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冬季美食的诗句? 描写美食的诗句?英文双语对照


冬季美食的诗句? 描写美食的诗句?英文双语对照






—— 宋 · 舒岳祥《夏日山居好十首其一》


—— 宋 · 释云岫《与大知客》


—— 宋 · 周文璞《题尧章新成山堂》


—— 宋 · 释师观《偈颂七十六首其一》


—— 宋 · 刘克庄《沁园春·癸卯佛生翼日,将戟,梦中有作·既醒,但易数字》




—— 宋 · 钱惟演《玉楼春·锦箨参差朱栏曲》


—— 宋 · 晁说之《招图机吃槐叶冷淘》


—— 宋 · 苏轼《二月十九日携白酒鲈鱼过詹使君食槐叶冷淘》


—— 宋 · 吴潜《鹊桥仙·馨香饼饵》





























宋 · 陆游



宋 · 释师观



唐 · 白居易



宋 · 邵雍













唐 · 杜甫















1、苏东坡既是著名的文人学者,也是著名的美食家。所以相传与他有直接关系的名馔不少,用他名字命名的菜肴更多,如“东坡肘子”、“东坡豆腐”、“东坡玉糁”、“东坡腿”、“东坡芽脍”、“东坡墨鲤”、“东坡饼”、“东坡酥”、“东坡豆花”、“东坡肉”等等。《东坡集》载:“蜀人贵芹芽脍,杂鸠肉为之”。春鸠脍,就是芹菜炒斑鸠胸脯丝。后称东坡春鸠脍。 苏轼是喜欢羊汤的,为此他写道:“秦烹惟羊羹,陇馔有熊腊”。














One, the line of winter cate?

Year old minor details is intimate, wintry day is cold, turn one's head is a year. The mist since morning, brisk wind, proved the actual existence this winter. And the key that cate is open warmth, it is the world the fireworks of the smoothest fact.

Cate is different from garment cap footgear, its warming is by inside outside reaching, by the stomach afferent. I think won't endless and this winter is provoking, because again cold, also a few warm the heart warms beautiful phase of an eclipse of the stomach is accompanied.

2, the line of depict cate?

Summer hill has been resided, cake of cogongrass brim water is sweet.

-- Shu Yuexiang of · of the Song Dynasty " summer hill has resided 10 firstly "

Zhao Zhou take tea, wet lip of a He Ceng.

-- Shi Yunxiu of · of the Song Dynasty " with big v/arc person in charge of reception at ceremonies "

A variety of bamboo will carry bamboo shoot to eat, come back grow the loose bavin that wait for hack to burn.

-- Zhou Wenpu of · of the Song Dynasty " inscribe Yao Zhangxin Cheng Shantang "

Dip in snow eats wax gourd, it who knows flavor is good that who knows flavor.

-- · of the Song Dynasty commentate division is watched " Ji eulogy 76 firstly "

Cheap of Xing Chunshan bamboo shoot, nobody are contended for eat, nocturnal furnace taro is beautiful, be the same as cook over a slow fire with the guest.

-- Liu Kezhuang of · of the Song Dynasty " ooze garden spring Buddha of the fourth of the twelve Earthly Branches of · the last of the ten Heavenly Stems gives birth to alar day, jiang Ji, there is · to wake already in the dream, but easy number "

Chun Richun dish fine lettuce, when recalling two Beijing plum to send suddenly.

-- Du Fu " the Beginning of Spring "

Advise supreme ruler fast eat to not hesitate, look to be blown by south wind bamboo.

-- Qian Wei of · of the Song Dynasty acts " jade building spring · bright and beautiful sheathses of bamboo shoots irregular music of bright red column "

Leng Tao of pagoda tree leaf will eat urgently, domestic earthen jar wining with dregs needs gentleman however cease.

-- Chao Shuizhi of · of the Song Dynasty " the aircraft that enrol a graph takes Leng Tao of pagoda tree leaf "

Cake of bud of pagoda tree of bowl of green float egg, red dot puts dish of Xie Yu leavessing of pulse plants on the ice.

-- Su Shi of · of the Song Dynasty " carried liquor weever to cross Zhan to make gentleman feeds Leng Tao of pagoda tree leaf on Feburary 19 "

Fragrance cakes, fresh melon and fruit, beg is artful 1000 10 thousand.

-- Wu Qian of · of the Song Dynasty " · of magpie bridge celestial being fragrances cakes "

3, the line about cate?

Below month of river of wine of midnight to one's heart's content, head of fish of broil of beauty find hand.

