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黄糕是一种汉族地方性糕类食物。主要流行于山西大同、朔州及周边县周边县以及村庄,陕西榆林以及河北省张家口市阳原县、蔚县两地。用黄米面蒸制而成,类似南方年糕样的食品,因其色泽金黄,故名之。具有色泽鲜黄,质地松软,味甜香润,营养丰富的特点。一种地方食物。主要流行于河北省张家口市阳原县、蔚县两地及山西大同的广灵、灵丘等县及周遍村庄,多数中午以其为主食。是用黍子去皮俗称黄米,磨成面粉为主要原料(可选择性的掺杂少许玉米面或小米面或不掺),用水拌成粉团状,放到蒸笼下面铺上透气的麻布,然后用手把活好的面,挤成一块一块的中间要有缝隙。(软硬视个人及家庭成员口味而定)然后放在锅里蒸制而成,然后用手(可蘸少许温水)揉成块儿状,最后可在糕块儿上面涂少许食用油,这样就是面性黄糕。若再把黄糕揉成鸡、鸭或鹅蛋大小的球状(或包馅或不包馅)在油锅中炸一下就成了油炸糕了。 黄糕特别耐饥,晚上吃了不消化,睡不着觉,当地人们一般都是中午吃。有一句俗语就是“三十里莜面,四十里糕,二十里荞面饿断腰”,吃了黄糕就可以走四十里路。黄糕面原料,黍子去皮后即得黄米。单子叶禾本科作物,一年生草本植物,生长在北方,耐干旱,叶子细长而尖,叶片有平行叶脉。籽实也叫黍子,淡黄色,去皮后俗称黄米,黄米再磨成面俗称黄米面,性黏,常用来做年糕、酿酒,在张家口的蔚县、阳原及山西、内蒙部分县还用来做黄糕及油炸糕,是重要的粮食作物之一。“糕”与“高”谐音。吃黄糕喜庆,像港澳地区吃发菜是为发财一样,寓意兴高采烈,高升旺长。为讨口彩,每到逢时过节,婚嫁喜庆,必定炸油糕,然后分送各家,俗称“吃喜糕”。黄糕是一种食品,注入感情后也成了文化,黄糕文化是那般地美妙!莜面;莜(yu)面是由莜麦加工而成的面粉,在山西、内蒙古,河北坝上地区也是莜麦面食品的统称。莜面中含有钙、磷、铁、核黄素等多种人体需要的营养元素和药物成份,可以治疗和预防糖尿病、冠心病、动脉硬化、高血压等多种疾病。同时莜面中含有一种特殊物质——亚油酸,它对于人体新陈代谢具有明显的功效。莜麦是一年生草本植物。生长期短,成熟后子实容易和外壳脱离磨成粉后可食用,就叫莜面,也叫裸燕麦面,又叫莜麦面,这种植物的子实也叫莜麦。由莜麦加工而成的面粉。经过精细制作成为食品。莜面的营养成份是其它面粉营养成份的七倍以上,可与精面粉媲美。另外,莜面还是一种很好的保健食品,有助于减肥和美容。只是莜面不容易消化(晚餐最好不要多吃),每顿量要少吃。莜面是河北省张家口市、山西省北部大同盆地地区以及内蒙古土默川平原及阴山山地、乌兰察布市南部的特色食品,主要生长在无霜期短的山地区域。 莜面吃法颇多,风味各有千秋。可以加工成饸饹、窝窝、储格、拿糕、饺饺、傀儡、丸丸、馄饨、拨面等,也可以加工成炒面、糊糊、燕麦片等,不仅成为当地人的一种主要食品,而且是出口外销的名牌产品。据中国医学科学院卫生研究所综合分析,中国裸燕麦含粗蛋白质达15.6%,脂肪8.5%,还有淀粉释放热量以及磷、铁、钙等元素,与其它8种粮食相比,均名列前茅。燕麦中水溶性膳食纤维分别是小麦和玉米的4.7倍和7.7倍。燕麦中的B族维生素、尼克酸、叶酸、泛酸都比较丰富,特别是维生素E,每100克燕麦粉中高达15毫克。此外燕麦粉中还含有谷类食粮中均缺少的皂甙(人参的主要成分)。蛋白质的氨基酸组成比较全面,人体必需的8种氨基酸含量的均居首位,尤其是含赖氨酸高达0.68克。莜面对于常常处於紧张状态的上班族来说,是一种兼顾营养又不至於发胖的健康食品。而对于心脑血管人群,肝肾功能不全者,肥胖者,中年人,还有想要减肥的女性更是保健佳品。一般人群均可食用。适宜产妇、婴幼儿、老年人以及空勤、海勤人员食用;适宜慢性病人、脂肪肝、糖尿病、浮肿、习惯性便秘者食用;适宜体虚自汗、多汗、易汗、盗汗者食用;适宜高血压病、高脂血症、动脉硬化者食用。熏肉;熏肉是五花肉中加入花椒、茴香、甜面酱等的佐料慢火焖煮而成的。五花肉营养丰富,容易吸收,有补充皮肤养分、美容的效果。 刚出锅的熏肉,红紫紫、颤巍巍、亮光光的肉皮上冒着晶莹的小油泡,色、香、味、俱佳,吃起来香醇可口,回味无穷。在怀安县一带,人们逢年过节,常会买上几斤柴沟堡熏肉。外地来的客人,也总带上几块熏肉,尝尝鲜。熏肉是五花肉中加入花椒、茴香、甜面酱等的佐料慢火焖煮而成的。五花肉营养丰富,容易吸收,有补充皮肤养分、美容的效果。原产于中国张家口。柴沟堡熏肉的制作大体分备料、煮肉和熏制三个阶段。备料时,选用膘肥约一寸的二级肉一百斤,切成五寸见方的大块,厚度一般在寸半左右。头锅中配料:大料、花椒、香料、桂皮、丁香,砂仁。另备大葱、生姜、蒜、甜面酱、煮肉时,先入脊肉,其它带皮肉块分层码在上面。另加大葱二斤,大蒜半斤,盐适量,最后加水淹住肉块,慢火煮开后,再放甜面酱,黑面酱、酱豆腐、酱和醋。开锅后肉块上下翻个,继续以慢火焖煮,每半小时翻一次锅,大约需煮二至四小时。由于是慢火煮肉,油层严严地盖在肉汤上,锅内佐料味能全部入肉,所以肉味香美,这是制作柴沟堡熏肉的关键。熏制时,要沥尽油汤,码放在铁箅上,铁箅下的铁锅内放柏木锯末,三至四两,盖好锅盖,用慢火加热十五分钟,即可出锅,这样制出的柴沟堡熏肉具有色、香、味俱佳的特色,深为食者喜爱。先将肉放沸水里煮一下,捞起来切方块状,锅里下油再加适量白糖,然后下肉翻炒,最后下水再加其他的调料,烧开后用小火焖至肉熟透,起锅盛碗即可。豆腐皮;豆腐皮是汉族传统豆制品,在中国南方和北方地区有多种名菜。各地对豆腐皮的叫法不甚一致,有如下两种:一是在豆浆煮沸之后表面形成天然油膜“挑”起来晾干成的豆腐皮,也叫“油皮”、“腐竹”、“豆腐衣”、“豆笋” 老百姓离不了的大众菜,在众多的怀安人中,会做豆腐皮的人不在少数,而在当地,还有一个十分奇特的现象,就是每个村子都有一二个做豆腐皮的作坊,这种久远而独到的手艺流传至今,成为人们百吃不厌的舌尖美味。中医理论认为,豆腐皮性平味甘,有清热润肺、止咳消痰、养胃、解毒、止汗等功效。豆腐皮营养丰富,蛋白质、氨基酸含量高,据现代科学测定,还有铁、钙、钼等人体所必需的18种微量元素。儿童食用能提高免疫能力,促进身体和智力的发展。老年人长期食用可延年益寿。特别对孕妇产后期间食用既能快速恢复身体健康,又能增加奶水。豆腐皮还有易消化、吸收快的优点。是一种妇、幼、老、弱皆宜的食用佳品。贡米;贡米是中国古代封建社会时期由盛产稻米的地方经过对本地优质稻米精心挑选而敬奉给当时给皇帝享用的大米,也称作御米。是对当地稻米的最高褒奖。 早在700年前就成为贡品,进入御膳房而享誉京城,“米油可代参汤”的传说,更让蔚州贡米成为养生市场的高频消费。原产地、原生态、原滋味,这是与生俱来的“三原”标签。原产于江西万年县裴梅镇荷桥山区,只生长在山脚下雷公河旁的几亩水田里,属野生稻,一年栽一季,全生育期175天。因只有特定的几亩地种植出来才能称为万年贡米,因此产量稀少,但米质独特,杂交水稻之父袁隆平曾来实地考察过。起源于南北朝。因“代代耕种,岁岁纳贡”而得名,距今已有1000多年种植历史。全生育期155-170d,株高127-139cm,株型适中,剑叶狭长挺直,叶色叶鞘色绿,成熟时粒色好,穗长26cm,每穗粒数136粒,结实率89%,千粒重28g,粒形式椭圆,白芒,芒长21mm左右,颖秆色黄。