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猪 肝 炒 菠 菜








制作配料:鸡爪2斤 生抽2勺 老抽1勺半 胡椒粉2克 料酒2勺 盐1勺半 八角2个 葱姜蒜适量 啤酒1小罐




















1. 将肥瘦相连的猪腿肉洗干净,放入汤锅内煮到皮变软、断生(即将瘦肉切开不见血水)时,捞出稍晾切成约长6厘米、宽2.5厘米、厚0.2厘米的片。

2. 炒锅加热,放入熟猪油,油烧至六成热时,放入猪腿肉片爆炒至出油,等肉片变形后,即加入甜面酱炒出香味,再加入白糖、酱油炒匀后,放入青蒜苗段炒出香味即可。













































The cookbook of dish of winter the daily life of a family and practice

Towel gourd fries shelled fresh shrimps

Feed capable person: Bright shrimp, towel gourd, garlic, ginger, cooking wine, black peppery starch of broken, salt, corn, salt, cooking wine, pepper


1, bright shrimp is abluent go head hull takes remaining part, purify shrimp line, add bloat makings bloat slightly. Towel gourd flay is abluent cut hob piece, ginger cuts section of silk, garlic to reserve;

2, heat having pot is oily, put shrimp meat into conflagration to break up quickly fry become angry to shelled fresh shrimps fish out reserves;

3, former boiler puts Jiang Si, garlic piece explode sweet, put towel gourd piece to break up fry to soft, add salt to flavor;

4, pour shelled fresh shrimps into cooking wine of boil a few to break up finally fry even, scatter a few pepper to be able to have pot.

Palace of almond fruit vinegar protects shrimp

Material: Ball of 250 grams prawn, 10 grams bake almond piece, high-quality goods of pink of 1500 grams polished glutinous rice, 1500 grams unripe pink, 1500 grams a flour, 400 grams bubble of double happiness of pink of sweet blast of 100 flavour beautiful, 100 grams makes white crane of pink, 200 grams settleclear face, 3 grams are 10 grams dry chili, bright red gown, Chinese prickly ash 10 grams, ginger powder of 10 grams, garlic 10, plain sweet Gong Baozhi is 70 grams, extremely beautiful delicacy is hot fry juice Italy of sauce of pepper of tomato of 50 grams, United States pole, 200 grams is black vinegar, 180


1, make sb the first aim of attack of back of shelled fresh shrimps, souse enters main ingredient, pat fragile fish out of sweet blast of bomb of powdery makings package.

2, boiler leaves more than oil to burn hot stir-fry before stewing to fry sweet chili of little material fry sth quickly in hot oil and Chinese prickly ash, next flavoring and advocate makings fry sweet.

3, before giving boiler, tick off Gorgon euryale bright red oily outfit dish, scatter on the almond that has baked piece, add adornment slightly can.

Pork liver fries spinach

Feed capable person:

Pork liver 250 grams, spinach 1, garlic 3, green Chinese onion any of several hot spice plants of 2 root, millet 2 bead, green pepper 10.


1, pork liver is rinsed, section bubble is in in water after 20 minutes scoop up reinstate cooking wine, unripe smoke, mix of white sugar, salt, unripe pink is even again souse 10 minutes.

2, olive oil is added in boiler, 6 minutes of heat join millet any of several hot spice plants to fry sweet mix ginger and garlic next, the water with the pork liver redundant take out that has bloated is divided, break up into fry join green Chinese onion and green pepper at the same time, add right amount salt and cooking wine.

3, break up quickly spinach and page of green Chinese onion are added after frying, spinach becomes angry join gourmet powder to be able to give boiler.

