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Fashion usually refers to the trend of outfit and accessories preferred by most.

However, different age groups, cultures, have a range of ideas over the latest fashions. It is a difficult task to determine what is In and what is Out as a phenomena. One can, however, suggest certain familiar trends to be a representation of the latest and most popular amongst asians over the years.

Looking back, a fashion statement in the 60s will the well known Agogo style with there retro outfits and oversized accessories. Today, we only know too well the korean and japanese hotties that every asian seems to attempt at copying.

In conlcusion, fashion is no doubt what everyone aims to achieve but can never define. Afterall, its everchanging and repeats itself every now and then.




Chase fashion, enjoy life.


Fashion is an attitude, a way of life.


Fashion and style coexist, taste and confidence go hand in hand.


Fashion is an expression, a display of individuality.


Fashion is an art, a pursuit of beauty.














1. "时尚是一种态度,展现你的个性与品味,让你成为自己的风格代言人。"

2. "穿上时尚,展现你的自信与魅力,成为众人瞩目的焦点。"

3. "时尚是一面镜子,反映出你对生活的热爱与追求,让你散发出无穷的魅力。"

4. "时尚是一种语言,无需言语,你的穿搭就能讲述你的故事,传递你的态度。"

5. "时尚是一种艺术,每一次的搭配都是一幅独特的画作,展现你的创意与品味。"

6. "时尚是一种力量,让你在人群中脱颖而出,成为引领潮流的风向标。"

7. "时尚是一种冒险,勇于尝试新的风格与趋势,让你的生活充满无限可能。"

8. "时尚是一种态度,不拘泥于传统,敢于突破常规,成为自己的时尚宣言。"

9. "时尚是一种自我表达的方式,通过穿搭展现你的个性与独特魅力,成为时尚的代言人。"

10. "时尚是一种激励,让你不断追求更好的自己,展现你的风采与品味。"















1. 让时尚像风一样吹向你的生活。

  2. 时尚看我的,我看世界的!

  3. 主打你的潮流,潮出你的味儿。

  4. 时代名流,尚帝生活。

  5. 跟上快时尚,就看风向标。

  6. 绍兴风向,浙商时尚。

  7. 风向全面领舞,前卫时尚脚步。

  8. 时尚风向,吹出不一样的`风彩。

  9. 风向快时尚,时尚领舞者。

  10. 依时而行,最“尚”品质!


Fashion Queen, 也可用Chanel(香奈儿)代替


About individual character and composition of fashionable language of elegant Sai Ying?

Fashion Usually Refers To The Trend Of Outfit And Accessories Preferred By Most.

However, different Age Groups, cultures, have A Range Of Ideas Over The Latest Fashions. It Is A Difficult Task To Determine What Is In And What Is Out As A Phenomena. One Can, however, suggest Certain Familiar Trends To Be A Representation Of The Latest And Most Popular Amongst Asians Over The Years.

Looking Back, a Fashion Statement In The 60s Will The Well Known Agogo Style With There Retro Outfits And Oversized Accessories. Today, we Only Know Too Well The Korean And Japanese Hotties That Every Asian Seems To Attempt At Copying.

In Conlcusion, fashion Is No Doubt What Everyone Aims To Achieve But Can Never Define. Afterall, its Everchanging And Repeats Itself Every Now And Then.

Table of fashionable English article?

Article table can have a lot of different styles and expressive kind, it is a few give typical examples below:

Angle vogue, enjoy the life.

Chase Fashion, enjoy Life.

Vogue is a kind of manner, a kind of lifestyle.

Fashion Is An Attitude, a Way Of Life.

Vogue and style coexist, savour travel together with self-confidence.

Fashion And Style Coexist, taste And Confidence Go Hand In Hand.

Vogue is a kind of expression, of a kind of individual character show.

Fashion Is An Expression, a Display Of Individuality.

Vogue is a kind of art, a kind of beautiful pursuit.

Fashion Is An Art, a Pursuit Of Beauty.

About fashionable ancient poetry?

