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大家好 我是吃货视频集锦 今天给大家推荐成都美食攻略 简单一条大巴吃各种美食

成都 154 路公交车被誉为“美食公交”,“串”起了好多成都美食。

在刚刚过去的 2018 年中,谢霆锋其中一期《锋味》就专门乘坐了这辆 154 路“美食公交”和成都妹儿张靓颖开启了一段奇妙的味蕾之旅。其中他们



甘记肥肠粉(154 路第 9 个站,曹家巷站)



接下来小编首先带大家去拔草第一站:华兴 街站









温馨提示:这家店 24 小时营业,所以你可以选择任何时候光顾。











美食公交“串”起的美食何止小编提到的这些,不过有部分美食已经“物是人非”,不再是当年的味道,所以小编也就不再做推荐咯。有兴趣有时间的你当然可以专门乘坐 154 路去全部品尝一下。




推荐 TOP1. 鲜炎·炭火火锅






参考人均:96 元左右

门店地址:成都市成华区望平街 116 号(天祥大厦)



这家店在去年 2018 年也是相当牛的了,开业不到半年就吸引了全国各地好多个加盟商加盟了。最近据说在成都开了二店,二店还就在总店旁边,是真的!网传老板为了缓解顾客长期排队等位时间太久,所以决定把二店就开在总店旁边,这样食客可以不用等太久就可以品尝到他家的鲜货火锅。




推荐 TOP2. 里外里·沸舍






参考人均:147 元左右

门店地址:成都市武侯区栖霞路 46 号附 41-42 号



这家在 2019 年元旦节前几天刚开业的火锅店,小编是被它的环境种草的。去拔草的那天竟还意外收获了口味


先说环境。网传这家店筹备了一年多,耗资 700 多万。从门口乍一看还以为是一家五星级酒店,却不曾想里面别有洞天。墙壁上是古色古香的水墨画,展示的是中国文化的儒雅博大。地板下镶嵌的是“苏州园林”微型景观,一步一景分外精致。一桌一椅,一砖一瓦都是定制,处处可见老板的格外用心。整个环境用“低调奢华有内涵”形容最为贴切。




推荐 TOP3. 大妙火锅(宽窄巷子店)







参考人均:132 元左右

门店地址:成都市青羊区宽窄巷子 11 号里外院对面(距地铁 2 号线人民公园站 D1 出口 470 米)

推荐菜品:澳洲 S 级肥牛、大妙自制老豆腐、极品毛肚





大家都说成都是“美食之都”,当然不止这些美食推荐。现代人已经开始特别注重“健康、养生”,在追求健康养生的路上还要几近“苛刻”地追求口味,能不能办到?当然能!但是!不是谁都能!这必将特别特别考验食材本身的品质和商家的匠心+良心。商家不追求利润可不可能?当然不可能,但是可以Balance,用信念和追求去 Balance。这就是小编推荐的商家和一众普通商家的区别。



Everybody is good I am to eat goods video a collection of selected specimens to recommend Chengdu cate strategy to everybody today simple a bus eats all sorts of cate

154 buses are known as Chengdu " cate is public transportation " , "String " removed cate of a lot of Chengdu.

Be in what just go in 2018, xie Ting sharp edge among them first phase " sharp edge flavour " took this technically 154 " cate is public transportation " with Chengdu younger sister open of Zhang Jing glume the brigade of a paragraph of wonderful taste bud. Among them they

The pleasant that has gone writes down pink of pig's large intestines, chief of boiler of Wang Ji characteristic, small make up make the introduction more no longer here, flavour is very pure of course, be worth to try.

Add an address:

Pleasant writes down pink of pig's large intestines (154 the 9th station, home Cao alley stands)

Chief of boiler of Wang Ji characteristic (Home Cao alley stands)

Open Baidu App, see more picture

Next small make up take everybody to unplug above all careless the first station: Hua Xingjie stands

Unplug careless the first, the 2nd:

Dish face of omelette of Zuo city, Hua Xingjie

[dish Zuo city]

Dish Zuo city Chinese meal is quite famous also, but small the pot-stewed fowl of traditional old name that making up what should recommend to everybody is dish of Zuo city, fokelore does not add the hundred years old bittern of any additive. Be in dish of Zuo city to face the bright archives mouth of the street, discharge a cue everyday. Best-selling is chop of bittern of the five spices. Small making up the person that reach the home to come back from the other place every time must buy two to satisfy a craving for delicious food. Suit go with wine, 0 mouths, salty weak moderate, gentle not dry.

Sweet clew: Passed everyday not much at 3 o'clock afternoon, breakfast goes oh.

[face of Hua Xingjie omelette]

Cross dish of Zuo city that lane child did not have in the past much further arrive face of Hua Xing omelette. Of certain point is " tomato omelette face " , the omelette because of their home

Very loose, fine fine dried noodles very tasty. Tie-in element mixes cold dish, great " contented " .

Sweet clew: This inn does business 24 hours, so you can choose any moment patronage.

