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湛江汽车站有几个? 湛江汽车站到火车站有多远?英文双语对照


湛江汽车站有几个? 湛江汽车站到火车站有多远?英文双语对照


市区有  霞山的汽车南站(长短途,至全国各地及周边徐闻、雷州、遂溪等县城),一般外地大车站的湛江车都是最后到达这里,502车队,靠近火车南站,市区公交车22线、10线等都到;工农路汽车总站(公交车)  赤坎的汽车站(长短途),501车队,海田汽车站(长短途),长途车一般也先到这里,最后再去霞山汽车南站;公交车站有寸金公园汽车站  麻章汽车站(短途至周边县城及公交车站),2线、22线公交车都到。


从湛江汽车站到湛江西火车站自驾车有 16.1公里远; 途经:东新路、西城快线 。。。


从湛江汽车站到湛江西火车站自驾车有 16.1公里远; 途经:东新路、西城快线 。。。


湛江有过4个火车站。 湛江火车站, 原名湛江火车南站, 湛江目前唯一的客运列车始发站和终到站。 湛江西站, 与海南有关的列车在路经湛江时的停靠站。 东站, 专用货运站。

北站, 已废弃。

湛江火车南站是客运站。 最常见的就是火车南站和西站,一般情况下是都是南站,在南站边上有一个汽车站,一个客运站,公交车一出火车站就可以坐,汽车站比较远一点,还得走一段路,在工农路有一个公交总站,湛江市区附近还有麻章车站和海田车站。其他区县都有汽车站。




好像没有直达的吧!我好久没坐了,几年前是汽车可以在惠州到广州或深圳再转。 120或140元,七个小时左右,在南站上车淡水立交桥车站下车,不是直达的 从惠州市汽车站乘坐 长途汽车 ; 07:30,12:00,15:50,18:30, 180元 到湛江市廉江汽车客运站下,走到廉江汽车总站转乘 廉江汽车站-吴川汽车总站 (坐1站)到吴川汽车总站(解放路)下。


最晚一班20:50,到火车站的,即汽车南站起止站 时间 价格湛江←→海安 06:30~20:50(约每隔30分一班) 40





湛江火车站, 原名湛江火车南站, 湛江目前唯一的客运列车始发站和终到站。

湛江西站, 与海南有关的列车在路经湛江时的停靠站。

东站, 专用货运站。

北站, 已废弃。





  车站总面积:17259平方米,其中停车场面积:6710平方米,客运大厅面积:2200 平方米。一楼为售票大厅、候车大厅、发车卡位;二楼为办公室。设有售票窗口14个,检票卡位12个,发车卡位18个。



  麻章车站实行 “五统一”封闭式规范管理,为保障为顾客提供舒适、安全、快捷的出行服务,实行标准化管理,2004年获得ISO9001:2000质量体系认证,2010年通过了ISO9001:2008质量体系升级认证;2013年,根据行业规范新要求,着力推进安全标准化体系建设及达标认证工作。多年来,车站一直坚持以“旅客至上,服务第一”为宗旨,完善站场管理,规范站场服务,以人为本,科学管理,注重员工队伍建设和企业文化建设,树立以“内强素质,外树形象”为主要内容的企业精神,始终以“一切为旅客着想”的经营理念,着力为旅客提供优质服务。多年来被集团公司评为“企业管理优胜单位”、“两个文明建设先进单位”、“春运先进单位”等称号,以及被湛江市消防安全委员会评为“2011—2012年度全市消防工作先进单位”,取得了良好的社会效益和经济效益,实现了企业持续稳步发展。


A few does Zhan Jiang station have?

The station austral the car that the urban district has Xia Shan (accident road, reach circumjacent Xu Wen, Lei Zhou to countrywide each district, satisfy the county such as the brook) , the Zhan Jiang car that cart of general other place stands is to arrive at here finally, 502 motorcade, approach the station austral the train, urban bus 22 lines, 10 lines arrive; Terminal of car of road of workers and peasants (bus) the station that   bare pits (accident road) , 501 motorcade, sea cropland station (accident road) , long-distance car also arrives first commonly here, stand finally again; Public transportation station has station of Ma Zhang of station of park of very little gold (short distance stands to circumjacent county and bus) , bus of 2 lines, 22 lines arrives.

Does Zhan Jiang station have many to the railway station far?

Drive oneself to railway station of crystal clear Jiangxi from Zhan Jiang station have 16.1 kilometers far; By way of: East new way, on the west city express. . .

Does Zhan Jiang station reach railway station of crystal clear Jiangxi much further?

Drive oneself to railway station of crystal clear Jiangxi from Zhan Jiang station have 16.1 kilometers far; By way of: East new way, on the west city express. . .

What car does Zhan Jiang station take to go to Zhan Jiang railway station?

Zhan Jiang has had 4 railway stations. Zhan Jiang railway station, yuan Mingzhan stands south river train, at present only passenger train starting station mixes Zhan Jiang to arrive eventually station. Crystal clear Jiangxi stands, the train that concerns with Hainan is in the bus stop when passing Zhan Jiang. Stand east, special goods station.

North stands, deserted already.

The station austral Zhan Jiang train is passenger station. The commonnest is the station austral the train and west station, it is usually it is south station, in south there is a station on station edge, a passenger station, a railway station can take the bus, the station is a bit further, still get a paragraph of way, there is a public transportation terminal in road of workers and peasants, there still are hemp rule station and sea cropland station near Zhan Jiang urban district. Other area county has a station.

