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胸,背,腿,腹。卧推,俯卧撑(胸) 引体向上 高位下拉(背) 深蹲 硬拉 (腿) 卷腹(腹)。每天一个肌肉群,一个循环休息一天,多吃蛋白质高的食物。
















一般的锻炼方法,是有氧运动和无氧运动相结合,徒手练习和器械练习相结合,在练习中按照身体不同部位和器官系统,进行多方法,多次数的锻炼。这是一个全身的锻炼过程,不只锻炼某一块的,或某几块的肌肉。对身体各个部位的锻炼主要锻炼的是背,胸,腹,腿,手等部分的大块肌肉~ 开始健身,首先需要充分热身。先做强度较低的有氧运动,慢跑,骑车等,大约20分钟,通过有氧运动来使自己的身体渐入佳境,体温慢慢升高,心率提高,呼吸匀速变快。血液循环也更迅速,这样氧和养料就会被输送到心脏和肌肉,为你的运动做好准备。然后,要充分活动身体各个部分关节韧带,抻拉四肢、腰背肌肉。 接下来就可以进行无氧运动了。 由于力量训练运动强度大,能量消耗多,神经负担重,因此,必须特别注意训练后的恢复。总的说来,健美训练后在营养充分和休息良好的情况下,机体恢复到90%需要 18小时,完全恢复需要72小时。如果肌肉没有完全恢复就进行第二次训练,则效果肯定不好。长此下去还会造成肌肉僵硬、过度疲劳,使训练效果大打折扣。一般来说,一周练3-4次,每次1-2个小时,练1-2个部位就差不多了,再注意适当的调配营养~ 以下给出一个各个部位的练习动作,你可以参考一下,不知道你在家有没有哑铃,有的话就更方便一些: (再啰嗦一下:对于初练者应该注意以下几点: 1。 渐进性超负荷法则: 增强任何健康素质的基础是使你的肌肉去担负比它已习惯的更重的工作,使肌肉承担不断增大的负荷。具体就是逐步提高重量与密度,但一定要有渐进性。 2。 多组练习法则: 对每个动作要进行多组训练,以使每一肌肉群都能彻底的锻炼。一般是3-4组,每组8-12个 3。 迷乱莫测法则: 也即:动作多变法则。是为了以避免肌肉的适应性,经常给肌肉以新的刺激。 4。 孤立锻炼法则: 对要发展的肌肉部位,要尽可能的,不借助其它部位,单独承受负荷来集中刺激肌肉。 5。 优先训练法则: 对于身体的最弱或重点要加强的部位,采用安排在训练课的最前面,以精力,体力充足来完保证训练量。) 周一:胸部,腰腹肌肉锻炼 胸部练习: ** 俯卧撑。15-20 (次) x 3-4 组,这是基础的训练方法 俯卧撑对发达胸大肌很有效,对发达肱三头肌也有一定作用。双脚可以并拢也可以分开与肩同宽。身体下降时呼气,撑起时吸气。 在整个动作过程中,身体应始终处于挺直姿势。也可尝试不同的动作:两手距离放宽,可以练胸大肌外侧;足部垫高,成头低足高姿势(角度不要超过10度,不然练的是肩部不是胸部了),可以练习胸大肌上部;两手距离尽量靠近,甚至两手并拢在一起来做俯卧撑,可着重练肱三头肌,兼练胸大肌。 ** 卧推杠哑铃锻炼,练习胸部最主要的方法,主要以铃重、握杠方式、握距、举的角度、举的速度和组次数等因素影响被练的肌肉,主要是胸大肌,其他包括手臂肌肉和肩背肌肉。