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怎样瘦手臂? 健身房哪些器材可以瘦手臂?英文双语对照


怎样瘦手臂? 健身房哪些器材可以瘦手臂?英文双语对照






锻炼方法如下: 第一组瘦手臂动作: 手握哑铃,身体向前倾,并且双膝慢慢弯曲,记住背要挺直,不要弓着。双臂伸直,然后向后拉,使哑铃与胸部平齐,双臂紧贴身体,背部一直保持挺直状态,不能弓。双臂慢慢伸直回到最开始的状态,这就完成了一个拍。1分钟内尽量多多来回做几个拍,越多越好。第二组瘦手臂动作: 双脚张开站立,距离同肩宽;拿起哑铃,手心朝下,从前面举起哑铃,使其高度与肩膀平齐,手心向前,手肘弯曲成90度角。双臂继续向上举,让肘部可以伸直,举过头顶。慢慢返回到起始位置(手肘弯曲成90度角)。一分钟内反反复复多做几下,越多越好。第三组瘦手臂动作:手拿哑铃,面朝上躺在瑜伽垫上。手臂向上举起,胳膊肘是直的,但不要绷直。双臂慢慢朝脑袋两侧放下来,哑铃到达瑜伽垫时,手肘弯曲成90度角。抬起手臂恢复到起始位置,这就是一个拍。1分钟内尽量多多来回做几个拍,越多越好。但是开始得循序渐进,坚持下来一个礼拜后所有疲劳感就消失了,不然肌肉产生乳酸会让你会觉得不舒服!












借助一些力量型训练来让自己的手臂上的赘肉得以消除,比如哑铃以及杠铃,还包括一些机械的训练,都是能够有效让手臂的脂肪层流动速度加快,能够有效的氧化消耗掉脂肪。  其次,瘦手臂上的赘肉还能够借助瑜伽运动来实现,瑜伽运动能够有效锻炼人体的手臂,能够快速燃烧手臂堆积的脂肪。


















1. 打开需要处理的图片,选择“画布大小”(Canvas Size)选项,将图片的宽度和高度缩小一些,这样可以让手臂部分看起来更加修长。

2. 在图层面板中创建一个新图层,然后使用“椭圆选框工具”(Elliptical Marquee Tool)选择手臂部分。

3. 在选定的手臂区域上使用“修剪工具”(Crop Tool)将其裁剪出来,然后将其复制到新建的图层上。

4. 在新建的图层上使用“变形工具”(Warp Tool)对手臂进行变形处理,可以使用“球形变形”(Spherize)或“拉伸”(Distort)等选项,让手臂看起来更加修长。

5. 使用“涂抹工具”(Smudge Tool)或“模糊工具”(Blur Tool)对手臂周围的边缘进行模糊处理,可以使手臂与身体的过渡更加自然。

6. 最后,保存修改后的图片,可以选择“文件”(File)-> “另存为”(Save As)选项,将修改后的图片保存为新的文件。



How thin arm?

     The method of thin arm has a lot of, can do some of physical training more at ordinary times, for instance extend of pull-up, thin arm, push-up is waited a moment, must daily hold to, cannot quit, he.

     In addition adjust good food habit even, eat some of delicate food, avoid hot food, also do not drink cold water, eat vegetable fruit more, decrease to be absorbed adiposely, the habits and customs with good nurturance.

Gym what equipment is OK thin arm?

Small dumbbell is the gymnastical equipment that suits thin arm most, mat of a piece of gem gal and pound of a pair of 5-8 (about 4.5-7.3 jin) heavy dumbbell can loosen gently the meat of small go to live in the household of one's in-laws on getting married that the pine reduces an arm to go up.

Exercise a method to be as follows: Movements of the first group of thin arms: The hand grasps dumbbell, the body is forward bend, and double genu bends slowly, remember the back wants straight, do not want bend to wear. Double arm unbend, pull backward next, make dumbbell and bosom smooth neat, double arm tightens close-fitting system, back holds erect position all the time, cannot bend. Double arm slowly unbend is returned most initial position, this finished to pat. Inside 1 minute as far as possible great do a few to pat back and forth, had jumped over more more. Movements of the 2nd group of thin arms: Double foot is stretched stand, the distance is the same as shoulder breadth; Take dumbbell, control is gadarene, the face raised dumbbell once upon a time, make its are made the same score with shoulder highly neat, control is forward, elbow bends 90 degrees of horn. Double arm continues to be lifted up, make elbow OK unbend, had lifted the top of head. Return position of rest slowly (elbow bends 90 degrees of horn) . Relapse instead inside a minute answer do a few times more, had jumped over more more. Movements of the 3rd group of thin arms: The hand takes dumbbell, lie on gem gal mat on look out. The arm is raised up, arm ancon is straight, but do not stretch tight straight. Double arm slowly toward the head two side are put, when dumbbell arrives at gem gal to fill up, elbow bends 90 degrees of horn. Raise an arm to restore position of rest, this is patted namely. Inside 1 minute as far as possible great do a few to pat back and forth, had jumped over more more. But begin to get successive, insist to come down all fatigue feeling after a chapel disappeared, otherwise muscle produces lactic acid to be able to let you can feel uncomfortable!

Arm how Where is attenuate? Where is how thin arm?