How many kilometer does Chang'an station have to Zhan Jiang station?

Drive course: Whole journey makes an appointment with 447.7 kilometers start: Chang'an station is terminal: Passenger station of Zhan Jiang center

Have many to Zhan Jiang station from benefit state depot far? How many fare to want?

Seem to do not have nonstop! I did not sit for ages, it is the car can go to Guangzhou in benefit city or Shenzhen turns again a few years ago. 120 or 140 yuan, 7 hours are controlled, in south station of crossroads of fresh water of the car on the station gets off, not be nonstop takes long-distance car from station of benefit state city; 07:30, 12:00, 15:50, 18:30, 180 yuan fall to passenger station of car of river of cheap of Zhan Jiang city, walk along terminal of cheap river car to turn station of the river that multiply cheap - terminal of Wu Chuan car (sit 1 station) to terminal of Wu Chuan car (emancipatory road) below.

Guangdong sea brings the car time schedule of Zhan Jiang, does the sea install Zhan Jiang station (on the side of the railway station that) when to arrive the latest to there is a car?

The latest a 20:50, reach a railway station, sea of → of ← of Zhan Jiang of station time value stops to install 06:3 since the station austral the car namely0~20:50(makes an appointment with every other 30 minutes class) 40

Is Zhan Jiang long-distance is the station Zhan Jiang that station?

The long-distance station of Zhan Jiang has a lot of, wu Chuan, satisfy brook, Ma Zhang, Xia Shan to wait county, area a moment to have long-distance car passenger station, if the person is in Wu Chuan, of course nearby looks for Wu Chuan long-distance station; If the person is in,satisfy a brook, that searchs satisfy a brook long-distance station; If the person goes in Xia Shan south stationmaster road station; If the person goes in bare bank,long-distance car passenger station is sea cropland beautiful. Anyhow, zhan Jiang city has 5 areas of 5 counties in all (Lei Zhou, Wu Chuan, Lian Jiang establishs town of the class that it is a county now) have respective long-distance car passenger station, a travel of such more convenient and broad citizens.

A few stations does Zhan Jiang have?

Zhan Jiang has had 4 railway stations.

Zhan Jiang railway station, yuan Mingzhan stands south river train, at present only passenger train starting station mixes Zhan Jiang to arrive eventually station.

Crystal clear Jiangxi stands, the train that concerns with Hainan is in the bus stop when passing Zhan Jiang.

Stand east, special goods station.

North stands, deserted already.

The station austral Zhan Jiang train is passenger station.

The commonnest is the station austral the train and west station, it is usually it is south station, in south there is a station on station edge, a passenger station, a railway station can take the bus, the station is a bit further, still get a paragraph of way, there is a public transportation terminal in road of workers and peasants, there still are hemp rule station and sea cropland station near Zhan Jiang urban district. Other area county has a station.

Does station of station of rule of Zhan Jiang hemp introduce?

Home of dependency of hemp rule station 2 class passenger station, it is the car passenger station of follower of limited company of group of Zhan Jiang motor transportation, predecessor is division of bank of red of Zhan Jiang town parking lot of very little gold, removed 1996 Kang Donglu of gold of hemp regulation district, it is to execute " 5 unified " what enclosed managing is communal model station field. Station day sends regular bus 680 much orders, day sends a guest on average 7800 person-time, 28 thousand person-time is as high as when passenger flow height, it is the station of hub of principal liaison man that Zhan Jiang city exports on the west.

Station gross area: 17259 square metre, among them parking lot area: 6710 square metre, area of passenger transport hall: 2200 square metre. First floor is hall of carry out ticket, wait the hall, card that send a car; 2 buildings are the office. Set wicket mouth 14, check ticket gets stuck 12, the card that send a car 18.

The station has management line 32: Among them, only then deliver regular service route 18; Associate with regular service route 14; Install does straight fast regular service route have Lei Zhou, sea, city of the North sea, admire, Nanning, east promote wait for 5 circuitry.

Station enthusiasm is offerred for car of all pull in only then the service matching an objective of regular bus of hair, associate with; For pull in only then the safe exemple check that sends car serves; With passenger station of car of hill of sea cropland, glow couplet net be commissioned to sell sth heads for the passenger ticket of and other places of Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Fosan.

Hemp rule station is executed " 5 unified " enclosed normative managing, provide a comfortable, safe, quick travel service for the client for safeguard, execute standardization management, obtained ISO9001 2004: Attestation of 2000 quality system, passed ISO9001 2010: 2008 quality system upgrades attestation; 2013, according to industry standard new requirement, exert oneself pushs construction of safe system of standardization and work of the attestation that amount to mark. Come for years, the station holds to all the time with " the passenger is consummate, service the first " for the tenet, perfect station field management, normative station field serves, it is with the person this, science management, pay attention to employee rank construction and company culture construction, establish with " inside strong quality, image is cultivated outside " the spirit of enterprise that is main content, from beginning to end with " everything is passenger consider " management concept, exert oneself provides excellent service for the passenger. Will be judged to be by group company for years " unit of business management superior " , " two civilization build advanced unit " , " Chun Yunxian takes an unit " wait for a title, and be judged to be by commission of safety of fire control of Zhan Jiang city " 2011, job of fire control of 2012 year whole town is advanced unit " , obtained favorable social beneficial result and economic benefits, realized an enterprise to develop steadily continuously.

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