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疯子fēng zi 1. 患严重精神病的人。 ●郭沫若《女神·湘累》:「我并不曾疯,他们偏要说我是疯子。」










































One, seek the game name that contains bedlamite?

Bedlamite expert. . The injury of bedlamite, , free bedlamite, , evil bedlamite, , lascivious bedlamite, , bedlamite clown, , you can fall in adornment, , ,

2, is bedlamite bedlamite really?

The bedlamite with true bedlamite?

Bedlamite has a plenty of true bedlamite, some looks to what achieve the ground installs bedlamite, real bedlamite medicine weighs a madman, their symptom differs somewhat have a plenty of manic model the name-calling that lay a person throws a thing. Another kind is coma model inflexible without why expression, still the solilo-quize makes a conversation model, bedlamite is true mad false still bedlamite knew to hospital diagnose. The hope treats true bedlamite with kind-hearted heart.

3, article bedlamite and fierce bedlamite feature?

Play weighs somebody, bedlamite cent is " Wen Feng " and " Wu Feng " , young partner discovers, break wisdom disease very similar also.

"Wen Feng " break wisdom person all the day tacit, downhearted, do not have interest to what thing;

"Wu Feng " break wisdom person the life is much more intense,

Some resemble by " add a body " same, change inherent quality, easily with respect to shout abuse;

Some like to be in nightly go out loaf about, 10 Madoula do not come back;

Some begin to play even those who remove oneself is fecal, do not respect to the female beside, start work use a base...

These symptoms call symptom of gawkish behavior, spirit, abbreviation BPSD.

4, why is bedlamite called bedlamite?

The thinking that follows Everyman because of the business that bedlamite place does is different. A person is called bedlamite, the business that does because of him namely is very unusual, expect of our ordinary person is less than. Weighing others is bedlamite, also be special not refined appellation. So we should do a few businesses that have normal thinking in the life, just can eliminate others the bias to oneself. In the meantime, we see, when others has unusual thinking, should give others more advise, bring him to take right way.

5, what bedlamite?

Bedlamite, chinese term, often compare the person's disposition, appearance, multi-purpose at derogatory sense. Serve as commendatory word sometimes, express to dare make the affirmation of a pioneering spirit that dare go all out to the person. The sacrificial spirit with indomitable v&v compliment, struggling spirit, consecratory spirit.

Mental disease (or say to make disease of mental disease, psychology disease, psychology) , basically be a group of gives priority to mussily neurological diseases that go up in order to behave in activity of behavior, psychology. As a result of,the result that at present the institute gets thinks basically is the transient cause such as environment of family, society, the psychological activity that the place of immanent cause interaction such as the physiology heredity element with patient oneself, nerve biochemistry element causes, behavior, reach its the disease that neurological function is main feature mussily.


On human history, stem from the fear of pair of spirit diseases, inchoate person used diseases of a lot of drive of blame science method. In ancient time, the ancients thinks the reason of mental disease is outer ministry, if be cursed, the soul gives a key to do sth to wait, use witch doctor so, pray or hold him eliminate of god of a kind of request the ceremony of body ungodliness. Arrived mediaeval, suffer religious effect, think mental disease is commonly " diabolical place is " or " magical penalty " , because this meeting is called please " drive demon division " Abba holds drive demon ceremony.

6, bedlamite literary quotation?

Ng Zi 1 of bedlamite F ē . Have the person of severe mental disorder. ● Guo Mei if " is goddess · Hunan tired " : ? Liver also? of ⒉ brightness  they slant should say I am bedlamite. "

7, bedlamite? After all the definition that what is bedlamite?

It is a kind of special person, the idea that they are having normal person to cannot understand forever can be made likely momently or think up normal person's different thing, making breathtaking one side let a person feel mysterious is bedlamite, say the train of thought that is brain and normal person are different simply, for instance the individual wants to jump building, normal person saw can say to fasten take things too hard ah what bank is be able to pass persuades a person not to jump, bedlamite may have the following activity: 1 pair jumps the person of the building says you jump jump, look jump down to be able to fall dead, 2 bedlamite may accompany that person to jump together 3 bedlamite may be in the building below catching that person

8, the distinction of article bedlamite and fierce bedlamite?

When empty-handed fights, fierce bedlamite is fierce

When applying all sorts of technologies to fight, article bedlamite is fierce!

Lead troops when fighting, article bedlamite hate is fierce

When taking an examination of liberal art to try, article bedlamite hate is fierce. .

When taking an examination of Wu Ke, fierce bedlamite is fiercer than article bedlamite hate. .

When scientific pull in, article bedlamite is the fiercest did not compare, , . . . . .

Contrast is carried to say in, article bedlamite is fiercer than Wu Feng much go, this was distinguished namely! . . .

9, is bedlamite sung formerly?

Song " bedlamite "

Sing formerly: Xu Zhepei

Write words: Xu Zhepei

Compose: Xu Zhepei


Brush one's teeth I want to cry wash a face I want to cry, on foot I want to cry dormant I want to cry

Give the sun I want to cry I think storm cry, hear a song I want to cry see comedy I want to cry

I do not control myself, the mood with too heavy burden

I reject to face outcome, I do not consider serious problem listen

A lot of established practice that you give, said long reason

However coma my heart, again depressive depress my fast to be no good again

The day shakes quake faints day of dark ground, tear does not have tear you feel I am mad

My instant tinnitus is inaudible you say, I am mad character I am mad language tear makes me blind

Ambiguous bound of my eye preexistence, original joy should be changed with sadness

Brush one's teeth I want to cry wash a face I want to cry, on foot I want to cry dormant I want to cry

Give the sun I want to cry I think storm cry, hear a song I want to cry see comedy I want to cry

I do not control myself, the mood with too heavy burden

I reject to face outcome, I do not consider serious problem listen

A lot of established practice that you give, said long reason

However coma my heart, again depressive depress my fast to be no good again

The day shakes quake faints day of dark ground, tear does not have tear you feel I am mad

My instant tinnitus is inaudible you say, I am mad character I am mad language tear makes me blind

Ambiguous bound of my eye preexistence, original joy should be changed with sadness

Can be worth undeserved do not want to deny, the freedom that I want can get eternal life

But I became tired,I was forced to cry, like my resembling bedlamite cry ceaselessly

I have no way out you also become me is a bedlamite, I am a bedlamite

10, what meaning is bedlamite encounters bedlamite?

Cannot be a derogatory sense word, when we call a scientist bedlamite, it is the fanaticism that praises him; When we call an artist bedlamite, it is to praise his brilliant; says when us cynical person when be bedlamite, it is the uniqueness of the thinking that saw he surmounts a times.

Wish we see attentively, see others that small insanity, use interior light, lead the person that is about to break down to move toward regular world! Either you are mad, perhaps be the world mad, perhaps we are temporarily mad only, wait to be seen, be understood, by consideration!
