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1. 驾车:阆中位于川东北,著名的阆中古城所在地。成都过去最佳推荐线路走成巴高速转兰海高速到阆中,全程260公里左右,时间2个多小时,具体线路参见下图;

2. 火车:动车成都东站出发到阆中,2个多小时即可到阆中







3、沿昭觉寺南路(走成灌高速)---广汉收费站,石亭江收费站(德阳))--进入华山北路--过刘家大堰塘--走老川陕路/白马关/庞统祠墓 方向--经白马收费站(罗江))--进入成绵高速--经绵阳南收费站--过磨家沟--进入绵广高速--进入绵阳市城区--过龙锦苑--经游仙收费站(绵 阳)--长卿收费站(梓潼))--过绵阳通力梓潼客运中心站--经青龙收费站(梓潼))沿剑南路--过马家窝后进入阆南桥街到达阆中古城。













1. 成都到阆中的距离是多少公里?2. 成都到阆中的距离大约是200公里,根据交通工具和路况的不同,所需时间也会有所差异。3. 如果选择乘坐高速铁路,大约需要1小时左右的时间到达阆中;如果选择乘坐汽车,根据交通流量和道路状况,可能需要2-3小时左右。







Does Chengdu swim 2 days in Lang strategy?


The first day: Chengdu, Lang medieval city, the early in the morning in Lang sets out from Chengdu, by way of is become south high speed is headed for geomantic, the source of the Spring Festival, famous city of countrywide history culture, city of Chinese first-class travel, world chiliad ancient city, country area of scene of travel of 5 class A- - Lang medieval city, OK and formal open the brigade of our Lang mediaeval town.


The following day: Lang medieval city / sword cabinet, sword door shuts, Chengdu is headed for in the morning appreciate with " Sichuan of the world impregnable pass, chiliad " and celebrated Yu Shiji " male, danger, deep and remote, beautiful " of fourth an organic whole of natural history scene two plain pharynx and larynx.


Amuse oneself end returns Chengdu by the car.

Does Chengdu arrive in Lang much further?

1.Drive: Be located in in Lang plain northeast, seat of famous Lang medieval city. Chengdu is optimal in the past recommend circuit to go into cling to high speed turns Lanhai high speed arrives in Lang, 260 kilometers influence whole course, time 2 many hours, specific line ginseng sees figure below;

2.The train: Motor-car Chengdu east the station sets out in Lang, 2 many hours can arrive in Lang

How does Chengdu take a car in Lang?

Arrive from Chengdu in Lang, you can choose the following kinds of means to take a car: ? 1. The train: Chengdu has the train in nonstop Lang, you can head for Chengdu railway station or Chengdu east station, inquire and buy the train ticket in heading for Lang. According to the information that you provide, the train needs 4 hours about, fare is less than 50 yuan. ? 2. Bus car: You can head for station of alley of Chengdu bridge home, station of bridge home alley is to go to the bus car starting station in Lang. In Liang Jia alley station takes the bus car in heading for Lang can. Ask an attention, other station may not arrive directly at the bus car in Lang. ? 3. Drive oneself: If you have illicit home car, past Lang is medium before also can choosing to be driven oneself. You can use navigation software or the map is how-to, according to road the mark heads for destination. ? When past Lang is medium before choosing to take the train or bus car, the proposal inquires order and fare ahead of schedule, and the time with enough put apart wait for a circumstance in order to answer traffic incur loss through delay. Wish you journey is happy!

Does Chengdu arrive Lang medieval city?

Chengdu citizen is driven oneself south high speed, wide south high speed heads for Lang medieval city, about 2 half hours can arrive at Lang in.

1, Chengdu- - could there be then- - fill south; (from south fill Qin Jia channel)---Xicong east station (help up more)---Stand to Xicong north---To the south — of station drifting a horse decides water station to the south- - stand to heavenly palace courtyard (in Lang cypress fork)- - the station in Lang

2, Chengdu goes into south high speed arrives south fill (about 2 hours) , in area of Na Chongjia hill 2 holes bridge goes south fill the high speed that circle a city on the west paragraph, wide on channel of home of the Qin Dynasty south high speed, 50 minutes arrived in Lang (south fill - the) in Lang. Have fingerpost on the way, very good go.

