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1. 视频:松下相机最为出色的就是视频,画质是相机里面最好的,后期调色空间也很大。

2. 画面:松下相机拍摄出来的照片很有特点,非常真实,拍出来的照片和真实的东西很接近。

3. 自动:松下相机的自动功能很先进,用起来非常方便,自动化程度很高。

4. 像素:松下相机的像素在所有数码相机中处于中上水平,并不算特别高。

5. 镜头:松下相机的镜头是莱卡镜头,成像效果非常好。

6. WIFI:松下相机支持WIFI,可以通过手机进行遥控拍摄,非常方便。

7. 缺点:松下相机的售后服务不够到位,毁坏后难以恢复数据。



这款相机支持存储卡类型: MMC、SD,而SD卡的最大容量是2GB。


Caselogic 凯斯图是比较老牌的相机包,04年我买柯尼卡美能达Z2的时候配过一个,到07年相机淘汰了那个包也没有发生过脱线或者坏掉等问题。而且对相机的保护也很好,我背着那个相机上山下田,走南闯北,一直都很好的保护着我的相机。












要辨别松下数码相机是行货还是水货,可以考虑以下几点:1. 购买渠道:选择正规的销售渠道购买,如官方授权经销商、大型电商平台、实体专卖店等,这些渠道往往销售的是正品行货。2. 价格:水货相机在价格上往往较低,如果相机的价格明显低于正品报价,就有可能是水货。3. 包装:正品行货的包装通常比较完整、精致,印刷质量高,有防伪标识等,而水货相机的包装可能会有瑕疵、印刷模糊、缺失配件等。4. 商品编码:可以通过网上查询商品编码是否与正品相符。松下正品相机通常有唯一的商品编码,可以在官方网站上通过商品编码验证真伪。5. 保修和售后服务:水货相机可能没有厂家的保修和售后服务,而正品行货通常都有厂家的官方售后服务支持。6. 查看配置和功能:正品行货相机的配置和功能通常与官方提供的宣传资料一致,而水货相机可能存在配置减少或功能有限的情况。最好的方法是在购买前提前了解相机的相关信息,比较多家渠道的价格和售后服务,并在购买时仔细核对商品的包装和相关标识,以确保购买到的是正品行货。




One, how does camera of the number below the pine install digital scorch?

Progression of the consumption below the pine piles up camera, press above all with " W-T " of key " T " upright, turn camera lens forth (use long anxious) , should push defensive position of the biggest focus to be pressed then do not want a pine to continue to press pressure " T " key started digital scorch directly, continue to grow anxious means job with the number. Digital scorch can make picture feeling drops dot of a confusion of voices increases.

2, is digital camera bag necessary to buy?

The package that buys camera to give commonly is quality is very poor, have the effect that is less than protective camera, suggest or buy camera alone the bag is better.

3, how does camera of the number below the pine charge?

1. charges according to the time of manual standard and program, even if also should undertake before 3 times so, usually battery of card machine lithium is in 2 - 5 can be full of between the hour;

2. crosses low clew when equipment occurrence n when, should begin in time to charge as far as possible, do not want excessive discharge;

The activation of 3. lithium battery does not need special method, in be used normally lithium battery can activation naturally.

Lay aside period of time when lithium battery need not hind, enter dormancy state, right now use time shortens gradually. Lithium battery activation is very simple nevertheless, need to undertake only 3 - fill discharge normally 6 times to be able to activation circularly batteries, return to normal capacity.

4, the characteristic of camera of the number below the pine?

Camera of the number below the pine has the following characteristic:

1.Video: The watch for an opportunity below the pine is most excellent is video, the picture is camera character inside best, space of later period mix colors is very large also.

2.Picture: The camera below the pine films the photograph that come out has a characteristic very much, very true, the picture that takes and real thing are very adjacent.

3.Automatic: The automatic function of the camera below the pine is very advanced, use very convenient, automation rate is very high.

4.Resemble element: Of the camera below the pine the level goes up in resembling element be in in all number camera, do not calculate particularly tall.

5.Camera lens: The camera lens of the camera below the pine is Lai card camera lens, into first-rate like the effect.

6.WIFI: The camera below the pine supports WIFI, can undertake remote control film through the mobile phone, very convenient.

7.Defect: The after service of the camera below the pine reachs the designated position not quite, data restores hard after destroying.

Above is a few characteristics of camera of the number below the pine, the hope is helpful to you.

5, does SD of camera of the number below the pine get stuck?

This camera supports memory to block a kind: MMC, SD, and SD gets stuck most high capacity is 2GB.

6, does the digital camera of Caselogic include quality how?

Caselogic Kaisitu is the camera bag that compares old brand, one has matched when 4 years I buy Kenikamei to be able to amount to Z2, to 7 years camera washed out that bag to also had not produced off line broken perhaps wait for a problem. And very good also to the protection of camera, I am bearing a surname below the hill on that camera, journey north and south, all the time the very good camera that protecting me.

The weak sports of Caselogic depends on an appearance onefold, the digital periphery situation that cannot have caught up with Protean now individuation, if you do not care this a little bit, buy to be able to be used.

7, why Hei Bing of camera of the number below the pine?

Check first whether n inadequacy shuts screen or section report shuts screen to think to adjust the setting is put out, suspect trouble finally

8, how does camera of the number below the pine upload a photograph?

Hello! Digital magazine photograph should upload computer, have two kinds of methods commonly:

One, camera and computer connection upload a photograph:

1, should have installed on computer above all add the driver in sending CD randomly;

2, get on camera and computer with data line join, open the power source of camera. Right now, according to the clew operation of computer screen, can resemble use actor dish same, duplicate magazine photograph to computer.

If install driver later, still cannot join, change an USB interface to retry, the proposal inserts data line to computer advocate board on the USB interface that go up (at the back of box) .

2, use read card implement: Store magazine card is inserted read card implement, again read card implement the USB interface that inserts computer, can go to the lavatory quick store Carrie's photograph duplicates computer.

9, camera of the number below the pine, discern travel goods commodities from abnormal channel?

Should discern camera of the number below the pine is a goods or commodities from abnormal channel, can consider the following: 1. Purchase channel: Choose normal sale channel to buy, if the government is accredit agency, large electric business platform, hypostatic brand shop, what these channel often sell is goods of quality goods travel. 2. The price: Camera of commodities from abnormal channel is on the price often inferior, if the price of camera quotes under quality goods apparently, it is commodities from abnormal channel likely. 3. Pack: Of goods of quality goods travel pack compare normally complete, delicate, presswork quality is high, the label that prevent bogus waits, and of camera of commodities from abnormal channel pack may imperfect, slur, be short of break fittings to wait. 4. Commodity encode: Can code through commodity inquiring on the net whether with quality goods conform to. Camera of the quality goods below the pine has exclusive commodity code normally, true bogus of commodity encode test and verify can be passed on official website. 5. Guarantee and after service: Camera of commodities from abnormal channel may do not have manufacturer guarantee and after service, and the support of official after service that goods of quality goods travel has manufacturer normally. 6. Examine configuration and function: The propagandist data that the configuration of camera of goods of quality goods travel and function provide with the government normally is consistent, and camera of commodities from abnormal channel may be put in configuration to decrease or the circumstance with finite function. Best method is the relevant news that knows watch for a chance before buying premise, compare the price of much home channel and after service, check carefully when buy of commodity pack and label, what buy in order to ensure is goods of quality goods travel.

10, does the digital camera below the pine take a picture Hei Bing?

Check first whether n inadequacy shuts screen or section report shuts screen to think to adjust the setting is put out, suspect trouble finally
