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 10 北京孔庙





  9 德阳孔庙




  8 浙江衢州孔庙



  7 四川资中文庙

  资中文庙在资中县城北门外,占地7035平方米,建筑面积2191平方米。主体建筑及布局仿山东曲阜孔庙,灵星门、大成门、大成殿排列于南北中轴线上,东西厢房、钟楼、鼓楼、乡贤祠、名宦祠对称分布两侧。 庙中竖有清康熙手书《四书大景》、明成化年间《重修文庙碑》两碑,字迹清晰,有较高的艺术价值。资中文庙为四川省文物保护单位。

  6 哈尔滨文庙


  5 德庆孔庙


  广东 肇庆市 德庆孔庙是我国南方现存最古老、规模最大、最具特色的孔庙,德庆孔庙始建于北宋大中祥符四年(公元1011年),重建于元大德元年(公元1297年),整个庙以南北为中轴,分左、中、右三路建筑群,占地面积一万平方米,建筑面积将近五千平方米(4889?O)。其中大成殿和仰圣园更是特色显著,被誉为我们孔庙的两岸大镇庙之宝。


  4 河北正定文庙



  3 云南建水文庙



  2 台南孔庙建庙


  1 曲阜孔庙



10 Beijing Confucian temple


Beijing Confucian temple only then built 1302 (Yuan Dade 6 years) , 1306 (great mind 10 years) build, take shape. 1530 (fine Jing Jiunian) build Chong Sheng ancestral temple, use at forefathers of consecrate Confucius the Five Dynasties. 1906 (Guang Xusan 12 years) extend becomes a hall greatly, confucian temple only then into the dimensions now. In 700 old long histories, become here yuan, bright, clear 3 generation are gubernatorial honour aperture Chong Ru, advocate Jiaohua, advocate the sacred place that prevails article arteries and veins, also become numerous records to be in the hall of the scholar pay homage to of the scholarly honour and official rank.

This group comparing the Imperial Palace returned the royal ancient building with ages ago time to condense marrow of chiliad Confucianist culture, caky one paragraph hundreds years boundless the road of imperial examinations.

The first time that Beijing Confucian temple had 50 years coming in April 2005 is large-scale reparative, this reparative mix formerly with Gu Jianfu safeguard give priority to, resume the building dimensions of clear generation and pattern.

9 heart in relief Confucian temple


Be located in De Yang the street austral downtown. Confucian temple weighs Wen Miao again, it is the temple word that hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to Confucius. Dimensions the De Yangkong temple with baronial, grand imposing manner is our country southwest save a Confucian temple with complete, the largest scale.

Heart in relief Confucian temple only then build at the Southern Song Dynasty to open happiness 2 years (the Christian era 1206) , bright generation, clear generation ever rebuilt, add build for many times. The pattern that existent Confucian temple is Qing Daoguang 30 years. Outside dividing grand Confucian temple ancient edifice to be able to be seen for watching, confucius of big Cheng Dianyou, 4 match, 12 sagacious statue is displayed and Kongli musical instrument displays hold a memorial ceremony for, thing house has aperture door child 72 virtuous display, confucius life is displayed. Open to tourist all the year round, begin a tourist guide to explain, souvenir of photography, travel sells wait for a service. Still perform happy dance of aperture of archaize hold a memorial ceremony for.

8 Zhejiang thoroughfare city Confucian temple

This building is located in thoroughfare hill of government office of city urban district is street new bridge street, one of temple of home of two aperture family name that the whole nation puts only, element weighs Na Zong, protect an unit for countrywide key cultural relic. Whole ancient structure group solemn and respectful dignified, be permeated with full-bodied Confucianist culture atmosphere.

According to historical data account, last years of a dynasty or reign of Northen Song Dynasty, invade south Jin Bing, compose of Song Gaozong Zhao is brash Na Du, found a capital is installed at facing, the 48th Dai Yisun aperture carries Confucius friendly, the model wood of negative Confucius and Confucius madam resembles, leave Shandong music to mound, south change so far, imperial order builds temple of home of aperture family name after, for ancestral temple.

