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  科技局职责主要职责是:  (一) 贯彻执行国家、省关于科学技术发展的方针、政策和法规,研究制定或拟定全市科技发展的宏观战略和科技促进经济与社会发展的政策、措施;研究科技促进经济与社会发展的重大问题。  (二) 研究提出科技体制改革的政策和措施,指导全市科技体制改革工作,推动我市科技创新体系的建设。  (三) 组织协调有关部门落实"科技兴市"战略及承办日常工作。指导县、区、市科技部门工作。负责县、区、市科技进步考核和科教兴市、依法行政责任制考核。  (四) 研究确定全市科技发展的重大布局和优先领域,组织编制和实施全市科技发展中长期规划和年度计划,组织编制和实施科技兴市中长期规划和年度计划。  (五) 组织申报国家级、省级各类科技计划,组织实施市本级财政"科技三项费用"和科技发展基金支持的各类科技项目,负责管理科技成果转化资金;研究多渠道增加科技投入的措施,促进科技风险投资机制的形成。  (六) 负责民营科技企业的培育、认定、复审工作,负责区外高新技术企业的培育、核准工作,加大对各类科技型企业的扶持力度,促进我市科技创新主体的建立。  (七) 会同民政部门负责科技类民办非企业单位的审查工作,归口管理生产力服务中心、技术市场管理办公室工作,负责农村技术承包工作,培育科技中介组织,完善科技服务体系。  (八) 研究提出制定科技法规的建议;归口管理科技成果、科技奖励、科技保密、科技档案、与科技相关的知识产权和专利工作;协助有关部门研究科技人才的配置、作用发挥的措施。  (九) 负责全市科技信息网络的建设和管理;负责国际、国内科技交流;搞好科技信息的收集,搞好重大项目的科技咨询,组织重大项目的科技攻关;负责编制各类科技项目指南,指导科技成果的引进和转让。  (十) 扶持重点企业科技开发中心、科研中试基地、农业科技示范园区等科技基础设施的建设。  (十一) 负责科技统计、科技信息工作;搞好科技干部的教育、再教育工作和各级各类科技培训,制定科普工作计划,会同有关部门搞好科普工作。  (十二) 承办晋中市委、市政府、省科技厅交办的有关工作;承办市科教兴市工作委员会交办的有关工作。


  科技局职责主要职责是:  (一) 贯彻执行国家、省关于科学技术发展的方针、政策和法规,研究制定或拟定全市科技发展的宏观战略和科技促进经济与社会发展的政策、措施;研究科技促进经济与社会发展的重大问题。  (二) 研究提出科技体制改革的政策和措施,指导全市科技体制改革工作,推动我市科技创新体系的建设。  (三) 组织协调有关部门落实"科技兴市"战略及承办日常工作。指导县、区、市科技部门工作。负责县、区、市科技进步考核和科教兴市、依法行政责任制考核。  (四) 研究确定全市科技发展的重大布局和优先领域,组织编制和实施全市科技发展中长期规划和年度计划,组织编制和实施科技兴市中长期规划和年度计划。  (五) 组织申报国家级、省级各类科技计划,组织实施市本级财政"科技三项费用"和科技发展基金支持的各类科技项目,负责管理科技成果转化资金;研究多渠道增加科技投入的措施,促进科技风险投资机制的形成。  (六) 负责民营科技企业的培育、认定、复审工作,负责区外高新技术企业的培育、核准工作,加大对各类科技型企业的扶持力度,促进我市科技创新主体的建立。  (七) 会同民政部门负责科技类民办非企业单位的审查工作,归口管理生产力服务中心、技术市场管理办公室工作,负责农村技术承包工作,培育科技中介组织,完善科技服务体系。  (八) 研究提出制定科技法规的建议;归口管理科技成果、科技奖励、科技保密、科技档案、与科技相关的知识产权和专利工作;协助有关部门研究科技人才的配置、作用发挥的措施。  (九) 负责全市科技信息网络的建设和管理;负责国际、国内科技交流;搞好科技信息的收集,搞好重大项目的科技咨询,组织重大项目的科技攻关;负责编制各类科技项目指南,指导科技成果的引进和转让。  (十) 扶持重点企业科技开发中心、科研中试基地、农业科技示范园区等科技基础设施的建设。  (十一) 负责科技统计、科技信息工作;搞好科技干部的教育、再教育工作和各级各类科技培训,制定科普工作计划,会同有关部门搞好科普工作。  (十二) 承办晋中市委、市政府、省科技厅交办的有关工作;承办市科教兴市工作委员会交办的有关工作。





五、杭州 科技局几点上班?