3, edge clear becomes aware the road austral the temple (go into fill high speed)---Wide Chinese collect fees station, stone booth river collects fees station (De Yang)- - enter grade of Mount Hua north- - cross pond of Liu Jiada lasher- - go old road of plain short for Shaanxi Province / Bai Ma closes / direction of grave of Pang Tong ancestral temple- - collect fees via Bai Ma station (Luo Jiang)- - enter continous high speed- - stand via collecting fees south continous this world- - grind a channel too- - enter continous wide high speed- - enter the city zone of continous in relief city- - Guo Longjin encloseds ground for growing trees- - collect fees via You Xian station (continous is in relief)- - long dear collect fees station (catalpa Tong)- - Guo Mianyang concerted effort center of catalpa Tong passenger transport stands- - Jing Qinglong collects fees station (catalpa Tong) ) the road austral edge sword- - street of the bridge austral Lang is entered to reach Lang medieval city after passing Ma Jia check.

If take bus car: If you are to should take bus car,we also made preparation for you, you need station of alley of Chengdu bridge home to take the linear bus car in Lang only, over there daily regular bus course sends past Lang medieval city, via becoming south high speed goes into wide high speed again next, in Lang only Cheng of 3 half hours of or so car.

Does Chengdu arrive in Lang how many kilometer?

, 260.6 kilometers, pass by expends 120 yuan

How many kilometer does Chengdu have in Lang?

270.7 kilometers. Can take the following vehicle:

1, drive: Set out from the Chengdu City, edge city cling to travel of high speed, coastal high speed, reach the city in Lang, whole journey makes an appointment with.

2, the train: From Chengdu east the station records a vehicle, reach the station in Lang, whole journey, fare 86 yuan.

3, passenger car: Record a vehicle from passenger station of Chengdu tea store, reach the passenger station in Lang, whole journey 4.5 hours, fare 120 yuan.

Does Chengdu have a lot of kilometer in Lang?

270 kilometers

Chengdu arrives in Lang 270.7 kilometers. Drive 3 hours or so, travelling expenses 135 yuan. Be located in in Lang Sichuan, the upper reaches in Jia Lingjiang, it is town of military importance of plain north politics, economy, military affairs, culture. It is when the Warring States cling to country national capital, the Qin Dynasty destroys cling to heretofore of the county in buy Lang 2300 old, past dynasties governs place for county, city, government office, path. Sichuan is at the beginning of Ming Moqing temporarily what provincial capital amounts to 17 years is long

Chengdu inquires to hour of the how many kilometer in Lang, does Chengdu come in Lang?

1.How many kilometer is the Chengdu distance in Lang? 2. The Chengdu distance in Lang is 200 kilometers about, mix according to vehicle of road condition different, what need time to also be met somewhat difference. 3. If choose to take high speed railroad, in needing right-and-left time 1 hour to arrive at Lang about; If choose to take a car, according to traffic discharge and road state, the likelihood needs 2-3 hour left and right sides.

Arrive newly in Lang tall iron fare?

Arrive newly the tall iron train in Lang is second-class fare is controlled in 100 yuan, sichuan is new the tall iron train in arriving directly at Lang, can take the Gao Tie that Gao Tie is turning in Lang to Chengdu anew.

Does Chengdu arrive in Lang optimal program?

1. arrives from Chengdu in Lang I know to have two ways, the first is Chengdu wells balanced to salt to continous this world build promote the south to arrive in Lang. This road a bit far and collect fees the station is much, road condition is general, the advantage is the car on the road less, just had run yesterday this road. The word of cave in, have collapse everywhere these days, but it is some of very small cave in, without any danger, want to know, big hill still is not here, basically be upland. Unlike is mirrorred beautiful, plain of short of Wenshui River the road there, cave in is about to block a lot of days up.

2. still has a road to go into namely south high speed arrives south fill again from south in filling Lang, into south high speed road besides good did not say, the road in Lang is being filled south is OK still, a road is nonstop, more in relief than walking along continous there a lot of.
