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618买新品划算吗? 淘宝新品页面怎么设置主推新品?英文双语对照


618买新品划算吗? 淘宝新品页面怎么设置主推新品?英文双语对照





















首先,就是TCL Q10H的背光分区。它使用了2304分区Mini LED技术,这意味着相当于电视屏幕被分成了2304个独立的、可控的区域,能够实现精准的亮度调节。这项技术可以有效减少局部的光晕、亮度不均等问题,使得画面表现更加清晰、细腻。


接着,是TCL Q10H的峰值亮度和动态对比度。它的峰值亮度高达3000nits,动态对比度达到了3000万:1,这一表现定位在高端水平。对于色彩细节的渲染,暗部亮度的处理,以及整体画面的层次感的呈现,都拥有了较好的表现,使得画面表现更加生动、鲜明。

而TCL Q10H所搭载的屏幕是TCL华星高端A++蝶翼星曜屏,这种屏幕拥有较高的对比度和通透性,能够准确呈现画面的细节,并且在观看时会使人感到更加自然和舒适。同时,它还拥有极低的反射率,而这些特征与常规电视屏幕相比,不知道优秀了多少。当你坐在不同的角度观看时,屏幕依旧能做到画面清晰,这样便能让人可以坐在任意角度观看电视剧,既实用又方便。


此外,TCL Q10H的色域覆盖率非常出色,搭载了量子点Pro 2023技术,实现了98% DCI-P3色域值,ΔE<0.99的色准表现优异,让人在观看中能够更加真实感受到影片丰富真实的色彩。这一特征,对于电影和电视剧的画面呈现都有着至关重要的作用。


最后,TCL Q10H具备全通道4K 144Hz真高刷的刷新率,与向下兼容4K 60Hz和4K 120Hz,向上兼容240Hz的强大处理能力,不论是观赛还是观影都能带来流畅的观感体验。总体来说,体验是非常不错的,不愧是新一代旗舰爆款王。今年618看好它,应该可以稳拿销量冠军,喜欢的闭眼入。














1. "迎接元旦,开启全新旅程!新年新气象,我们为您带来了全新的产品,让您在新的一年里焕发光彩!"

2. "元旦特别献礼!全新产品升级换代,颠覆想象,点燃您的潜能!快来体验更加精彩的新一年!"

3. "元旦倒计时!全新产品即将上线,领略科技的未来,让您在元旦这个特别的日子里迎接全新奇迹!"

4. "元旦开门红!全球首发的新品,引领新的时尚潮流,为您带来独一无二的体验,精彩不容错过!"

5. "元旦狂欢盛宴!全系列新品震撼上市,绚烂奇妙的智能科技与您共舞,让您的新年更加精彩!"

6. "元旦限时特惠!新品重磅推出,给您的新年增添一抹亮色,开启新一年的大放异彩!"

7. "元旦新品上市!更轻更快更强大,重新定义智能体验,让您在新的一年里尽情展现自我!"

8. "元旦创意新品!突破传统,创新突破的设计,为您打造出独一无二的风格,让您的新年焕发别样魅力!"

9. "元旦焕然新生!新品上市,给您带来全新的感受与体验,让您的新年开启无限可能!"

10. "元旦神秘面纱揭晓!全新产品给您带来千万种可能,绽放出新的希望与梦想,在新的一年里翱翔自由!"


One, 618 buy taste be to one's profit newly?

See a product, it is after all 618 shopping section, mobile strength is contained inside, taste newly should a bit more expensive

2, how to clean out treasure to taste a page newly to install advocate push taste newly?

: 1, above all pitch on sells medium mug-up is chosen recommend, the design delimits the name is recommended for shopkeeper, begin to set next reveal advocate commodity, be in namely recommended the others product can appear below these commodity. Advocate design is 10, should choose so popular, advocate the just can have many exposure opportunity that turn.

2, nod next select a product, begin to establish the product that shopkeeper should recommend next, nod the dialog box of the picture next, duplicate the link to input casing, get information, can check below, with this analogize, add the more that should recommend can, nod percussion cloth next, return baby again, can look clearly after all to fell to already what shopkeeper recommends is reveal. Can receive more amounts that browse so.

3, gutty still it is the product that recommends mobile end set associated detail page inside, enter the shop government of computer edition above all, the hand is naughty, will to wireless shop decorate now, dot detail is decorated, can see have a detail government, went in to be able to be revised.

