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仁爱性格? 仁爱原则?英文双语对照


仁爱性格? 仁爱原则?英文双语对照






己所不欲,勿施于人己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人 克己复礼为仁。

孝悌也者,其为仁之本与? 兼相爱,交相利。亲仁善邻,国之宝也。老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼。亲亲而仁民,仁民而爱物。当然,还有很多,主要是这些…… 孔子认为:在人和人的相处中,应当设身处地地为对方考虑,凡是我不愿意别人施加于我的一切事情,我都应当自觉地不施加于别人,以免别人受到伤害;我希望达成的事情,也要允许和帮助别人能够达成.几千年来,中国人始终与人为善,推己及人,建立了和谐友爱的人际关系;中华各民族始终互相交融,和衷共济,形成了团结和睦的大家庭;中华民族始终亲仁善邻,协和万邦,与世界其他民族在平等相待,互相尊重的基础上发展友好合作关系.推崇仁爱原则,崇尚和谐,爱好和平是中华民族的优良传统和高尚品德.


博施济众 博:广泛;济:救济。给予群众以恩惠和接济。扶倾济弱 倾:倒塌,这里指遇到困境的人。扶助困难的人,救济弱小的人。


扶危济急 犹扶危济困。


扶危济困 扶:帮助;济:搭救,拯救。扶助有危难的人,救济困苦的人。


扶危救困 对处境危急、困难的人给以救济帮助。


积善成德 善:善行,好事;德:高尚的品德。长期行善,就会形成一种高尚的品德。


积善余庆 积:积累;善:善事;余庆:指先代的遗泽。积德行善之家,恩泽及于子孙。


急公好施 指热心公益,乐于施舍。

急公好义 急:急于。热心公益,见义勇为。


济寒赈贫 济:救济;赈:赈济。救助寒苦,赈济贫穷。


济苦怜贫 救济爱惜穷苦的人。


济困扶危 济、扶:帮助。救济贫困的人,扶助有危难的人。


济弱扶倾 弱:弱小;倾:倒塌,比喻境遇困难。扶助弱小和处境困难的人。













韩剧《无尽的爱》大结局,仁爱被释放,她带着朋友们帮孝利教训了骗子作曲家。 仁爱到海边悼念光哲,可其实光哲并未死,他在福冈成为了拳手。 







名法学家赵天麟首倡。赵天麟任校长期间(1914-1920)总结北洋大学办学经验,概括出“实事求是”四个字,以之教导学生,遂成为校训。 “实事求是”一词出于《汉书·河间献王刘》,文中说刘德“修古好学,实事求是”。后被人们沿传引申,毛泽东也曾在《改造我们的学习》中作过这样的论述:“‘实事’,就是客观存在的一些事物,‘是’,就是客观事物的内部联系,即规律性,‘求’,就是我们去研究。”赵天麟以这四个字首倡于北洋大学。以实事求是的精神,对待科学技术知识,端正学风。赵天麟坚持严字当头,以讲求高质量为教学目标。


One, kindheartedness disposition?

   Kindheartedness disposition is to point to people to show the psychological trait that come on the manner that handles different thing and behavior means. Good kindheartedness nature can make human affairs course of study succeed, the life that can give a person brings happiness and joy, such as magnanimous, long-suffering, honest and frank, bold and unconstrained, circumference holds concurrently aid, hopeful etc.

   What bad disposition meets block up person is successful, make a person out at the elbows, such as is atrocious, cowardly, narrow, conceited wait.    

   Kindheartedness disposition is a kind of supreme state, include everything is helpful for personal element, resist of all adverse elements erode and alluring. It is important to still be is, active state of mind, high character and morals, happy mood, more money can not be measured.

2, kindheartedness principle?

Personal place not desire, do not apply personal desire stands and establish a person at the person, personal desire is amounted to and amount to a person self-denying answer ceremony is benevolence.

