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如何提高弹跳力? 如何快速提高弹跳力?英文双语对照


如何提高弹跳力? 如何快速提高弹跳力?英文双语对照




























1,弹跳力是全身力量、跑动速度、反应速度、身体协调性、柔韧性、灵活性的综合体现。 所以我们不可以认为提高弹跳就成天的跳跳的就行了。你必须坚持每天拉伸自己全身各部位的肌腱、韧带、肌肉,扩大关节的活动范围,同时,做各种复杂的有利于提高身体协调性的体形。动作要准确、优美、既有力又放松。

2,力量训练最好由身体训练教练安排和辅导。 如自己进行训练,最好每周进行2到4次的大力量训练,训练时必须注意安全,以免发生意外伤害。所谓大力量训练就是利用杠铃进行大负荷的练习。

3,速度训练也是提高弹跳力的一个重要方面。 反复冲刺训练还是有必要的。30次,50次,也许80次,那就要看你的吃苦精神了。所谓冲刺,要求你自己在准备活动后全速往前冲,而不是中速。专项速度训练同大力量训练相同,不必天天练,每周三小时即可。还要特别注意运用小;力量训练手段增强大腿后侧肌肉群的力量。



























  弹跳能力提高的方法如下:   弹跳并不是单单的腿部力量,而是全身力量的综合,只不过腿不力量是比较关键的。 腿部,其次腹部,再次背部,还有臀部。   跳绳和跑楼梯是最简单且很有效的提高弹跳的方法。   篮下单手摸高也是一个不错的方法。   如果条件允许,参加一个健身俱乐部,采用杠铃深顿是最有效且见效快的方法之一。但需要说明的,如果身体还在发育当中(22岁以前)尽量不要做,因为这个动作会影响到身高。   跑步并不能提高弹跳,只能增加耐力,但10秒的加速跑对弹跳有些许帮助。   上肢力量每天做俯卧撑即可得到满意的效果。如果配合引体向上效果更佳 。






















  弹跳力从一定意义上说可以用爆发力来解释,而爆发力就是肌肉在单位时间内所做的功,一、弹跳力和肌肉力量及速度的大小有关系,因此,当速度不变时增加肌肉的力量可以提高弹力;当力量不变时,提高肌肉的收缩速度,同样可以增加弹跳。所以,你要做的是通过训练增加你的弹跳力!  下面介绍一种来自美国的一组锻炼方法:  

1、半蹲跳  开始时,半蹲至1/4的位置,双手放置于前,向上跳离地面最少20cm到25cm。在空中双手需放在后面。着地时,完成一次。接下来,只需重复以上步骤。  

2、抬脚尖(提踵)  找个梯级或一本书来垫脚,然后只把脚尖放在上面,脚跟不得着地或垫着,脚尖抬到最高点,再慢慢放下,完成一次。重复。  

3、台阶  找张椅子来,把一只脚放上去,呈90度,尽全力跳开,在空中换脚,再放在椅子上,将原起跳的脚放回椅子上,完成另外一跳。  

4、纵跳  双脚放直,与肩同宽,“锁紧”膝盖,只用小腿跳。弯曲脚腂,膝盖尽量不弯曲,到地时,再迅速起跳,完成一次,这一项很难,可用手帮助起跳。  

5、脚尖跳  将脚尖抬到最高点,用脚尖快速起跳,跳时不得超过1.5或2.5cm。  

6、蹲跳 (这一项每周练一次)  站立,怀抱篮球于胸前,蹲下(半蹲),看前方,背直,抬起脚尖,大腿需保持90度,跳起至8cm-13cm,一定要保持步骤2的姿势着地,完成一下,重复做。  如何锻炼核心力量呢?


How to enhance bounce power?

Kneeling position bends coxa to rise jump

The body maintains kneeling position to be on the rug, the included angle of ham and crus becomes 90 degrees, ham vertically face, back keeps erect, attune of core muscle chime is tightened up to swing when motion double arm, at the same time the body up bounce station straight body, double arm falls naturally in the body two side, repeat an act, training intensity is 2 groups, every groups are 20 times.

Jump jumping pit

Probably a meter or so deep, tie up on the leg 5 jins sandbag plunges in hole, try to practice jumping up in jumping pit below loaded circumstance, practice ceaselessly and strengthen load cannot load again till oneself.

Also cannot from the start in hole when the exercise heretoes endowment method difficulty is tall, the effect is distinct, raise bounce force to exercise muscle of the upper part of the body and ham muscle ceaselessly even, can pass push-up, sit-ups takes exercise with the pace that tie a horse.

How to enhance bounce power quickly?

One, crouch greatly

Crouching greatly is the fastest the most efficient exercise way, barbell is carrying barbell, if doing not have, the individual can take on shoulder, sit the person's word notices safety certainly, must want to helping the stuff that can strut up, fall in case. Notice in staying a course greatly the back wants straight wait a moment to rise to fall slow certainly, such ability have the effect most. Everyday 3 groups, every groups 10, after time grew can oneself increase appropriately.