万年贡米,吸取四季清泉,根植水土特异,营养丰富,颗粒大,体细长,颗形如梭,米色似玉。用其做饭,质软不腻,味道浓香;以贡米为原料酿酒,浓而不烈。其米、其酒都品质优良,别具风味。誉盖五谷之首。经测定,万年贡米蛋白质含量比普通大米高1-2倍,且含丰富的维生素b族和一定数量的微量元素,堪称米中珍品。牛奶葡萄;牛奶葡萄异名沙营葡萄、宣化白牛奶、白葡萄、玛瑙葡萄、马奶葡萄、脆葡萄。牛奶葡萄皮薄质脆肉厚,紧密多汁,可剥皮切片,刀切分瓣,有“刀切牛奶不流汁”之美誉。且籽粒少,味甘甜。香气浓,耐存放。营养价值高,可做治疗贫血的辅助剂,又为酿酒、制葡萄汁、蜜饯、罐头、葡萄干的上等原料。 宣化牛奶葡萄果形似牛的乳头,故称牛奶葡萄,古时为朝廷贡品。解放后曾出口二十多个国家和地区,鲜果以皮薄、肉脆、多汁、皮可剥离而闻名,素有“刀切牛奶不流汁”之美誉,为中国北方最著名的鲜食品种之一。该品种为晚熟优良鲜食品种。嫩梢绿色,有稀疏绒毛。幼叶黄绿略带红色,无绒毛。成龄叶片较大,薄,肾脏形,5裂;叶面平滑,叶面叶背均无绒毛。叶柄洼开张矢形;叶柄短于中脉,绿色。一年生成熟枝条黄褐色,节间较长,粗壮。卷须间隔着生。两性花。树势强。芽眼萌发率高,结果枝占芽眼总数的35%左右,每结果枝平均1.1个花序,果穗着生于第五、六节。副梢结实力弱。果穗大,平均重350克以上,最大穗可达1400克,果穗长30厘米,宽15厘米,长圆锥形,果粒着生中等紧密。果粒大,长圆形,果粒平均重6.0克,果皮黄绿色,果皮薄;果肉脆而多汁,味甜、清爽,含糖量15%左右,含酸量0.5%,每果有种子1~3粒。甜玉米;甜玉米(Sweet corn)是玉米的一个种,又称蔬菜玉米,禾本科,玉米属。甜玉米是欧美、韩国和日本等发达国家的主要蔬菜之一。因其具有丰富的营养、甜、鲜、脆、嫩的特色而深受各阶层消费者青睐。植株较矮,分蘖力较强。果穗苞叶上有旗叶。子粒淡黄或乳白色,胚较大,乳熟期子实柔嫩、味美,富含水溶性多糖、维生素A、维生素C、脂肪和蛋白质等。甜玉米被消费的植株部分是未成熟的籽粒,主要由胚乳和子房壁(未成熟的颖果皮)组成。 河北省张家口市万全县气候、土壤条件优越,适宜鲜食玉米种植。这里属寒温带大陆性季风气候,四季分明、昼夜温差大、光照时间长,再加上当地特有的土壤条件,种植出的鲜食玉米粘性高、糖分大、口感很好。德国营养保健协会的研究表明,在所有主食中,玉米的营养价值和保健作用最高。玉米含有7种“抗衰剂”即钙、谷胱甘肽、维生素、镁、硒、维生素E和脂肪酸。经测定,每100克玉米能提供近300毫克的钙,几乎与乳制品中所含的钙差不多。丰富的钙可以起到降血压的功效。玉米中所含有的胡萝卜素被人体吸收后转化为维生素A,具有防癌作用。植物纤维素能加速致癌物质和其他毒物的排出。天然维生素E则有促进细胞分裂,延缓衰老,降低血清胆固醇、防止皮肤病变的功能,还能减轻动脉硬化和脑功能衰退。玉米含有的黄体素、玉米黄质有利于延缓眼睛老化。“生命元素”硒著称是“抗癌之王”,超甜玉米中硒的含量比普通玉米高8-10倍。硒还具有增强免疫力、防止糖尿病、心脑血管疾病、防治肝病、保护肝脏等作用。甜玉米还具有医疗保健作用,因含有多种维生素和矿物质使其具有水果和蔬菜的特点;含有不饱和脂肪酸,有降低血液中的胆固醇、软化血管和防治冠心病的作用。


Yellow cake is a kind of the Han nationality local cake kind food. Main popularity reachs county of circumjacent county periphery and village at city of Shanxi Great Harmony, new moon, shaanxi Yu forest and Heibei saves Yang Yuan county of piece of city of members of a family, colourful county two ground. Be made with evaporate of glutinous millet face and become, the food of appearance of similar and southern New Year cake, because its colour and lustre is golden, of friend name. Have delicacy of colour and lustre to fizzle out, texture is soft, smell is sweet popular benefit, the characteristic with rich nutrition. Food of a kind of place. Main popularity saves Yang Yuan county of piece of city of members of a family, colourful county at Heibei the county such as the wide spirit of two ground and Shanxi Great Harmony, clever grave and all around village, majority is staple food with its midday. It is to use millet child flay common weighs glutinous millet, wear flour is main raw material (the face of corn of impure a few of optional choose sex or millet face or not mix into) , mix with water powdery conglomerate form, put steam box below the flax that breathes freely on the shop, use the face that handgrip has lived next, squeeze among should have crack. (soft inspect forcedly the individual reachs domestic member taste and decide) put in boiler to evaporate is made and be become next, use a hand next (can dip in a few Wen Shui) knead place shape, can be finally above cake place edible of besmear a few is oily, it is face sex yellow cake so. What if knead yellow cake again,become chicken, duck or goose egg size is bulbiform (or wrap stuffing or do not wrap stuffing) in the