Filial piety also person, its are benevolence this with? Hold <> concurrently love each other, make photograph profit. Kiss Ren Shanlin, national treasure also. Old I is old and of the person old, young I young and of the person young. Kiss in person and benevolence civilian, benevolence civilian and love thing. Of course, still have a lot of, be basically these... does Confucius think: ? A surname rips a leg to say south onlying χ ? ought to be considerate ground considers for the other side, always I am not willing others brings to bear on all things at me, I ought to not bring to bear on self-consciously at others, lest others is hurt the business that; my hope manages, also want to allow to be able to be reached with help others. Come thousands of years, chinese from beginning to end good intentions, put oneself in the place of another, each nation hands in the China of human relation; that built harmonious friendly affection each other from beginning to end be in harmony, work together with one heart, formed the Chinese nation of big family; with harmonious solidarity to kiss Ren Shanlin from beginning to end, assist He Mobang, with the world other people is waited for in equal photograph, friendly collaboration relationship develops on mutual valued foundation. Principle of praise highly kindheartedness, advocate harmonious, peace-loving the good convention that is the Chinese nation and exalted moral character.

3, the vocabulary of kindheartedness?

Rich applies benefit numerous gain: Extensive; Aid: Relieve. Give masses to be mixed with benefaction give financial help to. Help bend aid weak collapse: Collapse, here points to the person that encounters predicament. The person of assist difficulty, relieve weak diminutive.

Provenance: Yuan · is princely one " enter peach source by accident " the 4th fold: "If you agree to help bend aid up to lose, I can answer be angry to make laugh, a little while valence writes down consider to reading aloud.

The aid that help danger up still helps danger aid up urgently to strand.

Provenance: Lu Xun " Ju Jieting essay one grave writes down Tian Cheng of Zuo of 2 collect · " : "Gentleman with reaching Shanghai in March 1929... in meet with arduous, earnest travel blown away by wind changes, the aid that help danger up is urgent, state-private be satisfactory to both sides.

The aid that help danger up helps up tiredly: Help; Aid: Saving, save. Assist has the person of jeopardy, the person of relief pinch.

Provenance: Bright · Shi Naian " Shui Hu passes completely " fiftieth 5: "Element tells a general generous travel benevolence, the aid that help danger up is tired, do not think as expected such personal loyalty. Do not think as expected such personal loyalty..

Help danger up to save the person that strands critical to place, difficulty to give relief help.

Provenance: Yuan · anonymous person " a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale of the Kingdom of Wei changes instruct " the 3rd fold chock: "Now help danger up to save rest tiredly demit fears,

The Cheng Deshan that accumulate be apt to: Beneficent, meddlesome; Heart: Exalted moral character. Long-term do good works, can form a kind of exalted moral character.

Provenance: " a surname child · persuades to learn " : "Accumulate be apt to to become heart, and deities contented. And deities contented..

The Yu Qing that accumulate be apt to accumulates: Accumulate; Be apt to: Thing of be apt to; Yu Qing: Point to the involuntary discharge of urine that takes the place of first lustre. Accumulate the home of heart do good works, v/arc bounties bestowed by a monarch or an official and at descendants.

Provenance: " Zhouyi · female " : "Accumulate the home of be apt to, surely superabundant celebrate; Accumulate not good at home, have aftermath surely. Have aftermath surely..

Urgent fair good apply point to enthusiastic commonweal, be happy almsgiving.

Zealous for the common well is urgent: Be eager to. Enthusiastic commonweal, be ready to help others for a just cause.

Provenance: Chinese · Liu Xiang " section of new order · person " : "Hunan clear Wang Youshi says stone excessive, its are a person also, just and good justice. Just and good justice..

Aid of deficient of aid cold aid: Relieve; Aid: Relieve. Deliverance destitute, relieve poverty.

Provenance: " the collect after Qi Qiguo year of figure of Le Yi of · of complete photograph a style of storytelling popular in the Song Dynasty " : "Honour of provide for the aged virtuous, teach its art, cultivate its can, hang by the neck asks Gu, deficient of aid cold aid, with common people share happiness and woe.

Aid suffering pities the poor relieve the person that cherishs poverty-stricken.

Provenance: Yuan · Hou Shanyuan " ooze garden spring " word: "Modest of benefit of be apt to is soft, aid suffering pities the poor, along with square round. Along with square round..

Aid supports danger aid tiredly, help up: Help. Relieve poor person, assist has the person of jeopardy.

Provenance: Yuan · Zheng Tingyu " Chu Zhao is fair " the 3rd fold: "Enmity of a newspaper said child all, one bets game went including petty official, where also aid helps danger up tiredly to repeat Hunan. Where also aid helps danger up tiredly to repeat Hunan..

