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  宠物体外驱虫多久一次?  推荐一个月一次,这是根据这些寄生虫的生长周期和药效决定的。像跳蚤这家伙,从卵发育到成虫只需要21天,之后就可以在猫咪身上肆无忌惮了。猫咪体外驱虫药的药效会持续一段时间,所以一般情况下,每个月给宠物做一次体外驱虫是非常有必要的。驱虫药方面可以推荐使用宠爱清来进行,性价比高,对于虱子、跳蚤、蜱虫、螨虫都有很好的杀灭作用。  另外说一下,有人觉得经常给宠物洗澡,宠物很干净,不需要做体外驱虫了。这个结论貌似没什么依据,生活中就遇到很多给宠物洗澡比较勤快,但是宠物还是会有寄生虫。因为跳蚤是可以在水中存活,洗澡达不到灭杀的目的。  这个更重要的还是跟宠物的活动以及环境因素有关。像毛毯、地毯、沙发上等等,都可能藏匿寄生虫,所以每月除了给驱虫之外,家里卫生也要保持干净。生活在干净的环境中,主人也心情愉悦一些,对吧。X








  宠物体外驱虫多久一次?  推荐一个月一次,这是根据这些寄生虫的生长周期和药效决定的。像跳蚤这家伙,从卵发育到成虫只需要21天,之后就可以在猫咪身上肆无忌惮了。猫咪体外驱虫药的药效会持续一段时间,所以一般情况下,每个月给宠物做一次体外驱虫是非常有必要的。驱虫药方面可以推荐使用宠爱清来进行,性价比高,对于虱子、跳蚤、蜱虫、螨虫都有很好的杀灭作用。  另外说一下,有人觉得经常给宠物洗澡,宠物很干净,不需要做体外驱虫了。这个结论貌似没什么依据,生活中就遇到很多给宠物洗澡比较勤快,但是宠物还是会有寄生虫。因为跳蚤是可以在水中存活,洗澡达不到灭杀的目的。  这个更重要的还是跟宠物的活动以及环境因素有关。像毛毯、地毯、沙发上等等,都可能藏匿寄生虫,所以每月除了给驱虫之外,家里卫生也要保持干净。生活在干净的环境中,主人也心情愉悦一些,对吧。X



























One, why should pet have worm of the drive outside body?

Bug of the drive outside pet body how long? Recommend a month, according to the growth of these helminth cycle and medical effect decide this. Resemble flea this fellow, need 21 days only to imago from egg development, can be later on feline Mi body unbridled. The medical effect of the anthelmintic outside feline Mi body can last for some time, so usually, every month does dispute of bug of the drive outside body to often be necessary to pet. Anthelmintic respect can be recommended use favorite Qing Dynasty to undertake, sexual price is compared tall, have to bug of pedicular, flea, tick, mite bug exterminate action very well. Say additionally, somebody feels to often bathe to pet, pet is very clean, bug of the drive outside needing to make system. This conclusion looks like basis of it doesn't matter, encounter in the life a lot of bathe to pet compare diligent, but pet or meeting have helminth. Because flea is OK,survive in water, bathing short of destroys killed goal. This more significant activity that still follows pet and environmental element are concerned. Classy like blanket, carpet, sofa wait, likely conceal helminth, so every months besides bug giving drive, the sanitation in the home also should maintain clean. Live in clean environment, master also the mood is a few more cheerful, right. X

2, what principle is bug of the drive outside the body of pet?

Because drug of the helminthic outside body has sex of tall close fat, after the positional drop of bladebone is used at the back of dog dog neck 24 hours of diffuse to be expressed to systemic body as leather fat, store next in sebaceous glands.

After this drug will be ceaseless as grease of sebaceous glands excretive, complement to be expressed to systemic body continuously down wool bursa, anthelmintic force can be maintained in one whole month, drug can store in body watch and sebaceous glands, won't enter circulation of the blood inside body, because the drug of dog of dog of bring into contact with or surface of feline Mi skin dies after period of time,so flea tick bug is met, belong to " osculatory sex kills insect " action mechanism.

Drug can affect flea tick bug neurological, make they last excited, final energy exhaust by " tired dead " , finish exterminate the task.

Because contact a gender to kill insect, do not enter haemal circulation, can have effect quickly so and it is special safety to the mammalian cat that be like a dog.

Those who want an attention is dog dog contact does not let swim inside 7 days, bathe.

3, what meaning is bug of the drive outside the body of pet?

Bug of the drive outside pet body how long one? Recommend a month, according to the growth of these helminth cycle and medical effect decide this. Resemble flea this fellow, need 21 days only to imago from egg development, can be later on feline Mi body unbridled. The medical effect of the anthelmintic outside feline Mi body can last for some time, so usually, every month does dispute of bug of the drive outside body to often be necessary to pet. Anthelmintic respect can be recommended use favorite Qing Dynasty to undertake, sexual price is compared tall, have to bug of pedicular, flea, tick, mite bug exterminate action very well. Say additionally, somebody feels to often bathe to pet, pet is very clean, bug of the drive outside needing to make system. This conclusion looks like basis of it doesn't matter, encounter in the life a lot of bathe to pet compare diligent, but pet or meeting have helminth. Because flea is OK,survive in water, bathing short of destroys killed goal. This more significant activity that still follows pet and environmental element are concerned. Classy like blanket, carpet, sofa wait, likely conceal helminth, so every months besides bug giving drive, the sanitation in the home also should maintain clean. Live in clean environment, master also the mood is a few more cheerful, right. X

4, after bug of the drive outside pet cat body how long can you touch?