Entered decorate tiring-room, there is baby in right, commendatory module. If there is baby in shop, so it is empty that the baby here is recommended. If consider an edition,recommend so, should clean out treasure to sell a center to release ahead of schedule below. Release normally 5 to 6 baby OK.

4, the dot recommends an editor to have recommend automatically, what recommend by hand is OK free choose goes out to recommend module now in, still can press classification to recommend, somebody enrages an index here, sell like hot cakes is advanced, popular collect advanced, newest release advanced, price lowest is advanced, after still price lowest is in. Also can set indication price interval at the same time. Still can control this module to show an amount.

5, in computer end shows inside, can choose to whether show caption recommends these 4 words namely, it is to show pattern below, normally group reveals 4, return 3 some revealing, and group reveals 3 to not have seam reveal. This can be set according to his style below. Most below it is to whether indicate some of discount value, sell data, and number of accumulative total evaluation still has a comment. Also can set below. It is OK to pick discount price only normally.


3, outside sell a businessman to go up to be tasted newly how is the setting tasted newly?

The businessman sells to go up to taste a setting newly to taste a method newly to be as follows outside

1, opened this hunger edition of businessman edition computer (mobile phone edition also has) , land go in, to the left one has " management " , the dot leaves

2, leave in the dot " management " hind, can appear " dish is tasted " , click " dish is tasted " go in

3, right conference playing role appears " add " blue icon.

4, put the mouse in " add " on, can appear " add classification " " add dish to taste " wait for model of written characters, click " add classification " , add the sort of the product in him inn first, keep name of fine line of the products, the sentence with compact reoccupy is described in order to increase a hit, set good sale time (OK also and direct 24 hours perhaps are not written, anyway shop still has a business hours to be over there) . Next " save " can

5, continue the mouse is put in " add " on, click " add dish to taste " , write good food to taste name, description, price, top right corner uploads the picture of the product even, save again can install tasted newly.

4, 618 took a fancy to TCL to be tasted newly, is Q10H worth to buy? Say for has used friend?

Q10H of this admiral machine is worth TCL buy.

Taste newly after releasing before long, this TV left deep impression to me, be configured outstandingly especially and draw quality performance outstandingly.

Above all, be TCL Q10H be in a poor light divisional. It used technology of 2304 divisional Mini LED, this means those who be equivalent to TV screen be being divided into 2304 to become independent, the area that can control, the brilliance that can achieve essence of life to allow adjusts. This technique can reduce local halation, brightness effectively not equal problem, make picture show more clear, exquisite.


Then, it is the peak value brightness of TCL Q10H and dynamic contrast. Its peak value brightness is as high as 3000nits, dynamic contrast achieved 30 million: 1, fixed position of this one performance is in high-end level. To the apply colours to a drawing of colour detail, the processing of dark ministry brightness, and the administrative levels of integral picture feels appear, had better performance, make picture show more vivid, bright.

And the screen that TCL Q10H place carries is A++ of high end of TCL Hua Xing butterfly ala Xing Yaobing, this kind of screen is had taller contrast and appear a gender, can accurate the detail that presents a picture, and can make when watch the person feels more natural mix comfortable. In the meantime, it still has extremely low reflectivity, and these features and appearance of groovy TV screen are compared, do not know outstanding how many. Sit when different point of view is watched when you, screen can accomplish picture clarity as before, can make a person OK sit in aleatoric angle to watch teleplay so, already practical go to the lavatory again.


In addition, the colour gamut of TCL Q10H is enclothed rate is very outstanding, carried quanta to select Pro 2023 technology, realized value of 98% DCI-P3 colour gamut, the color of 0.99 behaves Δ E < definitely exceedingly good, let a person in be being watched can more sense of reality is abounded true colour by film. This one feature, appear to having crucial effect to the picture of the film and teleplay.


Finally, TCL Q10H has the refresh rate that complete passageway 4K 144Hz brushs really high, with be down compatible 4K 60Hz and 4K 120Hz, up the powerful processing capability of compatible 240Hz, it is to watch contest or view shadow to be able to bring fluent impressions to experience no matter. Overall for, the experience is very pretty good, be worthy of is new generation admiral explodes paragraph king. This year 618 value it, should OK take sales volume champion firmly, like shut an eye to enter.


5, 618 be?

A lot of people think now 618 it is day cat shopping section

6, 618 full name?