blast in oily boiler became deepfry cake. Yellow cake is special be able to bear or endure be hungry, ate in the evening indigestible, sleep to be not worn become aware, place people is to eat midday commonly. Having a common saying is " face of 30 lis of You, 40 lis of cake, starvation of face of 20 lis of Qiao breaks a small of the back " , ate yellow cake to be able to take 40 lis of routes. Raw material of yellow cake face, millet child glutinous millet is gotten namely after flay. Crop of monadlist leaf the grass family, annual herb, grow in north, be able to bear or endure arid, leaf is long and thin and pointed, blade has parallel nerve. Seed fact also calls millet child, flaxen, the common after flay weighs glutinous millet, glutinous millet again wear face common calls glutinous millet the face, the gender is sticky, commonly used will make New Year cake, make wine, the colourful county in Zhang Jia mouth, Yang Yuan and Shanxi, inside unconscious part county still is used make yellow cake and deepfry cake, it is one of main grain crop. "Cake " with " tall " homophonic. Eat yellow cake festival, resembling area of HongKong and Macow taking hair course is to be like getting rich, the implied meaning is elated, rise flourishing is long. To demand buccal variety, every arrive when meeting, celebrate a festival, marriage is festival, sure blast oily cake, next send each, common says " eat happy cake " . Yellow cake is a kind of food, culture also was become after infuse feeling, yellow cake culture is that kind of ground wonderful! You face; You (Yu) the face is the flour that be machined by naked oats and becomes, be in Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, the area on Heibei dam also is a general designation of food of naked oats face. The nutrient element that a variety of human body need such as calcic, phosphor, iron, riboflavin contain in You face and medicaments component, can be treated and prevent a variety of diseases such as diabetic, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, hypertension. A kind of special material is contained in You face at the same time -- linoleic acid, it has apparent effect to human body metabolism. Naked oats is annual herb. Growth period is brief, after the seed after maturity breaks away from pulverize easily with crust but edible, call You the face, also make naked oaten range, call naked oats the face again, seed of this kind of floral also calls naked oats. By the flour that naked oats is machined and becomes. It is food through be being made subtly. The nutrient component of You face is the septuple above of component of other flour nutrition, can rival with flour of essence of life. Additional, you face still is a kind of very good health food, conduce to reduce weight and hairdressing. It is You face is digested not easily only (dinner had better not eat more) , every amount should take less. You face is Heibei province area of basin of Great Harmony of north of province of city of Zhang Jia mouth, Shanxi and Inner Mongolia earth the characteristic