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厦门烧肉粽是闽南派的肉粽代表,属于闽菜系,是一道美味可口的名点。粽子品种较多,咸粽、豆粽、甜粽、肉粽等,数厦门肉粽比较有名。厦门的烧肉粽历史悠久,具有香甜嫩滑、油润不腻、色泽红黄闪亮等特点,所谓 ” 烧肉粽 “,就是要趁热而食的粽子,叫人忍不住品尝。热吃更具风味。




Face of Xiamen sanded tea

Sanded tea face is Xiamen is famous and fastfood, belong to a Fujian dish is fastfood kind. Its Shang Segong is bright, mouthfeel Xian Xianxiang is hot, the wonderful part of sanded tea face depends on a prescription for a medical decoction, sauce of the tea that use sand is boiled make thick stiff sweet-scented sanded tea hoosh, face of the oil austral tie-in Fujian, the complementary stuff that likes to eat plus oneself -- blood of circle of bean products, shrimp, squid, large intestine, rice, scalloped pork or lamb kidneys. Like to eat hot young associate to still can drench hot oil of on one small spoon, taste taste is sweet hot tangy, good indolence is fast.

Xiamen thin pancake

Xiamen thin pancake renown spring roll, spring pancake, it is the local name dot of Xiamen tradition, thin pancake is to use face portfolio to wrapping various dish to use, advocate makings Li of silk of bamboo shoot, bean sprouts, beans doing, egg, cruelly oppress, shelled fresh shrimps, diced meat, carrot, sea waits. Among them beans dry silk is finer better, when deepfry, can absorb the juice such as fish, flesh, shrimp, make cake skin unapt be hit by the soup juice in stuffing wet destroy.

Earthy bamboo shoot freezes

The characteristic tradition gust of the beautiful of all of a kind of lubricious fragrance that aspic of earthy bamboo shoot is the one belt austral Fujian, earthy bamboo shoot renown Tu Sun, it is contained colloid, advocate raw material is a kind of worm, reside siphon-worm animal door, height 2, 3 inches. Through infusion, bug body place contains colloid dissolve to enter water in, refrigeration hind condenses into lump namely, its flesh is clear, delicious pleasant is bright. Match Chengdu of superior soy, mature vinegar, garlic. It is the season cate that wintry spring part takes south extensive Fujian originally, had all the year round now. Nevertheless, some small companionate estimation cannot accept this kind " sea bug " cate.

Scamper the five spices

The five spices coils is the tradition austral Fujian fastfood, mouthfeel small Xian Tian, wrap with special fabaceous skin on the flesh of essence of life of chop, water chest nut (horse's hoof) , green, the bag becomes spring roll state, issue boiler deepfry again. Ripe hind cut paragraph, dip in makings take food, that calls a sweet crisp, fragile delicacy, wonderful. When eating cooked wheaten food, also can add the five spices to coil, add unique special flavor.

Xiamen cover line is burnt

Cover line papers traceable spring city, the gust that is mansion spring and Taiwan area is fastfood. Show mushy, tick off Gorgon euryale to make by pink of fine cover line, pachyrhizus and become, can become breakfast, late food. Bubble deep-fried twisted dough sticks eats, it is the most classical have a way. Flavour is delicious, qing Tianshuang slips, have local color of the place austral Fujian.

Earthnut soup

Earthnut soup is Xiamen gust distinctive sweet Shang Jia is nodded, groundnut is crisp sodden not broken, the soup of milky white is lubricious, qing Dynasty is sweet tastily, nourishing embellish lung. Basically feeding capable person is earthnut, egg, rock candy. The inn of soup of Huang Zehe earthnut near Zhongshan road is provided relatively representative, be apart from today 50 old histories are attracting ab extra guest, fame is outer.

Taro bag

Xiamen tradition name is fastfood -- taro child bag, it is Xiamen older generation a cate that the person spends the New Year to eat surely. It is makings of the stuffing on portfolio with taro, go up again boiler evaporate is ripe. Stuffing makings contains pork, shelled fresh shrimps, Xianggu mushroom, winter bamboo shoots, water chest nut to wait for a filar stuffing makings. Can dip in when edible sweet sauce of thick chili sauce, sanded tea, flavour is much better.

Xiamen pasty

Xiamen pasty is the characteristic name place that Xiamen has history of hundred years above, belonging to Fujian dish is. But Xian Ketian, taste is various, mouthfeel is sweet crisp, love by deadbeat. Cooky is already sweetened bean taste is stuffing, add bake of lardy, white sugar; Salty cake is already diced meat is stuffing, add place of lardy, white sugar to make. It is Xiamen special local product of one great distinguished place, already flowed to the whole nation and even world.

Xiamen carbonado Zong

Xiamen carbonado Zong is the fleshy Zong delegate of the clique austral Fujian, belonging to Fujian dish is, be together delicate and nice renown place. Zhongzi breed is more, salty Zong, beans Zong, sweet Zong, flesh Zong, zong of several Xiamen flesh is famouser. The carbonado Zong history of Xiamen is long, have sweet tender slippery, fat profit not red Huang Shan of be bored with, colour and lustre is bright wait for a characteristic, alleged " carbonado Zong " , want to take the advantage of the zhongzi that heat up and feeds namely, call a person to cannot help sampling. Heat eats to have local color more.

Flat eat soup

Flat feed have two kinds of name, north calls dumpling soup, southern common says flat feed, flat flesh. Raw material basically has wonton skin, wring the flesh, Xianggu mushroom, sweet, entrance transforms leather thin meat namely, shang Xian is delicious, flavor is unique, the craft that make is relatively simple also, be loved so by numerous common people.
