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  • 家中财位:布置有关财富的物品(如钱币、金饰等)的位置,通常位于家中靠近后方的区域。
  • 花草植物:在财位附近放置绿色植物,有助于吸引财气。
  • 水景和运水:在家居中设置运水之物,比如喷泉或流水装置,有助于活跃财气。
  • 避开杂乱:保持家居整洁有序,避免杂乱的物品堆放,以保持财气流通。



  • 财富色彩:黄色和金色被视为象征财富的颜色,可以适度运用在家居装饰中。
  • 五行元素:根据五行学说,水是与财富相关的元素,水的符号可以用于摆放物品或装饰当中。



  • 閤里有门:避免将大门直接对向阳台或窗户,这会导致财运散失。
  • 避免尖锐:避免在家居中使用过多的尖锐或尖角的物品,这会带来不好的气场。
  • 避开洗手间:避免将财位布置在厕所等不洁的地方,以免财运受阻。




Understanding household is geomantic learn

Household is geomantic learning is an old knowledge, aim to pass layout, adornment and decoration to guide energy is current, bring for habitant lucky with prosperity. Among them, how to use geomantic learn to get together the focus that money is a lot of person attention.

Pay close attention to the water level of front door and appearance

The basis is geomantic learn theory, front door is regarded as the main entrance of messuage, the water level before the entrance and appearance have immediate effect to money carry. Normally for, water level is higher, money use is more vigorous. And it is better that water form has curve and bent, form of this kind of water can bring good money energy of life.

The principle of layout and decoration

The layout of household and decoration also are the main factor that affects money use. It is a few common principles below:

  • The money in the home: The article that assigns concerned fortune (wait like coin, gold act the role ofing) the position, rear area is neared in be located in the home normally.
  • Plant of flowers and plants: In money around place greenery, conduce to draw wealth vital energy.
  • Water scene and carry water: The thing of carry water is set in household, for instance fountain or water unit, conduce to active wealth vital energy.
  • Escape is mixed and disorderly: Maintain household neat and orderly, avoid mixed and disorderly article to pile up, connect in order to hold money breath.

The choice of colour and element

Colour and element reside in the home geomantic there also is main effect in learning:

  • Fortune colour: Yellow and aureate the color that is regarded as indicative money, in can applying house is in the home to decorate moderately.
  • Element of the five elements: According to doctrine of the five elements, water is the element related to fortune, the symbol of water can be used at putting goods or among adornment.

Avoid geomantic contraindication

Having household geomantic when decorating, also need to avoid a few geomantic contraindication:

  • There is the door in Zuo : Avoid to check the entrance door directly stage of exposed to the sun or window, this meeting brings about money carry be lost.
  • Avoid acuteness: Avoid to use overmuch acuteness or sharp-angled article in household, this meeting brings bad gas field.
  • Escape closet: Avoid money decorate feculent place waits in the toilet, lest money carries suffocate suffocate.

The place on put together is narrated, household is geomantic learn decorate can draw money through reasonable decoration and adornment. However, the acquisition of real money still depends on the individual's effort and wisdom. Household of have the aid of is geomantic learned principle, we can create an active environment that occupy the home for oneself, the flow that encourages money and accumulate.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can be offerred for you about household geomantic learn how to use the useful information that will draw money.

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