food of south of town of cloth of examine of silent plain Campagna and country of the Yinshan Mountains, Wu Lan, basically grow in the country region with brief frost-free period. You area has a way quite much, gust each has his strong point. Can process check of Zuo Zuo , nest, store case, take ball of dumpling of cake, dumpling, dummy, ball, wonton, dial a face to wait, also can machine chow mien, burnt paste, oatmeal to wait, make a kind of of local main provision not only, and the famous brand product that is exit export. According to integration analysis of institute of sanitation of Chinese academy of medical sciences, china is naked oaten contain crude protein to amount to 15.6% , adipose 8.5% , still starch releases the quantity of heat and phosphor, iron, element such as calcium, with other photograph of 8 kinds of commissariat is compared, all be among the best of candidates. Oaten in water-solubility is prandial fiber is wheat and corn respectively 4.7 times with 7.7 times. Oaten medium B a group of things with common features acid of vitamin, Nick, folic acid, pantothenic acid is richer, especially vitamin E, every 100 grams are as high as 15 milligram in oaten pink. The black glucoside that in corn food still is being contained in in addition oaten pink, all lacks (the bases) of ginseng. Protein amino acerbity composition is more comprehensive, of 8 human body is indispensible kinds of amino acid content all head the list, contain lysine to be as high as 0.68 grams especially. You is faced at often be in for the office worker at nervous condition, it is nutrition of a kind of give attention to two or morethings do not come again Wu Fa's fat healthy food. And hemal to heart head crowd, liver kidney function is not complete person, fat person, middleaged person, still having the woman that wants to reduce weight is sanitarian beautiful is tasted more. Average crowd all but edible. Edible of personnel of appropriate puerpera, infant, old people and air duty, Hai Qin; Appropriate and chronic patient, fatty liver, diabetic, bloated, chronic constipation person edible; Spontaneous of appropriate system empty, much sweat, easy sweat, night sweat person edible; Appropriate hypertensive disease, tall lipemia, arteriosclerosis person edible. Bacon; The boil in a covered pot over a slow fire of spice slow fire that Chinese prickly ash, fennel, a sweet sauce made of fermented flour adds to wait in steaky pork is boiled and bacon is become. Steaky pork nutrition is rich, absorb easily, have the effect of compensatory skin nutrient, hairdressing. Just gave the bacon of boiler, gong Zizi, tottering, light is risking glittering and translucent small oily bubble on smooth skin, beautiful of color, sweet, flavour, all, taste sweet alcohol is goluptious, the aftertaste is boundless. The county is installed to be taken in the bosom, people on holidays, regular meeting buys bacon of fort of channel of on a few jins of bavin. The guest that the other place comes to, bring on a few bacon always also, taste have a taste of