Have Yu Xi of Tang Dynasty Liu about fashionable ancient poetry " yuan give Zhu Jun seeing a flower to Beijing opera from bright city with 10 years child " , line " face of stroke of violet road human society comes, nobody see a flower answer " depict Chang'an person goes black watch peach blossom to had become fashion.

Complete poem is as follows:

Face of stroke of violet road human society comes, nobody see a flower.

Black watch li of a peach-shaped thing 1000 trees, after Liu Lang goes, all grow.

About fashionable term?

Fashionable term includes but not be confined to: Tide, popular, modern, avant-courier, fashionable, model, savour, style, tie-in, modelling, trend, fashion. These terms are as close together as vogue relevant, described people to dress up in dress, the pursuit of lifestyle and aesthetic gout respect and expression.

Fashionable shoe English how?

Want to saw you how be used

If be used directly,be a noun is high-heeled shoes Shoeswithhighheels/highshoes

It is other and OK to if use,be in say Highheels directly, for example

Wear high-heeled shoes Towearhighheels/high-heeledshoes

About fashionable popular article table?

1." vogue is a kind of manner, the individual character that shows you and savour, let you become your style spokesman. "

2." puts on vogue, show your self-confidence and glamour, make the central point that everybody fixes eyes upon. "

3." vogue is one side mirror, report gives you opposite is had deep love for alive with pursuit, let you send out a boundless glamour. "

4." vogue is a kind of language, need not verbal, your wear take the story that can relate you, deliver your manner. "

5." vogue is a kind of art, the collocation of every time is a distinctive picture is made, the originality that shows you and savour. "

6." vogue is a kind of force, let you show itself in the crowd, become the vane that leads tide. "

7." vogue is a kind of adventure, be brave in to try new style and trend, the life that lets you is full of infinite likelihood. "

8." vogue is a kind of manner, liberal at the tradition, dare to break through convention, the fashion that becomes oneself is enunciative. "

9." vogue is the kind that a kind of ego expresses, build the individual character that shows you and distinctive glamour through wearing, become fashionable spokesman. "

10." vogue is a kind of drive, it is better to make you ceaseless go after oneself, the elegant demeanour that shows you and savour. "

About loving beautiful fashionable sentence?

1, woman, you want beautiful, you can grow is not very perfect, but must let yourself dress up beautifully delicate have temperament. If you are married woman, more want beautiful.

2, feminine disposition resembles... stock -- you also do not know its where sky falls which days to go up. Concern with oneself especially close woman, that mood resembles charmer, you do not know he can change forever the stuff comes a what bird.

3, if the woman is spent, if the beautiful; woman like the flower is spent, if the firm; woman like the flower is spent, if the wisdom; woman like the flower is spent, if the bosom; woman like the flower is spent, spend same life

About the article table of pink vogue?

1, the summer of pink becomes really interested

2, the dream that tired out life wants to have a few tenderness. Encounter the cloud of pink for instance, the fireworks that guard the threshing floor brights, the hug still is beside you

3, of some girls keep on saying say predecessor is dead, perhaps the grave in the heart is pink

4, this world blame is black namely white, but I am pink.

5, it is the sweet life that risking pink hubble-bubble everyday.

6, it is air of sunshine pink cloud is sweet that you resemble drop into brain

7, although wearing the princess skirt of pink, I am OK also with what change do evil dragon you come a rich weichis

8, inky night, hot and dry day, I want the smooth ~ that you are that pink in gentle breeze

About the fashionable diction of wind?

1.Let vogue be blown to your life like wind.

2. Vogue sees me, I view the world!

3. Advocate the trend that makes you, the taste that tide gives you.

4. Times distinguished personages, still the Supreme Being lives.

5. Catch up with quick style, see vane.

6. Carry on promotes wind direction, business of short for Zhejiang Province is fashionable.

7. Wind direction gets dance in the round, halfback vogue footstep.

8. Fashionable wind direction, blow different ` wind colour.

9. Wind direction quick style, the person that vogue gets dance.

10. Go according to from time to time, most " still " character!

How is English of fashionable queen logogram written?

Fashion Queen, usable also Chanel (sweet Nai) replace

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