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1. 健身可以通过臂力拉伸运动、俯卧撑等加强肌肉锻炼,燃烧手臂脂肪,达到减肥效果。

2. 长期坚持是关键:手臂减肥需要长期坚持健身,才能达到较好的效果。

3. 抽脂是快速减肥的方法:如果无法坚持健身,可以考虑到正规医疗机构抽脂减肥,效果会比较快。


1 有必要单独训练手臂2 因为手臂是人体的主要肌肉之一,在健身中扮演着重要的角色。而有些练习以及绝大部分的基本运动都需要手臂的支撑力和力量。3 如果你想在某些方面认真健身,比如体重训练、铁人三项等,那么手臂的训练是必不可少的。同时,也应该注意手臂肌肉的均衡发展,避免单方面练习导致肌肉失衡。


1. 手臂受伤后仍然可以进行健身。2. 尽管手臂受伤会限制一些动作和重量的使用,但仍然可以通过调整训练计划和选择适合的运动来进行健身。可以选择以下半身为主的运动,如跑步、踏步机、划船机等,以保持整体身体的健康和耐力。同时,可以进行一些针对其他部位的训练,如腹肌、背部和腿部的锻炼,以保持全身肌肉的平衡和力量。3. 此外,手臂受伤期间也可以进行一些康复性的训练,如进行手臂的伸展和屈曲运动,以促进受伤部位的康复和恢复。同时,可以进行一些轻量级的手臂训练,如使用较轻的哑铃或弹力带进行肩部和手臂的锻炼,以帮助加速康复过程。4. 在进行健身时,一定要注意听从医生或康复师的建议,并避免过度使用受伤的手臂,以免造成进一步的伤害。同时,保持良好的姿势和正确的运动技巧也是非常重要的,以避免对其他部位的过度压力和伤害。



锻炼方法如下: 第一组瘦手臂动作: 手握哑铃,身体向前倾,并且双膝慢慢弯曲,记住背要挺直,不要弓着。双臂伸直,然后向后拉,使哑铃与胸部平齐,双臂紧贴身体,背部一直保持挺直状态,不能弓。双臂慢慢伸直回到最开始的状态,这就完成了一个拍。1分钟内尽量多多来回做几个拍,越多越好。第二组瘦手臂动作: 双脚张开站立,距离同肩宽;拿起哑铃,手心朝下,从前面举起哑铃,使其高度与肩膀平齐,手心向前,手肘弯曲成90度角。双臂继续向上举,让肘部可以伸直,举过头顶。慢慢返回到起始位置(手肘弯曲成90度角)。一分钟内反反复复多做几下,越多越好。第三组瘦手臂动作:手拿哑铃,面朝上躺在瑜伽垫上。手臂向上举起,胳膊肘是直的,但不要绷直。双臂慢慢朝脑袋两侧放下来,哑铃到达瑜伽垫时,手肘弯曲成90度角。抬起手臂恢复到起始位置,这就是一个拍。1分钟内尽量多多来回做几个拍,越多越好。但是开始得循序渐进,坚持下来一个礼拜后所有疲劳感就消失了,不然肌肉产生乳酸会让你会觉得不舒服!




1. 酸痛感一般会在几天内消除。

2. 健身后出现酸痛感是因为肌肉在运动时产生了微小的撕裂,身体会通过修复这些撕裂来适应运动负荷,所以会出现酸痛感。


3. 如果想加速酸痛感的消除,可以进行轻度的拉伸和放松运动,也可以使用热敷或按摩来促进血液循环和肌肉修复。









Fitness, arm force is too weak, how experienced?

Experienced humerus bicipital phase, also do not forget experienced humerus triceps. Surround degree of growth from the muscle of face of positive and negative of the arm, very fast arm is surrounded degree can increase. Weight chooses the greatest weight of apt 75%-85% , it is a group with 5 or so, 3-4 group. The push-up of Fit is crash training class, can drill not only bosom, also can drill the arm thes upper arm triceps. Can learn inside from the simplest movement, enter step by step rank to standard push-up. Can train this one course repeatedly.

Fitness, does the arm arrive axillary is there streak?

Should be to grow grain, after fitness, muscle expands, bring about what maintain the skin, need not be in charge of, not be ill, those who do not have a thing, gymnastical person is major some.

Fitness, the arm is thick, but effort is very little, for wool? How is need experienced?

After 1 balloon aerates, plunge into broken, a truth

2 need had laid the foundation, practice is bare-handed, appliance training decreases

Is fitness OK thin arm?


1.Fitness can pass muscle drawing motion, push-up to wait strengthen muscle to take exercise, combustion arm is adipose, achieve result reducing weight.

2.Holding to for a long time is crucial: Arm need reducing weight holds to fitness for a long time, ability achieves better result.

3.Smoking fat is the method that reduces weight quickly: If cannot hold to fitness, can smoke fat to reduce weight considering normal medical establishment, the effect will be faster.

Does fitness want experienced arm?