what is just in season. The boil in a covered pot over a slow fire of spice slow fire that Chinese prickly ash, fennel, a sweet sauce made of fermented flour adds to wait in steaky pork is boiled and bacon is become. Steaky pork nutrition is rich, absorb easily, have the effect of compensatory skin nutrient, hairdressing. Originate in Chinese Zhang Jia mouth formerly. The cent of the cardinal principle that make of bacon of bavin channel fort gets the materials ready, the flesh that boil and fumigated 3 phase. When getting the materials ready, the 2 class flesh that chooses fat fertilizer to make an appointment with a inch 100 jins, cut the chunk of 5 inches of square, ply is in commonly inch control partly. The burden in head boiler: Aniseed, Chinese prickly ash, flavor, cassia bark, clove, arenaceous benevolence. When the other equipment green Chinese onion, ginger, garlic, a sweet sauce made of fermented flour, flesh that boil, enter backbone flesh first, other takes flesh piece statified code above. Add green Chinese onion additionally 2 jins, garlic half jins, salt is right amount, add water to wide finally fleshy piece, after slow fire is boiled, put a sweet sauce made of fermented flour again, black area sauce, fermented bean curd, sauce and vinegar. The flesh after boil piece break up up and down, continue to be boiled with slow fire stew, every half hours turn over boiler, need to boil about 2 to 4 hours. Because be the slow fire flesh that boil, severe severe ground builds oil reservoir to go up in broth, flavour of the spice inside boiler can enter the flesh entirely, fleshy smell is so sweet beautiful, this is the key of bacon of fort of channel of the bavin that make. Fumigated when, want drop to use up oily soup, the code is put on iron Bi, the iron below iron Bi puts cypress sawdust inside boiler, 3 to 39, build good boiler shell, heat 15 minutes with slow fire, can give boiler, make the bacon of bavin channel fort that go out have the distinguishing feature of beautiful of all of color, sweet, flavour so, the person that feed deeply loves. Put the meat first boil in boiling water, scoop up cut diamonds account, next oil in boiler add right amount white sugar again, issue the flesh to break up next fry, enter the water to add other condiment again finally, the flesh comes with small fire stew after be being burned squashy, boiler fills a bowl since can. Skin of soya-bean milk; Skin of soya-bean milk is bean products of tradition of the Han nationality, there are a variety of renown foods in Chinese south and northern region. Each district is right of skin of soya-bean milk call a law not to agree very, have two kinds as follows: It is after soya-bean milk boil the surface forms crude oil film " carry " rise the skin of soya-bean milk that air becomes, also cry " outermost layer of skin " , " dried bean milk cream in tight rolls " , " bean curd garment " , " fabaceous bamboo shoot " the masses food that common people cannot leave, in numerous Huai Anren, the person that can do skin of soya-bean milk is absent