在握距上(和俯卧撑手的距离道理一样),应该清楚: 1.平握 : 是指握距与肩宽一样。对胸肌正面刺激最大。 2.宽握 : 是指握距比肩膀明显的要宽,对胸肌外侧刺激最大,使胸肌更宽。 3.窄握 : 是指握距比肩膀明显的要窄,对胸肌内侧刺激最大。以上握距的不同,是对胸肌部位的不同刺激。同样,不同的握距,还影响着辅助肌:肱三头肌,这要从运动时,肘的角度和肩的角度上分晰了。 运动时,肘的角度(上臂与前臂的角度)变化越大,对肱三头肌的刺激就越大。运动时,肩的角度(上臂与躯体的角度)变化越大,对胸肌的刺激就越大。因为很多时候大家在做同一个动作的时候,发现效果不同,而找不到原因。或者是想刺激胸肌,却往往是胸肌还没有感觉时,手(肱三头肌)已经很酸胀了。 * 哑铃卧推 10-12(次) x3 组 A.重点锻炼部位:胸大肌、三角肌和肱三头肌。 B.开始位置:仰卧在平的卧推凳上,两脚平踏在地上。两手掌向上伸直握住哑铃。 C.动作过程:使两直臂向两侧张开,两臂慢慢弯屈,哑铃垂直落下,下降至最低处时,即做上推 动作,上推时呼气。然后向上推起至开设位置,重复坐。 D.训练要点:不要把背和臀部拱起或憋气,这样会使肌肉失去控制,是危险的 * 上斜哑铃卧推 10-12(次) x3 组 A.重点锻炼部位:胸大肌上部,其次是三角肌前束和肱三头肌。 B.开始位置:仰卧在上斜角度为35-45度的卧推凳上。 C.动作过程:两臂伸直持哑铃位于肩的上部。放下至胸部上(接近锁骨处)时吸气。下降至最低 处时,即做上推动作,上推时呼气。 D.训练要点:练习过程将主要力量集中在胸大肌上,使胸肌始终处于紧张状态。肱三头肌作为次要 的补充力量。 * 平卧哑铃飞鸟 10-12(次) x3 组 A.重点锻炼部位:胸大肌和三角肌。 B.开始位置:仰卧在平的卧推凳上,两手各持哑铃,掌心相对,推起至两臂伸直,支撑在胸部上方。 C.动作过程:两手持哑铃平行地向两侧落下,手肘稍微弯屈,哑铃落下至感到胸部两侧肌肉有充分 的拉伸感,并使上臂落下至低于肩部水平线。当哑铃落下时,要深深吸气。持铃循原路举起回原位 时呼气。 D.训练要点:如果哑铃向两侧落下时,两臂如呈伸直状态,胸部肌肉便很难得到拉伸和肌肉收缩的感觉。 * 双杠双臂屈伸 10-12(次) x3 组 A、重点锻炼部位:主要是胸大肌下部,其次是肱三头肌和三角肌。 B、开始位置:双杆间距最好宽于肩,双手握杠成直臂支撑、挺胸、收腹,两腿伸直并拢放松呈 下垂状。 C、动作过程:呼气,屈肘弯臂,身体下降,直至两臂弯曲降低到最低位置时,头部应向前引, 两肘外展,使胸大肌充分拉长伸展。随即吸气,以胸大肌突然收缩力撑两臂,使身体上升直至两 臂完全伸直;当上臂超过杆水平位置时,臀部稍向后缩,躯干呈“低头含胸”的姿势。两臂伸直时, 胸大肌处于彻底收紧状态。重复练习。 D、训练要点:动作要缓慢进行,不要借身体的振摆助力完成动作;撑起时速度要快、挺胸、抬头、 收腹、不耸肩;为加大训练强度可在腰间负重练习。 如果要练出胸肌的线条,一般是采用采用多次数重复训练法并且且是进行多组数的训练来勾勒肌肉的线条,多次数一般指15次以上。