Chicken of braise in soy sauce is ungual

The burden that make: Gallinaceous claw is born 2 jins smoke 2 spoon to often draw 1 spoon half pepper 2 grams cooking wine 2 spoon salt 1 spoon half horn garlic of 2 green ginger is right amount beer 1 caddy

The method that make:

1, cut off gallinaceous ungual fingernail first, chop becomes small, clean clean; Boiler of again cold underwater, add water of scald of green ginger cooking wine 1 minute or so, scoop up cold water to be rinsed clean reserve;

2, hot pot cool oil, join anise of green ginger garlic to fry a fragrance, join gallinaceous claw to break up fry even, join unripe smoke, often smoke, salt, cooking wine breaks up fry consummate color, join 1 caddy beer, rejoin rinses 2 bowls, big baked wheaten cake leaves, in turning, small fire stews 15 minutes or so;

3, give boiler to receive soup juice, fill come out to be able to eat;

Green burns yellow croaker

Feed material: ? Ping ㄓ scrupulously and respectfully persimmon of have a nightmare of go to live in the household of one's in-laws on getting married of the foot of mountain of ⒊ of Pi of free time of ⒘ of Luo of  of ⑸ of lofty of ⒀ of  of ⒋ small ⒔ handsome?


1, clean yellow croaker, hit beautiful knife, scatter on a few salt, souse half hours, green is cut paragraph, ginger section reserves can.

2, in the boiler that heat up oil, put bloat yellow croaker, two sides decoct fizzles out to gold color, join Jiang Pian and green, fall to be born smoke, cooking wine, vinegar and one cannikin water reserve can.

3, small fire is stewed slow, work to be able to give boiler almost till water, scatter on a bit shallot and chili to be able to give boiler edible.

Pure and fresh small fry

Material: Cucumber, corn bead, shelled fresh shrimps; Agaric, ham, green, garlic; Salt, gallinaceous essence, balm, water starch


1, green garlic section

2, bubble sends agaric, thoroughly cook shelled fresh shrimps and jade grain of rice, cucumber flay is cut a bit thicker lozenge piece, ham stripping and slicing

3, boiler hot oil explodes sweet green garlic, medium baking temperature fries cucumber agaric, fry cucumber to become angry

4, issue ham corn shelled fresh shrimps to be fried together again, put salt, fry a few minutes again can (ham corn shelled fresh shrimps has been ripe, need not fry too long) , gou Hou Gorgon euryale breaks up fry even, put gallinaceous essence balm, give boiler can

Sauce explodes the flesh

Material: Seedling of pig thigh meat, garlic sprouts paragraph, a sweet sauce made of fermented flour, white sugar, soy, ripe lardy.

1.Will fat thin conjoint pig thigh meat is washed clean, put leather molten is boiled inside the stockpot, break unripe (be about to lean lean incision does not see hematic water) when, fish out a bit air is cut about 6 centimeters long, 2.5 centimeters wide, thick 0.2 centimeters piece.

2.Fry boiler to heat, put ripe lardy, oil is burned to 6 when becoming heat, put pig thigh sliced meat to explode fry to give oil, after waiting for cutlet to be out of shape, join a sweet sauce made of fermented flour to fry a fragrance namely, after rejoin white sugar, soy fries divide evenly, put garlic sprouts young plant paragraph fry a fragrance can.

Xianggu mushroom fries pea

Feed capable person: Pea bead 300g, dry Xianggu mushroom 8, bead of 15ml of starch of 5g of 3g of pink of Chinese prickly ash, salt, water, salad oil, red pointed any of several hot spice plants


1. dry Xianggu mushroom is abluent, after lukewarm bleb is sent, cut the man that orders greatly a little than pea bead. The water of bubble Xianggu mushroom is stand-by, do not want to throw.

2. fries boiler park fire to go up, enter right amount oil, use medium baking temperature to heat to 7 into, put pink of Chinese prickly ash to fry sweet.

3. enters Xianggu mushroom man and pea bead to break up fry even.

4. enters water of right amount Xianggu mushroom, the boiler on the lid builds stew to burn 5 minutes.

5. adds salt, drench water is amylaceous, break up fry can give boiler equably, scatter bead of any of several hot spice plants of a few red needle to be adorned finally.