a few, and be in place, still have a very peculiar appearance, it is every village has just a little the mill that does skin of soya-bean milk, this kind of ages ago and original craft circulates up to now, become people the 100 the tip of the tongue that eat not tire of are delicate. Theory of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine thinks, sex of skin of soya-bean milk makes the same score flavour pleasant, lung of embellish of heat having Qing Dynasty, relieve a cough disappear is phlegmy, raise stomach, detoxify, stop the effect such as sweat. Nutrition of skin of soya-bean milk is rich, protein, amino acid content is high, determine according to modern science, still have 18 kinds of microelement with the human body indispensible place such as iron, calcic, molybdenum. Children edible can increase immune capacity, stimulative body and intellective development. Old people is long-term edible but prolong life. Can restore quickly already to the edible between pregnant woman puerperium particularly healthy, can add milk again. Skin of soya-bean milk still has easy digest, absorb sharp good point. It is a kind of Fu, young, old, weak all the edible beautiful of appropriate is tasted. Tribute rice; Tribute rice is period of feudal society of Chinese ancient time pass high grade to this locality paddy by the place that teems with paddy rice rice chooses meticulously and piously worship gives the rice that enjoys to the emperor at that time, also call drive rice. It is the top commend and award to local paddy rice. Early become articles of tribute before 700 years, enter drive board room and be famous in a capital, "Rice oil can take the place of ginseng soup " fabulous, more the high frequency consumption that lets rice of colourful city tribute make market of preserve one's health. Country of origin, former zoology, former flavor, this is inherent " 3 former " label. Originate in a surname of county of Jiangxi all ages formerly Mei Zhenhe bridge is a mountainous area, in a few mus of paddy fields that grow beside river of the Thunder God below the foot of a hill only, belong to feral paddy, grow one season one year, bear completely period 175 days. Because only a few mus of specific ground are cultivated,come out to just can call rice of all ages tribute, crop is accordingly exiguous, but rice is qualitative distinctive, the father Yuan Long Ping of cross paddy ever had made an on-the-spot investigation on the spot. Traceable the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Because of " Dai Daigeng is planted, tribute of every years old of year old accept " and get a name, be apart from today already 1000 crop the history for years. Bear completely period 155-170d, individual plant tall 127-139cm, individual plant moderate, sword leaf is long and narrow and erect, color of Xie Sexie scabbard is green, look of the bead when maturity is good, spic grows 26cm, every spic bead counts 136, strong rate 89% , 28g of mass of 1000 kernel, bead form is elliptical, bai Mang, beard grows 21mm left and right