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申通快递怎么寄宠物? 申通可以寄宠物吗?英文双语对照


申通快递怎么寄宠物? 申通可以寄宠物吗?英文双语对照










申通快递是不可以邮寄宠物这类活物的,都是会拒绝承接这种业务。 一般的活体动物是禁运的,大的公司是不会承运的,可以找小一点的那些公司,或者找专业这类的公司,那样比较安全。 但是因为寄宠物这类算是小众快递,比较成规模的较少,知名的基本上没有,还没发展成全国型的,所以都是要在自己城市当地找。







分寄到哪里 有的是航空有的是汽运航空是不允许邮寄手机的一般打电话问哪家快递都不敢随便说可以邮寄人家怕邮政管理部门的抽查电话的但是实际上是可以的 除非某个特别城市举行重要活动要求严格外其余都可以邮寄手机。


答:可以寄的。不过最好是走物流 ,如果你要用申通的话你最好要保价 (赠人玫瑰手有余香,如果回答有用,请点“好评”,谢谢^_^!)













One, explain how to connect express to send pet?

Explain connect express to send pet means / measure:

Open small letter above all, click in small order page [explain know express delivery]

After entering new page next, click [send express]

Final input sends the address of pet, click [next sheet] can


2, explain connect can you send pet?

Possible, explain connecting is to be able to send pet, but do not suggest to use Shen Tongji, great majority chooses content to flow, consign a company to send. After all pet unlike goods is same, shen Tongji a number is more, cause the box extruding that sends pet very easily to be out of shape, injure pet even, the loss outweights the gain so, can send consign a company technically, can as far as possible avoid these issues.

3, explain it is OK to connect express pet?

Explain knowing express delivery is not OK mail pet lives this kind of content, it is to be able to reject to carry on this kind of business. General live body animal is contraband, big company is won't of acceptance of consignment, can seek those a bit smaller companies, perhaps look for major this kind company, compare safety in that way. But because send pet,this kind is small numerous express, what become dimensions quite is less, famous basically do not have, had not developed the whole nation model, it is to want to search in him city place so.

4, explain connect express to you can send vivid thing?


Explain knowing express delivery is to cannot send vivid thing, if you have then,send, the specification receives a company to not be in charge of, and send a company, perhaps saying is to send a clerk estimation to be afraid of to in distributing a process, do not take care to cause vivid content death, so the likelihood won't be distributed, call at most call addressee to be taken oneself, send a company to need not be distributed actually, can complain the hair that stops the thing that send work to head office even company.

5, explain connect express to you can place smoke?

Possible mail casually, cigarette is not banned product, just be not to let sell on the network, shed what did not concern with content.

6, explain connect express to you can send a mobile phone?

Cent is sent where to have a plenty of aviation to have a plenty of steam carry aviation is not to allow to mail of the mobile phone call commonly express delivery of home where asking dare not say what the family is afraid of postal management department to be able to mail casually selective examination of the phone but unless a certain special city holds significant activity to ask to father,be possible actually all the more.

7, explain connect express to you can send steamed stuffed bun?

Answer: Can send. Had better be to walk along content to flow nevertheless, if you want to use explain if connecting, you had better want support value (hand of rose giving a person has lingering fragrance, if the answer is useful, nod please " reputably " , thank ^_^ ! )

8, explain it is OK to connect E content to flow send pet?

Can, explain connecting is to be able to send a few little pet that did not endanger

9, explain connect express to you can send vivid thing?

Explain knowing express delivery is to cannot send vivid thing, if you have then,send, the specification receives a company to not be in charge of, and send a company, perhaps saying is to send a clerk estimation to be afraid of to in distributing a process, do not take care to cause vivid content death, so the likelihood won't be distributed, call at most call addressee to be taken oneself, send a company to need not be distributed actually, can complain the hair that stops the thing that send work to head office even company.

10, in connect express to you can send pet?

General express is not OK mail pet lives this kind of content, can reject to carry on this kind of business.

Have special pet express delivery now in the market, walk along aviation the survival rate that this line can raise pet effectively. But collect fees more expensive. Proposal host is dealt with airborne, want place and deliver goodsingly organic field only, do not pass the quarantine card of airborne need pet, still have other and relevant way.

Pet is consigned also is to need to deal with 3 prooves, namely vaccinal immunity card, pet quarantine card and alexipharmic card. Immune card is dog dog made vaccine, pet hospital can offer, after that two card need undertakes conduction to local quarantine place. And period of efficacy is very short, proposal host makes good journey program ahead of schedule.

Send the note of pet:

1, avoid extruding: Prepare strong and durable special boat empty eontainers to carry above all, it is domestic each airline on one hand to live body packing has particular demand, it is for pet itself safety on the other hand. Have again, a plastic products can be bound with adhesive plaster on aviation box, lest carry personnel,will other goods is pressed on the case.

2, fasten a favourable turn: As long as itinerary in not a favourable turn, pet is met by the possibility of miscarriage different ground a lot of smaller. If take plane takeoff behind schedule, can ask freight place is a few later send dog dog toward hold, in order to ensure its safety.

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