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教育科研网: 探索创新教育之路英文双语对照


教育科研网: 探索创新教育之路英文双语对照







  1. 权威性:我们与国内外多家知名科研机构、教育机构建立了合作关系,提供的文章和研究成果均经过科学严谨的审核。
  2. 实用性:我们注重将科研成果与实际教育工作相结合,帮助教育工作者解决实际问题,提高工作效率。
  3. 全面性:我们关注教育领域的各个方面,涉及幼儿教育、基础教育、高等教育等各个层级和领域。
  4. 互动性:我们鼓励读者参与讨论和交流,提供在线问答平台和论坛,帮助大家共同探讨教育科研的话题。



  • 研究论文:我们发布国内外教育科研机构的最新研究成果,为教育工作者提供可靠的科研参考。
  • 教育前沿:我们关注教育领域的最新动态和热点问题,推送有深度、有价值的内容。
  • 教育技术:我们介绍和评测各类教育技术和应用,帮助教育工作者实现教育创新。
  • 教育资源:我们分享优秀的教育资源,包括教案、课件、教学视频等,为教育工作者提供实用工具。
  • 教育活动:我们组织和推广各类教育科研活动,为教育工作者提供学术交流的机会。





In the society with current intense competition, educational importance more and more be known by people place. The foundation that regards education as the talent and the loco that lead a society development, educational scientific research makes the attention point of increasing scholar, teaching staff. And net of educational scientific research serves as dedicated the website at domain of educational scientific research, devote oneself to to explore the way that innovation teachs, deliver the scientific research positive result that teachs forward position to the masses.

Teach the mission of scientific research net

Net of educational scientific research devotes oneself to to offer the newest, most comprehensive scientific research to study achievement and technical application for teaching staff and learner, travel through effective knowledge, drive education innovates and improve educational quality. We are certain, pass the method of scientific research and thinking only, ability understands the essence that teachs a problem truly quite, find effective settlement way.

Teach the characteristic of scientific research net

Net of educational scientific research has the following distinguishing feature:

  1. Authority: Orgnaization of famous scientific research, education orgnaization built we and domestic and international much home collaboration concerns, offerred article and research achievement all pass scientific and rigorous examine and verify.
  2. Practical: We are paid attention to combine scientific research achievement and look of real education job, help teaching staff solves real problem, improve work efficiency.
  3. Comprehensive sex: We pay close attention to each respects of educational field, involve each layer class such as education of preschool education, foundation, higher education and field.
  4. Interactive sex: We encourage a reader to participate in discuss and communicate, provide online interlocution platform and forum, help everybody discuss the topic that teachs scientific research jointly.

Teach the content of scientific research net

The content that teachs scientific research net includes, but not be confined to the following respects:

  • Research a thesis: We release the newest research positive result that teachs scientific research orgnaization domestic and internationally, provide reliable scientific research reference for the teaching staff.
  • Educational forward position: We pay close attention to the newest trends that teachs a domain and heat problem, push send have deepness, valuable content.
  • Educational skill: We introduce and evaluate skill of of all kinds education and application, implementation of help teaching staff teachs innovation.
  • Educational natural resources: We share outstanding educational resource, include teaching plan, tax, education video, provide economic tool for the teaching staff.
  • Educational activity: We are organized and popularize activity of scientific research of of all kinds education, offer the opportunity of academic communication for the teaching staff.

Acknowledgment is read

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece article, net of educational scientific research will hold to professional, objective, practical principle, provide valuable content and service for teaching staff and learner. We hope to pass our effort, can promote the development that teachs scientific research domain further, drive educational progress. Pay close attention to net of educational scientific research please, explore the way that innovation teachs together with us!
