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¥2380起 昆明康辉旅行社有限公司


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¥2480起 昆明康辉旅行社有限公司


二次确认 无购物无自费 在线支付

¥2380起 昆明康辉旅行社有限公司





宋教仁(1882——1913),字遁初,号渔父,湖南常德桃源县人,著名的资产阶级革命家。 林修梅(1880——1921)孙中山总统府代理参军长,陆军上将。湖南省安福县(今临澧县)人,林伯渠堂兄。林伯渠(1886——1960),原名祖涵,号伯渠,字邃园,1886年3月20日出生于今常德临澧县修梅镇凉水井村,著名的无产阶级革命家、教育家。蒋翊武(1885-——1913),原名保襄,湖南常德今澧县人,著名近代民主革命家、中华民国开国元勋。翦伯赞(1898-——1968)桃源人,中国著名历史学家、社会活动家,著名马克思主义史学家,中国马克思主义历史科学的重要奠基人之一,杰出的教育家。王尔琢(1903——1928) 湖南石门人,黄埔一期,中国工农红军高级将领,是中国共产党早期重要将领,著名革命烈士,1928年牺牲于\江西丁玲(1904——1986),现代女作家。原名蒋伟,字冰之,又名蒋炜、蒋玮、丁冰之。笔名彬芷、从喧等。湖南常德临澧人。


从怀化开往上海南K534/K535次列车时刻表全程耗时:24:32 小时 全程距离:1801 公里 硬座:208元 硬卧下铺:379元 车站 到达时间 发车时间 走行时间(小时) 里程(公里) 1 怀化 10:08 10:08 00:00 - 2 吉首 11:33 11:39 01:25 103 3 张家界 13:25 13:40 03:17 228 4 石门县 15:07 15:10 04:59 340 5 常德 16:15 16:19 06:07 426 6 益阳 17:36 17:42 07:28 527 7 长沙 18:56 19:06 08:48 624 8 株洲 19:46 20:00 09:38 676 9 萍乡 21:02 21:16 10:54 757 10 宜春 21:58 22:02 11:50 823 11 新余 22:44 22:48 12:36 882 12 鹰潭 01:20 01:30 15:12 1128 13 上饶 03:01 03:24 16:53 1244 14 衢州 04:55 04:58 18:47 1355 15 金华西 06:00 06:06 19:52 1441 16 义乌 06:40 06:43 20:32 1489 17 杭州东 07:58 08:04 21:50 1634 18 嘉兴 09:17 09:21 23:09 1721 19 上海南 10:40 10:40 24:32 1801





在不含飞机票的基础上,要是3天2晚的大概价格是:400元左右 4天3晚的大概价格是:600元左右 5天4晚的大概价格是:700元-1500左右 6天5晚的大概价格是:800-1700元左右有什么不明白的可以问我哦。









车次, 始发站, 终点站, 车辆类型, 发站, 发时, 到站, 到时, 里程, 历时, 硬座, 软座, 硬卧中, 软卧下K533/K536 上海南 怀化 空调快速 上海南 12:00 常德 04:54 1375 16:54 146 - 251/260/268 392/409


Does Kunming inquire to quoted price of Hainan tourism group?

¥ limited company of travel agent of 2380 Kunming Kang Hui

Hainan of Kunming of Hainan travel _ travels 4 evening 5 days of groups

Affirm 2 times without shop without at one's own expenses online pay

¥ limited company of travel agent of 2480 Kunming Kang Hui

Hainan 3 inferior travel | Hainan 3 inferior travel round _ pulls hand island 5 days the journey

Affirm 2 times without shop without at one's own expenses online pay

¥ limited company of travel agent of 2380 Kunming Kang Hui

Kunming Hainan 3 inferior Hainan of travel _ Kunming 3 inferior Shuang Fei swims 5 days [big talk drunk beauty swims]

Does Liaoning travel to Hainan round how?

The service flow of this tourism group is good, passenger satisfaction is spent tall, nevertheless Liaoning travels to Hainan the group because unlike of epidemic situation influence is so much before, the travel that has Hainan every week nevertheless is round

Celebrity of Hainan Chang Deji?

Song Jiaoren (1882 -- 1913) , at the beginning of word escape, date fishing father, hunan person of county of Chang Detao source, famous bourgeois revolutionist. Lin Xiumei (1880 -- 1921) representative of government office of Sun Zhongshan's president joins army commander, army general. Hunan Province installs blessing county (face Li county today) person, lin Baiqu's cousin. Lin Baiqu (1886 -- 1960) , yuan Mingzu contain, date Bai Qu, word deep garden, was born in on March 20, 1886 today county of Chang Delin Li builds village of Mei Zhenliang well, famous proletarian revolutionist, educationist. Jiang Yi fierce (1885- -- 1913) , original name protects assist, hunan person of county of Chang Dejin Li, founder of the state of the Republic of China of famous and latter-day democratic revolutionist, China. Jian Baizan (1898- -- 1968) peach source person, activist of Chinese distinguished historian, society, famous Marxism historian, one of important founders of science of Chinese Marxism history, crackajack educationist. Wang Erzhuo (1903 -- 1928) person of Hunan stone door, yellow Bu first phase, red Army man of Chinese workers and peasants is senior general, it is a Chinese Communist inchoate and principal high-ranking military officer, famous revolution martyr, sacrificed 1928 at \ Jiangxi Ding Ling (1904 -- 1986) , contemporary authoress. Wei of original name Jiang, the word puts on the ice, of renown Jiang Wei, Jiang Wei, Ding Bing. Pseudonym Bin Zhi, wait from noisy. Hunan person of Chang Delin Li.