(一) 申请企业所研发和生产的产品属于《深圳市高新技术产品目录》的范围;

(二) 主要从事高新技术产品研究、开发、生产的申请企业其高新技术产品年销售收入应大于500万元,其自产的高新技术产品销售收入占企业当年销售总收入的50%以上;

(三) 从事高新技术产品研究开发的企业必须具有自主知识产权或预期的自主知识产权;主要从事高新技术产品生产的企业必须具有明晰的知识产权关系;

(四) 从事高新技术产品研究开发的企业具有大专以上学历的科技人员占职工总数的30%以上,其中从事高新技术产品研究、开发的科技人员应占职工总数的10%以上,并有专门的研究开发机构;或主要从事高新技术产品生产的企业具有大专以上学历的科技人员占职工总数的10%以上,其中从事高新技术产品研究、开发的科技人员占职工总数的3%以上,并有专门的研究开发机构;

(五) 年人均总产值或预期年人均总产值达15万元以上 ;

(六) 销售利税率或预期的销售利税率高于同行业平均水平;

(七) 从事高新技术产品研究开发的企业年研究开发经费支出占年销售收入的8%以上;或主要从事高新技术产品生产的企业年研究开发经费支出占年销售收入的3%以上;

(八) 具有现代化管理的组织、措施和方法;

(九) 从事重大高新技术产品研究开发生产的申请单位虽未达到上述标准,但其产品对我市高新技术产业发展确有重大贡献的经认定程序亦可认定为高新技术企业。

(十) 主要从事软件开发、生产的已经深圳市认定的软件企业其年销售收入应大于500万元,其中登记注册的自产软件产品销售收入占企业当年销售总收入的50%以上的,可以直接申请转为高新技术企业。








One, dry what is bureau of science and technology? What makes inning of science and technology?

Responsibility of bureau of science and technology is main duty is: (One) the policy that implements executive country, province to develop about science and technology, policy and code, research is made or the macroscopical strategy of development of science and technology of protocol whole town and science and technology advance economy and the policy that the society develops, step; Study science and technology promotes economy and the major problem that the society develops. (2) the policy that considers to put forward system of science and technology to reform and measure, coach system of whole town science and technology reforms the job, urge the construction of system of innovation of our city science and technology. (3) the organization coordinates concerned branch to fulfil " science and technology to promote city " strategy to reach undertake routine. Branch of science and technology of directive county, area, city works. Assessment of progress of science and technology of responsible county, area, city and science and education start city, lawfully assessment of administrative system of job responsibility. (4) the major position that research determines to whole town science and technology develops and preferential domain, in the organization weaves and carrying out whole town science and technology to develop, extended program is mixed annual plan, in the organization weaves and carrying out science and technology to start city, extended program is mixed annual plan. (5) the organization declares provincial and national level, of all kinds science and technology to plan, the organization carries out city the project of of all kinds science and technology that 3 charge " and fund of development of science and technology support science and technology of this class finance " , achievement of responsible government science and technology changes capital; Study much channel adds the measure that science and technology throws, the formation of mechanism of venture capital investment of stimulative science and technology. (6) those who be in charge of enterprise of civilian battalion science and technology breed, maintain, reexamine works, outside responsible area of company of new and high technology breed, approve works, those who increase pair of of all kinds science and technology business give aid to strength, of main body of innovation of science and technology of stimulative our city build. (7) be in charge of science and technology jointly with civil administration branch kind the checkup of unit of company of blame of run by the local people works, put in office work of market control of service center of buccal management productivity, technology 's charge, responsible country technology contracts the job, breed organization of intermediary of science and technology, perfect science and technology serves a system. (8) the proposal that research offers to draft code of science and technology; The archives of confidential, science and technology, intellectual property related to science and technology mixes award of achievement of science and technology of management putting in a mouth 's charge, science and technology, science and technology patent job; The measure that assistance studies to the skilled personnel's configuration, action is developed about the branch. (9) the construction that is in charge of network of information of whole town science and technology and management; Be in charge of science and technology of international, home communicating; Do well the collection of information of science and technology, do well the science and technology of major project seeks advice, organize the science and technology of major project to tackle key problem; Negative editor-in-charge makes directory of project of of all kinds science and technology, introduce and make over of achievement of directive science and technology. (10) the construction that the infrastructure of science and technology such as area of demonstrative garden of science and technology of base, agriculture tries in giving aid to key industry science and technology develops center, scientific research. (11) information of statistic of responsible science and technology, science and technology works; Do well job of the education of cadre of science and technology, reeducate and various and of all kinds science and technology groom, make plan of popular science job, do well jointly with concerned branch popular science works. (12) undertake hall of science and technology of the municipal Party committee in advance, municipal government, province makes the concerned work that do; Undertake city science and education promotes town work committee to make the concerned work that do.

2, dry what is bureau of science and technology? What makes inning of science and technology?

