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练练夹胸器 三组,每组5个,要做到尽全力,力用尽,如果你做了十个夹胸还有力气,说明强度不大,要把力量调大 还有坐姿收腹下拉 还是三组,每组5个,尽全力,力用尽 坐姿机器双臂伸屈 组数个数同上 ...... 你自己去健身房看吧,我能想到的就这么多
































这个运动主要锻炼的是腹肌的,尤其是腹直肌,但是做的时候一定要标准,否则容易造成背部的受伤,那就得不偿失了,仰卧,两腿并拢,两手上举,利用腹肌收缩,两臂向前摆动,迅速成坐姿,上体继续前屈,两手触脚面,低头;然后还原成坐姿, 如此连续进行。













1 可以练成相对健康的身体状态,但无法达到专业级别的肌肉锻造效果。2 因为无器械健身缺少大量重量训练,难以刺激肌肉生长和力量提升,所以无法达到专业级别的肌肉锻造效果。3 即使无器械健身无法练成专业级别的肌肉锻造效果,但它也可以帮助维持身体的健康状况,增强体能和耐力,提高免疫力,这对于普通人而言也是非常重要的。


Does without appliance a thin person the fitness that add muscle plan in detail?

Without appliance a thin person the plan that add muscle is as follows

Method 1, in order to load training is given priority to, training of fitness of a thin person should be given priority to with force training, is not motion having oxygen.

Method 2, target flesh group should assure enough breathing space, load when training, we want to remember well, target flesh group cannot take exercise everyday, big muscle group the need after training every time rests between 3 climate, small flesh group when also needing to rest 2 days.

Method 3, fill to measure albumen amply, we need to achieve clean diet during fitness, should have in food enough protein and high grade and adipose.

How to have appliance fitness?

I say next my experience.

Fitness is to attend a college ability some idea, as the student of the college of medicine, think only able-bodied body types or forms of literature is the most important, then graduation hind uses leisure time to be able to think method fitness, just control oneself the gender is not quite strong, always be desultory, gym also went small half an year, with most person, whether insisting to come down is the biggest question, because be to be disinclined to go, just had the idea that does not have appliance fitness in the home then.

Video of a lot of fitness was searched on the net, include appliance with what do not have appliance, ripper of what abdominal muscle, push-up pattern trains, a lot of methods had tried, final summary gives a gymnastical plan that fits his, offer abecedarian reference only.

Train one, do training of a group of push-up every other day, have on network of this paragraph of video, it is that family trains without appliance chest muscle, of animation edition, general meeting does the 5 pattern push-up that differ to 10, every movement 30, a such movements come down about the same 20 minutes or so, but standard sex of the movement and skill must have mastered, finish otherwise the effect is very poor, this group of movements can drill the man's chest muscle, humerus thes upper arm 2 times triceps, still have core power, also can have very big promotion to that respect of the man of course.

Train 2, a week does training of abdominal muscle ripper 5 times at least, there also is a lot of on network of this paragraph of video, carry those who suit oneself to go, also be to divide several movements commonly, a movement 30, want a movement to do standard and attention only skill, subtracting flesh of abdominal go to live in the household of one's in-laws on getting married and practice give abdominal muscle is very possible, I once used this group of acts two months decreased 30 jins, appetite increases somewhat but be weight goes down, basically be flesh of abdominal go to live in the household of one's in-laws on getting married was decreased and abdominal muscle is shown slightly, just from the back paragraph of time did not drill some rebound, insist to was done again now fortunately, still be that word, it is very important to hold to.

No matter be experienced chest muscle, abdominal muscle, model, reduce weight, fitness is a lengthy process, must control oneself so, hold on very hard otherwise, additional besides these two groups of movements, still can do a few times now and then crouch, coxal model wait for a movement, the effect is quite good also, I or proposal use the word of dumbbell one pair, experienced after all muscle is faster.

This is my gymnastical plan, the friend that does not know can pay close attention to me, illicit a little, more life common sense and everybody are shared, I am one give up small unripe.

Does assorted appliance fitness train a plan?

Experienced practice places a bosom implement 3 groups, every groups 5, should accomplish do one's best, force is spent, if you did 10 clip bosom to still have effort, explain strength is not great, want a power shift to greatly still sitting position receives an abdomen next pulling or 3 groups, every groups 5, do one's best, double arm of machine of spent sitting position extends power submit group of number number is Alexandrine. . . . . . Yourself goes gym looks, my thinkable with respect to so much

Does schoolboy fitness plan?

1. set good cause, time

Just went gym, having many new hands is to stem from one fashionable act vigorously, him feeling can become strong the following day. See what appliance is experienced, whats want to try.

Machine of dumbbell, barbell, fixed appliance, ran, use feeling bicycle, want what can see to pass only, sandbag is hit after practice is over even again, a few situp are done even after coming to an end, feel dissatisfactory still to move back and forth a few times again battle rope.

The result arrived the following day, or does not come since ache all over, a bit feeling does not have or, your disclosure fitness is suddenly far in imagining so easy. The muscle that watchs those to drill well again male, him discovery is too weak.

Why does new personality abandon easily? Because,be aimless, without the plan, did not arrange good time.

① decides good cause first

Will imagine according to current figure: Oneself need practice to give what kind of figure.

Your body fat is for instance exorbitant, adipose layer heavy panel, you want to achieve the result that reduce fat through fitness.

Your figure slants emaciated, all over flesh of it doesn't matter, you want to become a few stronger through fitness.

