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【伪禁忌复仇文,男女主干净专情一对一】 前世,她为他出生入死打下商业帝国,盼他成为帝国总裁许她终生荣宠。谁料,他拥着她的闺蜜,将她丢给下属轮番凌辱,尸解喂鱼! 今生,她是备受宠爱的名门千金,她为复仇而来,前世那些置她于死地的恶人,看她如何让他们一个个——生不如死! 前世恶人手眼通天,就算能逃过法律的制裁,也逃不掉她这双充满刻骨恨意的眼和拿着利刃的手。 她以为自己这一世就这样在复仇中过去,永不得救赎,却不料遇到了这样一个他。 他是享誉国际,令罪犯们闻风丧胆的神探,是FBI座上宾,更是京城声名显赫,贺家继承人,他还是...... 她说,我狠毒。 他说,彼之砒霜,吾之蜜糖。 她说,我是一个坏银。 他说,把坏留给别人,把淫留给我。


The A Xiu Luomeng of renascence advocate

Article is man-to-man, men and women advocate body and mind is clean, have bit of small stimulation, but it is to bestow favor on absolutely civil


Swing snow had not seen parents, she does not know why she can blossom such

Grow not big baby face, get magical eye greatly, wiped the aglow lip like Zhu Sha, a piece of very special face. More special is, she has the nerve that than normal person reaction wants one to go up half minutes partly. Others hits her spank, she just feels after half minutes ache.

Her lifetime is cold-shouldered accordingly, be discriminated against, by the envious, move that be dallied with, return indescribable be murdered.

When commit suicide gnawing a tongue, she thinks, this accompanied the blemish of her lifetime, yield the exclusive gain that she experiences, had not felt namely ache, she died...

Again goggle it is quack dropping ground, air choke enters her throat, pounding her flimsy vocal cords, in the cry with bright wail, she knows him renascence, the nerve of slow response is normal also

Again vivid generation, her impawn becomes others toy

Below the appearance that gets unreasonable in Na Meng, do not know how many person was sold by her still help her count money,

Do not remember how many person still attacking to protect her in the bosom before be killed dead by her.

Have a piece to cheat a the dead not the appearance of pay with life, want make the best use of every thing naturally

Arrive formidably with its dread letting a person, still be inferior to lovely to let a person cannot help be close to.

When the charm that when a person true somebody sees the person loves, do with her right, can die very miserably only.

"If who killed swing snow, his descendants meets those who suffer person of complete an ancient name for China to pursue and attack. His descendants meets those who suffer person of complete an ancient name for China to pursue and attack..


Small part:

Crepuscular, in quiet lane, 4 unmanned.

He takes out a lollipop to hand she.

She looks up, the big eye of bright is looking at him, do not talk.

"Do not like? " he asks.

Big eye still is looking at him continuously, do not talk.

His left and right sides looks, the heart thinks, if just in time of this one screen is patted, become extremely likely arouse a person the classical picture of negative daydream.

At it is to stop in aerial hand a few times to pare candy paper all the time, in the mouth that some emphatic took candy a place of strategic importance her, grow a leg to be stridden next, the stride pulled open a distance.

Took a few steps, halt, turn round.

Big eye still is blinking what do not blink to looking at him, lollipop is put aside did not move in the mouth.

"Go to be not moved? " he asks.

Cerebella bag is bit straighter.

"Should carry on the back? "Should carry on the back??

"Hold in the arms. "Hold in the arms..

Deep suction inlet is angry, on a few paces before, bow with adopting a child the pose is her cuddle in the bosom, the heart thinks, if as it happens is photographed, more classical. Lovely girl ate strange Sichuan millet be puzzled after a candy, drive also drive what do not go to beg hold in the arms beg kidnap and sell...

The disaster of golden fawn on of renascence

Content introduction:

There is demons and ghosts on this world, more merciless than demon is human nature forever, dreader than the phantom, it is popular feeling forever.


3 years ago, xin La of 18 years old dies in a dirty night.

That evening, suffer all kinds of torment to twin sister, die of jade of popular pass the time in a leisurely way.

"Father, body... how to do? Body... how to do??

"Chop, seal a jar to bury go Cang Shan. Seal a jar to bury go Cang Shan..

During be dying, chilly male voice rises in the noise side ear, subsequently, one knife, the skin is torn and the flash gap open, one knife, break muscle defeat spirit, one knife another knife, between incorporeal broken up, laborious La Xinzhong gives birth to a pleasure that stops to also do not stop suddenly, she is to laughing, departure the world!