sides, clever stalk color is yellow. Rice of all ages tribute, absorb clear spring of the four seasons, root establish natural environment is distinctive, nutrition is rich, grain is big, body slightness, form if shuttle, cream-colored is like jade. Cook with its, qualitative soft not be bored with, flavour aroma; It is raw material brew with tribute rice, thick and not intense. Its rice, its wine quality is good, do not have local color. Praise first what build food crops. Via determining, rice gluten of all ages tribute pledges content compares common rice tall 1-2 times, and contain rich vitamin B a group of things with common features and a certain quantity of microelement, can weighs the curiosa in rice. Milk grape; Grape of sanded battalion of name of milk grape different, Xuan Huabai milk, white grape, agate grape, mare's milk grape, fragile grape. Milk grape skin is thin qualitative fragile flesh is thick, close together and juicily, can decorticate section, the knife segments valve, have " the knife cuts milk not to shed juice " beautiful praise. And seed bead is little, flavour pleasant is sweet. Aroma is thick, be able to bear or endure deposit. Nutrient value is high, can become the assistant that treats anaemia, it is the brew, good raw material that makes grape juice, confiture, potted, currant again. Announce changes tit of bovine of form of milk grape fruit, friend calls milk the grape, it is imperial court articles of tribute in ancient times. More than 20 countries and area ever were exported after liberating, xian Guo with the skin thin, flesh fragile, juicily, skin can come off and famed, element has " the knife cuts milk not to shed juice " beautiful praise, for Chinese north the famousest delicacy eats one of variety. This breed eats variety for late-mature and admirable delicacy. Tender tip green, have few and far between nap. Young Xie Huang is green slightly erubescent, without nap. Into age blade is bigger, thin, nephritic form, 5 crack; Face of blade is flowing, back of leaf of face of blade all does not have nap. Petiole opens business depression arrowy form; Petiole is short at midrib, green. Annual mature branch is olive, between the section longer, brawny. Removed move gives birth to tendril. The couple is beautiful. Tree force is powerful. Eye bud rate is high, those who written guarantee fruit-bearing shoot holds eye sum total 35% the left and right sides, every result branch is average 1.1 inflorescence, fruit spic is worn be born at the 5th, 6. Deputy tip writtens guarantee actual strength loses. Fruit spic is big, weigh 350 grams above on average, the biggest spic can amount to 1400 grams, fruit spic is 30 centimeters long, 15 centimeters wide, long circle is cone-shaped, fruit bead is worn unripe medium and close together. Fruit bead is big, grow a circle, guo Liping all weighs 6 grams, peel is olive, peel is thin; Pulp is fragile and juicily, flavour is sweet, relaxed, the quantity that contain sugar 15% the left and right sides, the quantity that contain acid 0.5% , every fruit