Bosom, back, leg, abdomen. Lie push, push-up (bosom) next pull-up is exalted pulling (back) crouch greatly to be pulled forcedly (leg) roll abdomen (abdomen) . Everyday a muscle group, a loop rests one day, eat the food with fast protein more.

Each position that how increases flesh, can look:

Motion of 1. reasonable arrangement is measured

The arrangement of carry momentum is one of important segment that take exercise scientificly. Carry out a proof, angular person should measure with moderate campaign (minutely heartbeat 130 to 160 take second place) it is advisable to have oxygen takes exercise, appliance weight with medium heavy (of strength of the biggest muscle 50% to % ) for beautiful. Timeline can drill 3 times every week (lie between a day 1 times) , every time 1 reach 1 half hours. Drill every time 8 to 10 movements, every movement is done 3 reach 4 groups. The practice is fast systole, a bit halt, slow extend. Do time of a group of movements to be 60 seconds left and right sides continuously, across block is intermittent 20 to 60 seconds, every kinds of movement is intermittent 1 to 2 minutes. Usually, every groups should be finished continuously 8 come 15 times, , if short of of every groups of frequencies 8, can reduce the action that weight; completes with must using main talent twice finally appropriately, deeper to musculature stimulation, exceed a quantity to restore apparent, exercise the effect admirable.

2. notices safety

Strong and handsome the equipment that take exercise has particular weight, exercise around to want ready-made not only activity and arrange an activity, and should notice to check equipment to be installed whether firmly, in case accident. When taking exercise, should notice whether weight is measurable, do not do the exercise that force cannot reach. When the heavy appliance such as use barbell, want somebody to protect. Had better be accompany takes exercise, so that be encouraged each other, mutual help, mutual protection.

3. lays good foundation

Angular person in drill first level (2 to 3 months) best can enter strong and handsome groom class study takes exercise, so that correct, master behavioral skill systematically, raise fitness in the round. Should notice muscle strength and endurance particularly take exercise, the suiting that raises airframe stage by stage ability, lay next good foundations.

4. should have key and specific aim

Angular person through 2 after taking exercise to 3 months, physical strength can increase apparently, energy also can be compared abundant before. At this moment, should exercise big muscle mainly group, like pectoralis major, deltoid, humerus broad flesh of triceps of 2 flesh, humerus, back, musculus glutaeus maximus is mixed a quadriceps, carry momentum wants to be adjusted at any time. Additional, same a flesh of place group can use disparate movements, different appliance to undertake taking exercise, and should make place experienced flesh group alone systole. Coordinate a gender as the miserly of muscle strength and movement rise, the effect that take exercise will be more and more distinct. Usually, a half moon reachs practice action two months alternate. In addition, the spirit when taking exercise (idea) should center at institute experienced position, tan Xiao of avoid by all means, listen to music to wait. Sarcous of institute experienced position is acerbity, bilge, full, hot sense is stronger, exercise the effect to jump over beautiful. Such, hold to half an year to arrive one year again, bodily form can produce marked change.

Project of other of 5. little practice

Angular person undertake strong and handsome when taking exercise, best little those who join other motion project take exercise, especially the motion of endurance sex project, like long-distance running, play football, play basketball etc. Because energy consumption of these athletic pass the time in a leisurely way are more, go against sarcous growth, and can drill thinner more. In addition, do not do at ordinary times expend the other activity with too much energy.

6. is reasonable prandial

The energy that absorbs only is more than the energy that waste, person ability becomes fat. Accordingly, angular person prandial allocate must reasonable, diversiform, cannot partiality for a particular kind of food. Outside the flesh that contains a lot ofanimal sex protein except edible at ordinary times, egg, birds kind outside, eat a few bean products and red bean, lily, vegetable, melon and fruit to wait more appropriately even. As long as dietary nutrition is comprehensive, benefit is absorbed at digesting, plus proper strong and handsome take exercise, can become well-developed inside shorter time rise.

7. sturdy confidence perserves

Angular person should make bodily form by thin become strong, well-developed and strong and handsome, not be the 9 things of 9 day, months, by heat up temporarily, think the experienced way that has a fat person readily is no good, because exercise a method incorrect, effect is not apparent and lose confidence to also be no good, the confidence that wins sturdily only makes the preparation of delicious suffering, have science actively with exalted mood, of calculated, unremitting take exercise, ability scores ultimate success.

