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佳能ixus 190 数码相机测评?英文双语对照


佳能ixus 190 数码相机测评?英文双语对照

一、佳能ixus 190 数码相机测评?





1. 相机操控性能优秀,用户可以快速适应。

2. 具有较宽的拍摄范围,可以捕捉更多景物细节。

3. 相机的手感良好,重量适中,握持舒适。


1. 相机的成像效果一般,有一些图片出现了噪点和失焦的情况。

2. 视频拍摄只支持 1080p,不够清晰。

3. 光圈范围有限,不够灵活。

总的来说,HP D3500 数码相机的性能一般,适合日常生活中的拍摄和旅游拍摄。然而,对于追求更高质量图片的用户来说,该相机的成像效果可能会有些失望。




  可以说,这台相机整体表现还是非常不错的,唯一的重大缺陷就在高感光度拍摄上面。对于没有特殊夜景拍摄要求的家庭用户来说,这台佳能SX710 HS还是非常值得信赖的。相对于2000元以内的价格来说,这款相机的性价比还是很高的。




















One, beautiful can evaluation of camera of Ixus 190 number?

See parameter, this machine child should be travel sunlight machine, the Ccd(doubt of 1/2.3 is like wrong) , 2000 resemble element more, density resembling element is quite high, usable ISO value is fair very low, f3.0-6.9 of the biggest aperture, aperture also is those who comparative is small. So below the situation with radial bad condition, should be point of full a confusion of voices, draw qualitative can care.

2, evaluation of camera of HP D3500 number?

Evaluate a result:


1.Camera is held control function outstanding, the user can suit quickly.

2.Have wider film limits, can take more scenery detail.

3.The feel of camera is good, weight moderate, grasp hold comfortable.


1.Of camera into general like the effect, a few pictures appeared to a confusion of voices is nodded and lose anxious case.

2.Video films support 1080p only, not quite clear.

3.Aperture range is narrow, not quite agile.

As a whole, the performance of camera of HP D3500 number is average, suit to daily life films mediumly and travel film. However, to pursuit more for the user of high quality picture, of this camera into may have some of disappointment like the effect.

3, beautiful can evaluation of digital camera S3IS?

S3IS appearance very " professional " the taste that quite a few sheet are turned over. S3 has the big optical scorch of 12 times, a liquid crystal screen that can rotate, when transcribe short, can scorch, general small DC place does not have this. But the price is a little high, it is 3000 ocean almost! Change greatly compared scorch, can give indeed film had brought much more convenient, but as family expenses, it seems that utilization rate won't be too high. So, it is to use as merely take a picture daily, and go out when travel, pat the wind illumination of sex of a few souvenir, the plan that you begin (buy 710) I feel a few more appropriate. Consult for you.

4, beautiful can how is digital camera Sx710 evaluated?

Can say, expression of this camera whole still is very pretty good, only major drawback films in high speed above. For the domestic user that asks to filming without special night scene, this beautiful can SX710 HS still is worth to trust very much. Relative to the price at 2000 yuan of less than for, the sexual price of this camera is compared still is very tall.

5, how is sound evaluation evaluated?

There is a hardware to run inside rash Great Master cent, can have a test with rash Great Master, card seeing sound can hit how many minutes.

6, how is professional evaluation evaluated?

Does duty evaluate: ?  of abundant of harmonious Yu dainty in all dainty of artful beach of cover of take along sth to sb accumulate does Guo  mast beach dainty accumulate Suan?

7, why does digital camera call a number camera?

Just as its name implies, the gain that its photography scores digital camera is digital information, it and film camera distinction depend on, film camera films exposure is the chemical reaction of film coating, film is obtained video (need to rinse) ; And digital camera films exposure process is transition of sensitive component photoelectricity, those who obtain is digital signal information stock memory Carrie, digital watch for an opportunity is the greatest advantage is not to need to use film material of this kind of bad news.

8, what content should Party member evaluation evaluate?

Party member evaluation basically undertakes evaluating from side of De Nengqin performance, undertake with judging photograph of democratic appraise sth through discussion to tie kind oneself, act on democratic and objective fair justice to undertake.

Basically evaluate awareness of Party member party spirit, the knowledge of policy policy theory of the party, the play of action of type of Party member van, fulfil Party member obligation, fulfill the inadequacy of the result that the respect such as own job obtains and existence, after ego is evaluated, undertake evaluating by other Party member, evaluation cent is outstanding and competent with asymmetry duty grade, evaluation signs by oneself as a result archives is loaded after the organization is approbated.

9, does bold evaluation of 150 evaluation booby?

Bold 150 evaluation booby is very good. Classical circle is haloid headlight, outer lane still adds craft of chromium having plating, concise be able to bear or endure look. Haloid bulb dazzles that kind as LED probably it seems that cruel, but get the better of in stability reliable, maintain advantage, and illuminant penetration is better, use on classical prince car also appropriate. Drive the pose is very recreational, automobile body of joint of double leg nature, nature of upper part of the body is erect, without oppressive feeling, ride a comfortable sex for long very good. Backlash space is very ample still, even if is Shuang Zaiqi travel, also can have very good comfortable sex.

10, maintenance number camera, how to give digital camera discharge?

After need discharges, nickel cadmium cell charges, have memorial effectiveness easily otherwise.

Although nickel hydrogen batteries remembers effectiveness lighter, also had better use the use strategy with enough consumed. After using period of time commonly, use sufficient discharge to charge adequately, will activation of batteries most high capacity.

The memorial effectiveness of lithium report is negligible not plan, before charging so, need not discharge.

Some is aimed at charger of appropriative of nickel cadmium cell, itself takes discharge function, put electric hind to turn automatically to charge condition.

If want to use digital watch for an opportunity multi-purpose report will complete batteries discharge process, it is meaningless to digital camera wear away, the loss outweights the gain, still do not use this kind of method had better.

Suggest to be used in all sorts of electric equipment that put batteries to dynamoelectric toy to perhaps use use cell, had better be those electric equipment with working older electric current, discharge in that way time but some shorter.

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