has a seed 1 ~ 3. Sweet corn; Sweet corn (Sweet Corn) plant be corn, weigh vegetable corn again, gramineous, corn is belonged to. Sweet corn is Euramerican, one of main vegetable of the developed country such as Korea and Japan. Because its have rich nutrition, sweet, bright, fragile, tender distinguishing feature and favor by each estate consumer. Plant is shorter, tillering force is more powerful. Guo Suibao has banner part of a historical period on the leaf. Seed weak Huang Huo is ivory, embryo is bigger, breast is ripe period seed is tender, delicious, c of A of polysaccharide of sex of rich hydrous dissolve, vitamin, vitamin, adipose wait with protein. Sweet the plant part that corn is consumed is crudely seed bead, basically mix by endosperm ovarian wall (crudely caryopsis skin) composition. Condition of climate of county of perfect of city of mouth of Heibei province Zhang Jia, soil is advantageous, appropriate delicacy feeds corn to cultivate. Here belongs to climate of monsoon of sex of mainland of cold temperate zone, the four seasons time of big, illumination grows difference in temperature of trenchant, day and night, plus place's peculiar soil condition, cultivate the delicacy that go out to eat corn agglutinant tall, candy divides big, mouthfeel very good. The research of association of German nutrition health care makes clear, in all staple food, the nutrient value of corn and sanitarian action are highest. Corn contains 7 kinds " fight decline agent " namely E of peptide of pleasant of Guang of calcic, cereal, vitamin, magnesian, Selenium, vitamin and fatty acid. Via determining, corn of every 100 grams can offer the calcium of nearly 300 milligram, the calcium that contains with the place in dairy produce almost is about the same. Rich calcium can rise to fall the effect of blood pressure. The place in corn contains A of vitamin of the translate into after some carotene are absorbed by human body, have the effect that prevent cancer. Plant cellulose can quicken the eduction of carcinogen and other poisonous substances. Natural vitamin E has stimulative segmentation, defer consenescence, reduce the serum cholesterol, function that prevents skin pathological change, still can mitigate arteriosclerosis and cerebral function decline. Cream-colored of the corpus luteum element that corn contains, jade is helpful for deferring eye ageing character. "Life element " selenium is celebrated be " the king that fights cancer " , super- sweet the content of the Selenium in corn compares common corn tall 8-10 times. Selenium still is had enhance immune power, prevent blood-vessel of head of diabetic, heart the action such as liver of disease of liver of disease, prevention and cure, protection. Sweet corn still has Medical Protection effect, because of containing a variety of vitamins are mixed mineral the characteristic that makes its have fruit and vegetable; Contain not saturated fatty acid, have the effect of blood-vessel of the cholesterol in reducing blood, bate and coronary heart disease of prevention and cure.