Arm attenuate should make a few local motions that exercise an arm more above all. E.g. push-up and so on. Can eat more a few contain cellulose to compare fast food, e.g. and so on of celery tomato cucumber, do not eat compare a stodge, do not have the thing of acrimony stimulation. Do not eat the quantity that contain sugar to compare fast food. Do more move at a draught, have oxygen campaign especially.

How thin arm and shoulder?

How appearance thin arm: Trigonometry props up push-up pose, let big toe and forefinger form a triangle, do a complete push-up. How appearance thin shoulder: Have " L " glyph motion is first-class, have double foot, the upper part of the body curves 90 degrees ahead, two tactics can handhold a dumbbell is perpendicular put down, the eye hopes lower part assumes preparative posture, double foot is stretched be the same as with basin bone wide, both hands is raised from two side direction and curve 90 degrees.

How thin arm and back?

The method that can adopt much exercise will undertake want thin arm and back ameliorative, also be OK will undertake ameliorative through lifting light dumbbell to perhaps move mineral water, can lift what the mineral water of 500 milliliter relapses to have campaign, also be the effect that can have improvement so, also want to notice to control food when move additionally, if often eat the food with a few fast quantity of heat, also rise very hard to decrease fertilizer efficiency fruit.

Attenuate of arm of how thin arm?

The method has 2:

It is to take exercise, do exercise of bosom of arm spread spread, insist to take exercise everyday 15 to 20 minutes.

2 it is to wipe oil of essence burning fat, besmear oil of essence of life at the arm arm is in, massage forcibly 5 to 10 minutes, will last next velar bag rises, 4 hour hind are torn apart again, brush try clean can, hold to a month, the effect is distinct.

How to change the arm thin?

The flesh of a few force go to live in the household of one's in-laws on getting married that trains the arm that will let oneself to go up is able to eliminate have the aid of, for instance dumbbell and barbell, still include the training of a few machinery, it is the rate of adipose layer flow that can yield an arm effectively is accelerated, can effective oxidation is used up adipose. Next, the flesh of go to live in the household of one's in-laws on getting married on thin arm is returned can campaign of gal of gem of have the aid of will come true, gem gal motion can exercise the arm of human body effectively, can burn quickly what the arm piles up is adipose.

How thin shoulder and arm?

Measure / means 1

How thin shoulder and arm, want to reduce body fat above all. Because whole is adipose content is higher, accordingly the conference on the arm appears more adipose, want to eliminate an arm so adipose, want to reduce adipose content above all, want to reduce the body redundant adipose, must want reasonable food, high protein is abided by in diet water of qualitative, low carbon, much eat low salt of fresh vegetable and right amount fruit, little oil, avoid to absorb the food of tall calorie, anyhow should run good mouth.

Measure / means 2

Next, raise arm muscle content. Light relies on to reduce fat, doing not have muscle to be returned as the arm that prop up is can flabby, muscle is equivalent to adipose base, can secure adipose firmly ground in former office, add the muscle content of the arm, can make an arm closer, although have a few adipose insusceptible still.

This group of arms train a movement under, can help us model delicate arm effectively.

One, fall on one's knees push-up: Bend one's knees props up the body, the arm is square-shouldered about 1.5 times, prop up the extension line in bosom two side, core is tightened up, do not collapse waist, the power that leans bosom and arm pushs the body.

Measure / means 3

2, admire an arm next bending:

The body sits on the ground, the two side that arm is at the back of hip, the hand props up the body, maintain bosom, bladebone tightens up shoulder, curve ancon joint to put down the body, the power that uses arm raises the body

Measure / means 4

3, hand holding push-up: The body uses Fu to lie, bend one's knees props up the body, both hands is put on the ball, carry a small of the back the back is straightforward, tighten up core, curve ancon joint to put down our body, the power that uses bosom and arm raises the body.

How is thin arm thin?

The optimal method of thin arm is to pass motion and proper diet to achieve a goal. Above all, should undertake taking exercise appropriately, wait like dumbbell, push-up, and do the training such as a few drawing, systole;

Next, want to control food, much edible contains a lot ofthe food of the vitamin, food of little edible tall caloric, little absorb candy cent, control weight; Finally, want to insist to take exercise, achieve oneself goal, the arm just can become thin and small.

How to use PS thin arm?

Use PS (Photoshop) thin arm can come true through the following measure:

1.Open the picture that needs processing, choose " canvas size " (Canvas Size) option, the width the picture and height are a few more contractible, can let arm part look more slender so.

2.Layer of a new plan is founded in graph layer face plate, use next " the elliptical tool that choose casing " (Elliptical Marquee Tool) choice arm part.

3.Use on the arm area of make choice of " clip tool " (Crop Tool) its cut out comes, duplicate its to go up to newly-built graph layer next.

4.Use on newly-built graph layer " be out of shape tool " (Warp Tool) adversary arm undertakes is out of shape handling, can use " ball deformation form " (Spherize) or " drawing " (Distort) wait for option, let an arm look more slender.

5.Use " dauber " (Smudge Tool) or " obscure tool " (Blur Tool) the brim all round adversary arm undertakes blurring handling, can make the transition of arm and body more natural.

6.Finally, save the picture after revising, can choose " file " (File) ->"Put additionally for " (Save As) option, save the picture after revising for new document.

Those who need an attention is, this kind of method just handles the method of the picture one kind quickly, cannot replace true thin body course completely. If want truly thin arm, still need to pass scientific food and motion to come true.
