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  刘备的老婆: 书上写到刘备有四个妻子,她们是甘夫人,糜夫人,孙夫人,吴夫人。她们共同的特点是:有姓无名。



















Liu Bei's wife: Liu Bei is written to have 4 wives on the book, they are pleasant madams, rotten madam, mrs. Sun, mrs. Wu. Their common characteristic is: Have a last name anonymous.

What write the earliest is pleasant madam.

When Liu Bei lives in small abundant, she is married, followed Liu Bei to arrive together later Jing Zhou. She gave Liu Bei to give birth to a son in period of chaste tree city, it is fool. When Cao Bing chases after long slope slope, liu Bei has no alternative, abandoned pleasant madam and fool. Luckily Zhao cloud comes, just avoid at difficult. When Liu Bei enters Sichuan, this pleasant madam mentions no longer in the book, reckon she is to die in Jing Zhou.

The 2nd wife is rotten madam.

She is Mei Zhu's little sister. After the Pi below Lv cloth take by surprise, pleasant madam is captured captive, liu has move comes somewhere else. Mei Zhu introduces her to Liu Bei, liu Bei marries her to be wife.

I emphasize this particularly " wife " word, after marrying her because of Liu Bei, her identity is wife. On the history, rotten madam calls a madam at that time. In the pleasant madam before this, although marry,be before rotten madam, but her identity is on the history, in " annals of the Three Kingdoms " inside it is concubine. Pleasant madam is concubine, rotten madam is wife. Pleasant madam marries advanced, rotten madam marries after, this is written very clearly on the history. Wife, the ancients of v/arc a person's status of concubine very attention, won't make a mistake.

But Luo Guanzhong takes no account of pleasant madam He Meifu the identity of person wife and concubine, when mentioning two people instead, be pleasant, rotten 2 madams, pleasant madam always is put in front of of rotten madam.

The 3rd is Mrs. Sun.

Mrs. Sun is in book inside the little sister that is Sun Quan. What does Mrs. Sun call the name after all? Does she call Sun Shangxiang?

This name sees Yu Jing play " dragon Feng Chengxiang " . This is a Nancy name that compares flowery, it is to be in Luoguan " historical novel of annals of the Three Kingdoms " a name that after Cheng Shuhe circulates, arises.

We must know this. Teleplay " historical novel of the Three Kingdoms " on the head that ever considered to want to bring Sun Shangxiang's name in Mrs. Sun. I put forward to object at that time, I say this is a name that arises after Luo Guanzhong, how can you force go up personally in Luo Guanzhong? Did not use Sun Shangxiang later so this name, that is Beijing opera within only so cry.

The 4th madam, also be the last, call Mrs. Wu.

She is Sichuan country the little sister of general Wu Yi. Wu Yi cries on the history, in " historical novel of annals of the Three Kingdoms " in call Wu Yi, be sealed to be empress later.

Say Mrs. Wu has two sons in the novel, one calls Liu Yong, one calls Liu Li, this is " historical novel of annals of the Three Kingdoms " inside say. From the point of the history, this view is incorrect. The account on history, liuyong and Liu buddhist are not place of a mother is born, saying Liu Li and Liu Yong again also is not place of a mother unripe. Come so, if Liu Yong, Liu Li is built with Mrs. Wu go up relation, that may be Mrs. Wu is unripe among them only, impossible two are she is unripe, possible also even two are not she is unripe.

If say to have in those two sons,one is not Mrs. Wu place unripe, so, liu Bei still has 5 wives. Because at this moment a few wives of Liu Bei are dead, mrs. Sun has been returned east Wu Qu.

If two people are not Mrs. Wu is unripe, and these two people are not same a mother, liu Bei had that that is to say the 6th wife.

Still say on official history, the person marries pleasant husband to have to Liu is concubine, either wife. This explains, liu Bei had had before in this wife. If this wife if existing, then Liu Bei has 7 wives.

Liu Bei says again on official history " count room of die young wife " , that is to say, his wife died several, because " several " word at least is to point to 3 above, besides these a few beyond, died at least 3 two wives. So calculate come down, least he has 8 wives, perhaps have nine wife

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