Unplug careless the 2nd station: Fu Dejie stands

Unplug careless the 3rd, the 4th: Piece river snail of barbecue, 3 elder brother

[piece barbecue]

" " be in Chengdu word " aunt " meaning. This piece of temperament is not quite good, but the barbecue dish of her home is tasted very fresh, 5 flowers of the qualification

The flesh and beef are best-selling. This year, outside cafeteria wants to look for such a few conscience businessmen to tell the truth: Difficult. Feel us every eat outside

The meal is using him intestines and stomach and life are betting.

[river snail of 3 elder brother]

See storefront really very much time felt, the net is passed is " in Chengdu fly eating house battleplan " . These actually not important, small make up do recommending is to read taste

Path and businessman conscience.

What river snail of 3 elder brother had better eat is actually: Crayfish. Ha, is Jing not surprizing? Outside meaning? Actually not bad, chengdu river snail, crayfish sells a lot of restaurant together, it call what inn the name is not important to call what inn the name. Crayfish goes first, build is breathed out not quite, cannot mix outside the sort of price is expensive and sell crayfish technically than. The key depends on: The crayfish of home of river snail of 3 elder brother special tasty, hot sweet, the little water making up a mouth that piles up a word had dripped to go up to clavier.

Cate is public transportation " string " the cate far more than that rise is small make up mention these, have partial cate nevertheless already " content is person blame " , it is no longer in those days flavour, so small make up also do no longer recommend cough up. Have fun at have time you can take 154 technically to sample entirely of course.

Changeable chaffy dish world, the is worth to sample chaffy dish of Chengdu firm refresh is recommended

Recommended Chengdu cate how to can get a grand opera less " chaffy dish " . Chengdu chaffy dish is good thousands of, this disappear the other party is chief, perform all sorts of play codes by turns. Sale is made in Chengdu, especially the companionate it may be said of new media sale is not to have place need not its extremely, sum up a word that is sure be " think less than mixing without us impracticable " .

And sale just publicizes a measure one kind after all, most the most important still is to should be returned to " character " . Small make up commendatory chaffy dish, with " dish tastes character + taste + environment + service " for the basis, for nonlocal friends spare time, the intestines and stomach that not takes oneself and life go " do a test " .

Recommend TOP1. Chaffy dish of charcoal fire of bright phlogistic ·

Fixed position: Inaugurator of fresh foods chaffy dish, first do not have aspic goods chaffy dish

Dish tastes character: ★ of ★ of ★ ★ ★

Taste: ★ of ★ of ★ ★ ★

Environment: ★ of ★ ★ ★

Service: ★ of ★ ★ ★

Referenced average per capita: 96 yuan or so

Door inn address: The Chengdu City looks at 116 to make the same score a street into China area (Tian Xiang edifice)

Recommend dish to taste: Abdomen of bright hair of chicken of beautiful rubber of live body vegetable, gold, buffalo, highest grade

Yellow larynx of bowel of Xian E of crab flesh club, wet Shan, Bostonian big langouste, little pig

This inn is in 2018 also is quite arrogant last year, it is many better that practice did not draw countrywide each district to half an year join in business joins in. Opened 2 store in Chengdu allegedly recently, 2 inn still are on the side of registered office, it is true! The net passes a boss to alleviate the client queues up for a long time to wait for a time too long, so the decision opens 2 store by registered office, such deadbeat need not be used etc too long can sample the fresh foods chaffy dish of his home.

Must say this boss very breath out attentively. One of characteristic of inn: Into doorknob deadbeat most dozen of boiler that care about make oil ah this kind of operation is placed in receive a bright grade, the spot calls pot, burden of what look as clear as dayly. Mother also need not fear we eat again " saliva is oily " , " ground channel is oily " . Clear! Let deadbeat appropriate appropriate be at ease!

The food that says their home tastes character first-rate, because,also be doorway those a few bright archives. Seafood, fresh pork, vegetable is direct show a dot to be cut now from bright archives revealed. When season live body vegetable is on dish wearing, still taking clay fragrance, ourselves was chosen clean to clerk go off with, came true truly " go up directly from vegetable plot mensal " .

The dish that this inn is worth to be recommended is tasted honest a bit much, among them another big characteristic: Still can eat Hong Kong in this inn " beautiful rubber chicken " , those who use is the chicken taking the land that controls one year adds classy fish glue, very good to child of pregnant woman old person. Small make up go nodding one boiler to spend rubber chicken to add chaffy dish of one boiler red boiler surely every time, it is native goes almost of this inn " mark matchs " . Go eating to know, did not add any additive to perhaps promote those little farfetched things. The weather is cold, as it happens drinks chaffy dish of soup, rinse...

