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萍乡市区 → 武功山停车场 → 石鼓寺登山起点 → 中庵紫极宫 → 福星谷栈道 → 金顶(终点)






金顶 → 吊马桩 → 高空玻璃栈道 → 中庵一级索道 → 石鼓寺广场 → 武功山停车场 → 萍乡市区







晚上可以选择在武功山金顶住宿或者在金顶租帐篷,客栈条件一般, 只有简陋的铁硼房客栈,山中潮气大,被子容易潮湿,讲究的人可以带上睡袋。





第三天:早起看日出,龙山村/羊狮幕/明月山 任选一处下山,如果时间太晚,可以乘坐缆车下山。



1. is driven oneself swim

2. comes by train the tourist that military accomplishment hill travels, can get off in duckweed country railway station, take 1, 2, 9, 12 wait public transportation, arrive at public transportation site [the passenger station austral the city] get off. Take a bus from the station austral duckweed country city, arrive at military accomplishment foot of a hill to fall. The station that perhaps goes on the railway station, also have the bus of nonstop gest hill.

The station austral duckweed country city, the bus car of nonstop gest hill is very much, arrive at military accomplishment foot of a hill to fall directly, car Cheng makes an appointment with 1 hour or so.

Reservoir of 3 sanded bay of brook of tall hole of course of along the road, reed, cliff (Lu Deming cemetery of revolutionary martyrs) , new coin, Ma Tian, arrive at gold of military accomplishment mountain finally to carry cableway booking office on the head.

North of 3. duckweed countryside

Duckweed countryside north takes a bus to arrive directly at military accomplishment hill

Giving right turn of station of duckweed countryside north is public transportation parking lot, take duckweed countryside north to stand to the bus of old railway station, nonstop old railway station (duckweed country stands) . The long-distance station that reachs next opposite duckweed country station has what achieve military accomplishment hill continuously is fast cling to car.

Gave right turn of station of duckweed countryside north, public transportation parking lot, take 9, 4 cars, to the station austral the city the station gets off. The station austral the city is in take car of bus of military accomplishment hill, can arrive directly at military accomplishment hill.


The hill on scene area

Journey of hill of the first sky

Parking lot of hill of gest of → of duckweed countryside urban district huts in → of start of mountain-climbing of temple of → rock beat extremely violet Jin Ding of → of a plank road built along a cliff of cereal of palace → lucky star (terminal)

1, whole journey is pedestrian go up Jin Ding, about 4 half hours

2, take one class cableway, be in pedestrian on Jin Ding, about two hours

3, take the Jin Ding on two cableway, pedestrian time a hour

Explain: Arrived earlier as far as possible that day duckweed countryside, can watch summit beautiful scenery earlier, arrive the latest duckweed countryside was at 3 o'clock, duckweed countryside needs 1 hour 20 minutes to parking lot of military accomplishment hill by the car, can catch up with cableway last times, be in pedestrian on Jin Ding!

The following day downhill journey

Stone of → of one class cableway huts to rouse urban district of countryside of duckweed of parking lot → of hill of gest of temple square → in → of a plank road built along a cliff of glass of headroom of → of hitching post of condole of Jin Ding →

1, one class cableway huts in taking downhill time, pedestrian add sit cableway time makes an appointment with

2, Jin Dingquan Cheng is pedestrian and downhill, restrict 4 hours

Explain: See time of sunrise sea of clouds in the morning (Xia Qiu season was controlled partly at 4 o'clock, chun Dong season controlled) partly at 5 o'clock, can see in hotel, that day if have a sea of clouds, can play more in the morning meeting, be in to midday downhill OK also, basis from already ticket timeline is downhill time.

Outdoors journey

The first day: Duckweed countryside -- Shen Zi village -- Jin Ding

Spell a car from duckweed countryside urban district in the morning / rent a car Shen Zi village, probably a hour. Go up from Shen Zi village hill is to be able to dismiss entrance ticket, 2 the road that Shen Zi village carries on the head to gold still considers pretty good to go, go along ridge probably 6-8 hour left and right sides arrives at Jin Ding. The harships on hill is errant, assault garment or the raincoat is necessary, of course kneecap, alpenstock is must some.

Can choose to in military accomplishment Shanjinding lodges or hire tent in Jin Ding in the evening, hotel requirement is general, have hotel of pallet Tie Peng room only, the humidity in hill is big, the quilt is easy and damp, cultured person can carry sleeping bag.

If tent is hired to camp in summit of military accomplishment hill, tent need quality is good, can windbreak prevent rain, autumn lives on hill tent must have sleeping bag, must carry the local camp of a lee evenness, safety first, do not want to be built in the brim, otherwise you can have a very unforgettable and long night. Hill is windward in the evening the conference is particularly big, air temperature is lower also, thick dress eider down is taken with respect to the use on the clique. Tent is built to need collection cleanness fee commonly by hotel 10 yuan.

The following day: Jin Ding - hair cloudland

Gold carries hair cloudland on the head, hair cloudland supports to gold, branch road is little, but intensity is not small, need to climb acedia slope, more than 20 hillsides such as brave man slope, it is the distance of test psychokinesis, about the same 8 hours left and right sides arrives at hair cloudland, constellation sends cloudland.

Fortunately gold carries hair cloudland on the head this paragraph of distance, it is place of elite of military accomplishment hill. What have deep mountain valleys already is grand, have the imposing manner like extensive prairie again, 100 thousand mus high mountain meadow is extremely grand, a summit that hopes to be less than a head is shiny green flourish green grass.

The 3rd day: Rise early see sunrise, dragon village / ovine lion act / bright moon hill is optional one place is downhill, if time is too late, can take telpher and downhill.

Sending cloudland is to rise early the superexcellent ground that sees sunrise. Sunrise of the sunset below the weather with morning good fine also Wei Ran is considerable, scenery index is direct 5 stars, lucky word, that sea of clouds is magnificent more colorful, be worth to go very much.

上一篇:大自然的物语啥意思? 大自然物语什么意思?英文双语对照
下一篇:如何无器械健身? 健身器械有哪些,有氧器械,无器械和有器械?英文双语对照