Only Chun perch can is overflowed eat, guan Yiwei eats the fish is answered below.

Cornfield is circled to beg wild Ji when, abandon a thick soup of the hill that boil by force for the monk.

Only pure fish can is overflowed eat, guan Yiwei talks about a fish to answer below.

Cornfield is circled to beg wild rank grass when, abandon beauty of the hill that boil by force for the monk.

The Yangtse River circles Guo to know piscine beauty, good Zhu Lianshan becomes aware bamboo shoot is sweet.

Color is like bamboo shoot of head of jade edition cat, flavour touchs hump oxtail orangutan.

Bao is fat revive fragile melody is beautiful, (Mai Qiao) ripe oil makes cake newly sweet.

Collect compose to return can is boiled, half molysite cheese must be not added.

Yangzhou bright bamboo shoot is taken the advantage of shoot a fish, the sodden spring breeze that boil at the beginning of March.

Evaporate chicken is the famousest, the United States does not count piscine ancient bronze mirror.

The Qin Dynasty enjoys alone sheep beauty, gansu dispirited has bear dried meat.

East the door most the flesh is stranger absolutely, fat does not decrease Hu Yang crisp.

Hill is warm already folded without Mei Ke, particular crab can holds Jiang Qing.

Armour in succession flesh of bridge of be disgusted with, wide article gentleman feeds inadequacy.

Not common not thin, pork of bamboo shoot stew.

Rise in the morning rise hit two bowls, so full that oneself gentleman not is in charge of.

Bright discharge feeds silk to meat chopped into small pieces, embellish of sweet Qin green jade is beautiful.

Day talks about litchi 300, might as well grow the person austral mountain.

Sichuan alcoholic drink is thick inapproachable, jiang Yumei can be begged.

The door buys elder brother bone east, accumulate sauce nods orange harmony.

Dan Yun gives oily cutout to send He Ri, also if countryside taste is pure,flavour is contended for.

Abundant lake has cany food, be like but enemy pure play.

The peak of violet camel gives emerald green gold, dish of Hang Sulin of water essence.

4, the line that seeks cate?

The world of new ferry hotbed chives is not had, color is like light yellow 3 feet beyond; The door pigs east the flesh is stranger absolutely, fat does not decrease Hu Yang crisp

" book of cooked food joke "

Land of · of the Song Dynasty swims

Cate bos full person eats

" Ji eulogy 76 firstly "

· of the Song Dynasty commentate division view

Get annual plan sufficient, feed answer pleasant Mian with Jun Mei

" Ou Yin "

The Tang Dynasty · Bai Juyi

Cate is not had make have enough, have enough to cannot suffer

" occasionally book "

Shao Yong of · of the Song Dynasty

5, the line that enjoys cate?

1, the Yangtse River circles beauty of Guo Zhi fish, good Zhu Lianshan becomes aware bamboo shoot is sweet. -- " Huang Zhou arrives first " Su Shi of writer of Northen Song Dynasty

Colloquial translation: Inner and outer city walls of encircle of the Yangtse River, know very well Jiang Yu is delicious, mao Zhu all over the mountains and plains, become aware a Zhensun is sweet only.

2, detergent washing clank, write water less, blaze of smoke of bavin head Yan does not rise. Wait for him from ripe not urge him, when duration is sufficient he from the United States. -- " pork eulogy " Su Shi of writer of Northen Song Dynasty

Colloquial translation: Wash chafing dish neatly, a few turns on the water, light Chai Mu, fireweed, restrain igneous tendency, come with the empty fire that does not risk flame cook over a slow fire is stewed. Await itself slowly ripe, do not urge it, duration is sufficient, it is met naturally flavor is extremely beautiful.

3, day eat litchi 300, not demit grows the person austral mountain. -- " benefit city a special skill " Su Shi of writer of Northen Song Dynasty

Colloquial translation: If eat 300 litchi everyday, I am willing to do the person south mountain forever.

4, silver-colored silk of bright crucian carp meats chopped into small pieces, a thick soup of gully of sweet Qin green jade. -- " the An Wenyou that accompany Zheng why general mountain forest 10 · secondly " Du Fu of Tang Dynasty poet

Colloquial translation: The argent fish shredded meat that boils with boil of fish of vivid bright crucian carp, the sweet a thick soup that the sweet Qin that the Shui Jian that use green jade draws near boils.

5, not laugh at muddy of wine of farmhouse dried meat, good year detains a guest sufficient chicken pig. -- " swim Shanxi village " Liu You of Song Daishi's person

6, the line of scenery cate?

