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3、执行随机任务。没什么难度,主要是为了上手,跟着画面提示的目标点移动就可以,熟悉武器一环分3个环节,分别为一号抢,2号抢,手雷。手雷可以在边上的仓库里拿。默认换抢是“[ ]”2键,扔雷是G,可以在游戏设置里更改。










按原路返回,来到哨所外面,在目标点处安放地雷,和以前一样,走到跟前,出现手掌 提示然后按“E”安放地雷,这时指挥官会对地雷作简要介绍,这种地雷是智能地雷,可以进行敌我识别!因此不用担心,安装完毕后,哨所的门打开,进入哨所准备开启防御!回到哨所补充弹药,然后根据提示来到小屋开启防御,此时外面地雷被激活,虫族开始进攻。出门看到虫族的空军部队和军医同归于尽了,靠,恐怖!这里虫子无限多,被地雷炸死后,一波接一波的进攻,很快地雷就消耗光了。 





Method / measure

The first close: Training closes: Task target:

1, familiar weaponry;

2, with; of air man meeting

3, execute random mission. Difficulty of it doesn't matter, basically be for begin, the eye punctuation shift that follows picture clew is OK, one annulus divides familiar weapon 3 link, grab for respectively, 2 are grabbed, antitank grenade. Antitank grenade can be taken in the storehouse on the edge. Acquiesce is changed grabbing is " [] " 2 key, throwing thunder is G, can change in game setting.

The 2nd close: Staging post: Task target:

1, razzia staging post;

2, take power source;

3, open defends net. Difficulty is not tall also, begin to follow target clew to find a flying officer, he can take you to cross a region that is blocked by firepower of bug of prepare Chinese medicine by roasting it in a panbig gun, follow clew to find another flying officer again next, after waiting for scamper to open a fence, begin attack, enemy amount is very much, it is small bug nevertheless, a gun is solved easily. Because 1 is grabbed,do not need an ammunition, recommend so use, it is good that the attention does not want overheat, advance slowly next reduce staging post with respect to OK. When basement takes power supply, the last want scamper to drop dish of gas canister bottle to be able to go in. It is OK also to still have a place scamper leaves, go in take 4 canister gun, because,had better take from the back helpful.

It is the most difficult to this closing is here probably, engineer comes out to be able to take you to look for socket after taking good power supply, after finding, he is met first open electrical outlet, you should protect him, if he died with respect to Gameover. Open hind inserts electrify source quickly. Clew presses E, like be being caught next, insert 3 with respect to pass a barrier. Those who want an attention is, the local enemy measure that inserts power source is very much, rely on your person basically to hit, if have canister,so the word that grab is met a bit more relaxed, one gun. Canister is grabbed have kind of 2 kinds of attack the first kind is used up to atttack an ammo commonly 1, ammo of the attack of the 2nd kind of right key that start is used up 5, the 2nd kind is to make do form a pile use when the enemy.

The 3rd close: Target of job of station of the 29th advance guard:

1, the safe; that assures guard

2, the defense force; that strengthens guard

3, defend guard until be rescued, this closing at the beginning by airborne to a fastness, the task is the help defends, the first batch of aggression can be solved very easily. Next the job should look for landmine newlier, the ammo complements in preexistence fastness, follow clew to move next, a brave and strong person of bug a group of things with common features is laid with 2 guns on the road, because a gun cannot penetrate of Trojan protect armour. Come to the valley of joyous hill of an all sides, there is a large hole among, cargo ship debris is below, it is OK to there is an ammo all round debris supply, there are 2 cases in front is a target, the meeting after taking landmine hears speech clew, leave here rapidly, at this moment can a lot of enemies are attacked to you come over, can on the spot searchs covering solved the enemy again ongoing, the enemy is very much but not be infinite.

Return by former road, come to the outside of guard, mine is placed in eye punctuation place, with before, go in front of, occurrence palm clew is pressed next " E " place mine, at this moment the commander can make brief introducing to landmine, thunder of this cultivate land is intelligent landmine, can have identification friend or foe! Because this need not worry, after installation ends, the door of guard is opened, enter guard to prepare open defence! Return guard complement ammo, come to hut open defence according to clew next, right now outside landmine is activationed, bug a group of things with common features begins attack. Go out see the air unit of bug a group of things with common features and surgeon perish together, lean, be horrible! Here insect is infinite much, after be being died by mine blast, one receives aggression, immediately thunder uses up light.  

Assist teammate to defend, crossed insect a little while to defend with respect to meeting breakthrough, a lot of insect can climb guard interior, look be not defended, need somebody goes down to recourse with radio, predator shows martial prowess again, go down to be stood by to communication tower, can appear right now connection, it is certain to stand in communication tower the communication inside limits the meeting is ongoing all the time, after finishing, can finish recourse.   

Rescuing conveyor start off, need nevertheless first dry bug a group of things with common features air unit, give conveyor clear the way! Time right now begin to want to be in 2 minutes inside, kill the air man of bug a group of things with common features, get on chirp building, take machine gun to be opposite mow in sky, ah, the contrail of insect is fixed, clear away very easily, a few insect are bad finally to make do, they won't dive, look for an opportunity to hit be measured ahead of schedule!

Dry is all insect air force, conveyor is about to arrive, assist teammate to defend! At this moment underground appears giant tank bug (commander and air man all ask) of bug of your dry tank, come down from ladder, on of right defend platform, tank bug begins to atttack guard, very fast outfit defeated a gate, the craven soldier of begin runs from barracks, made of baked clay, was become by the baked wheaten cake of tank bug spray grey! The task upgrades, kill tank insect. The weakness of tank bug is in the head, with automatic musket + antitank grenade is OK dry he (the rifle grenade that uses 3 guns is OK also) , if ammo inadequacy can go infinite caisson supply, the bug that the attention mounts from the side a group of things with common features army!

上一篇:美食加盟店靠谱吗? 小吃加盟店排行榜?英文双语对照