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从西边出镇,便来到R-132—R-134的急流。从下方一直往西游,来到R-134的一块略呈方形的海滩,从海滩正中间向西游,便能来到一个被急流四周环绕的深水区域。潜下去,见是一个海底小洞,游出去,在尽头的暗礁处发现一行不明文字,经过日文菜鸟MelonGx的翻译(路人S:吹水啦!),得知上面写着:【ここで あがる】(从这里上去)——浮上去吧。果然别有洞天(おふれのせきしつ)! 这里像是个鲜为人知的古迹,到处都布满了不明文字。走到最前的面板一看:【ここで あなを ほる】(在这里挖洞)——马上叫出装有钻地的PM(TM28的拿法参见第4章),一钻,果然钻出个大洞!不容分说,快点进去吧。……怎么又是大堆不明文字?从上到下,从左到右一一看来,翻译如下: 【はじめに ジーランス おわりに ホエルオー そして すべてが ひらかれん】 【わたしたちは この あなで くらし せいかつ し そして いきて きた】 【すべては ポケモンの おかげだ】 【だが わたしたちは あの ポケモンを とじこめた】 【こわかったのだ】 【ゆうき ある ものよ きぼうにみちた ものよ】 【とびらを あけよ そこに えいえんの ポケモンが いる】 各句意思是说: 1、把No.179(ジーランス,R-126水下能捉到)摆在队伍排头,No.100(ホエルオー,No.099 LV40进化)摆在队伍包尾,一切都将揭晓。(后面几句真的不会了……) 照着它说的去做:No.179摆队伍排头,No.100摆队伍包尾,来到おふれのせきしつ的里间。调查最上方的面板后,突然传来了一阵震动,持续了很久很久还未平息…… 这震动意味着什么呢?走遍了方圆地区,总算找到了答案: 一在R-105的左边发现一座小岛(こじまのよこあな),岛内又有不明文字,翻译出来是【このまま うごかず ふたつの ときを まて】(就这样在2个单位时间内不要动)——保持看住那些文字2分钟之后,机关就会打开。里面可以捉“冰柱”No.194(レジアイス)。二在R-111的沙尘暴区域南边发现一个洞(さばくいせき),洞内又有不明文字,翻译出来是【みぎ みぎ した した そこで かいりきを つかえ】(向右、向右、向下、向下,在那里使用推石)——照着它说的去做,机关就会打开。里面可以捉“岩柱”No.193(レジロック)。三在R-120左下方又发现一个洞(こだいづか),洞内又有不明文字,翻译出来是【あらたなる ときと きぼうと あいを もち まんなかで そらを めざせ】(在新时代,凭借爱和希望,在正中间向天空进发吧——翻译得不好……请日文高手纠正)——在正中间使用飞天后,机关就会打开。里面可以捉“钢柱”No.195(レジスチル)。


: of 3 gods column? Blow the play that receive doubt to fall  of male ∥ Jin  of Ju of Jie Huan of the 4  that embed  carries evil spirit? of  of dry up  " column " dictate is worn whole neighborhood area, their attribute is cliff, ice, steel respectively, after passing long time, they do not know a footprint already... such come saying, can this " 3 emperor column " return consist in on this world? Must do after all.

From in the west give a garrison post, come to R-132, the race of R-134. From lower part all the time westerly swims, come to the shows square slightly together beach of R-134, from beach the Xiang Xiyou intermediate, can come to by race all around the deep water area that surround. Go go down, seeing is small hole of a sea floor, swim, an unidentified character discovers in the key place at, the interpreter that passes MelonGx of Japanese dish bird (passerby S: Blow water! ) , be informed above writing: [る of が of あ of こ こ で ] (go up from here) -- float goes up. See a new world as expected (つ of し of き of せ of の of お ふ れ ) ! Resembling here is a little-known historic site, bestrewed unidentified character everywhere. The face plate that goes foremost looks: [る of ほ of を of な of あ of こ こ で ] (here dibble) -- make contain immediately the PM that gets the ground (of TM28 take a law to refer to the 4th chapter) , get, drill a large hole as expected! High-handed, go in quickly. ... how be pile unidentified character? From the top down, from left to right look one by one, the interpreter is as follows: [ん of れ of か of ら of ひ of が of て of べ of す of て of し of そ of ー of オ of ル of エ of ホ of に of り of わ of お of ス of ン of ラ of ー of ジ of に of は じ め ] [し そ of つ of か of い of せ of し of ら of く of で of な of あ of の of こ of は of ち of た of わ た し : 1, No.179 (ス of ン of ジ ー ラ , r-126 underwater can be caught) place in team file leader, no.100 (ー of オ of ホ エ ル , no.099 LV40 is developmental) place in the team to include remaining part, everything will be announced. (from the back a few really won't... ) go doing according to what it says: No.179 places team file leader, no.100 places a team to include remaining part, those who come to つ of し of き of せ of の of お ふ れ in. Investigate most after the face plate of upper part, transmitted suddenly to shake, lasted very long very long had not appeased... do this shake what to mean? Visited circumference area, found the solution at long last: Discover an isle in the left of R-105 (な of あ of こ of よ of の of こ じ ま ) , there is unidentified character again inside the island, the interpreter comes out is [て of ま of を of き of と of の of つ of た of ふ of ず of か of ご of う of ま of こ の ま ] (it is so inside 2 units time do not move) -- maintain after reading those scripts 2 minutes, mechanism can be opened. Can catch inside " icicle " No.194 (ス of イ of レ ジ ア ) . The area of 2 sanded dust storm in R-111 south discover a hole (き of せ of い of さ ば く ) , there is unidentified character again inside the hole, the interpreter comes out is [え of か of つ of を of き of り of い of か of で of こ of そ of た of し of た of し of ぎ of み ぎ み ] (right, right, be down, downward, use over turn rock) -- go doing according to what it says, mechanism can be opened. Can catch inside " cliff column " No.193 (ク of ッ of レ ジ ロ ) . 3 in R-120 wrong lower part discovers a hole again (か of づ of こ だ い ) , there is unidentified character again inside the hole, the interpreter comes out is [せ of ざ of め of を of ら of そ of で of か of な of ん of ま of ち of も of を of い of あ of と of う of ぼ of き of と of き of と of る of な of あ ら た ] (in new era, depend on love and hope, in in the middle of to celestial set out -- translate badly... ask Japanese ace to correct) -- in after the use flying Apsaras intermediate, mechanism can be opened. Can catch inside " steel column " No.195 (ル of チ of レ ジ ス ) .

下一篇:长株潭旅游主题分析? 长株潭旅游景点排名?英文双语对照