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2、打开ISF Enable

然后往下找到ISF Enable,并将其改为On,这时你就会感受到颜色变化了


在ISF Enable里面也可以进行参数调整,例如图像调整,可以对亮度、对比度、锐度、白平衡等参数进行调整;











华为P40 Pro这块四曲面OLED屏幕显示效果很棒,分辨率为2640*1200,屏幕比例为19.8:9,支持DCI-P3广色域,PPI高达441,素质极佳,另外这块屏幕支持90Hz高刷新率,滑动屏幕时十分顺滑。


  刚沾染上可乐的衣服,可以在污渍部位均匀涂抹少量洗洁精,并静置五分钟,再用温水冲就很干净。洗洁精属于表面活性剂,可以很容易地将可乐中的分子包裹住,使之从衣服的纤维中脱落下来,融入水中,便于清洗。  如果衣物沾染上可乐时间较久,可乐内所含的有色物质已经与衣服紧紧结合在一起。所以,就需要使用主要成分是次氯酸盐的84漂白液或双氧水等氧化剂,将有色物质氧化成无色物质。在衣物进行氧化的时候,要注意衣物成分。含丝绸类的衣服尽量不用漂白剂清洗,漂白剂会对这类衣物造成损伤。此外,化纤、棉布、麻布面料的衣服在使用漂白剂浸泡时,时间最好控制在30分钟内,否则,会将衣服本身的颜色一同漂白。


















One, is computer screen color not quite bright-coloured?

One, above all, open computer to enter Windows10 system, in the desktop left the beginning of next horn chooses in menu " setting " , dot stroke leaves.

2, next, choose in installing the window " system " , dot stroke leaves.

3, next, choose in the window " advanced color is installed " , dot stroke leaves.

4, next, choose in the window " color calibration " , dot stroke leaves.

5, next, slide block is adjusted to adjust gamma value in the interface.

6, finally, it is normal to adjusting slide block to make the screen of computer tonal in the interface can, ask the problem is solved.

2, is monitor color not quite bright-coloured?

The color of monitor may not fit your habit, the setting that you feel acquiescent probably is too bright too dazzling, perhaps feel acquiescent color is too bright-coloured, look very uncomfortable, or you think color is too light, these color that you can adopt a system are corrective the tool will be adjusted, the made habit that fits oneself.

Open Control Panel. The exterior and individuation choose in Control Panel.

Enter the exterior and personalized interface, the choice shows pushbutton.

Calibration color pushbutton is clicked after entering indication interface.

Appeared next the interface of calibration of an indication color, click all the time subsequently " next " , until appear " adjust gamma " , slide lowest is worth.

Continue next, until finish, play a new window, shut directly, do decided.

3, bright base is measuring projector color not quite bright-coloured?

1, find ISF setting

Open bright base the systematic setting of measuring projector, ISF is found in lofty setting, click affirm

2, open ISF Enable

Find ISF Enable downward next, and its instead On, at this moment you are changed with respect to meeting feeling by color

3, image is adjusted

Also can undertake inside ISF Enable parameter is adjusted, for example image is adjusted, can undertake adjustment to the parameter such as brightness, contrast, acutance, Bai Pingheng;

4, how is note computer color moved colourfully not quite?

What need a specification above all is, notebook computer belongs to personal computer equipment, color adjustment basically is to be aimed at monitor. If monitor color is insufficient bright-coloured, can collect in order to to lay methodological adjustment color: 1. Enter indication attribute setting, find color quality, its the setting is highest, what can promote computer color so is bright-coloured degree. 2. Adjust the parameter such as the brightness of monitor, contrast, degree of saturation, can undertake adjustment through the setting of monitor is being searched in menu. 3. If need more professional adjustment, can consider to buy the mix colors gift with exact shade, cooperate monitor adjustment software to undertake modulatory, will obtain more the colour result with accurate essence. Those who need an attention is, adjust the work or reads media content that should be engaged in according to oneself when monitor colour will undertake modulatory, bring about colour with avoiding excessive adjustment lack fidelity perhaps produce off color.

5, why is the effect tint that digital camera takes not bright-coloured?

If the digital watch for a chance with good performance uses RAW when the format takes a picture, it is the complete information that records the scene as far as possible, record the picture with big news, can appear greyer, but the surplus of later period is larger more agile.

6, China for P40pro screen color not quite bright-coloured?

Can undertake adjustment, move is as follows:

1, open above all China for P40Pro mobile phone, those who click a desktop to go up " install " .

2, in the setting then the interface is clicked " show and brightness " .