Exercise a method commonly, it is motion having oxygen and union of appearance of the campaign that do not have oxygen, bare-handed exercise and appliance exercise photograph are united in wedlock, place and organic system differ according to the body in practicing, have much method, count for many times take exercise. This is a whole body exercise a process, exercise some piece not merely, or some a few muscle. To the body of each place those who basically take exercise is a back, bosom, abdomen, leg, the chunk muscle ~ of the part such as the hand begins fitness, need sufficient warm up above all. Do the exercise having oxygen with inferior intensity first, canter, wait by bike, about 20 minutes, through having oxygen campaign makes his body enters the most pleasant stage gradually, temperature lifts slowly, the heartbeat rises, breathing divide evenly fast become fast. Haemal circulation is rapidder also, such oxygen and nourishment can be carried heart and muscle, for your athletic ready-made. Next, want sufficient activity body ligament of each partial key links, pull out pulls limb, waist to carry muscle on the back. Can undertake oxygen moves notting have next. Because strength of force training exercise is great, energy is used up much, nerve burden is heavy, accordingly, must the refreshment after special attention trains. In general, be in after strong and handsome training nutrition is mixed adequately rest below good case, airframe restores to need 18 hours to 90 % , restore need completely 72 hours. If muscle did not restore completely to undertake the 2nd times training, criterion effect affirmation is bad. Grow this to go down to still can cause muscle inflexible, excessive exhaustion, make train the effect to sell at a discount greatly. Generally speaking, a week experienced 3-4 second, every time 1-2 hour, experienced 1-2 position is similar, notice to allocate the practice action that an each place give out under nutrient ~ appropriately again, you can consult, do not know you have dumbbell in the home, some words are a few more convenient: (again Suo: To drilling first person should notice the following: 1. Law of excess load of advance gradually sex: The base that strengthens any healthy quality is to make your muscle goes loading more serious than what it already was used to work, make muscle assumes the negative charge that increases ceaselessly. Specific increase weight and density stage by stage namely, but must have advance gradually sex. 2. Much group practices law: Want to undertake much group trains to every movement, in order to make each muscle group can complete take exercise. It is 3-4 group commonly, every groups of 8-12 3. Bewilderment not measures law: Also namely: The movement is changeful law. It is for in order to avoid sarcous adaptability, often give muscle with new stimulation. 4. Isolated exercise rule: To wanting the muscle place of development, want as far as possible, not place of other of have the aid of, bear alone bear will stimulate muscle centrally. 5. Preferential training law: To the lose or should strengthen mainly most position of the body, use the foremost face that arrangement is training a class, with energy, physical strength assures to train a quantity amply. ) Zhou Yi: Bosom, flesh of lumbar abdominal muscle exercises bosom to practice: ** push-up. 15-20 (second) X 3-4 group, the training method push-up that this is a foundation is right develop pectoralis major is very effective, to developing humerus triceps also has certain effect. Double foot is OK and approach is OK also departure and shoulder are the same as wide. When the body drops expiratory, when be being maintained inspiratory. In whole act course, the body should be in erect pose from beginning to end. Also can try disparate movements: Two tactics distance relaxes, can drill the side outside pectoralis major; Sufficient ministry block up, become a small sufficient tall gesture (angle does not exceed 10 degrees, what drill otherwise is humeral ministry not be bosom) , can practice pectoralis major upside; Two tactics distance is stood by as far as possible, even two tactics and approach does push-up together, manage to make do weighs experienced humerus triceps, hold experienced pectoralis major concurrently. ** lies the dumbbell that turn thick line takes exercise, practice the method with the mainest bosom, basically weigh with the bell, the means that hold thick line, grasp be apart from, the muscle that the element influence such as the point of view that cite, rate that raise and set number is drilled, basically be pectoralis major, other include arm muscle and humeral back muscle. Within one's grasp is apart from on (the distance argument with push-up hand is same) , should clear: 1. Smooth grasp: It is to point to grasp be apart from like shoulder breadth. The biggest to stimulation of chest muscle front. 