After 3 years, regain is 18 the Xin La that how renascence watersides to bring a firstborn daughter years old, appearance is elegant article learn to hold actor concurrently, grow for outstanding -- abnormal.


Of women's lavatory peep mad, the amputation in deep alley makes, the double leg that somebody cut you returns what can be obsessed with to say to blame that leg only straightforward and slender too too inviting and incomparable; Somebody cuts throat tens of people are only reductive a horrible Tong Yao, that is the shadow of human twist, only blood is OK catharsis.

Person pork chaffy dish is spicy wave a thousand li, beauty bone is clever graceful exquisite, this world is not short of allergy, just be in nowadays abyssal more in, much a pair of eyes that blink cold light.

[Biao Han daughter advocate piece]

An Xun, elder sister of size of rich and powerful family, psychology fastens a brilliant student, yan Qingli of strength Wen Wanrong, how to look, the Xiaobai that is a very not cool wind is beautiful;

An Xun, the convict below curtain of night chases person, make a living with allergy, it is with ill will feed, if form of a black clothes ghostses and goblins, fierce and atrocious call everybody become terror-stricken at the news!

She is to face the city fokelore with the famousest river, special hunt kills abnormal homicide demon, get down their desire, derive their evil idea, breathtaking in that way satisfaction feels, it is OK to there are a kind of any pleasures on this world be likened to!

Till that day, she is satiate drink sufficient be on street, encountered a person.

"I had said not to play a woman, can have not said, do not kill a woman. Do not kill a woman..

Hard the pleasant to hear of sound ray an instant of dismiss from one's mind, an Xun turns round abruptly, the mood that change emerges to compare a first love in the heart momently then, call a person be charmed even quaky!

[have love male advocate piece]

He is the diamond bachelor that faces home of Jiang Zuifu body, age is light light in control of is whole dark night is Caesarean;

He also is the mansion dainty that faces Jiang Mingyuan not to have blessing bear, the name with justice letter n/COL the head of a family company is advanced, nobody dare be caught.

Paralysis of suddenly city cover, without the mouth, do not laugh, not talktive also;

Till have a day eventually, let him meet that love laugh to love the girl of the do sth over and over again that make love.

Just let him detect for the first time, some people are so screwy, also can twist so lovelily. . .


Fall in love with An Xun previously, suddenly city can compares Ke Xing, she avenges block, block she forages, she commits murder he helps a person, cannot save killed first, do so that An Xun sees he is very hungry every time, hunger gets a stomach very painful;

After falling in love with An Xun, huo Cheng is reincarnate faithful dog, help her avenge, help her forage, help her look for the allergy with the most delicate the world, wanting how to raise baby again all the day it is good that fat dot is being pressed in the evening sleep peacefully.

An Xun classeses are over come home:

"Came back? Prepared two food today, it is to eat filar socks evil to kill case murderer A first, still eat B of murderer of case of limb of snow ground incomplete first? Still perhaps be... " Huo Cheng turns round, the city of declination nation use up all one's resources of delicate appearance lights, "Eat me first? "Eat me first??

An Xun is so greedy that An Xun wipe saliva, two glistening, can eat, want to eat!


Men and women advocate double place double allergy, article of suspense of dark black department, contain a large number of abnormal murder, want discretion into hole!

The house of renascence is poisonous wife.

[bogus contraindication is avenged civil, main force of male and female is only only affection is man-to-man] preexistence, she calls next commercial empires for his go through fire and water, long for him to become Caesarean president to make her all one's life Rong Chong. Who expects, he is embracing her boudoir honey, lose her humiliate of subordinate take turns, cadaver solution feeds a fish! This life, she is to get favorite house a lot of money fully, she comes to avenge, preexistence those buy she the evil person at the deathtrap, see her how let them each -- unripe be inferior to dead! Exceeding lofty or great of eye of hand of preexistence evil person, even if can have escaped legal punish, also escape not to drop the small hole that she fills deep-rooted rancor this pair and the hand that taking sharp. She thinks oneself this generation goes in avenge so, always must not save atone for, encountered unexpectedly however such he. He is to be famous in international, your convict people the divine explore of become terror-stricken at the news, it is FBI distinguished guest, more capital reputation is celebrated, congratulate home heir, he or. . . . . . She says, I am acridity. He says, the arsenic of those, my sweet candy. She says, I am a bad silver. He says, bad leave others, leave me excessive.