Responsibility of bureau of science and technology is main duty is: (One) the policy that implements executive country, province to develop about science and technology, policy and code, research is made or the macroscopical strategy of development of science and technology of protocol whole town and science and technology advance economy and the policy that the society develops, step; Study science and technology promotes economy and the major problem that the society develops. (2) the policy that considers to put forward system of science and technology to reform and measure, coach system of whole town science and technology reforms the job, urge the construction of system of innovation of our city science and technology. (3) the organization coordinates concerned branch to fulfil " science and technology to promote city " strategy to reach undertake routine. Branch of science and technology of directive county, area, city works. Assessment of progress of science and technology of responsible county, area, city and science and education start city, lawfully assessment of administrative system of job responsibility. (4) the major position that research determines to whole town science and technology develops and preferential domain, in the organization weaves and carrying out whole town science and technology to develop, extended program is mixed annual plan, in the organization weaves and carrying out science and technology to start city, extended program is mixed annual plan. (5) the organization declares provincial and national level, of all kinds science and technology to plan, the organization carries out city the project of of all kinds science and technology that 3 charge " and fund of development of science and technology support science and technology of this class finance " , achievement of responsible government science and technology changes capital; Study much channel adds the measure that science and technology throws, the formation of mechanism of venture capital investment of stimulative science and technology. (6) those who be in charge of enterprise of civilian battalion science and technology breed, maintain, reexamine works, outside responsible area of company of new and high technology breed, approve works, those who increase pair of of all kinds science and technology business give aid to strength, of main body of innovation of science and technology of stimulative our city build. (7) be in charge of science and technology jointly with civil administration branch kind the checkup of unit of company of blame of run by the local people works, put in office work of market control of service center of buccal management productivity, technology 's charge, responsible country technology contracts the job, breed organization of intermediary of science and technology, perfect science and technology serves a system. (8) the proposal that research offers to draft code of science and technology; The archives of confidential, science and technology, intellectual property related to science and technology mixes award of achievement of science and technology of management putting in a mouth 's charge, science and technology, science and technology patent job; The measure that assistance studies to the skilled personnel's configuration, action is developed about the branch. (9) the construction that is in charge of network of information of whole town science and technology and management; Be in charge of science and technology of international, home communicating; Do well the collection of information of science and technology, do well the science and technology of major project seeks advice, organize the science and technology of major project to tackle key problem; Negative editor-in-charge makes directory of project of of all kinds science and technology, introduce and make over of achievement of directive science and technology. (10) the construction that the infrastructure of science and technology such as area of demonstrative garden of science and technology of base, agriculture tries in giving aid to key industry science and technology develops center, scientific research. (11) information of statistic of responsible science and technology, science and technology works; Do well job of the education of cadre of science and technology, reeducate and various and of all kinds science and technology groom, make plan of popular science job, do well jointly with concerned branch popular science works. (12) undertake hall of science and technology of the municipal Party committee in advance, municipal government, province makes the concerned work that do; Undertake city science and education promotes town work committee to make the concerned work that do.

3, is bureau of science and technology good?

Bureau of science and technology is the office unit that the country establishs, employee is the national official that has an authorized strength, foreground is first-rate, pay of wages material benefits is very good, legal holiday rests, have 5 a place difficult of access one gold, bureau of science and technology is first-rate unit.

4, what trade does bureau of science and technology attribute?

Level shows in our country, bureau of science and technology is city, county (area) the component of people government, the director branch that the science and technology that is two class government works, it belongs to function branch of the government and personnel of its official business, the director implements policy of ranking science and technology, standard, actual condition makes connection this locality a measure of form a complete set that suits this locality health to develop, the form a complete set of the development that guarantees job of ability of internal medicine of area under administration and translate into industry works.

5, when does bureau of Hangzhou science and technology go to work?

Arrive 8:30 in the morning midday at 12 o'clock, arrived at 2 o'clock afternoon at 5 o'clock half

6, does the schoolgirl go to work in bureau of science and technology?

Good, each industry can have a schoolgirl be in those who pursue this job, the schoolgirl should have deep love for the career that she does only, no matter the schoolgirl is on what work station,be good so, common saying says dry group loves group, if you do not have the passion to the job, so you are dry bad job, the schoolgirl should love to go to work to show this work with respect to enough in bureau of science and technology only

7, what power does bureau of city science and technology have?

1, the management that bureau of science and technology is in charge of technology funds; Chime of constituent work out, collect moves project of whole town science and technology to plan, put forward budget of funds of project of science and technology to arrange an opinion, plan of project of science and technology of class of city of year of make known to lower levels and funds; Measure of government of project of plan of science and technology of executive province, city and funds of project of plan of science and technology run way, organize carry out; Offer whole town science and technology the construction such as innovation platform plans to suggest and the organization is carried out, promote development of area science and technology.