2. Wide grasp: It is to point to grasp be apart from wider than shoulder wants apparently, the biggest to stimulation of the side outside chest muscle, make chest muscle wider. 3. Narrow grasp: It is to point to grasp be apart from narrower than shoulder wants apparently, the biggest to stimulation of chest muscle inside. Above is grasped those who be apart from is different, it is the different stimulation of pair of chest muscle place. Same, grasp differently be apart from, still affecting auxiliary muscle: Humerus triceps, this wants from motion, clear is divided on the angle of the angle of ancon and shoulder. When motion, the angle of ancon (the angle of the upper arm and antebrachium) change is bigger, big to thing upper arm the stimulation of triceps is jumped over. When motion, humeral angle (the angle of the upper arm and body) change is bigger, bigger to the stimulation of chest muscle. Because of a lot of moment everybody is being done same a movement when, discover the effect is distinct, and cannot find a reason. Perhaps want to stimulate chest muscle, often be chest muscle however when feeling, hand (humerus triceps) already very acerbity bilged. * dumbbell lies push 10-12(second) X3 group A. The key exercises place: Pectoralis major, deltoid and humerus triceps. B. Begin the position: Lie on his back in what make the same score to lie push stool, bipod is smooth step to go up. Two tactics palm up unbend handholding dumbbell. C. Behavioral course: Make two straight arms are stretched to two side, two arms bend slowly, dumbbell plummet, when dropping to be in to lowest, do namely drive, when be being pushed on expiratory. Push up next to open the position, repeat sit. D. Train a point: Do not have back and coxal wriggle through the earth or choke with resentment, such meetings make muscle loses control, inclined dumbbell lies on the * that is danger push 10-12(second) X3 group A. The key exercises place: Pectoralis major upside, it is deltoid toe-int and humerus triceps next. B. Begin the position: Lie on his back in go up inclined angle lies for what 35-45 spends push stool. C. Behavioral course: Two arms unbend holds dumbbell to be located in humeral upside. Put down go up to bosom (adjacent and clavicular place) when inspiratory. When dropping to be in to lowest, do namely drive, when be being pushed on expiratory. D. Train a point: Training course masses main force on pectoralis major, make chest muscle is in nervous condition from beginning to end. Humerus triceps serves as less important additional power. * is smooth lie dumbbell flyer 10-12(second) X3 group A. The key exercises place: Pectoralis major and deltoid. B. Begin the position: Lie on his back in what make the same score to lie push stool, two tactics holds dumbbell each, the centre of the palm is opposite, push to two arms unbend, prop up in bosom upper part. C. Behavioral course: Two tactics holds dumbbell to fall parallelly to two side, elbow bends a little, dumbbell falls to come feel two side muscle has bust sufficient drawing feeling, make the upper arm falls to come under humeral ministry horizontal. When dumbbell falls, want deep and inspiratory. Former road of the abide that hold a bell is raised time former when expiratory. D. Train a point: When if dumbbell falls to two side,falling, if two arms assume unbend position, bosom muscle gets drawing and the feeling with contractive muscle very hard. 10-12(of Qu Shen of double arm of * parallel bars second) X3 group A, key exercises place: Basically be pectoralis major bottom, it is humerus triceps and deltoid next. B, begin the position: Double lever span is best wide at the shoulder, both hands grasps bar to be propped up into straight arm, quite bosom, receive an abdomen, two legs unbend and approach is loosened submit flagging form. Course of C, start: Expiratory, bend ancon curved boom, the body drops, when till two arms bend,reducing lowermost position, the head should be brought ahead, exhibit outside two ancon, make pectoralis major spins adequately extend. Immediately is inspiratory, suddenly with pectoralis major contractive force supports two arms, make till two arms are complete,the body rises unbend; When the upper arm exceeds staff level position, hip shrinks backward a bit, trunk is shown " lower his head to contain a bosom " pose. When two arms unbend, pectoralis major is in tighten up condition thoroughly. Repeat an exercise. D, training wants a place: The movement wants slow undertake, do not rent the body brace up place aid force to complete an action; The speed when be being maintained wants fast, quite bosom, look up, receive an abdomen, do not hunch; Practice to increase training intensity to be able to load between the waist. If want practice to give the line of chest muscle, it is to use commonly use much time to repeat training law and and it is to undertake the training of many groups of number will draw the outline of sarcous line, much time points to above 15 times commonly.

Hope to adopt