2, leapfrog and diving tower rank

Leapfrog is mixed diving tower rank also is a good method that enhances bouncing power, the both hands when leapfrog holds a head in the arms, everyday 3 groups, every groups probably 20 meters to the novice. Run namely next stair, jump stair, run stair and jump stair is combining practice, jump must jump at a dash when stair.

3, carry high leg

Carry high the leg also is the good method that enhances bouncing power, carry high the point of the leg wants namely fast, the hand places also want fast, because the frequency of hands or feet is same, when the hand is placed, must be around is placed, do not want both sides of the occasional in face. Carry the leg wants tall, be born is tiptoe touchdown. Can first place carries high the leg runs quickly again next 20 meters or so, it is as much everyday 3 groups.

4, skip

Skip can promote leg ministry sarcous to take exercise, lay next foundations to have good bounce power.

How to play basketball to enhance bounce power?

Play basketball the method that enhances bounce power is as follows:

1, in can use at ordinary times stay the bounce power that jumps to exercise oneself partly, postural standard should assure in staying the course that jump partly, handle puts rearward, can 10 are a group, train 10 groups about the same.

2, carry the bounce force that tiptoe also can train him, double foot walks in an object above, it is OK to carry tiptoe carry tiptoe to apogee to undertake taking exercise slowly next.

3, even if jump to also can exercise bounce power, even if jump namely what what we say at ordinary times is perpendicular hop up, when jump the body wants perpendicular, and use crus only will send force.

4, in addition, you are taking exercise carry still can jump to exercise bounce power with tiptoe deep after tiptoe, force should be sent in the process of take off with tiptoe.

Raise bounce force to train a method?

1. plays basketball. Basketball motion dispute often exercises bounce power of the person, when playing basketball, robbing bank is the commonnest, start of do all one can must want when robbing bank. In shoot a basket, when grabbing ball and lid cap, should jump forcibly, exercising bounce ability all the time so, insist to play basketball only, bounce force can rise certainly.

2. skip. In the process of skip, double foot beats in what keep from beginning to end, hold to an exercise everyday 1- - the skip of 2 hours, can enhance bounce power effectively.

3. shuttlecock. Badminton middling often wants start wrestle to kill, can take exercise so erupt force, time grew to be able to enhance bounce power.

4. high jump. High jump is the directer method that exercises bounce power, the simplest bounce can practice on clearing, pinnacled create a simple number, move mark up everyday a bit, such holding to that exercise the bounce power that can enhance oneself everyday. 5 strengthen crus muscle. Of bounce force strong with have immediate concern with crus muscle infirmly, can bind a sandbag ran on crus at ordinary times, can exercise crus muscle. Notice to eat some of beef to wait more on food additionally, be helpful for growing muscle.

How practice and to how practice and enhance bounce power?

1, bounce force is systemic force, run the synthesis that moves speed, response rate, body to coordinate gender, flexibility, flexibility shows. So we can not think to raise spring with respect to all day long jump jump went. You must hold to everyday him drawing all over the tendon of each place, ligament, muscle, enlarge articulatory territory, in the meantime, make all sorts of complex bodily form that are helpful for raising the body to coordinate a gender. The movement wants accurate, beautiful, already strong loosen again.

2, force training had better train to the coach is arranged and coach by the body. If oneself undertake training, had better undertake the 2 great power that reach 4 times train every week, safety must notice when training, lest produce accident harm. Alleged great power trains even if use barbell to have the practice of big negative charge.

3, speed training also is a when enhance bounce power important facet. Sprint trains or be necessary repeatedly. 30, 50, perhaps 80, that is about to see you bear hardships spirit. Alleged sprint, requirement yourself rushs forth amain after warming-up, is not middling speed. Special rate training trains with great power identical, need not drill every day, every week 3 hours can. Even special attention is applied small; Muscle of the side after force trains a method to enhance ham group force.

4, did not exceed strong motive, motorial system did not exceed powerful impulse, all so called science are changed, method of modern, management, training and method are no use completely. Finally, wish everybody buckles goal dream to come true.

How to enhance your bounce power quickly?

The attention before training must do sufficient warm up, get hurt easily otherwise. Warm-up arrives small perspire just calculate warm up to end.

1, double skip

2, Z word is bouncing

3, side direction is bouncing

4, pressure rope is bouncing

5, both hands feels bank perpendicular jump (double foot and thin leg are alternant)

6, sprint runs touch draw a frame round


to bouncing fraise:

Place double foot is carried on fraise,

After falling from fraise subsequently,

The back takes off to fraise place double foot,

Around practices circularly.

Transverse and bouncing fraise:

Double foot place takes off,

The left and right sides undertakes in proper sequence practices,

It is sole hair force and be born likewise,

Knee small music.