3, click next enter " colour and shield an eye " .

4, click finally " colour adjustment and colour temperature " , the color with comfortable choice and tonal can.

China for P40 Pro screen of OLED of this 4 curved surface shows the result is very strong, resolution is 2640*1200, screen scale is 19.8:9, support DCI-P3 wide colour gamut, PPI is as high as 441, quality is admirable, additionally this screen supports 90Hz high refresh rate, when slip screen very suitable slip.

7, if the dress fades, not quite bright-coloured, how complementary color, strengthen bright-coloured?

Just was infected with on the dress of coke, can be in besmirch place is even daub a few essence that wash clean, quiet place 5 minutes, reoccupy Wen Shuichong is very clean. The essence that wash clean belongs to exterior activator, can lap the element in coke easily, fall off what make from inside the fiber of the dress come down, in blending in water, facilitate clean. If clothings is infected with,go up coke time is longer, the coloured material that contains inside coke has been united in wedlock together closely with the dress. So, using basis with respect to need is hypochlorite 84 blanch the oxidant such as fluid or hydrogen peroxide solution, coloured matter oxidation becomes colorless matter. When clothings undertakes oxidation, want to note clothings class status. Contain silk kind the dress as far as possible need not bleacher is cleaned, bleacher can cause loss to this kind of clothings. In addition, when the dress of fabrics of chemical fibber, cotton cloth, flax is using bleacher to immerse, best control is in time 30 minutes inside, otherwise, the color of itself of meeting general dress is blanched together.

8, why is the photo that my Ni Kang D80 takes not quite bright-coloured?

Do not need those who block when to use a hand to move, encircle with respect to consumed when you want to dominate depth of field preferential, use shutter when you want to control shutter preferential, p file can be used energy of life is goodly that day completely when filming daily, fall in certain and specific situation only or stem from a kind of hobby completely to use complete hand to move.

If you used UV, can try to take your UV the UV character that trying afresh perhaps is you is no good cause this kind of condition.

Additionally sheet turns over the one big characteristic of camera to jump over high-grade camera to give JPG to jump over difference directly namely, the more need arises RAW format to undertake later period is made, because the compression of image lost a lot of information,this also is a reason that makes you feel the photograph is burnt likely. D80 regards the one end in the ministry as introductory machine also is such, so you can try multi-purpose film with RAW undertake later period is made.

9, why is the photograph color that I pat instead with sheet not bright-coloured?

I also am D90, the feeling that talks about me.

According to your composition of a picture and exposure, the time that plays watch for a chance should not calculate long. If you are stuck the photograph is Jpg format, so when you film colour temperature good without the setting, at least colour temperature slant warmed (the hair with the already red dress on girl body fizzled out, what the color of chrysanthemum also fizzles out is aglow) , we use Raw format to go out commonly piece, later period undertakes colour temperature adjust. Ethereal Bai Yun and architectural white wall had exposed to the sun too.

Have about the photograph for nothing feeling, it is to have really. Change rate according to the setting empty of the photograph, what the aperture when you film installs is a bit small, in A archives (preferential mode issues aperture) , aperture is smaller shutter is slower, shutter is jumped over slower into light much, shine more into smooth more photograph, this is to cause a reason that feels for nothing. Another reason is to film time paragraph, according to the photograph turn over luminosity to film the time that should choose in 10-15 paragraph, this time in a day paragraph the light is the hardest.

Still having a reason is the adjustment that did not have later period and decorate, if you are Raw,go out piece, the proposal undertakes with NX2 later period is adjusted simply, reduce colour temperature, pull move color rank to fill Gao Guang and low light fission to come out now, make even if feel,the photograph has. Such the sort of for nothing the feeling is met on certain level reduce or disappear. When for nothing the feeling disappeared, the photograph is connected appeared, colour it may not be a bad idea looked. If still feel insufficient, can increase bit of colour degree of saturation slightly.

Above suggests the hope is useful to you, be like helpful adopt please.

10, is measuring projector colour not quite bright-coloured?

The reason with measuring projector not fresh colour and means of settlement are as follows:

1, the picture colour that acknowledges umbriferous signal source is normal, computer picture is normal word, that passed output to show an issue namely.

2, color is abnormal, slant namely color, change a wire 90% meetings are solved.

3, if projector wire changes returning is abnormal, that is about to was repaired, change liquid crystal board, be projector into resemble a part.

4, affirm again umbriferous broken, press a remote controller, MENU menu, enter projector to install, set projector into leave factory setting.