Recommend TOP2. Boil of the · in inside and outside is abandoned

Slogan: Do not cross fireworks of one boiler world / chaffy dish of fete of high-end business affairs

Dish tastes character: ★ of ★ of ★ ★ ★

Taste: ★ of ★ ★ ★

Environment: ★ of ★ of ★ ★ ★

Service: ★ of ★ of ★ ★ ★

Referenced average per capita: 147 yuan or so

Door inn address: Road of glow of dwell of area of Hou of fierce of the Chengdu City adds 41-42 name 46 numbers

Recommend dish to taste: Bright hair abdomen, boil abandons a waist piece, cake of chaffy dish footing (dot

Heart) , bowel of ice hockey goose, big airlines (duck tongue)

This is in 2019 new year's day section a few days ago the chaffy dish inn of strong start business, small making up is the grass that be planted by its environment. Go unplugging careless still harvested taste accidentally unexpectedly that day

Taste with dish place dish Jing is colourful.

Say an environment first. The net passed this inn to prepare more than one year, cost 700 much. Still thinking from doorway at first sight is hotel of class of a 5 stars, never think however inside see a new world. Antique wash is on wall, the Ruyabo that those who reveal is Chinese culture is big. The inlaid below the floor is " Suzhou gardens " miniature landscape, one pace one scene especially delicate. One desk one chair, one brick covers with tiles is custom-built, see heart of case external use everywhere. Whole environment is used " low-key and costly have intention " appearance is most apt.

Say taste again, belong to typical Sichuan chaffy dish, won't resemble Chongqing chaffy dish so massiness and dry hot. Flavour gentle not dry, oily and not be bored with. Recommend red boiler oh, nonlocal friend must try red boiler to Chengdu, this inn drop is small hot you can be accepted.

Say to place then dish. Small make up what also had had many chaffy dish, see for the first time place with fresh fruit dish chaffy dish inn. You can feel, this dish of dish is not wasteful, every element is proper. The space that has chaffy dish will nod fresh fruit embellish, particularly comfortable. Be worth what carry is, every dishes of fruit that match is not quite identical still. Be being mixed to the child is a too wonderful thing really for the lady.

Final warmth hints, the Dou Ting between this inn bag is big, the desktop also compares store of general chaffy dish should nod greatly. Quiet, capacious, delicate have intention, atmosphere of business affairs fete is particularly good. Their home sweetmeats also has distinguishing feature quite, recommend " chaffy dish footing " cake.

Recommend TOP3. Great clever chaffy dish (size alley child inn)

Slogan: Life of one boiler Gong Yan is great clever

Characteristic: The tunnel in scene area is delicate, the Sichuan culture in chaffy dish

Dish tastes character: ★ ★ ★

Taste: ★ ★ ★

Environment: ★ ★ ★

Service: ★ of ★ ★ ★

Referenced average per capita: 132 yuan or so

Door inn address: Alley of size of area of black sheep of the Chengdu City child on courtyard of 11 inside and outside (be apart from the subway D1 of station of park of 2 lines people exports 470 meters)

Recommend dish to taste: Fertilizer of Australia S class is arrogant, big clever abstain abdomen of wool of old bean curd, highest grade

Big clever several branches travel in Chengdu gold resort, of course size alley child more cannot little ah. Person of very much old Chengdu does not like to have chaffy dish in scene area too actually, themselves feels frame-up, person much. Actually big clever so much year come, feed material and footing very let a person be at ease. Their characteristic still depends on very the taste of friend of attend to other place, because of their home boiler bottom taste chooses to want many a little bit, no matter where you come from, always bottom of a boiler suits you.

Another the biggest characteristic is big clever every night " local characteristic show " . Time is not very long, but the suddenly turn hostile of the performance, Sichuan opera is very wonderful, like even local very much.

Overall for, big clever the brand of old chaffy dish that belongs to Chengdu, dish is tasted and taste is medium the quadrature in compasses, it basically is gotten the better of in that particularly wonderful performance and gold travel resort lively and convenient. Can let an other place truly here the flavour that the friend experiences Sichuan, that is " chaffy dish + Sichuan opera " .

Have chaffy dish, in wide exhibit alley child front courtyard of idle of resort of other perhaps travel strolls, listening to hover to be in scene area the moving music in the sky, look at roadside " cupreous person " modelling commutation, perhaps stop the beautiful singing of actor of edge audition a street... the characteristic that did not forget to experience Xiasichuanren again " draw out ear " service... wow, all over crisp bright!

Everybody says Chengdu is " of cate " , more than of course these cate are recommended. Modern has begun to be paid attention to particularly " healthy, preserve one's health " , on the way that seeking healthy preserve one's health even nearly " slashing " the ground goes after taste, can you do? Of course can! But! Who be can! This is sure the craftsmanship of the character that particularly special test feeds material itself and businessman + conscience. Doesn't the businessman seek profit but can? Impossible of course, but can Balance, go with belief and pursuit Balance. This is small the distinction that makes up smallness businessman and home of have trade relations of one numerous general.

This period cate recommends here, below period with small make up one case " 2019, ramble eat Chengdu remote antiquity in " . We, the come across in remote antiquity. Thank
