drink spends the night this mid-autumn, and I prefer the night in Ning Mi however, lunar singing listens in high balcony or outdoors bend, experience " night of day of clear dew point of the middle of a month " , experience a moon to bring my beauty.

3. In August 15 month is round. When we and family reunion, whether do you know the motherland still has a boy far away from home -- Xx? Make us collective wish, xx -- this weather-beaten boy far away from home, in the bosom that can return motherland mom warmth at an early date. Make us collective expect the Chinese nation from now on round reunion is round, no longer flesh and blood is detached! To moment, in the time that allows us to be celebrated together in the whole nation " lift cup invite the bright moon, in all chart reunion music " !

4. Mid-autumn of festival namely, let our Xiang Xinqin feed our parents, true city says the teachers of altruistic dedication: You worked hard! We can learn literacy knowledge hard, grown make the material with useful motherland, for national construction, of the nation revitalize, consecratory oneself force!

5. You, it is the longing that Yao cannot reach; The home, it is sweet and comfortable harbour. I follow reality in the dream between, speak or act on hearsay evidance is like the ground to want to review every story. Family, one desk dish, a dish of moon cake, simple scene urges person tear to fall.

9, does festival write a poetry to give family friend teacher to convey longing to share a blessing to be comprehended in participate in mid-autumn how does outstanding culture write culture inheritance mid-autumn?

" mid-autumn " (the Tang Dynasty) Bao Jingsheng of high above in the sky of Li Piaohao soul, lonely of noise of the celestial being between the cloud is breathed; Have equal shares round full, a thousand li of Yun Qu length partner bright; Coon falls outside Cong Xian for nothing, bewitching toad rests to be born at the moment; Clever raft plan to be the same as about hand in hand, more wait for galactic and complete Qing Dynasty.

" 15 night played a month in August " (the Tang Dynasty) Liu Yu Xitian will tonight month, wash extensive region to sea. Heat retreats 9 clouds clean, qiu Cheng 10 thousand view are clear. Stars lets glorious, wind dew sends brilliant flower. Can change terrestrial world, you Ran is Yu Jing.

" water moves song head " (the Song Dynasty) celestial bodies of Su Dongpo third mid-autumn, joyous drink until dawn. Fuddle one's cap, make this, hold a bosom concurrently child by. When does the bright moon have? Ask blue sky wine. Do not know ethereal imperial palace, today is evening why year? My desire returns by wind, fear Lou Yuyu fining jade again, altitude deeply cold! Have brandish clear picture, is He Shi in the world? Turn Zhu Ge, low figured woven silk material door, illuminate without Mian. Not due hate, why is the issue senior to the circle when fastening? The person has vicissitudes of life, the month has Yin Qing circle to be short of, this matter is ancient difficult complete. I wish the person is long, a thousand li in all lovely wowan.

" mid-autumn month " (the Song Dynasty) cloud of Su Shi dusk controls spill poor, the Milky Way to turn soundlessly jade dish, this gives birth to this night not to grow good, where of bright moon next year looks.

" too often bring " (the Song Dynasty) Xin Qi disease round of Qiu Ying turns Jin Bo, flying lens is ground again again. Ask E wine: By do sth to a person of person of white hair bully! Good by wind go, vast sky 10 thousand lis, next straight seeing the land of country. Hack goes laurel dancing. Humane it is clear smooth more. Taiwan balladry:

" brigade is thought of mid-autumn " Gu picture looks minute of wild goose, a thousand pieces of gold reads aloud fraud ermine; Birthplace autumn recalls a month, exotic night Jing is wet. The hand did not climb orange osmanthus, with still coiling predestined relationship broadleaf plant; hai Tianyao looks on the west.

" moonlight consider country " Leng Yi of astral rare month is galactic, 10 thousand noise are breathed from howl song; Where closes hill home 10 thousand lis, ye Laicheng touchs guest anxious much.

" suffer " night is dark, the bright moon hangs a day high in the middle of, lonely is breathed; Sleep the eye is hazy, suddenly if in the dream; Unripe lie wander with inquietude, in head of homeland home encompass; Suffering suffers, return go voidance, if burn king heart.

10, does Shi Ciwen change intention mid-autumn?

The Mid-autumn Festival is the traditional festival of Chinese people, have in a steady stream to shed long history, be a Chinese is nostalgic write down meaning, guest of Chinese ink of past dynasties bookman has to its very beautiful gasp in admiration and describe, its culture inside information is very substantial, conveyed Chinese people the Chinese nation adequately the feeling to the Mid-autumn Festival, the Mid-autumn Festival is representing a bumper harvest, representing reunion, representing the joyance to accomplishment of one the year's harvest.