Temple of Chinese of 7 four travelling expenses

Endowment Chinese temple is in endowment in outside county north door, cover an area of 7035 square metre, floor area 2191 square metre. Main body building reachs Qu Fu Confucian temple of layout copy Shandong, clever star door, big on the axes in becoming north and south of rank of the door, big platoon that become a hall, thing wing-room, belfry, drum-tower, countryside semmetry of ancestral temple of eunuch of virtuous ancestral temple, name distributings two side. The vertical stroke in temple has Qing Kangxi write in one's own hand " great respect of the four Books (The Great Learning,The Doctrine of the Mean,The Analects of Confucius and Mencius) " , bright into change year " weigh Xiu Wenmiao tablet " two tablet, handwriting clarity, have higher artistic value. Endowment Chinese temple protects an unit for Sichuan province cultural relic.

6 Harbin article temple

Harbin article temple, only then built 1926, build 1929, it is the Confucian temple that the whole nation is existent the last building; The building construction of Harbin article temple is north and south to 3 into compound, the ancient construction of copy clear pattern that is a model group, build at 1926-1929 year (the Republic of China comes 15 years 18 years) , cover an area of a face to accumulate 25000 square metre, floor area 5674 square metre, it is Heilongjiang province area the biggest, save grade of the most in good condition, building the temple that plan of highest, building makes a the most complete sacred Confucius.

5 heart celebrate Confucian temple


Guangdong cause celebrates city heart to celebrate Confucian temple is our country south existent the oldest, dimensions the biggest, Confucian temple that has distinguishing feature most, de Qingkong temple only then build at Northen Song Dynasty big in auspicious Fu Sinian (the Christian era 1011) , rebuild at Yuan Dade the first year of an era or the reign of an emperor (the Christian era 1297) , whole temple is with north and south in axis, cent is left, medium, right 3 buildings group, cover an area of a face to accumulate 10 thousand square metre, floor area near 5000 square metre (4889? O) . Becoming hall and Yang Shengyuan greatly among them is characteristic more remarkable, the two sides that is known as our Confucian temple presses down the treasure of temple greatly.

De Qingkong temple is called national gem, with ancient, strange, male, thick 4 big characteristics and for common people commend.

4 Heibei are deciding Wen Miao


Deciding Wen Miao to be located in province of Chinese upper Heibei to deciding prefectural town into the hall greatly inside, it is China existent the earliest Wen Miao becomes a hall greatly. 1933, appraisal of Mr Liang Saicheng is involuntary discharge of urine of period of the Five Dynasties to put. According to " China scenic spot dictionary " and " China is pulled get the better of " account waiting for a book, shandong Qu Fu Confucian temple is existent become into Dian Weiming greatly change and repair again between clear Yong Zhengnian. Government of Heibei province people announced prefectural article temple to be Heibei to save key cultural relic to protect an unit into the hall greatly 1956. Wen Miao is worn into the bridge inside the hall greatly, dougong, provided valuable objective data to study the form of component of inchoate building wood is made.

3 Yunnan build hydrology temple


This building only then build Yu Yuanchao to yuan 22 years, already had 700 old histories up to now. Experience is acting 50 for many times extend is added long, cover an area of an area to already achieved 76 thousand square metre, its are existent level of dimensions, building and save whole level, be next to Shandong Qu Fu Confucian temple and Beijing Confucian temple, in the be among the best of candidates in temple of countrywide large article. Protect an unit for countrywide key cultural relic.

The 2 Confucian temple austral the stage build temple

Between past years of Yu Mingyong of this building completion, it is the first Confucian temple that complete Taiwan builds, also be the first when after Zheng becomes result recover Taiwan, build in Taiwan advanced institution of higher learning, quiet day initial stage is the place of enter a school of full stage Tong Sheng for a time, because this also weighs full stage head learn. Have " completely stage head learns " say. Because be before this, taiwan teachs establishment without any normaller China culture (for instance of and so on of private school, school) , accordingly, of the Confucian temple austral the stage build a sign move scholar learns make one's bow Taiwan, become Taiwan to teach a on phylogeny important milestone.

1 Qu Fu Confucian temple

Qu Fu city is the absurd virgin soil of Confucius, confucian temple (this temple) be located in south city of Shandong province Qu Fu inside the door, it is the temple of the first sacred Confucius, it is to distributing to wait for a country in China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore, United States the beginning of temple of many 2000 Confucius and model for painting.
