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体现在以下几个方面:1. 天象奇观:大自然中有许多壮观的天象现象,如流星雨、日全食、月全食等。


2. 生物多样性:地球上存在着大量不同种类的生物,每一种生物都有其独特的特征和生存方式。


3. 地理景观:地球上分布着广袤的草原、雄伟的山脉、蜿蜒的河流、壮丽的瀑布等各种地理景观。


4. 自然循环:大自然中存在着复杂的循环系统,如水循环、碳循环、氮循环等。


















八、patience is best remedy作文例文?

patience is best remedy which can relieve our inner injury。



大自然是一本无字的书,它教人读懂了生命的宝贵,也教人读懂了生命的顽强。 野火烧不尽,春风吹又生,这句诗是描写小草生命力顽强的诗句。







One, the exemple article of magical and expeditionary brigade outline?

[magical and expeditionary brigade -- explore mysterious cave] article table outline

One, opening remarks

  Article table stimulates the reader's curiosity and expeditionary appetite through vivid picture and fascinating language, in letting them blend in the circumstances of magical and expeditionary brigade immediately. Can write so for instance:

   Today, we should take you to explore mysterious cave, contain is worn here countless fokelore and secret, await gutty adventurer to come round to reveal its truth. Are you ready? Let us begin this together field is unforgettable itinerary!

2, exploration history

  In expeditionary brigade, article table needs to share the history of this place and culture, make the reader has more thorough knowledge and knowledge to here. Can introduce the mythological fokelore of cave of a few concerned mystery and humanitarian history. For instance:

   Mysterious cave is local rural area the bequest of important history culture of according to legend of civilian mouth mouth, allegedly, here is ancient period immortal and the place that deity often appears and disappear. In its history of thousands of years, always have a few unbeknown history incident or mythological a story pasted on with approval, still have a lot of precious culture bequest, waiting for us to visit seek by inquiry.

3, dot suction eyeball

  In expeditionary brigade, article table also wants those who pay attention to originality to apply, the design gives a few novel link or new idea to attract the reader's eyeball. Can choose a few durative " be concerned about " , or what will reflect expeditionary force through establishing all sorts of small toll-gate is different play a way. For instance:

   All sorts of difficulty and dangerous and difficult road there is no lack of on expeditionary road, we need to span not only cragged hill road, the hook that still needs to jump over a lot of cruel to dazzle, demon condition that rushs into dreariness, final ability arrives at mysterious cave. In this process, you will obtain a lot of valuable expeditionary experience and the gift that are full of a surprise.

4, expeditionary achievement

  A home to return to of expeditionary brigade is the part that explores a strange unreal inside cave of course, and genesis a variety of clew of that history incident. Can share a few expeditionary fruit, if found mysterious treasure, discovered the cultural relic that once was missing, perhaps encountered a magical miracle again. For instance:

   In mysterious cave, we were found eventually be in by bury in a fokelore mysterious Tibet tastes subterranean -- a resplendent and magnificent figure of Buddha, it is faint send out a dazzling ray, let a person can't help doing it the heart is unripe awe-stricken and admire. That is us this expeditionary the biggest gains, also be to prove us this magical and expeditionary actual strength and courage.

2, the mystical place of nature?

Reflect in the following respects: 1. Astronomical phenomena marvellous spectacle: There are a lot of grand astronomical phenomena appearances in nature, wait like total eclipse of meteor shower, day, total lunar eclipse.

Resemble these days appear the boundless glamour that lets people exclaim nature.

2.Biology diversity: There is the biology of a large number of different sorts on the earth, biology of avery kind of has his unique feature and live means.

Arrive from microcosmic bacterium macroscopical large mammal, the abundance that biologic diversity showed nature and wonderful.

3.Geographical landscape: All sorts of geography such as the prairie that there is length and breadth of land on the earth, grand mountain range, winding river, gallant chute landscape.

These landscape showed the earth to fashion the process of evolution, also bring beautiful enjoyment to people at the same time.

4.Circulate naturally: There is complex circulatory system in nature, wait like loop of boiler circulation, carbon, nitrogen cycle.

These loops are maintaining the balance of earthly ecosystem, make nature can run continuously.

In these respects, undoubted acclaim as the peak of perfection making a person, show gave its boundless glamour and law of strange transport guild regulations.

3, the sentence with mystical nature?

The sun is not had language, radiative however give brightness; The high mountain is not had language, reflect a lofty however; The earth is not had language, reveal however piece encyclopedical.

4, magical nature commment?

Nature is a wonderful world really, have various birdcall

5, the problem of mystical nature?

The skin of 1. chameleon can be changed lubriciously as surroundings and change accordingly.

2. numbfish this fellow is quite magical also, can generate electricity. Still have can hypnotic other fish and the octopus that prey.

Ma Sheng of 3. high seas raises little baby.

Sea monster of 4. mermaid, Ni Sihu, snowman, savage.

The eye of 5. cat can see a thing in night, the person is no good; The nose of the dog is very acute, the person also does not have law comparing.

Fair mantis should be eaten off after 6. mother mantis marries.

6, the magical meaning of nature?

Means nature is exceedingly mystical, all kinds of strange things, metabolic multiterminal. Nature is biologic living ground is mixed collect the ground, it is the place that various living things live, nature still has for our mankind moved a plant to offer a lot of elements, e.g. water, oxygen, sunshine is waited a moment, but nature also is a very magical thing, we can feel very mysterious.

7, is exemple article the meaning of the composition?

Exemple article is not the meaning of the composition of course. The means of Lee points to example, example. Offerred a pattern plate to you namely, you can follow this example. Go writing a composition. The classmate that begin to learn writes a composition. Can have a look at the exemple article of the composition more, see the begin in exemple article, used what kind of method to write, the process that sees Li Wen is how to write the article specific, treat the winding-up stage of benefit article again. It is very flat and agile or can coordinate begin

8, article of exemple of composition of Patience Is Best Remedy?

Patience Is Best Remedy Which Can Relieve Our Inner Injury.

9, plaint the sentence with mystical nature?

Plaint nature is mystical sentence: Nature is magical, it gifts human life, walk into nature, can hear birdie to bleat ringingly sound, hear frog " quack " cry, hear a brook " clang clang " running water sound, hear a leaf windblown " rustle " sound, then everything is so wonderful.

Nature is the book that does not have a word originally, what it taught a person to understand life is precious, what also taught a person to understand life is tenacious. Wild baked wheaten cake is endless, spring breeze is blown be born again, this poem is the line with tenacious vitality of depict small grass.

10, reflect the sentence with mystical nature?

Water of river of flood of 1. Na Tao, billow Yellow River, continuous and ceaseless mountain peak, mountains and rivers-land is so magnificent, river water is so beautiful ease, make tourist can'ts help plainting the uncanny workmanship of nature.

2. goes along the gorge scenery line of brook establishing mist, seeing place reach all is the scene such as the cave channel with cliff bluff continuous and labyrinthian gorge, tourist all without exception gasps in admiration demiurgic person uncanny workmanship.

Sea of 3. this stone is formed at millions upon millions years before, classics harships and ocean current erode, natural and fruity, 1000 form extremely, uncanny workmanship.

4. this hill cuts axe to chop like the knife general, the cockle of all sorts of uncanny workmanship on hill body is layer upon layer the landforms with peculiar and clinking load one's writing with fancy phrases, make a person dazzling.