Changjiang Delta meets plum chelonian year

Don Dufu

The common in Qi Wang Zhai sees, before Cui Jiutang a few degrees are heard. Be Changjiang Delta good view, fall beautiful season meets again gentleman

7, the line that feeds about Li Jiangmei?

Renown adage has however " crane of cake of Li Jiang cake celebrates wine, always get the better of home of tea-oil tree home to have " in place almost familiar to the ear can detailed ~

About Li Jiang, it is the line of landscape scenery it seems that, cate respect, very few ~ [than the heart]

8, the line of depict Shaanxi cate?

[toward be hungry very beautiful play makes the range that feed Ji] Liu You

Zuo of Zuo of a cup of Ji, hand from Pi oily green. Ethereal Su Tuo is offerred, dangerous know to be the same as not easily.

[congratulate allegation Gu Dizhang is parturient] Su Shi

Yu Congjia enrages night to fill gate, only then see Xu Qing the 2nd cheeper. Be about to be soup cake guest very, alone anxious fault writes the book that do roe. Join the army bride virtuous photograph enemy, happy event of A Dazhong man has Yu. I also know flower thing, try teach caw to see calm how about.

[cake is endowed with] Shu Xi

Xuan Dongmeng is cold, the meeting of early morning, in tears aspic bazoo, frost becomes a mouth outside. Fill empty to see war, soup cake is most. Be like Chun Mian infirmly, better than autumn is experienced, the Yu Yiyang that enrage suddenly cloth, aroma comes loose and far. The pedestrian hangs down fluid at ahull, houseboysing air look and unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease longs for. Prop up implement person lick a lip, establish attendant to do pharynx.

[mountain fastness crossing land] Huang Tingjian

South wind every day even if punt-pole is maintained, happy north wind goes me when. Soup cake a cup of silver-colored line is random, lou Hao is like horizontal stroke of chopsticks jade hairpin.

9, the line that describes civilian cate?

1, the bookman scholar with Su Dongpo distinguished since, also be famous epicure. The renown food that so according to legend and he has immediate concern is not little, the dish that with him the name names is more, be like " east slope upper part of a leg of pork " , " east slope bean curd " , " east slope jade San " , " east slope leg " , " east slope bud meats chopped into small pieces " , " east slope Mo Li " , " east slope cake " , " east slope is crisp " , " . " east slope collect " carry: "Bud of Sichuan person expensive Qin meats chopped into small pieces, miscellaneous turtledove flesh does it " . Spring turtledove meats chopped into small pieces, it is celery fries culver chest silk. Say after east slope spring turtledove meats chopped into small pieces. Su Shi likes Yang Shang, for this he writes: "A thick soup of sheep of alone of boil of the Qin Dynasty, gansu food has bear dried meat " .

He wrote technically still " pork eulogy " : "Detergent washing clank, little water, blaze of smoke of bavin head Yan does not rise.

Wait for him from ripe not urge him, when duration is sufficient he from the United States.

Yellow city good pork, valence cheap is like clay.

Rich person do not agree to eat, deficient person indissoluble boil. Rise in the morning hit two bowls, so full that oneself gentleman not is in charge of. So full that oneself gentleman not is in charge of..

Su Dongpo uses the bamboo shoot that its have a special liking and pork to be boiled together, in cate the clique is opposite on, su Dongpo believed a hand to write down a doggerel: "Without Zhu Lingren common, make a person poor without the flesh, not common not thin, pork of bamboo shoot stew " . . . .

10, the line about doing cate?

Fragile spoon of perch fat wild rice is beautiful, qiao ripe oil makes cake newly sweet.

-- Liu You " Chu Dong a poem of four lines "

Weever fat, delicacy of wild rice dish is fragile, make it skilly, flavour is delicious. Buckwheat is ripe, do cake to eat with deepfry, that calls sweet ah!

Bai E roasts meat the United States adds after of any of several hot spice plants, a thick soup of bright and beautiful pheasant is sweet at the beginning of next Chi. Bacterium of snow of bully of arrow Zhuo fragile of one's own accord, brake bud precious is tender pressure spring greens.

-- Liu You " the meal stops play shows adjacent bend "

Burn goose to had been done, wipe on after Chinese prickly ash, ability is particularly delicious; When a thick soup that makes grouse pork, want to put down fabaceous Chi, ability gives sweet smell fully; Jump over the tender bamboo shoot of city arrow bamboo, honeyer than snow-white dawdle fragile tender; Brake tooth dish is very precious with fresh and tender thing, flavour exceeds beautiful greens of spring.

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