Hour of the 1-2 after bug of the drive outside pet cat body can contact feline Mi.

Clinical now the anthelmintic that go up needs to drip to be in in feline Mi neck only, security tall, dosage small, price is higher, finish bug of the drive outside body, host comes home with respect to the pet that can hold his in the arms directly. The following respects can note after bug of the drive outside body:

The first, should bathe first before bug of the drive outside making system, the place that be less than is licked at the back of the neck that nods anthelmintic in pet again after complete air, after anthelmintic has been used do not bathe to pet again inside 3 days.

The 2nd, anthelmintic is virose, the requirement that must go up according to the manual so undertakes use, with the weight that good pet must weigh before medicine, will calculate according to weight the dose that should use.

The 3rd, drive bug can adorn to feline Mi neck is encircled afterwards, prevent to lick lap to cause the circumstance generation with feline toxic Mi. Best to drive bug it is body inside and outside is the same as drive, will achieve best precautionary result.

5, bug of the drive outside how giving a pig put oneself in another's position? How to give the drive outside pig body bug?

If there is body to express helminth on the body, bug egg, imago also can exist in the environment, need uses medical ability to be exterminated thoroughly at the same time, the proposal uses agent of cootie enemy gush. Sparge more contacts bug body directly, get effective fast, reuse drop agent prevents, precautionary endurance is strong, the effect will be better. After using drug, wear prevent lick a circle to avoid lap.

Because air temperature is high now, breed of body watch helminth is fast, go in brushwood amuse oneself is affected particularly easily, bug of the drive outside regular system is very be necessary, general a month uses agent of cootie enemy drop to prevent can, also can prevent with medicine before go out. A bottle probably 229, can use very long.

6, Hashiji how bug of the drive outside body?

OK now drive bug, be in him home as far as possible drive, do obeisance to ear one touchs 20 jins, the Ha Bao of full moon is most half about the same, 10 days of drive, go to all hitting be over till vaccine, later 3 months drive, big half an year

7, young dog how bug of the drive outside body?

1, drop agent: Use rise relatively convenient, prevent the helminth outside body effectively. When use drop agent, want above all the dog cervical the hair that reachs those who carry place buy on the back is apart, show the skin, because normally dog of this position dog is not licked commonly, it is drop agent by metric drop next on the skin of dog dog, medicaments can undertake absorption through the sebaceous glands of dog dog, medical effect produces effect in the whole body.

8, principle of the helminthic outside body?

The helminthic outside dog dog put oneself in another's position basically is absorbed through sebaceous glands, spread all over the skin surface in dog dog again next, if the blood of dog of dog of suck of the helminth outside body, so with respect to can inspiratory anthelmintic, cause appear relevant neurosis shape, the helminth outside causing system next dies. Clinical go up, the dog dog that is aimed at different age takes different drive bug kind more, for instance the dog dog of childhood period needs every month to do bug of the drive outside a few body, and return need do bug of the drive inside body on time

9, which had planted bug of the drive outside body?

Two kinds of methods had compared below:

One, a bit agent

When dog giving a dog chooses the anthelmintic outside body, can select agent of a few a bits, simple for, can drip directly namely above the hair in dog dog, can give these helminth inside hair so kill, resemble the Fulaien that is famouser gas, this kind of medicaments is outside body helminthic effect is very pretty good, direct drop is on the body of the dog can very easily a few helminth outside killing form.

2, dipping

Dog dog if the helminth area on the body is bigger, it is helminth everywhere all over that is to say, so below this kind of circumstance, just use a bit agent, likelihood the effect is not very good, must want to choose to use dipping so, bathe to dog dog namely, so use remedy can choose to divide n/med leprosy spirit, this kind of medicaments is simpler actually, and cheaper, when dog dog bathes, fall in directly that is to say, inside the salver that bathe, let dog dog bathe inside next, also perhaps can be add of this kind of medicaments inside jug, use a flower to asperse direct gush to be on the body of dog dog next, also be evener so, can very good drive bug.

10, principle of bug of the drive outside feline body?

The main principle of repellent is through killing the neurological, circulatory system inside helminth body or respiratory system, achieve the result that kill insect thereby.

The part that commonly used repellent has chemistry to synthesize medicaments and natural plant extraction two kinds. The logical use way of repellent and the helminth that comb feline hair to be able to help precaution and control cat body go up. Bug of the drive outside feline body basically is the helminth that shows use repellent helps surface of feline purify body, be like flea, tick bug, pedicular etc. These helminth often can bring healthy issue to the cat, for example dermatosis, Sao is urticant wait.

Sort of the repellent outside the common feline system on market includes the agent of neck annulus, drop, sparge agent, fluid that wash bath to wait now, among them the most commonly used is an agent. Drop agent is one kind can drip directly at the cat hind cervical liquid, can cause to the cat scarcely any unwell, but can exterminate exterior helminth effectively.