Green oily asparagus lettuce

With makings:

Asparagus lettuce 1 root, balm half spoon, , salt oil of a few of essence of right amount, chicken, vegetable is half spoon, red pimiento fourth a few


1, what preparation requires data.

2, asparagus lettuce flay abluent.

3, cut silk next. Add salt of on one small spoon to be in asparagus lettuce silk.

4, mix next divide evenly, souse 15 minutes.

5, good souse asparagus lettuce drop does water share.

6, small very light blue is cut paragraph, green end cuts chopped green onion.

7, vegetable oil and balm are joined to burn heat inside boiler, join green paragraph fry a fragrance.

8. , asparagus lettuce is installed dish, scatter on chopped green onion and red pimiento bead, next green of oily take out paragraph, irrigate asparagus lettuce silk to go up again can.

Steaky pork fries dried bean milk cream in tight rolls

Feed capable person: Steaky pork 300 grams, dried bean milk cream in tight rolls 150 grams, ginger 4, green 4, garlic is 4 valve, dry chili 4, unripe smoke two spoon, old smoke half spoon, thick broad-bean sauce 1 spoon, salt pink of 1 gram, chicken 2 grams


1, one spoon salt and right amount Wen Shui are added in big basin, put bubble of dried bean milk cream in tight rolls 25 minutes. Steaky pork cuts chip. Section of ginger, garlic, green is cut paragraph, dry chili is cut paragraph. After the dried bean milk cream in tight rolls that bubble sends pushs dry water share, cut paragraph.

2, the heat inside boiler is oily, stir-fry before stewing of steaky pork small fire is fried below. Fry give fat face small Huang Shi to steaky pork, join ginger, garlic, dry chili to fry sweet. One spoon thick broad-bean sauce turns over rejoin fry. Transfer into right amount unripe smoke, often smoke fry chromatically.

Sweet bone of garlic of a condiment made of roast prickly ash and salt

Feed capable person: Small costal region is discharged; Ginger, green, garlic; Do chili; Cooking wine; Amylaceous; A condiment made of roast prickly ash and salt (pink of Chinese prickly ash and salt) ; Unripe smoke


1, good chop of costal region platoon, wash water of scour off blood a few times with clear water.

2, ginger section, green is cut paragraph, garlic cuts end to reserve. The quantity of garlic is many somes OKer.

3, a few cooking wine is joined in costal region platoon, unripe smoke, a condiment made of roast prickly ash and salt and the green ginger garlic that had cut catch divide evenly, souse tasty of two hours of above.

4, wrap costal region platoon equably after two hours a starch, preparation enters boiler blast.

5, oil is put in boiler (stir-fry than ever many somes, because need scamper) , oily 78 chop bomb is put when becoming heat, medium baking temperature, do not put every time too much, otherwise oily Wen Tai is low. Wait for chop to turn the fish out when yellow, probably scamper 5 minutes.

6, chop fish out accuses oil, wait for a bit cool hind put oily boiler bomb the 2nd times again, the chop that such blast give ability is fragile, scamper shows golden scene to chop.

7, chop fish out, the remnant in boiler a few oil, the 5 green ginger garlic that dry chili and souse chop put to use when becoming heat explode sweet, put chop to break up quickly next fry, scatter equably on pink of a condiment made of roast prickly ash and salt can give boiler.

Pork a round mass of food


Powder of pork, onion, ginger end, pepper, egg, oily, cooking wine, soy, amylaceous


1, after pork is cleaned clean, cut piece, next chop becomes meat stuffing

2, put the meat in clean basin, rejoin onion powder, jiang Mo, pepper, infiltrate an egg, put the cooking wine soy of a few, put some of wet starch again finally

3, take chopstick day the makings below agitate of a direction, the time scarcely of agitate can be short, agitate comes meat stuffing energetically is OK

4, meat stuffing after mixing, what sufficient capacity adds inside boiler is oily, when oil is lukewarm burn to 5 into heat, put account of a round mass of food of meat stuffing make it oil inside scamper, scamper to the surface golden fish out accuses oil can
