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1. 多数相机都会有一个自动关机的时限,比如3分钟、10分钟等。 2.其次应该想到的是电池电力不足了——数码相机是个耗电大户,它因为电池电力不足而关闭的现象经常出现。更换电池。 3.如果更换了电池以后,数码相机还是无法开启,而你发现相机比较热时,那就是因为你连续使用相机时间过长,造成相机过热而自动关闭了。停止使用,等它冷却后再使用。 4.回厂返修吗


镜头问题不好说 ,经常出现的是镜头里面齿轮有掉牙,因为都是塑料的(省成本,所以出现掉以后开机镜头伸缩不是太顺畅,系统自检会报错。


否则修来真的是贵子了得呀!剩下就可以去外面找人看看,镜头问题一般是1 3百左右可以彻底解决



























1. 电池电量不足:电池电量低时,可能会导致数码相机的镜头无法正常开合。此时,需要将电池充电或更换新电池。

2. 镜头被卡住:如果在使用过程中不慎碰到过相机或者存储相机的位置比较不稳定,可能会导致相机镜头被卡住。此时,可以尝试轻轻按下镜头部分,看看是否能够重新启动。

3. 硬件故障:数码相机的镜头是相机的核心部件之一,如果在使用过程中出现硬件故障,比如说机械结构发生损坏或者摔了一下等情况,都可能导致镜头无法正常开合。此时,需要将相机送到专业的数码相机维修店进行检修或更换镜头部件。



One, mistake of digital camera occurrence camera lens 2 how to do?

The contact of back end metal that camera lens mistake is camera lens gives an issue, receive signal undesirable, can use a camera lens to take the metallic contact that watchs scene to whether have a problem, the contact that still has camera end also looks, eliminate to look again without problem hind, the A/M mode of camera lens whether switch was blocked to M, dial M to block please

2, does digital camera switch on the mobile phone mistake of old occurrence scene?

1.Most camera can have close the time limit of machine automatically, for instance 3 minutes, 10 minutes wait. 2. What should think of next is battery electric power was not worth -- digital camera is a large family of bad news report, the phenomenon that it is not worth because of battery electric power and shuts often appears. Change batteries. 3. If changed after batteries, digital camera or cannot open, and when you discover camera compares heat, that uses camera time to grow too continuously because of you namely, cause camera overheat and shut automatically. Disuse, wait for the reuse after it is cooling. 4. The repair that answer a factory

3, does camera of my number of card Western Europe always show camera lens error 2?

Camera lens problem is bad to say, what often appear is gear has a tooth inside camera lens, because be plastic (province cost, camera lens switchs on the mobile phone after appearing so adjustable not be too smooth, systematic self check can sign up for a fault.

If had not fallen, be in again guarantee period, can go after carry out.

Repair otherwise coming is expensive really child Oh ah! Remain can go out look for a person to look, camera lens problem is 1 3 commonly 100 the left and right sides can be solved thoroughly

4, the reason of mistake of occurrence camera lens of Nikon number camera?

The likelihood is a contact undesirable

Camera lens tears open those who come down to check camera lens to get an electric shock block an opening with camera inside get an electric shock the trace that damages, if do not have some words to be brushed with soft towel,try, if there still is change after dash against, after protecting the word inside to contact local government to make work, the word little trouble outside protecting is in computer city or camera equipment city can be maintained.

5, how does digital camera camera lens answer Ni Kang not to show camera lens mistake is solved?

Shake camera lens repeatedly, still can switch on the mobile phone repeatedly, close machine.


Be no good go repairing.

The maintenance of Ni Kang after service is very expensive.

Look for a number to maintain inn to repair next trying.

6, the camera lens after digital camera switchs on the mobile phone is automatic and retractile, does screen show camera lens error?

The batteries n inadequacy that should be you causes, change batteries should return to normal. Digital camera is equipment of electron of big electric current, although your batteries still has report but n can't satisfy demand of the electricity that start, can appear this kind of phenomenon that you describe.

7, what reason is mistake of digital camera indication camera lens?

Camera clew camera lens is wrong, camera cannot use need major to maintain, breakdown can have the following:

1, the camera lens of camera suffers outside force action to damage, cannot extend normally, need changes be out of shape the spare parts of attaint;

2, ageing of component of use shot of photograph pilot time causes damage, cannot open normally, need changes corresponding component;

3, place of activity of camera camera lens wears away, use what affect camera lens normally, need changes tatty place.

8, is mistake of digital camera occurrence camera lens how to return a responsibility?

Camera clew camera lens is wrong, camera cannot use need major to maintain, breakdown can have the following:

1, the camera lens of camera suffers outside force action to damage, cannot extend normally, need changes be out of shape the spare parts of attaint;

2, ageing of component of use shot of photograph pilot time causes damage, cannot open normally, need changes corresponding component;

3, place of activity of camera camera lens wears away, use what affect camera lens normally, need changes tatty place.

9, how does mistake of occurrence camera lens of Nikon number camera do?

The likelihood is a contact undesirable

Camera lens tears open those who come down to check camera lens to get an electric shock block an opening with camera inside get an electric shock the trace that damages, if do not have some words to be brushed with soft towel,try, if there still is change after dash against, after protecting the word inside to contact local government to make work, the word little trouble outside protecting is in computer city or camera equipment city can be maintained.

10, does digital camera switch on the mobile phone how does mistake of indication camera lens do?

Digital camera switchs on the mobile phone mistake of indication camera lens, the likelihood causes by the following reason:

1.Batteries n is insufficient: When batteries n is low, the camera lens that may bring about digital camera cannot leave normally close. Right now, need charges batteries or change new battery.

2.Camera lens is stayed in by card: If had come up against camera to perhaps store the position of camera is not stabilized quite carelessly in use process, may bring about camera camera lens to be blocked. Right now, can try to press lens head is divided gently, look to whether can be started afresh.

3.Hardware breakdown: The camera lens of digital camera is one of core components of camera, if be in,hardware breakdown appears in use process, e.g. machinery structural happening damages or threw one coarse case, bring about camera lens possibly to cannot leave normally close. Right now, the digital camera that need sends major camera maintains inn to undertake the overhaul or change camera lens component.

The place on put together is narrated, switch on the mobile phone when digital camera when mistake of indication camera lens, can try to change first batteries perhaps presses lens head is divided, if still cannot be started normally, whether is the consideration hardware breakdown with respect to need, the digital camera that need sends major maintains inn to undertake the overhaul.

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