Double fraise is bouncing:

Set two roadblock,

One low one tall save certain distance,

Bouncing after the first fraise,

Fast leap the 2nd.

The bounce force that how allows oneself rises?

The method that bounce ability raises is as follows: Bounce is not only leg ministry force, however of systemic force integrated, just quantity of leg not do one's best is more crucial. Leg ministry, next abdomen, again back, still have hip. Skip and run stair is the simplest and the very effective method that raises spring. Single hand is felt below basket tall also be a good method. If the condition allows, join club of a fitness, using barbell to pause greatly is the most effective and get effective one of swift methods. But need to explain, if the body still is among development (22 years old before) do not do as far as possible, because this movement is met,affect height. Ran can not raise spring, can increase staying power only, but the acceleration of 10 seconds runs to have trifling help to bounce. Upper limbs force does push-up to be able to get satisfactory result everyday. If cooperate pull-up the effect is much better.

Can Nike raise the shoe of bounce force?

Hum, be able to bear or endure Ke Fei horse 38, I feel or suit standing long jump, because long jump belongs to a kind of hum, bounce force compares tall athletic hum, so, be able to bear or endure overcome flying Ma Shan, it is special on his damping in sole and bounce function design be long jump, it can promote the capability of bouncing height and bounce, and hum, can improve the result of long jump, so, be able to bear or endure the sole that overcomes flying Ma San to wrap is involved in this respect suit to suit halt to praise

How do 12 years old of teenagers enhance bounce power?

1, fraise of side direction jump

Buy makes an appointment with 10~30cm fraise high a few, next side direction fraise makes transverse and successive leap, notice double foot and approach, both hands swings.

2, step jumps

With sheet (right) start of crural drive up is gone to forth on, assist a hand right now (left hand) with ran action move about arm, when sheet (right) after crural touchdown, the reoccupy on the horse another foot (left) start, and another auxiliary hand turns into the right hand, yi Ji is done with alternate means step a bouncing action.

3, erupt sexual step jumps

Jump with the first pace of triple jump of track and field law operation, if i.e. is right foot step ground and when high jump, also be right leg again the successive and same base of touchdown is bouncing.

4, backward step jumps

Use different foot to do interactively hop backward.

How to train can increase bounce power

5, single hand changes crural spring

Make step spring with different foot, but can aid with single hand only place, this is to train an arm to swing essentials.

6, both hands changes crural spring

Make step spring with different foot, but aid at the same time with both hands place, this is to train an arm to swing essentials.

7, thin leg pushs pedal

On the box that makes an appointment with 15~46cm high, the counterforce that uses case of right foot step hops and rise, when falling, be right leg is worn first box, left foot is later touchdown, make thin leg exercise continuously. Attention, want high jump blame to jump forth.

8, change a foot to push pedal

With left foot stands on box and toing step on box gets counterforce start, when falling, change crural touchdown is made on box for right leg, next rapid reexchange foot and start. Attention, want high jump blame to jump forth.

How does training enhance bounce power through force?

Bounce force says to be able to be used from particular significance erupt force will explain, and erupt force is muscle the work that does inside unit time, one, the size of bounce force and muscle strength and speed is relative, accordingly, increase sarcous force to be able to raise bounce; to become when rate is fixed when force is changeless, raise sarcous systole rate, can raise spring likewise. So, what you should do is the bounce power that increases you through training! One group when one kind introduces to come from the United States below exercises a method:   

1, crouch partly jump in the begining, crouch to the position of 1/4 partly, before both hands puts park, jump up least from the ground 20cm arrives 25cm. In sky both hands needs to be put at the back. When touchdown, finish. Next, need to repeat above measure only.   

2, carry tiptoe (lift heel)   looks for a stair or a book pays a foot, next tiptoe superpose, calcaneal does not get touchdown or filling up, tiptoe carries apogee, put down slowly again, finish. Repeat.   

3, step looks for piece of chair, put a foot, show 90 degrees, do one's best start aside, the foot is changed in sky, put on the chair again, on the crural replace chair of will former take off, finish jump additionally.   

4, even if jump,double foot is put straight, be the same as with the shoulder wide, "Locking " knee, jump with crus only. Curve crural Mo , knee does not bend as far as possible, when reaching the ground, take off again quickly, finish, this one is very difficult, usable hand helps take off.   

5, tiptoe jumps to carry tiptoe apogee, take off quickly with tiptoe, 1.5 must not exceed when jumping or 2.5cm.   

6, crouch jump (this one drills every week)   stands, bosom basketball at the bosom before, crouch (crouch) partly, see ahead, the back is straight, raise tiptoe, ham needs to maintain 90 degrees, start comes 8cm-13cm, must maintain measure the pose touchdown of 2, finish, repeat do. How to exercise core power?

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