What station does Hainan pass to Changde by train on?

Change upgrade Hainan K534/K535 from the bosom whole journey of second train schedule is time-consuming: 24:32 hours of whole journey are apart from: 1801 kilometers are hard: 208 yuan of hard keep down are spread: 3Time of car of hair of arrival time of 79 yuan of stations takes a time (hour) course of development (kilometer) 1 bosom changes 10:08 10:08 00:0Auspicious of 0 - 2 head 11:33 11:39 01:213:2 of group of Home 5 103 3 Home Zhang5 13:40 03:115:0 of county of door of stone of 7 228 47 15:10 04:516:1 of Chang De of 9 340 55 16:19 06:0In relief 17:3 of beneficial of 7 426 66 17:42 07:218:5 of Changsha of 8 527 76 19:06 08:4Individual plant of 8 624 8 continent 19:46 20:00 09:321:0 of countryside of duckweed of 8 676 92 21:16 10:5Appropriate of 4 757 10 spring 21:58 22:02 11:50 823 11 is new more than 22:44 22:48 12:301:2 of pool of eagle of 6 882 120 01:30 15:103:0 of the forgive on 2 1128 131 03:24 16:53 1244 14 thoroughfares city 04:55 04:58 18:406:0 of Jin Huaxi of 7 1355 150 06:06 19:506:4 of justice black of 2 1441 160 06:43 20:3Hangzhou of 2 1489 17 east 07:58 08:04 21:50 1634 18 fine promote 09:17 09:21 23:0The 10:4 austral Shanghai of 9 1721 190 10:40 24:32 1801

Talk about a city to quote to Hainan tourism group how many, to that travel agent?

Talk about a city to travel to Hainan price is main now reasonable, 56 about the same days 3000 the left and right sides, of high end 5000 the left and right sides, free travel honeymoon suits quite. Travel agent quoted price is similar also, the proposal is getting online calm, autograph contract pays to go to the lavatory, the save labour when the province

Does Ning Bo follow travel round price to Hainan island how many?

Hello, give you following proposals according to your query: Be this appearance, different day number value is different! Differ according to the standard of board and lodging, it is Hainan ground receives a few referenced prices that swim with the group below.

On the basis that does not contain plane ticket, if of 3 days of 2 evening probably the price is: 400 yuan or so of 4 days of 3 evening probably the price is: 600 yuan or so of 5 days of 4 evening probably the price is: 700 yuan - of 6 days of or so 1500 5 evening probably the price is: 800-1700 or so yuan those who what does not understand is OK ask me.

Does jujube village follow tourism group to go to Hainan travel about how many money?

Pure number seeing fund is incorrect, of my jujube village, 4.1 come back from Hainan, the of 4000 group that take, shuang Fei, whole journey 5 stars guesthouse, those who live is quite good, famous tourist attraction is included, without shopping dot, without compulsive at one's own expenses project.

Travel agent is OK be out of pocket sends you, take you to shopping dot consumption to the tourist attraction, travel agent makes deduct a percentage from a sum of money, can earn instead a lot of, if do not buy sequential TV to also had exposured forcibly, the fact is really such. You go travel agent looks, 2000 arrive more 5000 much have, it is Shuang Fei swims 6 days, but Xuzhou flies 3 inferior airline ticket is one-way be about 1120 yuan, be in charge of you living 5 days to eat 5 days to play 5 days even, you think 2000 much likelihood is not compulsive do you shop, still having low is to attract a customer only, went to what the tourist attraction is about to listen to a tourist guide. Suggest you take the group of 4000, the group of 5000 is much " blame sincere not faze " be in namely blame sincere not faze films that guesthouse of the ground lives one evening, without much great sense. The line of travel agent is same, the price is similar also, arrived Hainan hands over you to viatic group of place, altogether with respect to those 5 kinds of circuitry 5 kinds of prices, all viatic groups are same, it is those 5 kinds of circuitry, because Hainan place travel agent is made, we this cannot be changed, so same, you go more a few travel agent look to know, it is same course table, do not understand leave a message again tell me.

Does Hainan return countryside tourism group to rely on chart?

Do not rely on chart, hainan returns countryside tourism group not to rely on chart, the trip that because not be normal channel, standard travel agent,organizes is round, possible presence low swims, the circumstance that the requirement shops, have caustic tourist interest.

Does Yuan hill arrive is Chang De the station austral constant heart?

Yes, in the terminal of Chang Na car of vessel the city zone.

South Shanghai, price of Chang Dehuo ticket?

Number, starting station, terminus, car type, hair station, when hair, to the station, when arriving, course of development, last a period of time, hard, soft, in lying forcedly, the 12:0 austral fast Shanghai of Na Huaihua air conditioning of Shanghai of the K533/K536 below soft sleeper0 Chang De 04:54 1375 16:54 146 - 251/260/268 392/409