Your figure is not fat not thin, be in mediacy, think practice becomes a few abdominal muscle, chest muscle thickening a few.

If you are pure sex only,will take exercise, that need not consider a plan, open practice directly, think how practice is how experienced.

② arranges 1 week training time

After firm objective, you are about to be able to be used at gymnastical time certainly.

Go normally gym takes exercise is in the late evening, office worker slants many somes.

For instance you came off work at 18 o'clock in the evening, when can you go gym, exercise time set how long, bathe later, come home the time that have a meal needs how long. If you often work overtime, when to go gym takes exercise, how many does the time that can train have again.

You want to be in the 1 training inside week a few, after deciding, write down roughly time program. Such early days had roughly time value.

Overall and character, spare fitness needs with " do not affect routine, life " will arrange time for the foundation.

2. makes training plan

New personality introduction, the problem that appears the most easily besides free aimless, still have impatient appearance.

The movement does not have a society, begin to go up great weight. Or does not know experienced what this movement is, imitate blindly. Or goes everyday gym, the result compares a day one day tired. These are the training methods that cannot take.

How should make the fitness that suits oneself plan after all so?

① undertakes cantering first activity

If before do not have any taking exercise, promote vital capacity first with respect to need. You think even if to take exercise through appliance, still need to come through cantering warm up, such body ability by sufficient warm-up.

Pass ran opportunity, adjust good time, set good rate, notice the pace frequency of double foot, of the arm swing, adjust good breath rhythm. Pass period of time take exercise, vital capacity can get apparent promotion.

What does gymnastical appliance have, have oxygen instrument, mix without appliance is there instrument?

, appliance having oxygen 1, ran machine 2, use feeling bicycle 3, magnetism accuses to move dare bicycle 4, vertical magnetism accuses gymnastical car 5, horizontal magnetism accuses gymnastical car 6, elliptical machine 7, mountain-climbing machine 8, water resistance rows implement 2, force

How to undertake do not have appliance fitness?

1, flat is propped up

Fu lies, double elbow bends prop up go up in the ground, shoulder and ancon joint are perpendicular at the ground, double foot steps on the ground, the body leaves the area, truncal unbend, ministry of the head, shoulder, hip ministry and malleolar ministry maintain in same plane, abdominal muscle is tightened up, basin heart muscle is tightened up, vertebral lengthen, the eye looks to the ground, hold even breath.

2, sit-ups

What this motion basically takes exercise is abdominal muscle, especially celiac straight flesh, but when doing must standard, cause back easily otherwise get hurt, that thed loss outweights the gain, lie on one's back, two legs and approach, lift on two tactics, use abdominal muscle systole, two arms swing ahead, become sitting position quickly, the upper part of the body continue proneness, two tactics touchs instep, lower one's head; Next reductive into sitting position, undertake continuously so.

3, push-up

It is effective to exercising bosom, arm and back. The proposal does 20 every groups, rest 2 minutes, continue to do, by enter less much, get used to ability to increase an amount gradually according to oneself. Also can put the foot in the bed / on the chair, both hands is pressed on the floor, increase the difficulty that presses on the palm, strengthen training.

4, rely on a wall to tie a horse

This kind exercises means just as its name implies, back wall, double leg is stretched be apart from to double shoulder, arrange 2 rule from the wall, curve knee to let back slip downward a little, hold 10 seconds, again curved genuflect covers 5 positions that lean in the wall till back, every position holds 10 seconds each. Also can increase difficulty according to oneself level, every position maintains 15 to 30 seconds.

Without appliance fitness useful?


Without appliance fitness useful of course, without appliance fitness can use bare-handed fitness, e.g. push-up, bare-handed crouch greatly, pull-up is very good fitness project, and the muscle that exercise group very much also.

Does schoolboy gym appliance use order?

The schoolboy arrives gym is OK first ran machine don't go yet 5 to ten minutes, heat up muscle of warm up activation. Want to see the position that take exercise above all to the use of appliance, for instance experienced bosom can use dragon mast weight to measure activation chest muscle first, next flat lies push, can measure according to individual circumstance accentuation at this moment. Lie after pushing, can drill practice secures appliance again, butterfly machine places a bosom, bumblebee pushs a bosom to wait. The circumstance of individual of use order basis of anyhow appliance.

Ran and without appliance fitness how compatible?

But compatible because ran is mixed,having appliance fitness is simpler athletic way, suit to be in the home perhaps undertake in outdoor environment, can have kind of two kinds of motion according to individual circumstance alternant, ran and boxing are for instance tie-in, crouch greatly perhaps to wait with the collocation of sit-ups, can exercise adequately not only so different position muscle, return the pleasure that can add motion and interest sex. Additional, some do not have appliance fitness project, for instance gem gal, Puladi also can rise with ran collocation, these projects can promote the body balance and flexibility, increase the harmonious sex of the body, also can rise to promote action to the effect of ran thereby.

Can you drill without appliance fitness what degree?

1 can drill relatively healthy body position, but the muscle that cannot reach professional level forgings the effect. 2 because do not have appliance fitness to lack a large number of weight,train, stimulate muscle to grow to promote with force hard, the muscle that cannot reach professional level so forgings the effect. The 3 muscle that although do not have appliance fitness to cannot drill,become professional level forging the effect, but it also can help the healthy situation that manages the body, enhance physical ability and staying power, enhance immune power, this to Everyman character also is very important.
