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海蛎煎又名“蚵仔煎”,是闽南一带的经典小吃,在厦门街头巷尾都能找到口感香脆、内馅香滑的海蛎煎,新鲜的海蛎裹上蛋液与地瓜粉煎至外酥里嫩,再配上本地的甜辣酱才算正宗。 蚵仔煎发源于福建厦漳泉一带,是闽南、台湾、潮汕等地经典的汉族小吃。莲欢则是专售海蛎煎的小吃店,在不起眼的小巷子里开了很多年,不太好找,但名声确实不小,最受当地人及游客欢迎,小小的店面食客们常常大排长龙。




花生汤是福建的特色甜品,和胜记花生汤是鼎鼎有名的老字号,也是来厦门必去小吃店之一,花生仁酥烂不碎入口即化,汤头甘甜爽口不腻,加个蛋花味道更佳。 除了花生汤,这里还有沙茶面、海蛎煎、糯米鸡等厦门小吃,都比较正宗,在这里解决早点是不错的选择。


沙茶面可谓是厦门人在外最思念的东西,而乌糖沙茶面被认为是厦门最大牌、最隐秘的小店,每天只在上午营业,想吃除了要起个大早之外,还要忍受等上一小时才能吃上的苦痛,尽管如此,乌糖沙茶面凭借其美味,每天依旧食客不断,明星高官也是常客。 乌糖沙茶酱调得很浓,沙茶面中的辅料全部都是新鲜的,虾仁、猪肝、鱿鱼、肉羹等均新鲜可口、用料考究,绝对不用隔夜食材,吃上一碗乌糖沙茶面,鲜美却不会觉得口渴。






肉松是将肉除去水分后制成的粉末,它适宜保存,并便于携带。肉脯用秘制的调味方制成,“肉紧而甜香”,“油而不腻” 。有猪肉脯、牛肉粒、牛肉柳等好几个品种。


One, Ke young decoct

Sea Li decoct renown " Ke young decoct " , be the one belt austral Fujian is classical and fastfood, can find mouthfeel in Xiamen streets and lanes sweet fragile, inside stuffing is sweet slippery sea Li decoct, fresh sea Li is wrapped on egg fluid and pachyrhizus pink decoct come outside crisp in tender, deserve to go up again of this locality sweet ability considers thick chili sauce authentic. Ke young decoct originates at Fujian Sha Zhangquan is taken, it is Fujian south, the Han nationality with classical and other places of Taiwan, wet Shan is fastfood. Lotus is joyous it is to make work only the snack bar of sea Li decoct, in ordinary lane child in left a lot of years, not quite good search, but fame really not small, most get local and tourist reception, settle or live in a strange places of little inn cooked wheaten food often dragon of great platoon leader.

2, bolus of fish of former alley mouth

Bolus of fish of former alley mouth and others fish bolus are different, bolus of fish of former alley mouth uses deep-sea and feral great shark to handiwork is made and be become, and to honour shark bolus is shark abdomen make it of transparent body part, meat stuffing uses holothurian, dried scallop, concentration to steaky pork is made and be become, measure edition of very few set limit to, it is current the ritzy piscine bolus on market. Bolus of fish of former alley mouth spreads hundred years old store, result from 1821, companion grows together as island bosomy billow, the honour or disgrace that witnessing island bosomy billow is promoted decline, it is Xiamen the delegate of fastfood meal culture, it is Xiamen travel culture is impartible cut one share. A lot of people that sample in inn also can be bought vacuum-packed, mouthfeel very very Q, sweet fragile.

3, and get the better of write down earthnut soup

Earthnut soup is the characteristic sweetmeats of Fujian, and get the better of write down earthnut the old name with Shang Shiding well-known vessel, also be to come Xiamen goes surely one of snack bar, crisp sodden not broken entrance changes groundnut namely, pleasant of a prescription for a medical decoction is sweet tastily not be bored with, add an egg beautiful flavour is much better. Besides earthnut soup, there still is the Xiamen such as chicken of decoct of Li of sanded tea face, sea, polished glutinous rice here fastfood, more authentic, solving breakfast here is right choice.

4, sanded tea face

It may be said of sanded tea face is Xiamen person outer most the thing of longing, and face of black candy sanded tea is considered as the small shop with the the biggest shop sign, secrettest Xiamen, do business in the morning only everyday, want to eat besides should rise big early besides, bear even wait for ability on one hour to eat those who go up is pungent, nevertheless, face of black candy sanded tea depends on his delicate, everyday as before deadbeat is ceaseless, star is curule also be frequenter. Sauce of black candy sanded tea is moved very thickly, the complementary makings in sanded tea face is fresh entirely, a thick soup of shelled fresh shrimps, pork liver, squid, flesh all fresh and goluptious, with makings fastidious, absolutely need not of the previous night feeds capable person, take side of sanded tea of candy of on one bowl of black, delicious won't feel thirsty however.

5, earthy bamboo shoot freezes

The gust of tradition of the Han nationality of the beautiful of all of a kind of lubricious fragrance that aspic of earthy bamboo shoot is the area austral Fujian Fujian is fastfood, advocate raw material is a kind of peculiar worm austral Fujian, cry " siphon-worm of nice change bursa " , contain a lot ofcolloid, flavour is relaxed and delicious, mouthfeel Q is played, deserve to go up all sorts of condiment gust is superexcellent. Some people eat be used to, some people may eat not be used to.

6, carbonado Zong

Carbonado Zong also is to come one of store that Xiamen has surely. The zhongzi stuffing of Xiamen expects in order to abound celebrated, stuffing expects wait for concoct with the flesh, egg, shrimp, Xianggu mushroom, chestnut, fire hind did not take inn door, first Wen Jixiang, with nice and warm most delicate, inn-keeper can wrap good back end to come up, it is good to must take the advantage of heat to have ability so, be used to here having a way is to be added sweet thick chili sauce and caraway.

7, dried meat of dried meat floss, meat

Dried meat floss is the powder that will make after fleshy eliminate moisture, it is saved aptly, facilitate carry. Fleshy dried meat flavors to just be made with what secret makes, "The flesh is close and sweet sweet " , "Oily not be bored with " . Have several variety such as willow of bead of pork chest, beef, beef.

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