The full name of 618 is item of shopping spending of the whole people.

618 most beginning is to point to Beijing the inn east celebrates day, progressively later outspread in be 618 years, close to greatly -- item of shopping spending of the whole people. The businessman uses consumer to hope advantageous caution is thought of, make a bit on the price adjust, appear intentionally shopping forehead and reduce lowest price completely the price difference of 10 less than, plus electric business direct seeding in a limited time of special performance and festival pour timing end, stimulate masses consumption.

7, millet 618 is opening to booking petty gain still 618 petty gain?

Millet 618 open to booking petty gain, because 618 have partial shop to be able to rise in price again first, if be to be in 618 before the commodity that begins to open to booking, basically OK support value is in 618 also won't rise somewhat, opening to booking commodity especially is the appears on the market newly perhaps commodity of a few sell like hot cakes commonly, open to booking the price to be able to last to 618 activities to end all the time, had better be to buy open to booking commodity, because the value is relative stabler, basically can support value

8, does Mcdonald's taste article table newly?

Mcdonald's rolled out a brand-new product recently, the name is " big full the luck to eat sth delicious " . This product is Mcdonald's what roll out first is medium portion formula, it suits those wanting that enjoy more cate particularly but the client that does not want to absorb overmuch calorie again. "Big full the luck to eat sth delicious " the formula includes a fort of hot drumstick of a wheat, potato with a cup of coke. Among them, fort of wheat hot drumstick used brand-new cooking technology, mouthfeel is more delicious, and do not add any antiseptic. The meat stuffing concentration of this hamburger is high grade the flesh is qualitative, collocation is sweet thick Zhi person lettuce of He Shuang mouth, go down to be able to experience rich administrative levels sense and rich Mcdonald's local color readily. In addition, in the potato of portion formula also used with coke feed capable person high qualitily. Potato choose fresh potato, through elaborate cut and cooking, mouthfeel crisp; And coke used distinctive recipe, mouthfeel is more relaxed. As a whole, "Big full the luck to eat sth delicious " the formula lets a client can taste savor more cate not only, also pay attention to health and nutrition more at the same time. Of this product roll out, will gain the favour of more consumer for Mcdonald's undoubtedly.

9, does Mcdonald's taste quantity of heat newly?

Mcdonald's double deck the quantity of heat of Ji Shihan fort (can feed partial plan with 100 grams) it is 266 kilocalorie (1112 1000 anxious) , in moderate of quantity of heat of the unit in congener food. Hamburger belongs to food of a kind of tall caloric. The weight of a hamburger is controlled in 200 grams probably, contain quantity of heat, 1000 kilocalorie. Absorb body inside later, quantity of heat transforms easily adipose, suggest the crowd that reduce weight had better eat hamburger less so.

10, does new year's day taste article table newly?

1." meets new year's day, open is brand-new and itinerary! New Year new atmosphere, we brought brand-new product for you, let you be in one year new li of coruscate glorious! "

2." new year's day is special tribute! Brand-new the product upgrades replacement, overturn imagination, ignite your potential! Will quickly experience more wonderful new a year! "

3." new year's day times! Brand-new product be about to go up line, appreciate the future of science and technology, let you be in new year's day receives completely new mark in this extraordinary time! "

4." new year's day make a good beginning! What global head sends is new article, lead new fashionable trend, bring unique experience for you, wonderful not allow to miss! "

5." new year's day is orgiastic regale! Whole set tastes a shock newly to appear on the market, gorgeous and marvelous intelligence science and technology and you in all dance, the New Year that lets you is more wonderful! "

6." new year's day in a limited time indulgence! Taste heavy pound newly to roll out, the New Year that gives you adds a bright color, open is new a year shine brilliantly! "

7." new year's day is tasted newly appear on the market! Lighter faster more powerful, redefine intelligence experiences, let you show ego to the top of one's bent in a new year! "

8.Originality tastes " new year's day newly! The breakthrough is traditional, the design that innovation breaks through, make an unique style for you, the New Year coruscate that lets you another glamour! "

9." new year's day shine like that new student! Taste newly appear on the market, bring brand-new feeling and experience to you, the New Year open that lets you is infinite and likely! "

10.Mysterious veil announces " new year's day! Brand-new the product brings ten million to plant to you likelihood, blossom a new hope and dream, in freedom of new a year of Li Aoxiang! "

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