1 be necessary to train an arm alone 2 because the arm is one of main muscle of human body, important role is being acted in fitness. And the moves basically to need an arm force propping up of some exercises and majority and force. 3 if you think the in some way is serious fitness, for instance weight training, iron man-a person of exceptional physical and moral strength wait 3 times, so the training of the arm is indispensable. In the meantime, also should notice arm sarcous is balanced development, avoid one-sided to practice bringing about muscle unbalance.

Did the arm get hurt how fitness?

1.Fitness still can undertake after the arm gets hurt. 2. Although the arm gets hurt,can restrict the use of a few movements and weight, but the motion that still can pass tone to whole training plans and choose to suit will undertake fitness. Can choose the motion that gives priority to personally partly below, like machine of ran, footfall, row machine, in order to retain the health of integral body and staying power. In the meantime, can undertake a few training that are aimed at other position, those who be like abdominal muscle, back and leg ministry take exercise, in order to retain systemic sarcous balance and power. 3. In addition, the training of sex of a few rehabilitation also can undertake during the arm gets hurt, if have the extend of the arm and inflectional campaign, get hurt in order to promote to recover and restore of place. In the meantime, the arm that can have a few lightweight trains, if use lighter dumbbell or bounce to take those who have humeral ministry and arm to take exercise, accelerate rehabilitation process in order to help. 4. When undertaking fitness, must notice to comply with the proposal of doctor or rehabilitation division, avoid the arm that overspend gets hurt, lest cause farther harm. In the meantime, maintaining good posture and correct athletic skill also is very important, in order to avoid the excessive pressure of pair of other position and harm.

What fitness equipment reduces an arm?

Small dumbbell is the gymnastical equipment that suits thin arm most, mat of a piece of gem gal and pound of a pair of 5-8 (about 4.5-7.3 jin) heavy dumbbell can loosen gently the meat of small go to live in the household of one's in-laws on getting married that the pine reduces an arm to go up.

Exercise a method to be as follows: Movements of the first group of thin arms: The hand grasps dumbbell, the body is forward bend, and double genu bends slowly, remember the back wants straight, do not want bend to wear. Double arm unbend, pull backward next, make dumbbell and bosom smooth neat, double arm tightens close-fitting system, back holds erect position all the time, cannot bend. Double arm slowly unbend is returned most initial position, this finished to pat. Inside 1 minute as far as possible great do a few to pat back and forth, had jumped over more more. Movements of the 2nd group of thin arms: Double foot is stretched stand, the distance is the same as shoulder breadth; Take dumbbell, control is gadarene, the face raised dumbbell once upon a time, make its are made the same score with shoulder highly neat, control is forward, elbow bends 90 degrees of horn. Double arm continues to be lifted up, make elbow OK unbend, had lifted the top of head. Return position of rest slowly (elbow bends 90 degrees of horn) . Relapse instead inside a minute answer do a few times more, had jumped over more more. Movements of the 3rd group of thin arms: The hand takes dumbbell, lie on gem gal mat on look out. The arm is raised up, arm ancon is straight, but do not stretch tight straight. Double arm slowly toward the head two side are put, when dumbbell arrives at gem gal to fill up, elbow bends 90 degrees of horn. Raise an arm to restore position of rest, this is patted namely. Inside 1 minute as far as possible great do a few to pat back and forth, had jumped over more more. But begin to get successive, insist to come down all fatigue feeling after a chapel disappeared, otherwise muscle produces lactic acid to be able to let you can feel uncomfortable!

How to drill in gym arm?

Inclined dumbbell turn is lifted on, on the bench that Fu body bends over to be controlled for 45 degrees in dip angle, abdomen sticks close bench surface, bend one's knees of double leg departure, double foot steps on the ground, both hands grasps dumbbell to hang down each at body before, the centre of the palm is forward, maintain body stability, maintain big arm to be not moved, the upper arm 2 flesh send force to drive small arm to be bent up lift to oneself behavioral acme acme stops a bit, contractive humerus 2 flesh, control rate actively next, in maintain premise of big arm immobile to fall slowly reductive.

How long does ache of novice fitness arm restore?

1.Acerbity keenly feel can be commonly inside a few days eliminate.

2.Because muscle arose to be torn off tinily when motion,acerbity keenly feel appearing after fitness is, the body can pass repair these avulsion will get used to athletic bear, so meeting occurrence ache feels.

This process needs time, because this is acerbity,keenly feel won't disappear immediately.

3.If think those who quicken acerbity keenly feel to eliminate, can undertake longitudinal drawing is mixed loosen motion, also can use hot compress or massage will promote haemal circulation and muscle rehabilitate.

In the meantime, increase athletic intensity and frequency gradually, let the body get used to athletic bear gradually, also can reduce what ache feels to appear.

Why can gymnastical room arm coarsen?

Above all, adipose cannot change into sarcous, it is the form of two kinds of existence completely.

Used up adipose ability to be able to look only thin, train ability to be able to let an arm become through force only be full of muscle, look more chunk, stronger.

After training through force so, the arm coarsens, it is very normal thing, this also is the result that major power trains and purpose.

If you undertake oxygen trains having only (like ran) and do not undertake force trains, the arm won't coarsen.

Unless belly-worship motion is measured not group, bestrewed above the arm adipose, can coarsen.