2, bureau of science and technology still is in charge of function change. Bureau of city science and technology ought to around carry out executive innovation drive to develop the strategy, strengthen, optimize, management of change government science and technology and service function, perfect system of innovation of science and technology and constituent system, strengthen macroscopical managing to mix coordinate as a whole, reduce microcosmic managing to mix specific examine and approve item, the after the event in enhancing a responsibility is superintended and sincere letter builds scientific research. Serve change to innovation from management of research and development, advance science and technology to plan to manage innovation deep. The government sector basically is in charge of the macroscopical management that science and technology plans, project of progressively will specific administration is handed in carry on by professional administration. Whole town skilled personnel team is built and introduce foreign brainwork as a whole.

3, almost every city has bureau of science and technology, have the institution of science and technology of a lot of subordinate even. Itself of bureau of science and technology is not an enterprise, do not make any innovation, action just is superintended, translate into of science and technology the first productivity, it is the main responsibility of management department of science and technology.

8, which branch does bureau of science and technology belong to administer?

In the government sector alignment of our country, government of prefectural class above all establishs bureau of science and technology (bureau of abbreviation science and technology. Before the governmental structural reorganization 2002, committee of science and technology of a general designation, abbreviation committee of science and technology) , it is one of governmental composition branches, on administration by local county (city, area) people government administer, on business by the city of its seat (the ground, city) , service of provincial science and technology is in charge of guidance.

9, the distinction of committee of science and technology and bureau of science and technology?

General by enterprise seat committee of science and technology (bureau of science and technology) issue specific cognizance standard. Can inquire in website of local committee of science and technology.

For example Shenzhen city:

Company of Shenzhen city new and high technology maintains a level

(one) the product that applies for company place research and development and production is belonged to " catalogue item of Shenzhen city new and high technology " limits;

(2) the application business that basically pursues research of product of new and high technology, development, production its are new and high technical product year sales revenue should be more than 5 million yuan, its occupy an enterprise to sell the 50% above of gross income in those days from sales revenue of yield product of new and high technology;

(3) the own intellectual property that the business that pursues product of new and high technology considering to develop must have own intellectual property or anticipates; The business that basically pursues production of product of new and high technology must have clear intellectual property concern;

(4) the 30% above that the brainpower that is engaged in product of new and high technology studying the enterprise of development has record of formal schooling of above of three-year institution of higher learning holds worker sum total, the brainpower that pursues research of product of new and high technology, development among them should occupy the 10% above of worker gross, technical research develops an orgnaization; Or the 10% above that basically are engaged in the business that product of new and high technology produces having the brainpower of record of formal schooling of above of three-year institution of higher learning to hold worker sum total, the brainpower that pursues research of product of new and high technology, development among them occupies the 3% above of worker gross, technical research develops an orgnaization;

(5) year total production value of average per capita or anticipate total production value of year of average per capita to amount to 150 thousand yuan of above;

(6) sale interest tax rate or line of business of expectant person of the same trade of prep above of sale interest tax rate are average level;

(7) the business that pursues product of new and high technology considering to develop year the 8% above that consider to develop funds defray to take year of sales revenue; Or the business that basically pursues production of product of new and high technology year the 3% above that consider to develop funds defray to take year of sales revenue;

(8) the organization that has modernization government, measure and method;

(9) although the application unit that is engaged in product of great and new and high technology considering to develop production did not reach afore-mentioned levels, but also can maintain what its product develops to have significant contribution truly to industry of our city new and high technology via maintaining an order for company of new and high technology.

(10) basically be engaged in software development, production already the software company that Shenzhen city holds its year sales revenue should be more than 5 million yuan, produce software product sales revenue of registration book to occupy an enterprise to sell the 50% above of gross income in those days oneself among them, OK and immediate application turns for company of new and high technology.

10, what does bureau of science and technology have to give aid to project?

It is the industry grows deficient, basically include aricultural industry to help deficient, travel up to help business of deficient, cable up to help deficient, science and technology up to support the side such as deficient, put forward 13 industries to help deficient project or concrete step; up

2 it is to transfer obtain employment to take off deficient, basically develop the field such as vocational training and stimulative move obtain employment from the organization, put forward 6 obtain employment to help deficient action; up

3 it is easy ground removes deficient, right " one party natural environment is raised do not have one party person " the area builds archives to establish calorie of impoverished population to carry out easy ground to help deficient up to remove, implementation is moved reach, live firmly, can take off deficient;

4 it is education helps deficient up, education, profession is taught and basically reduce the respect such as burden of impoverished family go to school from the foundation.

5 it is health helps deficient up,