Aid helps bend up to lose infirmly: Puny; Bend: Collapse, compare circumstances difficulty. Assist is puny the person with be in a devil of a hole.

4, the core of kindheartedness?

Kindheartedness is the core of Confucianism, namely China is lineal the basis of culture spirit. " Yan Yuan of · of the analects of confucius " account: "Fencing Chi Wenren. Child say: ' sweetheart ' . " " say civil solution word " in say: "Benevolence, close also, from the person 2. " also with respect to that is to say, "Benevolence " it is person and world mutual dear concerns one kind.

Look in Confucius, kindheartedness cent is a few administrative levels. Of kindheartedness is filial piety at all, because have parents of give presents is in the home, friend only, kindheartedness ability popularizes a society by the family, ability " extensive love is numerous " , love Jun Zhongjun. How to accomplish " kindheartedness " ? Confucius says: "Can go 5 person (respectful, wide, letter, quick, benefit) below Yu Tian, for benevolence. " and as ruler, also want " cherish one's fellow citizen " , want to implement policy of benevolence, benevolent rule namely, because " self-denying answer ceremony, the world puts in Ren Yan 's charge " . Confucius thinks, if the everybody in the society can be accomplished benevolence, the heart that has kindheartedness, fluctuation, long young, the ceremony with honour orderly low treats a society to come true not hard

5, kindheartedness plot action?

Appliance body example publicizes kindheartedness thought, free guides person follow the lead of, change social conduct.

6, the characteristic of kindheartedness?

Kindheartedness, for wide person affection, cherish sympathetic feeling, the main content of Confucius kindheartedness thought, filial father mother, adore an elder brother, do not offend superior is not rebellious, everything depends on content arriving originally stranger, and its foundation is give presents parents, adore brother, work devote oneself to essential essence became good, the path ability unripe hair of kindheartedness comes out.

7, doesn't kindheartedness have valence textual?

" kindheartedness does not have valence "

Author: Shen Bohong

Kindheartedness is the bridge that communicates between person and person the light that is the hope between heart and heart is place of world supreme sacrosanctity. Kindheartedness is benevolence person sweetheart, it is altruistic the thought of the heart and behavior are more than hoggish thought and behavior.

8, kindheartedness big ending?

Han drama " endless love " big ending, kindheartedness is released, she is taking friends to helped filial piety benefit teach cheater composer a lesson. Kindheartedness grieves over to the seaside Guang Zhe, but Guang Zhe is not actually dead, he became boxing hand in Fu Gang.

9, is kindheartedness institute how old?

Kindheartedness institute ancestor cover an area of an area to be more than mus 1000, floor area 30 more than square metre.

Kindheartedness institute is located in inside beauty spot of nature of lake of round berth of new city of Tianjin city round berth. The school builds center of activity of building of the digital library that has modernization, education, experiment building, undergraduate, gymnasium to wait for educational education establishment.

The school has the nine such as science of project of information of mechanical, electron, computer, building, construction, chemical industry, management, society and foreign language, art to fasten, set mechanical design to make reach its design of project of science of project of electrician Cheng and automation, products plan, automation, its automation, communication, electronic information project, computer and technology, software, architecture, environment, civil engineering, give catchment water and electricity of science and project, irrigation works.

10, kindheartedness school example?

Example of school of college of Tianjin university kindheartedness is " be practical and realistic, fruit perseverance goes " ,

Renown initiate of Lin of jurisconsult Zhao day. During Zhao Tianlin assumes the president (1914-1920) managerial experience of university of summary the Qing Dynasty name for the coastal provinces of Liaoning, wraparound piece " be practical and realistic " 4 words, with teach a student, make school model then. "Be practical and realistic " one word is stemmed from " Wang Liu is displayed between river of Chinese book · " , liu De says in article " long ancient academic, be practical and realistic " . Be passed by people edge after extend the meaning, mao Zedong ever also was in " the study that transforms us " in had made such treatise: "' real issue ' , it is a few things that exist objectively, ' be ' , it is the in-house connection of external object, namely regularity, ' beg ' , it is we go considering. " Zhao Tianlin with these 4 initial initiate at university of the Qing Dynasty name for the coastal provinces of Liaoning. With the spirit of be practical and realistic, treat technology knowledge, proper style of study. Zhao Tianlin holds to severe word pawn, it is education target with high quality of be particular about.

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