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1, from the first close begin, " history on most the game of hole dad 3 " bring everybody different sense, the first close most begin play law and " indignant birdie " same, aircraft carrier is made in Lilliputian " take off " it is good that postural goes out birdie eject goes out birdie eject at the same time, the method of eject is catapult is pulled most the horizontal position of lower part is OK. Play after going out, can see birdie flies in sky, after flying to certain level, we are about to answer the first question of hole dad group, we can select this issue only " yes, I am willing " ability is passed smoothly. The answer finishs a meeting, the hole dad problem with this real house came, calculate will calculate go having some of cost head really, nevertheless the author tells everybody the answer here, standard answer is " - 2 " , had a deficit namely 2 money. Game still can give everybody a specific explanation after the input, believe a lot of players can look so that understand. The thematic test that this closes is finally actually player the logistic ability to digital respect, we do not complication the problem as far as possible when calculating a problem but pass a barrier.

2, the 2nd closing is a toll-gate that sees a graph guess idiom, above all game offerred a piece of plan for everybody, legend is a toilet is added " only accurate pee " 4 words, and we are OK daydream, this graph middle term is OK and derivative " put excrement without the ground " this word, so the answer is " shoot at random " . This closes the thinking that compares test player, but opposite for simpler also.

3, the 3rd close, this closes to compare happy feeling it seems that, why to say so? Because this element is,the reason is a Lilliputian mixes greatly apple, it is OK that the intermediate place that we need to press an apple all the time only lets an apple stop roll pass a barrier. What is the purpose that this toll-gate author did not think up road game really, what perhaps develop business consideration is a lot of players think to make an apple rotational all the time just be met pass a barrier, is not to stop aptitude pass a test.

4, arrived the 4th close difficulty to increase with respect to some, above all we should click the big stone on the right side of, slide up with finger next stone, big stone lets drop from inside sky later, operate ability 12 times to break this big stone into head of a few gravelstone repeatedly. After was being smashed, we want the shift with rapid will small many a block to arrive in water bottle, if the player is in at this moment the start is a bit slow, so Lilliputian can be basked in dead. And we are rapid who can after throwing stone, spill over slowly come, such we are OK pass a barrier. The reaction ability that what this passes test is a player and spend adroitly, want to just go quickly when throwing clastic rock head and mobile stone. If a bit slower the Lilliputian of game can be basked in dead.

5, the 5th close, this closes Tang Baihu having a place to nod Qiu Xiang's meaning, the really fierce day that we want to help Lilliputian find him female ability goes. Click the head of Lilliputian above all, at this moment Qiu Xiang's sneak attack comes out now with respect to meeting float. After waiting for Qiu Xiang to appear, we should press Qiu Xiang's head portrait, pull the face that changes Zhu Zhishan to go up next, can finish so change a face. The body that we need to click Zhu Zhishan only finally with respect to can successful pass a test! Later two people can be together happily, the difficulty that this involves is not great, want a player only attentive observation can be passed smoothly.

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